Worth The Wait – Chapter One – Before…

"A fantasy, four people, one night."

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Worth The Wait – Chapter One – Before…

8pm and he’s still not here. I lie on my bed and try to distract myself from thinking about Ian’s naked body. I pick up the TV remote and flick through the channels, there is nothing to watch. I pick up my book and start to read, and then I hear my phone bleeping. It’s a text message from Ian saying he’s on his way round.

I get up off the bed and check myself one last time in the mirror. I’m wearing white panties and a white vest top without a bra. He loves to see my nipples through my clothes. I sit back on the bed and wait.

Moments later, I hear him outside.  Then I hear the front door, now he’s walking up the stairs. As he walks into my bedroom, I stand to greet him. I walk over to him and kiss him gently, tracing my tongue over his lips. He grabs my ass with both hands and pulls me towards him. He kisses me harder whilst edging me backwards, stopping when my back is against the wall. He moves away from me slightly, removing his jacket and throwing it across the room.

“Do you like this top?” He asked, pointing at me.

I look at him inquisitively.

“Yes. Why?” I asked.

“I’ll buy you a new one.” He said.

He took the front of the top in both hands and ripped it open. My tits and stomach were now fully exposed. I couldn’t believe what he had just done, and I couldn’t believe how much it was turning me on.

I moved forward and kissed him again. I turned him around pushed him back against the wall, kissing him harder. I reached for his belt, undoing it with one hand. I unbuttoned his trousers and let them fall to his feet. I slowly drop to my knees in front of him, reaching for his cock. I pull down his boxer shorts and his hard cock sprung free. This is what I had been waiting for all day.

I gripped his hard cock with my hand, guiding it to my mouth. I ran my tongue over the head, before slowing running my lips down his hard, perfect shaft. I moved up and down, each time I took in as much of him as I possibly could.

He grabbed hold of my head, holding it still so he could fuck my mouth. With each thrust, I felt the head of his cock going deeper down my throat.

“Look at me.” He said, withdrawing his cock from my mouth.

I did as I was told.

“Get up and get dressed. Don’t ask any questions. Just do it!” He ordered.

I got up from my knees. Slightly confused, I started to pull clothes from my wardrobe. Where were we going?

He moved over to the bed, his trousers still round his ankles. He lay down, whilst watching me, he stroked his hard cock.

I took off the ripped vest top and threw it on the bed.

“Stop,” he said. “Play with your tits for me.”
I walked over to the bed and straddled his legs. I played with my breasts for him, squeezing them, pinching my nipples. He wanked his cock faster. I licked my left nipple. He stopped. The head of his cock glistened with pre-cum. I leant forward and took him into my mouth so I could taste him.

“Get dressed now baby,” he said in a softer tone, “I’ve got a surprise for you.”

I got dressed and we left the house. Walking out to the car, I started to get a little nervous.

“Where are we going babe?” I asked.

“You’ll see.” He said, smiling at me.

We got into the car, and he drove off. We were driving down streets I recognised. Suddenly I realised where we were going.

We pulled up outside Russ’s house, Ian’s best friend. Ian took his phone out of his pocket and started pressing keys. Seconds after he put his phone back in his pocket, Russ walked out of his house.

“What’s going on Ian?” I asked.

“I think you know.” He replied.

Russ got into the car, nothing was said.  Ian pulled away from the house and went back in the direction we had come. 15 minutes later, we drove onto another familiar road. We pulled up outside Rachel’s house. Rachel was my best friend. She was stood on the pavement waiting.

“Seriously, what’s going on Ian?” I asked.

“Trust me baby.” He said.

Rachel got into the car, and again, nothing was said. Ian drove off.

We headed out of the City Centre; I had no idea where we were going. A few minutes later we pulled into a car park at the back of a multi-storey building. Ian got out of the car and went to the boot. He came back carrying a small rucksack and told us all to follow him. We did.

We walked around to the front of the building which turned out to be a hotel. We walked inside and Ian and Russ went to the Reception Desk, leaving me and Rachel alone.

“Rach, what the hell is going on??” I asked.

“They haven’t told you?” She said looking surprised.

I shook my head, “they won’t tell me anything.”
“Well, then I can’t ruin the surprise.” She said with a smile on her face.

Ian and Russ walked back to us.

“Come on baby.” Ian said, taking my hand.

Ian led the way to our room as Russ, Rachel and I followed.  He opened the door and we followed him inside.

Ian laid the bag on one off the beds, and walked over to me. He pulled an envelope out of his pocket and kissed me.

“Here baby.” He said handing me the envelope. “Russ and I will be down stairs in the bar, let me know what you decide.”

He gestured to Russ to follow him and they both left the room. Rachel walked past me and sat on the bed next to the rucksack.

“Open it then.” She said, pointing at the envelope.

I ripped it open and took out the letter inside. There was also another sealed envelope. I decided to read the letter first.

It said – ‘Baby, if you are reading this then we are at the hotel. I want to make your wildest dreams come true. At any point you can stop this, all you have to do is tell me. The bag I have brought with us contains everything that I think will give you the best night of your life. The other envelope is for when you have made a choice. If you want to go through with this, open it. If you don’t, text me and tell me and we will leave xxx.’

I looked up at Rachel, she was smiling at me.

“Does this mean what I think it means?” I asked.

She shrugged and said, “What do you think it means?”

I walked over to the bag and opened it.

It was full of sex toys, numbered boxes, and several bottles of champagne.

I couldn’t help but smile. It did mean what I thought it meant.

I sat down beside Rachel. I opened the second envelope.

It read – ‘I guess this means we’re all in for a fun night! Knowing you, you have probably already looked in the bag I brought with us, so you will have seen the numbered boxes. There are 3 boxes. Boxes 1 and 2 are to be opened by you; box 3 is for me and Russ to open.

Right, now open box number one. Do what is inside – then come back and open box number 2.

When you are ready, pop open the champagne, text me, and we’ll come up. Hurry baby xxx’

“What does it say?” Rachel asked.

I passed her the note so she could read it for herself.

Looking back at me, she asked “are you sure you want to do this Nici??”

“Yes, I’m sure. Now I HAVE to open that box. I can’t wait any longer” I said smiling at her.

She picked up one of the bottles of champagne.

 “But first,” she says “let’s crack this open.”

There were already 4 glasses on the table, Rachel open the bottle whilst I got the glasses. I looked around the room, I hadn’t realised how nice it was when we had walked in.

There were two king-sized beds either side of a door way. At the bottom of the beds, there was a three-seater black leather sofa, a huge flat screen TV and a small coffee table.

I put the glasses down on the bed-side table for Rachel to pour the drinks.

“It’s nice here. I hadn’t realised when we came in” I said to Rachel.

“I know,” said Rachel. “Me and Russ came earlier to have a look and make sure it was what Ian wanted. I found it on the internet. The only thing I didn’t check was the bathroom because the cleaners were in there. Shall we go and have a look?” She asked.

“Hell yes” I said, picking up my glass.

We walked to the doorway between the two beds; I pushed open the door and walked inside. It was amazing. There was an indoor hot tube, a double shower, two sinks and huge mirrors.

“Wow,” said Rachel “now the boxes.”

We ran back into the room and jump on the bed. I opened box number one, which was also the biggest. Inside I found shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, razors, shaving cream, my favourite perfume, hair straighteners, and another note.

It said – ‘Ok, now go take a shower. When you’re done, open box number 2 xxx’.

I passed the note to Rachel.

“I think we’re supposed to take a shower” I said to Rachel.

“Let’s get naked and wet then.” She replied.

I picked up the box and the champagne and walked towards the bathroom.

“Bring the glasses with you.” I shouted back at Rachel.

I found some towels in the cupboard in the bathroom, when I turned around; Rachel was stood there naked holding both glasses. She looked amazing.

“Take your clothes of then.” She said, handing me my drink.

She turned on the shower and put her drink down. She went through the box, taking out various different things, before getting into the double shower.

“Come on,” she said “I’ll scrub your back for you.”

How could I resist? I took of my clothes. It wasn’t until I took of my panties that I realised how wet I was.

I walked over to the shower and got in beside her. I watched her as the water cascaded over her body. She started to wash her hair, I did the same. She picked up the razors and shaving cream.

“Here you go.” She said, holding out a razor.

She took the lid of the shaving cream and sprayed it onto her hand. She moved closer to me, placing her hand on my pussy, slowly rubbing on the cream.

She stepped back and did the same to herself. I watched her as she started to shave her pussy.

“Shave your cunt babe.” She said looking up at me.

I did as I was told.

When we had finished, we washed and got out of the shower. How I kept my hands of her, I’ll never know.  We wrapped towels around ourselves and went back into the bedroom.

“Box number 2 now.” She said, pointing to the box on the bed.

I sat on the bed and opened up the box. There were two sets of underwear, stocking’s, my make-up bag from home, two pairs of shoes and another note.

The note read – ‘Now you’re all cleaning, we’re going to get you dirty again. Text me and let me know when you’re ready xxx’.

“Want another drink?” Rachel asked.

“Sure. I’m going to start getting ready. I think the glasses are still in the bathroom.” I said.

Rachel disappeared into the bathroom. I started separating the items into two piles; mine and Rachel’s.

She came back into the room with the glasses and sat down beside me.

“Can I kiss you?” She asked without warning.

I lifted my head to look at her, she moved closer. She lifted her hand and touched my check.

“Yes” I replied.

She leant forward a kissed me. She ran her tongue seductively over my lips. She tasted like champagne. She moved back.

“Mmmm,” she sighed “we’d better put this stuff on and get them back up here.”

I nodded.

We dried off, did our hair and make-up, and put on the items we had been given. Rachel looked gorgeous, and I felt so sexy. After finishing off the first bottle of champagne, we had decided to open another. We had already consumed most of the contents. I think we were both slightly tipsy.

“It’s now or never.” Rachel said.

I picked up my phone and starting writing a text message to Ian – ‘We’re ready. Bring some more champagne please. Love the underwear. In case I forget to tell you tomorrow, I had a really good time tonight xx” – message sent.

I put my phone down and walked over to the table. I popped open the last bottle of champagne, and fill the last two glasses. Rachel brought over our glasses to be refilled.

I picked up two glasses and stood by the entrance to the room, Rachel did the same.

I heard voices outside the room.

“Kiss me.” I said to Rachel.

I didn’t have to ask twice.

Published 15 years ago

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