“Damn it, you just got your hair done!” I yelled.
I’d just gotten home from working the third shift at the factory. I was trying to have a bit of breakfast and a beer while I watched some TV. My girlfriend had just come in from the back of the house and said she wanted to go to the beauty shop.
So she gave me some song and dance about the weather and split ends. I complained about not being made of money. She threw some of her normal complaints at me. I threw a few back at her. Before I knew it, we were yelling loudly at each other. Then she walked out, slamming the door behind her. I heard her car start up outside and drive off.
I sat there for a few minutes pissed off, drinking my beer and watching that talk show host that has all those crazy guests.
Don’t get the wrong impression. I love her but she’s a pain in my ass some times.
At thirty, she wasn’t the slim thing she’d been when I’d met her. She was still hot and great in bed. And on the couch. And in the bathtub. And sometimes in the cab of the truck in the parking lot of the local club too.
Though honestly, I’d gained a few pounds myself.
I went to the refrigerator to grab another beer and found out that the twelve pack I’d put there yesterday was gone. Damn it, she must have had some of her girlfriends over last night and they drank all my beer!
Grabbing my truck keys and my jacket, I figured I’d run down to the store and get some more beer. My girlfriend wouldn’t be back for hours.
“Man, I haven’t seen you in months!” Bob exclaimed.
I had just pulled into the parking lot of the liquor store, when I spotted my old buddy. Waving at him, I got out and he came over. Bob and I had gone to High School together. Both of us were on the football team until he busted up his knee and had to quit.
“So, what are you doing?” I asked.
“I workout on Tuesdays,” he said. He had a gym bag over his shoulder. “Why don’t you join me?”
Across the street was a strip mall. At one end was a gym. It was new, maybe six months old. There was an empty store to its left with the windows all painted over. Next to that was the beauty shop my girlfriend goes to. Her shitty old four-door was parked out front.
“Come on,” Bob said. He got a shit-eating grin on his face. “I promise you’ll have some fun.”
I was wearing an old pair of sweats I’d put on after coming home, so I was dressed for it. Bob told me he had an extra towel I could use.
“What the hell,” I replied. “Maybe lifting some weights would do me good.”
“Okay, it’s all arranged,” Bob said.
I’d had to hang out for a minute while Bob talk to the manager of the gym. While I waited, several men came in. No one seemed to be working out though. When Bob came back he had me sign in. Then he led me to the men’s locker room.
There must have been about a dozen guys in there. They were changing out of their street clothes and into these short robes. Once changed, instead of going out into the gym, they entered a door in the back.
I gave Bob a questioning look but he just grinned and said, “Trust me.”
We’d done some weird shit when we’d been on the football team together so I decided to play along. I took my sweats off and put them in a locker then changed into the robe.
Bob lead me to the door. It opened into a hallway that seemed to run the length of the strip mall. We walked to the next door down. That door led to the closed store, the one with the painted-over windows. There was a guy at a desk. He handed me a clipboard. On it was a model release. As Bob signed his, I looked around.
There were about two dozen guys standing around the walls in robes. There were a couple of more guys in street clothes fiddling with several video cameras on tripods placed around the room. The cameras were pointed towards the center of the store where there was a small short platform. There was also a set of lights hanging from the ceiling.
Bob gave me a poke with his elbow and told me to sign the form. There was a small box of sunglasses on the table. The guy handed me and Bob a pair. I noticed most of the other guys were wearing a set.
“Let’s go find a corner,” Bob said.
“What have you got me into this time, Bob?” I asked.
Bob and I were standing near one wall. Seems like we were waiting for something. The guys in street clothes were done with whatever they’d been doing with the cameras and had turned the lights overhead on.
“I found out about this a few months ago,” Bob said. “The guy that owns the gym also owns an adult website. He shoots porn in here from time to time. When he needs guys to be in the film, he uses some of us.”
That surprised me.
Like any man, I had looked at quite a bit of porn online. To actually be in a porn video, that I had never imagined in a million years.
“He gets some girl to come in, then she gets naked on the platform,” Bob explained. “She plays with herself, sometimes with a dildo. Sometimes she lets a guy fuck her. Then all of us go up and masturbate until we cum. We get to shoot all over her face or tits.”
“It’s called bukkake,” he said. “It’s Japanese I think.”
“Bob, that’s some weird shit,” I said.
He just grinned and put his sunglasses on.
“Damn, this one’s hot,” Bob whispered. “I think she was here a couple of months ago too.”
I had to agree. The girl was very good looking.
The guy who had been sitting at the desk getting model releases signed had gone out the door. Bob had told me that guy was the owner and the man in charge. He’d returned a few minutes later with a woman. She had shoulder-length blond hair. She was wearing this white and red checkered corset dress with a lace skirt and white under blouse. Almost like a beer garden waitress, only sexier. With that dress she had on black sheer stockings and a pair of hot pink high heels.
She also had a pair of glasses on. The kind you’d expect a school teacher or librarian to wear. The owner led her over to the platform and helped her climb up onto it.
One of the cameramen came over. He was carrying a pillow and a box. He tossed the pillow down on the platform. She looked in the box and pulled out a plastic-wrapped package. When she opened it, she pulled out this big flesh colored dildo.
“Listen up everyone, especially those of you who are here for the first time,” the owner announced. “I’ll explain what’s going to happen.”
He walked around in front of the platform.
“We’ll start filming after Crystal gets situated. She’ll masturbate for a while then when I signal, I want everyone to yell ‘Banzai’. We’ll get you to yell three times.”
“Once your dick is hard, get in line on either side of the room.” He pointed to a guy on each side who held up a hand. “We’ll send you up in pairs. When you get up to the platform, I want you to beat your meat until you cum. Aim for Crystal’s face or her tits.”
He walked around to behind her.
“After everyone’s gone once, if you still got a hard-on and think you can cum again, you can come back up. We’ll keep filming until everyone goes limp.”
A few people laughed.
“Any questions?” he asked.
A few guys shook their head but no one said anything. I wondered how many of them had been here before or if any were newbies like I was.
“Okay,” he said. “Let’s make a movie.”
Crystal lay down on the platform. I had to admit she had a pretty good body. A lot like my girlfriend’s. Nice tits, thin stomach, long legs.
She started by rubbing her tits with her hands through the blouse then picked up the dildo. She licked it a couple of times and rubbed her nipples under the blouse with it. One of the three cameramen walked up and did a closeup of her actions.
Behind the platform against the other wall several of the guys had their robes open. I could see them pumping their cocks with their hands. I glanced at Bob. He had his robe opened as well and his hand on his dick. He gave me grin as he jerked off.
Crystal let the dildo trail down her stomach and then spreading her legs, put the head of the dildo against her pussy. She rubbed it up and down then pushed it into herself. I had a pretty good angle on the action. One of the lights was shining in my eyes but the sunglasses I had on cut the glare.
Her pussy had a thin strip of black hair at the top of it. I guess Crystal wasn’t a natural blond. The camera man crotched down and focused on her hand pushing the dildo in and out. We all watched her fuck herself for a couple of minutes.
I had to admit that it was strange being in a room with two dozen guys jerking off. It was also pretty hot. I felt my own cock getting hard watching Crystal masturbate.
“Now on the count of three,” the owner spoke up. “I want everyone to yell.”
He signaled with his hand three times.
“Banzai! Banzai!” I yelled along with everyone else. “Banzai!”
Crystal had sat up and was sitting with her legs under her on the platform. She reached up and lowered the top of the white blouse, baring her breasts. She had the same type of large nipples my girlfriend did. They were stiff and hard.
From either side, a guy walked out to the platform. They had taken off their robes. Both had hard cocks. One of them was pretty big. She took both cocks in her mouth together and gave them a bit of tongue to get them wet then released them.
As I watched, the two started really stroking their cocks. Soon one gave a big groan and I saw him shoot several long streams of cum. They hit Crystal on her face, splattering her glasses and nose. She opened her mouth and licked her lips. The second guy stepped closer and aimed his cock at her mouth. He came too, spurting a bunch of rapid squirts that frosted Crystal lips.
The two men stepped away and two more took their place. Like the first pair, these two aimed their cocks at Crystal’s face. One shot just a couple of squirts which landed on her cheek.
The other one must have been saving it up because when he came, he shot a dozen big spurts. He aimed high. Most of it hit Crystal’s hair and forehead. When he was done he held his cock near her lips. She seemed to know what he wanted because she took his cock in her mouth, cleaning the head with her tongue.
“I’m going to take a turn,” Bob said. “You want to?”
Two more guys had taken their place at the platform. Crystal had her hands on her tits, pushing them up. The guys got the hint because they both were aiming their cocks at her chest. They came at the same time, squirting cum across the tops of Crystal’s tit and on her nipples. She grinned at the cameras as it hit her.
I shook my head. I wasn’t quite ready to do it yet. Bob shrugged and walked off holding his hard-on in one hand.
The action had been going on for almost an hour.
Crystal was covered in cum. It was in her hair. It coated her face and big thick streams of it dripped down across her tits.
She wouldn’t let any of the guys fuck her though. Several had asked but each time she had refused. She did, though, eagerly suck any cock that neared her mouth. A couple of times she gave wet sloppy blowjobs to guys until they pulled out and shot their cum across her face.
At one point, three guys were jerking off at her. They all shot off at the same time, filling her mouth with cum. She smiled at the camera after they were done, letting it drip from her mouth and onto her tits.
I hadn’t yet gone up though I was feeling a bit more relaxed about standing around in a room full of guys, most with their dicks out. Bob had taken a turn and was now back next to me. He still had his cock out. He’d been jerking it off and now had another hard-on.
“I’m going to have another go,” he said. “If you’re going to get any, you better join me.”
What the hell, I thought. I might never get another chance at this.
There was a short line of about three guys on our side. A couple of guys were on the other side of the room. The owner’s assistant was at the head of our line. When the two men at the platform finished, he would signal for another pair.
From this side of the room, I could see the faces of the guys as they jerked off. Crystal’s back was to me too. She had a finger in her pussy, playing with herself. She removed it and with both her hands spread her ass. I could see the untouched rosebud of her asshole. I bet it was tight. My girlfriend never let me fuck her up the ass.
There were wet streaks of her juices dripping down the inside of her thighs. Clearly, she was excited by all the action and the attention.
I also noticed that a few strands of dark black peeked out from under her blond hair. She had a wig on, I realized. Then something else caught my eye. Crystal had a little tattoo on the small of her back. It was a yellow rose with two small stars on either side. Just like my girlfriend had.
That’s when it hit me. Crystal was really my girlfriend!
“The bitch,” I whispered.
I stood there for several moments shocked to the core. My girlfriend was a secret porn star and I hadn’t known. And not just your garden variety fuck and suck porn star either. No, my girlfriend had just spent the last hour on her knees letting two dozen strangers jerk off and shot their cum all over her face.
And from what I’d seen she’d enjoyed every minute of it!
The shock wore off to be replaced by anger. I stood there pissed as I watched two more guys take their turn at cumming on my girlfriend. So this was what she was doing every time she went to the beauty shop. No wonder she was going so often.
Then something happened.
My anger faded away to be replaced by a sense of power. That was my girlfriend out there. A porn star. Every guy’s dream. I had thoughts of every kinky thing I’d ever wanted to do with a woman. My girlfriend hadn’t ever let me fuck her up the ass. I bet I could get her to let me now.
And blowjobs!
I was looking forward to getting them on a much more regular basis going forward. Things are going to change, I thought to myself.
I looked down and found my cock was sticking straight out of my robe. Rock hard. The guys in front of us had gone, now taking their turn out there at the platform. There wasn’t another guy in the other line either.
“Looks like you two are the last ones,” the assistant said as the two out there shot their loads. “Make it good!”
Yeah, I’d make it good, I promised myself.
Bob and I walked out to the platform. When I got closer, I could recognize my girlfriend better. The wig and glasses had been a good disguise. Now, though, the wig was matted with cum and there was so much on the glasses I doubted she could see out of them.
Taking his cock in his hand, Bob rubbed it across her cheek.
“Where do you want it?” Bob asked.
Crystal aka “my slut of a girlfriend”, pointed a finger at her open mouth. Her tongue was coated in cum. She let it lick across the head, then took Bob’s cock into her mouth.
She started with slow strokes, moving her head back and forth. Sometimes she would take it to the base and hold it down her throat. Sometimes she would just have the head in her mouth. Then one hand would stroke the exposed part of the shaft. The other would play with his balls.
I’ll say this, my girlfriend as a porn star was quite the cocksucker.
It didn’t take Bob long before he had to pull his dick out of her mouth. He gave it several strokes then shot his load on her tongue.
“Last one, Crystal,” the owner called out. “How are we doing?”
She smiled. Her face covered in cum and she gave him a thumbs up. One eye was partially closed. She gave it a quick wipe and popped her sticky finger in her mouth for a taste.
I’d been stroking my cock while Bob had his go. As he walked away, I stepped up to the platform.
My girlfriend reached out and took my cock in her hand. She slowly stroked my cock up. Her other hand reached around to cup my ass. She gave it a squeeze then pulled me forward. Bending her head down she wrapped her mouth around my cock.
Damned, that felt good!
She worked my dick over for several minutes. I wanted it to last, but she used tricks she’s never used on me before. I swore I’d get more of those tricks in the Future. Soon I could feel it. I was going to cum. I reluctantly pulled my cock out of her warm, wet mouth and began jerking it with my hand.
The three cameramen had grabbed their cameras and moved closer. One was kneeling on my right. One was kneeling on my left. The third was standing behind me in a short stepladder. He was filming down past my shoulder. I guess they wanted to get the big finish from all angles.
My girlfriend had her head leaned back and her mouth open waiting for me to cum. I reached up and pushed my sunglasses back up on my head. When I was just a couple of strokes away from my orgasm, I reached out and with one finger pushed my girlfriend’s glasses down so she could see over them.
She’d had her eyes closed but feeling my finger on her glasses opened them. She blinked a few times, then I saw her eyes focus on my face. Just as she realized who was standing in front of her, I gave a big groan and shot the load of my Life. It splattered her face with my cum.
That’s when I asked, “How was the beauty shop, Honey?”