Work work work…

"Sexy shinny legs at work turn into a good time."

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It’s first thing in the morning and my office door opened and someone came in just as I was opening an email from my boss. My attention was entirely on my work and I had no intention of addressing this person until I was done reading this piece of correspondence. Somewhere around the third sentence I caught a mesmerizing glimpse of light reflecting off of nylon.

Ever so slowly I put on my best smile and turned to face my visitor expecting a middle aged secretary. Instead my lucky eyes were treated to an undergrad in a black business suit, heels, and hose. Her skirt cam up above the knee by about 2 inches showing plenty of the smooth silkiness of her nude pantyhose. Her heals were around 2 inches. Just enough to lift and firm her lower half.

She was a brunet with her hair pulled back tight into a long clean pony tail. Her tits were a nice size but not really all that big. Her most attractive feature were her legs. Her nice slim hips faded down into well toned thin long legs. The rarest of the rare. And there she was in her two inch pumps, a well tailored fitting suit, and shinny pantyhose. And what a fantastic smile.

“Hi. My name is Tom. What can I do for you?”

“Hi. I’m Melissa and I’m going to be giving a presentation in about an hour in the conference room on the third floor. Is there any chance you could help me get my laptop setup with a projector?”

“Absolutely! Are they already in the conference room?” I asked.

“Yep. I wanted to get here early. I’m presenting in front of a panel of executives who will be critiquing my final project. I have applied to half the companies that are being represented.”

“Wow. You must be nervous?”

“I am!” she replied with a smile.

“Well let us get headed up there and get you setup.”

She moved towards the door turning her back to me. It’s only about 4 steps but felt like a life time as I stared at those sexy shinny legs. This young lady had legs to die for. It was pretty clear she was comfortable walking in heels. Every step was smooth and graceful. She even had this sexy little sway to her hips.

I quickly took two large steps to catch up without moving my eyes from her legs. She opened the door and stepped through slowing her pace for me to come along side. My gaze was of course forced away from her delightful lower appendages.

The elevator is about 150 feet down the hall on the left and I assumed we were headed right for it as Melissa was wearing heels but I was wrong.

It would seem that this already wonderful chance encounter was to only get better.

“Would you mind if we took the stairs? I really enjoy the exercise.” Melissa asked.

I smiled. How could I not. “If your comfortable going up the stairs in heels I’m happy to. I usually do. I assumed you would prefer the elevator.” We turned left to the stair well and I opened the door for her.

“Thank you” she said with that wonderful smile and stepped through the door way. And as my luck would have it along the right side of the stair well where orange cones and safety tape along with signs reading “Wet Paint!”.

Melissa, who had apparently already come down the stairs never missed a beat and started up the stairs. This placed her sexy legs squarely in my view once again. I slowed my pace a bit to allow her to get about 4 steps ahead. As all of this happened she continued our conversation.

“I’m fine walking up stairs in heels. I have had a lot of practice.” And it showed. Every step was so graceful. If it occurred to her that I was staring at her legs it didn’t show. She seemed completely at ease, while in the mean time my @#%$ was throbbing and my heart pounding.

My slowed pace had three effects. Firstly, it created a larger gap between us which also meant she was about 4 steps higher than me. Secondly, after the first turn she must have noticed I was going a little slower and started taking longer more exaggerated steps, and finally it served to lengthen the amount of time I had to enjoy this heavenly view.

And a heavenly view it was. The windows in the stair well were allowing the morning light to come streaming. Her pantyhose were catching it and do miraculous things to my mind. Those shapely calves were pumping away step after step. Her ass was wiggling even here on the steps. That sexy little sway from side to side. Between her words I could hear her pantyhose and her skirt rubbing together with that “swish, swish, swish”.

“It’s not really all that hard to walk in heels. A lot of girls have trouble with it but it’s always been kind of easy for me.” She continued.

To be continued…


Published 15 years ago

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