I fell into my chair, my heart beat racing and my hands shaking and I looked around to see whether anyone in the office had noticed my late arrival after the lunch break. Anyone having suspicious whispering conversations, giving me a suspicious look, anything at all that might warrant concern from me. However, no one seemed to give two hoots about me. Everyone was just getting on with their jobs.
I slouched back in my chair and closed my eyes, thinking about all that had happened in the last two hours. Images flashed against my closed eyelids. I had fucked many women in my life, the majority of them as part of some financial agreement, but none of those experiences came anywhere close to what had happened to me earlier.
Living in the Middle East for ten years had been a lifesaver for me. Before arriving here, I was jobless, with four kids and a wife who had lost all respect and desire for me. That was down to the fact that I couldn’t keep my cock in my pants and now, I was her punching bag. Whenever she remembered the pain I caused her, she would become this raging beast who only sought to inflict emotional and physical pain on the person who had broken her world. I would take this behavior and emotional torture as my rehabilitation, as a cure to my illness, and as a path toward redemption.
I was still unable to control my desires but I had resorted to the safer world of online chatrooms and cyber-sex which kept my love of sex alive. But it always felt like I was having to cage the animal because everywhere I looked, there was temptation: an innocent film with a sudden raunchy scene, walking in the mall and seeing all those sexy short skirts, low-cut tops, and tight, figure-hugging outfits.
These were all opportunities for me to lose control but I had lost all that confidence. I was no longer the high-flying executive working in a blue-chip company. I was now on social benefits, and I had a wife who was working her socks off to support her kids. She couldn’t care less about me but for the kids, she allowed me to still, be in her life.
When I received a random call from a head-hunter agency looking for someone with senior-level experience working with multiple entities and stakeholders, I wondered if this could be the turning point I needed in my life. When I realized it was for a huge energy company in the Middle East, I lost all hope because luck had stopped knocking on my door a long time ago. Nevertheless, I agreed to an interview, thinking that perhaps I could use it as a means to practice my sharp-talking skills which had served me so well for so many years.
Jump forward six months, and I am standing at the airport, about to board the flight which was going to take me to a new chapter in my life. I and my wife had been delirious since receiving the offer: a six-figure tax-free salary, free private education, a massive four-bedroom villa, and sun nine months of the year.
We had discussed what this meant for us and came to the agreement that it was a chance to start over again and give our relationship a new life. Topping it all off was the fact that we were heading to a part of the world where societal norms meant my addiction was going to be a lot less difficult to manage as the majority of the temptations were either just not there or then near enough impossible to find.
I pledged to my wife to reclaim the spot I once held in her life and to evolve into that which she wanted—a man to be hers and only hers. To ensure this was not some elaborate scam, I traveled first to check the authenticity of the whole job offer and to check everything that had been sold to us was real. A month later, I was picking up my wife and kids from the local airport to join me. It was like the Lord above had hand-picked me and my family out from the masses, out of pity, and had given us another life, another chance.
Over the course of nine amazing years, I worked hard on myself. The hardest thing I had to accomplish was the untangling of the man I had become and re-wiring everything. I taught myself the importance of making my wife feel like she was a walking, talking, and fucking beauty of a woman.
Initially, it was so hard to treat her the way I treated all those other women. It was also hard for my wife to see this change because it would remind her of what I had done, how many women I had fucked, and how many women had orgasmed with my cock or tongue in between their legs. The number of times she would wake up crying during those first few years—fuck! My seeing that would break me into small pieces every-time and I would then pick them up to put back together until the next episode.
I had hard-wired my thinking into believing I could not do the sexually perverted things I would do with other women with my wife. I saw her as being my clean, prim, and proper wife with whom I ‘made love,’ never ‘fucked.’ I lowered my guard in front of my wife and let her into that deep, dark part of me where my darker alternate version would hide.
I started doing things to her that I would have never allowed myself to do: forcing her to have multiple orgasms, deep-throating her with my cock, slapping her ass as I fucked her hard from behind, pulling her hair from behind as I rammed my thighs into her butt cheeks, ordering her to masturbate in front of me as I played with cock in front of her, and then proceeding to shoot my hot cum over her face and breasts as she orgasmed. These acts I had kept solely for my ‘other’ fuck buddies previously but not anymore.
One evening, whilst browsing through Facebook Marketplace, I noticed an advert for a massage service. The advert had the words ‘professional’ plastered all over so I realized this was not the kind of massage services I had been addicted to years back. I spoke to my wife about the backache I had been having over the previous few weeks and she laughed, saying it was all the fucking we had been doing. I was nearing fifty but I felt like a thirty-something-old Casanova! So she agreed that I should perhaps go and visit one of these places to get a massage. The following day, I called the phone number and no one picked up the phone. I tried a number of times over the course of a few hours with no luck so I gave up.
Later in the afternoon, I received a What’s App message from a random number, and the profile picture showed this attractive Chinese woman standing next to a table with a plethora of oils and fragrances. I also noticed something which I had perhaps not noticed before but for some reason, it now stood out significantly. What’s App ‘end-to-end’ encryption was mentioned at the beginning of the chat stream, and it stated that no one could snoop in on this conversation.
Something suddenly snapped in my head. Some muscle, tendon, or neural path suddenly jolted me and I stood frozen, looking at the chat. I had often wondered how those people wanting to access sex services coped in the country. I had heard stories and blogs where people had mentioned or asked about sex services and the majority of the responses suggested that anyone wanting to know about that was in the wrong country. But here I am, standing upright looking at the messages this woman had sent me.
“Greetings sir. You have enquired about our massage services. May I ask what particular service it is you are after?” I start hypnotically tapping out my response, not even realizing that I had already made my mind up, and seeing the words materialize gave me shudders up and down my back.
“Extra, special massage services—do you do anything like this?” The response I got caused my heart to skip a beat and I quickly closed the chat.
“Full body experience with a girl of your choice: all services included, assisted shower, full massage, handjob, sex, after-service assisted shower, discreet, safe location… One shot, thirty minutes – $100, two shots, sixty minutes – $175.” I opened up the chat and re-read the message to make sure I was not seeing things.
I replied, hesitantly. “Do I get to choose the girl?” and this prompted a wave of messages. Multiple images came flooding in of various ladies, scantily dressed in lingerie and silk robes, of different shapes and sizes. I quickly looked around to make sure no one was looking at my screen from a distance and continued to ogle over the sexy women I could see on my screen. They were a variety of races, colors, and creeds, but a major proportion of the ladies were Far Eastern.
Picture some old, sports car that has been kept under some cover in some garage in the middle of somewhere for years. Imagine that once sexy-looking car now gathering dust, rusting, and having not been used for years. Now imagine trying to start that engine for the first time in years and you will be somewhere close to feeling how my body reacted to this situation. Those deep, buried feelings I used to succumb to regularly started to wake from a long and dark slumber.
I was shaking, uncontrollably, and the conflict started raging. Was I seriously entertaining this? After everything? You fucking dimwit! Are you going to undo everything you have worked on, all that emotional repair you have had to undertake on yourself as well as on your wife? Then I pictured my wife and sighed a painful sigh. I love her and there is not a single atom of my body that disagrees with this sentiment. I love her far more than any description written in any text, and yet I couldn’t stop the fall I was allowing myself to take.
I send another message. “And how soon could I see one of these ladies? Where are they?” and I waited for the response. This response was going to determine my fate and I was almost hoping the response would suggest I needed to book far in advance.
“They are based in the Town Centre. They can be ready within thirty minutes. Which lady would you like to see?” and I looked down from the phone to the floor. At that moment, I felt them break: the chains and the cage. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath in, and exhaled slowly. I opened my eyes and looked at the time. It was lunchtime and I went back to my phone.
“I will leave in fifteen minutes and it will take me about twenty minutes to get there,” and I then went to the pictures of the ladies. One of them had stood out from the rest. She was standing in a white silk-looking robe, and you could see purple lingerie underneath. Purple was my favorite color but that was not the reason why this particular lady stood out. It was what she was doing with her hands—one was under her robe, clearly holding her breast and the other hand was on her cheek, delicately placed. The whole manner with which she stood in front of the camera turned me on, immensely.
I copied her picture and sent it back to the contact. “This one, please,” and I closed the phone. I went back to my work and tried to finish what I had been in the middle of doing but it was useless as I couldn’t focus. My mind was racing, painting pictures in my mind of scenes from the past. Women orgasming with my mouth sealed around their pussy, women riding me as I held their breasts in my hands, and women with their eyes shut as their backs arched at that moment of ecstasy. I closed the lid on my laptop and got up. I didn’t say anything to anyone as I walked out of the office building.
Once I was in my car, I looked at my phone and opened the location. At that moment, I received a message from the contact. “Sir, please send me your location, and the car you are driving. Also, I need you to send me a picture of the money and also of what you are wearing,” and I cursed under my breath. What the fuck? My heart was thumping in my chest so hard, it hurt.
I started recalling all these stories from the local news media channels. People who had been tricked into thinking they were going to meet a girl only to walk into a room full of government officials and police officers. There had been cases where people who had been charged with indecent behavior and sent to jail. In other cases, employers had stepped in to get their employees out of jail only to then cancel their contracts and deport them back with a black-listing preventing them from ever returning to the country. My breathing had become labored and I was sweating. What the fuck is this? I messaged back.
“What the fuck are you asking all this for? Listen to me. I am not some local! I am an expat and I cannot risk losing everything because of this,” and I sent the message. I was about to delete all the messages when the contact sent me another message.
“Sir, please don’t panic. We deal with many clients and they all felt the same way initially. Please be rest assured, I am not some agent for the government or something,” and I re-read the message, trying to spot anything which would give me cause to pull out. I sent back another message.
“How do I know who you are? How the fuck do I know who I am dealing with? Look at this from my angle. I am placing my entire life in your hands here and I know jack-shit about you,” and put my phone down and put my face in my hands. I had a million thoughts and questions going through my head. What the fuck am I doing? Is this how desperate you are? The phone pinged again. I picked it up and this time, it was a voice recording. The voice was distinctly far-eastern.
“Sir, as you can tell, I am not a local. I am actually Chinese and I am recruited by some wealthy locals in your country who know a business opportunity when they see one. They make a lot of money from this. They have women in virtually every city and I am the one who arranges everything for clients like you.” I looked at the number that was associated with the What’s App chat, and it was a Chinese dialing code. I was still very uncertain about the whole thing. Another ping and another voice recording.
“Sir. I am going to give you some very specific instructions and you will see why. This is a major operation we run. We have spotters, agents, and people who work with us to make this whole thing operate safely and securely,” and she stopped for a second, taking a deep breath. She continued with her recording.
“The reason why I need to see the money is because we have had people turn up and bargain with the girls. This places us and the girls at risk so we cannot allow this, hence the confirmation you have the money. Your picture—this is needed so the girl can ensure she is meeting with who she is supposed to. I will send you some instructions now. If you feel like you can trust me, then I will expect a confirmation that you understand and that you are on your way. If you don’t feel comfortable, then please tell me or don’t say anything and ignore my message. I will take this to mean you are not ready for this,” and the voice recording finished. The next messages started to make me feel like what she was saying was all legit.
“Once you confirm, I will need your location. We have trackers positioned all around the city—these are our people who will be confirming your position and also looking out for any unusual activity such as cars following you or the sudden appearance of law enforcement vehicles—they will track you and spot you along the journey all the way to ensure you arrive safely.”
I replied with a confirmation, my location, and a selfie of my clothes. I just wasn’t ready or stupid enough to send my mugshot as well. I then took the money out of my wallet, lay the money on the armrest, snapped a picture, and sent it over to her. The next message showed a map with a route marked out. The agent stated that I was to follow the route and to make sure wherever there was a ‘P’ on the map that I parked up, waited five minutes, and then continued to drive. I took a deep breath, started my car and started driving.
The drive was uneventful apart from the waiting stops. During these waits, I looked around to see if I could see these trackers or spotters but there was no chance I was going to be able to. It could be anyone out of the hundreds of people walking, driving or sitting in their apartment blocks. I was very aware now that this was a well-run operation, highly organized and well-planned. I arrived at the location but I didn’t know which building I was looking for. I was parked in a shopping mall car park and I could see a hotel attached to the mall, wondering if it was open. The panic started setting in again. I messaged again.
“I am here, but I guess you know that already. Where am I going now?” and I took a look at my watch. It had already been forty-five minutes so I messaged my supervisor and told him that I was out for a medical appointment so would be back as soon as I was finished.
As I was sending the message, I heard a tapping on my window. I slowly looked up. I was sure my heart had stopped working momentarily. It was a woman, dressed in the local attire, covered head to toe in all black with only her eyes visible. I lowered my window and just looked at her. When she spoke, her English was perfect, with a hint of a Chinese accent.
“Sir, your agent asked me to show you the way. I will start walking ahead and you are to follow me but please keep a good distance from me. I will walk to the hotel and will be sitting in the reception on one of the sofa chairs with this book in my hand,” and she pulled a small purple book out from her clutch bag. She continued, “Don’t come out of your car until I am out of sight,” and she walked off.
I followed her with my eyes until she went around a corner. I got out of my car and looked around, and I really looked around everywhere: left, right, up, and down before I decided I felt OK with this. I walked for five minutes until I spotted the hotel entrance and I walked in. I noticed the purple book straight away in the hands of a lady and then I froze.
What if this was not the same lady? Oh fuck, what if this was where I was going to get grabbed? Oh fuck, Oh fuck! I was breathing heavily again and I slowly started moving back, towards the door I had just come in from. The woman suddenly got up, put the book back in her clutch bag, and walked up to me as I was moving back and she gently but quickly grabbed my arm and linked her arm through it. She leaned closer and whispered, her voice sharp and laden with an intensity that startled me.
“Sir, don’t fuck around! We are all at risk with this, not just you! You have a woman waiting for you and you know how rude it is for a man to keep a woman waiting, right?” and she looked at me. I nodded and she gently pulled forward, and I followed, arms linked. She walked up to the lift and pressed the button for floor eight.
As we were waiting, she laughed and said something in the local language. She sounded just like a local. She turned to face me and pushed her head into my chest and looked up at me, and winked. I quickly smiled and looked around. No one was paying any attention, but I could imagine how normal and natural that act must have looked. Fuck, they have planned this down to a tee, I thought to myself.
The lift arrived and we stepped in. We arrived on the floor and she unlinked her arm from mine. She gestured with her hand for me to go out, and she just said the room number and said bye. I stood there looking at her as she looked back at me, right until the door slid shut, and she was gone. Seconds later, my phone pinged. It was my supervisor saying it was fine and for me to take my time. I intend to, I thought to myself. Another message appeared, this time from the agent.
“Sir, please go to the room, and knock once. Please make sure you are in front of the peephole of the door so the girl can see you.” I looked around; the place was very quiet. I couldn’t hear any sounds coming from any of the rooms. I started walking in the direction of where the room would be.
As I walked, I started focusing on what I was about to do. I reflected on my experiences. Images flooded my mind of women lying on their backs with my face in between their legs, women sitting on my face as they closed their eyes just before that moment of ecstasy, and I was feeling all those emotions: that feeling of wanting her orgasm, that feeling of wanting to her to give herself to me.
Over the years, I had come to realize that many of the women who offer themselves via services like this did not want to engage emotionally. I had many refuse to orgasm for me, even though I had offered extra money. Others would not want me to give them oral, may be due to their lack of confidence in my ability. Some I managed to convince and help orgasm, others agreed but clearly only did it to get my custom as they would stop me after five minutes. I was good but that was not enough time to give a woman anything.
All I knew was I had to have her orgasm and I wanted her to connect with me emotionally, to feel the whole thing. There is nothing like having a woman who is turned on, wanting you to take her orgasm and willingly gives it to you. That feeling is fucking heavenly! I was feeling that confidence I had lost slowly returning and I was immensely turned on as evidenced by my tenting pants.
I spotted room 815 and slowly approached the door. I positioned myself in front of the peephole, knocked quietly and waited. Maybe I was over-eager but it felt like ages and I was about to knock again when I heard footsteps. My heart gave me two heavy thuds in my chest, as the door opened. The door opened only a quarter of the way, and I couldn’t see anyone, but I could smell her perfume. I sniffed up deeply and smiled. Then she spoke.
“Please, Sir. Come in. I don’t want to be holding this door open for too long,” and she opened it slightly more. I saw her high-heeled red shoes first as I walked in. I quickly looked in and saw no one else in the room, to my relief. I turned around to face the woman I was about to spend the next hour with.
She was shorter than me with long flowing light brown hair with pink highlights. She had nude color lipstick on, and nothing else on her face. That’s what hit me at first—she was abso-fucking-lutely stunning and she did that with minimum make-up, just her natural looks. Her lingerie made her just ooze with desire and made me catch my breath: bright red see-through lace bra, matching lace panties, black see-through stockings with a lace-embroidered band at the top, coming up high on her thighs.
I must have looked like an absolute sight the way I was looking at her, and she giggled as she closed the door, and locked the latch. She turned around and walked through a small sitting area, straight into the bedroom and I followed her in.
“I’m Jing Lin. Nice to meet you,” she said in a heavily accented but soft voice. I smiled and gave her a false name as I was sure her name was not Jing Lin. It was probably something like that but not exactly that. She turned to face me, and stuck her hand out, open. I fished out the notes from my pocket and held the money in my hand. I looked at her and spoke to her, with a gentle voice.
“Jing, errrrmmm, I have to ask you something. I need to make sure you understand what I want before I give you this,” my eyes holding her stare. “I am here to enjoy myself, yes, but I won’t enjoy myself unless I know you are enjoying yourself,” and her quizzical look made me realize this wasn’t going to be easy. Her arm slowly fell down to her side.
“I don’t understand, Sir. What are you telling me?” and she tilted her to one side, her hair falling over her shoulders. I tried to explain to her.
“I… I want to use my…,” continuing, as I pointed to my tongue, “… on you, and I want you to let yourself orgasm, if you feel like you want to.” I waited for her to respond. She looked at me and smiled.
“Are you an expert? A professional pussy licker?” and she threw her head back as she laughed. It made me a little annoyed but I withheld any expression which would give away my feeling. “Men always ask me this, and I always say ok, not a problem. I’ll just lie down and go to sleep.” She was going to make this hard for me, and this just made me more determined.
“If you can sleep through this, be my guest. Just don’t stop me, OK?” I asked her, making sure there was enough firmness in my voice so she understood I was not joking around.
“Mhm hmm… ok. So, you going to give me the money now?” and she stuck her hand out again. I handed it over and she counted it. As she counted it, I looked her down slowly, and then back up until I reached her face and that’s where my eyes connected with hers. “One hour, two shots. You sure you are going have the time for that?” I smiled, in response.
“We’ll see. Can I have a shower first, please?” I looked around to see a door in the bedroom which must have led to the en-suite. She nodded and gestured to the door. I knelt down to take off my shoes and socks, placing the socks in the shoes. As I stood back up, she went to the wardrobe and started fishing for something. She turned around with a neatly folded towel. I took it and walked to the en-suite, opened the door, and closed it behind me. Just as I started to unbutton my shirt, she opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind me. I froze like a statue with my hands holding one of the closed buttons.
“It is customary for us in China to offer clients assistance with the shower. Is that ok for you?” as she looked directly into my eyes. She slowly reached back and unclipped her bra and let it slip off her outstretched arms, down onto the floor. I stood there, speechless. I was not sure if she was doing this on purpose but her every move was melting me slowly. She had me in the palms of her hands. Her form was exquisite. Her breasts were beautiful—not too big but definitely well-proportioned to her slim figure. They sat up on her, firm, with small nipples pointing out. I swallowed. All I could muster in response was a slow nod. She walked up to me and started unbuttoning my shirt.
“Do you like me undressing you?” She was looking me straight in the eyes and I was just lost in the moment.
“Very much,” and I smiled. Every button opening caused another inch on my growing bulge. By the time the buttons were all open, my trousers were tenting considerably more. She looked down and smiled, and without saying anything knelt down in front of me and started unbuckling my trouser. I felt like an invalid, unable to undress myself but fuck, I didn’t want to. I just wanted her to carry on.
I swallowed again and looked up, closing my eyes. I felt the button opening on my trouser and then the familiar zipping sound, only this was the unzipping version. She pulled down the trousers, held my leg around my calves and gently urged me to lift my leg. I complied and she pulled the trouser off, one leg and then the other.
“Nearly there. Just this one piece…” and she stood up. She slowly eased her fingers into either side of my underpants and gently pulled them down. As they went down, the waistband pulled my hard cock down, and like a jumping jack, it sprung back up as it came loose from the waistband. I looked at Jing and her eyes were firmly focused on mine. She wasn’t playing no games with a shocked gasp, or a giggle, or anything of that kind, and I liked it. It felt real; the connection felt real.
I was now naked while she was still in her panties and stockings. She gestured for me to stand in the shower which was one of these walk-in ones, clearly not designed with one person in mind. She walked in front of me as I walked in, and she turned on the shower. It came out of the tap at first, and she tested the temperature with her hand.
She asked me to check and I told her it was fine. She then turned on the shower head and stayed there in front of me as the water hit her, soaking her face and hair at first. She backed up to me, bent down, and gently moved her ass up and down, pushing my cock north I couldn’t help a moan escaping from my mouth, and as she continued with her movement, she reached forward to grab the shower gel. She stood up again but stayed with her ass firmly pressed against my cock. She was completely soaked, as were her tights and panties.
I was shaking. I could feel my hands shaking. I hadn’t been in the company of a naked woman, other than my wife, for years. I couldn’t hold myself back anymore as I reached around and placed my hands on her breasts and gently squeezed, my hand feeling her wet slippery skin. I pinched her nipples which made her moan.
By this time, she had put some shower gel in her hand and she reached back and started rubbing the gel onto my hard cock. Her delicate hand worked from the base, up to the head and back down, coating my cock in soapy suds. She continued rubbing my cock and I was surprised at how immensely turned on I was and how quickly I started feeling the need to release. After all, it had been years since another woman had touched me like this so I guess my speedy build-up was to be expected. I whispered in her ear that if she carried on like this, I would end up cumming and she giggled.
“Is it OK for me to continue, or would you like me to stop?” she asked in a soft but sensual tone. I was already too far gone and so I suggested she didn’t stop.
“You can carry on, Jing, but don’t expect me to just stand here and not do anything back,” and I lowered my hands from her breasts down her stomach. I spread my fingers so that she could feel my hands all across her stomach, and down her thighs and then I pulled my fingers together as I slipped my hand inside her wet panties. I spread my fingers on either side of her vulva and gently rubbed up and down. She gasped as I touched her there and I responded with an extra throb from my cock. I put my face closer to her head and felt her wet strands of hair against my face. She pushed her head back and to one side, almost resting herself on my chest. She turned her face and whispered into my ear.
“I want sir to release all his tension for me. Will you?” she asked, innocently.
“I don’t think I have any choice right now,” and I kissed her neck, gently biting her. She was still holding the bottle of shower gel in her hand and she raised it and poured some over her chest. The gel immediately slipped down her wet skin and some ended up in my hand. I rubbed it into my hand and created some soapy suds which I proceeded to use to create a smooth silky lather on her pussy. She moaned more as she started stroking my cock more ferociously. I was feeling like I had gone past the point of no return.
The water had washed away the soap from her pussy and I started focusing more on her pink flesh on the inside of her pussy lips, rubbing my fingers up and down. Every now and then, I would allow my fingers to go across her clitoris with just a little bit of pressure. This caused her to gasp and I started building a faster rhythm, touching her clitoris more and more.
Her breathing started becoming faster and she was moaning more often so I decided to zone in on her clitoris. I kissed her ear from behind and I whispered “Don’t hold back, Jing, let yourself go,” and I kissed her ear again.
Before I knew it, my cock started throbbing and shooting my hot cum on her back and on her wet panty. As my hot cum hit her back, she let out a deep moan as her knees nearly gave way, and she started cumming. We stood for a while in that position, letting the warm water hit our sensitive bodies. She helped me finish off with my shower and I got out and walked into the bedroom where I dried myself. I then fell onto the bed, face first. A few moments later, Jing walked in and I turned my face to look at her. She was now completely naked, her hair still wet and slightly dripping. She noticed me smiling and she smiled back. I turned my face back into the pillow.
“So… don’t forget what I said. I still want to give you oral, right? And you are not to stop me, ok?” and I waited for her response. I turned my face to look at her and she was standing there looking at me.
“You know I have already orgasmed, Sir? Not sure you are going to make me orgasm again, no matter how good are,” and she gave me a cheeky smile. That felt like a challenge for me and I gestured with my finger for her to come over to the bed. As she walked to the bed I got up and sat on the edge. She walked right up to me, and I opened my legs so that she could come right up to me.
I kissed her stomach gently whilst grabbing her ass cheeks. I squeezed hard as I kissed her stomach again but this I time I let my tongue out so that I could draw circles around her navel. Starting small, I drew larger and larger circles until the diameter of the circle was such that my nose touched her breasts. As I drew the circles, I stretched out with my neck so as to be to allow my tongue to go over her breasts, just under her nipples.
She grabbed my head by my hair and started running her hands through my damp hair, and playing with my ears. That sent shivers down my neck, down my spine, into my ass and right round and back up into my cock. It suddenly throbbed against her leg and I moaned. She took notice of my vocal and physical pleasure and played with my hair and ears more. I started getting super turned on again and decided I wanted to taste her. I stood up and told her to lie down on her back.
“No massage, Sir?” she asked as she moved towards the bed.
“Fuck the massage, Jing,” and I slapped her ass as she bent down to climb onto the bed on all fours. She giggled and paused so I slapped her again, twice. She giggled again as she fell onto the bed on her back. I went to the end of the bed and stood there, looking at her. Her eyes connected with me and she looked straight back at me. She bit her lips and one of her hands went onto her breasts and she squeezed.
This made my cock throb again and I couldn’t help but let my hand move down to my hardening cock. As I looked at her, I started stroking my cock, slowly. Her eyes followed my hand down and she stared for a while. She started to get up and I told her to stay, and I sat down on the bed and moved in between her legs. I held one of her legs and brought it up, her foot in front of my face. I enclosed my lips around her toes and licked. She groaned and her body wriggled. I let my hands run down the back of her stretched-out leg and I squeezed her calf muscle. My hand went further up, past her knee and to her thighs. I squeezed again and I started licking the bottom of her feet. I then let my tongue follow my hand, running up her shins, over her knee, up her thighs and I gave a gentle bite on the flesh of her inner thigh. Her eyes were shut, and she was gently biting her lip.
“It’s been twenty minutes now, Sir,” she whispered. “I think you should do what you said you wanted to do… you know…,” and she giggled. I responded immediately by placing my spare hand in between her legs, gently running my fingers along her pussy lips, hardly applying any pressure but enough for them to part just slightly.
I rotated myself so that I was now kneeling between her legs. I lowered my head to her navel and kissed it. Then I kissed her waistline, then her shaved mound, and eventually my mouth hovered just above her pussy lips. I let my breath hit her sensitive skin. I swallowed as I contemplated my next action and that’s when I noticed her reach over to her side table and she picked up her phone. That annoyed the fuck out of me but I ignored it and tried to focus on the task ahead.
I let my tongue come out and rest on her pussy lips and I gently started running my tongue up and down, with minimal pressure. I sucked one pussy lip, then the other, and then continued to lick the edge of her pussy lips. She was still on the phone. I carried on licking her gently but slowly started increasing the pressure I was applying, my tongue parting her lips more and more.
Again, I took a break and sucked her pussy lips, this time slightly harder and for slightly longer, making sure my tongue coated the inside and outside of the lips. I went back to licking her and within a few minutes, my tongue was pressed right inside her labium, spreading her lips an either side of my tongue. I started making side-to-side movements with my tongue, making her lips peel back more, exposing more of her inner pink flesh.
I suddenly heard some gentle music playing, noticed her placing her phone back on the side table, and felt like I had gotten over the first milestone. She was now engaging with her feeling… and she was engaging with what I was doing. Her hands both fell back onto her breasts and she gently squeezed her hard nipples. I felt immense satisfaction, knowing that I was connecting with her.
I had been keeping the same pace and the pressure of my tongue on her for a while. She was getting more and more wet and I decided it was time I notched up the intensity. I started drawing circles around her labium with my tongue, keeping my circles away from her clit but edging closer with each circuit. With each circle, I started increasing the pressure more until I was really pressing quite hard, and within a few minutes, I reached the point where I knew the next circle would bring me in contact with her clitoris.
Before I reached her clit, I stopped for a second. I started flicking my tongue up and down as I raised my head up to bring my tongue onto her clitoris. The first contact I made caused her to tense. I felt it clearly as my hands were across her groin area and I felt the muscles tense. I lifted my head a little and whispered loud enough for her to hear.
“You felt that didn’t you?’ and she responded with a hum. I continued with my tongue, flicking it over the hood of her clitoris and back down. I used my fingers to part her lips to expose her flesh and her clit. I enclosed my lips across her clit and continued flicking my tongue along with a gentle sucking action. She had started moving around considerably more, her hands now kneading her breasts and nipples. As I continued with the same pressure and speed of movement, I moved my hands and put them under her ass, lifting her waist up slightly.
I had been so involved and so focused on her that I had not realized that my own cock was dribbling precum everywhere. I had lost some of my stiffness but I couldn’t do anything about that right now as I sensed I was coming to a juicy and wet end with her pussy. Suddenly, she moaned out loud.
“Oh fuck… oh fuck…,” and her hands grabbed my hair and she pulled. “Don’t stop, don’t stop!” and she abruptly sucked air in through gritted teeth and her back arched up. I felt my lips and mouth getting soaked with her orgasmic release and I moaned in return. I continued licking her as she wriggled and writhed in ecstasy.
“That’s it! Let it all out… let it all go… good girl, yes!” I mumbled through a mouthful of pussy. I pulled away for a second to look at her face which was an orgasmic piece of art, and then went back. I kissed her wet pussy lips, then her clit, and gave her clit one last lick. Each touch made her gasp and when I licked her, she pushed me away.
“Too much… can’t take it! and she rolled away. As she lay on her stomach, I gently stroked her back and ass cheeks. Each touch made her shudder and she tried to push my hands away with hers. I giggled and let her be. I looked at my watch and realized I had ten minutes left. I held my cock in my hand and gently started stroking it, not needing any lubrication as I had plenty of precum leaking out.
I looked at her ass, and seeing her glistening pussy through her spread legs started making me hard. My hands were making wet, slippery sounds as I stroked and she turned her head to look at me. She continued staring at me and I stood up, continuing with my hands. Her eyes moved down to my hands and my cock, and it was just the thing I needed to see as my cock started getting harder still.
Jing suddenly rolled over towards her bedside table, reached across, and picked up a square, pink wrapper. She sat up and moved closer to the end of the bed. She tore the wrapper and pulled out a condom and put the teat in between her lips, and leaned forward. She looked up at me and I smiled. She gestured with her finger for me to come closer so I took a step closer.
She grabbed my cock in her hand, positioned the rolled condom on the end, and using her hand, she rolled the condom across the length of my shaft. As the condom rolled open, she followed along the length with her lips. As her mouth took in my cock, she used her hands to ensure the condom rolled out fully. She proceeded to suck my cock, while she held it at the base. She wasn’t gentle; the sucking was hard, and her hand stroked my cock hard. She suddenly pulled away and she turned around on her hands and knees. She looked back and told me to fuck her.
I held Jing’s waist as I pulled her ass closer to me, and Jing held my cock from between her legs and guided me in. As my cock parted her pussy lips and entered her, she moaned. I was rock hard and I looked down as I saw the last inches of my cock disappear. I pulled back again, seeing a slithery wet rubber-covered cock appear, before I plunged it back in her, hard.
I started fucking her firmly, my thighs making a slapping sound against her ass cheeks at the end of each thrust. I slapped her ass cheek gently and continued fucking her. I gently ran my hands up and down her back, and then slapped her ass again. I moaned as I continued pushing in and out, and I realized that she was pushing herself onto me with each thrust. I increased the force and frequency of my thrusting. I heard her grunting with each of my pushes and I heard her breathing heavily. I slowed down, and rolled my waist slowly as I let my cock rotate against her pussy walls.
‘Oh my god, you are fucking crazy, you are fucking crazy,” and she shuddered and let out a short, high-pitched sound as I thrust into her again. I suddenly felt her shudder and also felt her pussy muscles tighten around my cock. She panted fast as she called me crazy again. She orgasmed once more. This turned me on so much that I felt myself shooting past the point of no return and before I could warn her, I started cumming. I kept thrusting into her with each throb of my cock until I couldn’t handle the sensation anymore and I pulled out.
I was feeling very weak at the knees and literally dropped my hands next to her legs, supporting myself against the bed. I was breathing hard as the last remnants of my orgasm slowly subsided away. I struggled but managed to climb onto the bed and fell on my front, head turned to face her. She moved and lay down next to me, her face inches away from mine. “You are a crazy man. Why you take so long fucking? You are crazy, making me cum twice. How can I now fuck other customers? You are crazy!” and I laughed. Jing was clearly drained of energy and started complaining that she needed her energy to serve other customers and that it was a mistake to allow her agent to make one-hour bookings. It was all very amusing to hear and see.
As I was cleaning myself up in the bathroom, I heard Jing on the phone talking to someone in Chinese. I panicked and I came out of the bathroom, half-dressed, and asked her who she was talking to. She explained that she was telling the trackers outside to scope the area and make sure everything was clear before I walked out.
I remembered how I had arrived here and was shocked at how quickly I had forgotten my worries and concerns. I finished getting changed, said thank you, gave Jing a kiss on her forehead, and left. As I got into my car, I suddenly started feeling edgy again and wanted to get back to work as quickly as I could, and drove quickly back. The drive back was uneventful but my edginess didn’t subside. Once parked back at work, I dashed from the car back to the office and along the way, I realized that I had not used the second ‘shot’ I had paid for and I smiled. Perhaps I could get a discount for that next time…