Initiation at Sixteen Part 5

"Mom had slapped me in the face, I was determined for revenge"

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“I take it you were having a good old time with Anne, Mommy Dearest?”

I had, minutes before passed our maid’s bedroom, hearing her in the throes of an orgasm, only to have my mother emerge just now. I was feeling cocky, in both senses of the word.

My mother had a stunned look on her face and she was taking on a blush, when from nowhere she slapped me in the face. The speed of her action was incredible and I think it was that speed that caused the shock which caused my resulting actions.
Oh God! It came so suddenly and with such speed that it could not be credited to such a slight frame. In shock, I actually peed myself. Not much, but enough to add to my embarrassment and totally take the wind out of my sails. I also began crying mostly in shock. I had never seen my mother so angry, and she had never slapped me in anger before. Over the years she had spanked me one or two times, mostly on my shoulder, and very rarely on my behind. Seconds ago, I had been in complete control. Now! Now, I had nothing! No control! And worse, no idea what to do.

I just turned and fled the kitchen. I escaped and raced to my room, holding on to my wet pyjamas and my other hand to my scorching face, trying to recover some dignity but knowing that it was a lost cause. 

There was no lock on my bedroom door. The latch was ancient and barely kept the door shut. I often piled books inside the door to keep it closed. Now, I needed to find a way to lock it as I was sure my mother would follow to continue her attack. My eyes fell on the chest of drawers, as the chair was too light and wouldn’t work. I dropped my wet pyjamas, and quickly manoeuvred the chest into position. I didn’t turn on the light. With the effort I had stopped crying.

Naked, I dropped under my blankets, pulling them up over my head. It was then I heard the door. She was trying to push it open. Fearfully, I listened to her efforts. She called out my name: “Matt, open this door! …..Now!” I ignored her. At a few minutes of futile effort, I finally heard her move away.

Now, lying under the blankets, I could only reflect on this new turn of events. I regretted saying what I did to my mother, but also wished it had had a different outcome. The fear of what might happen started me crying again. Well, more whimpering really. I thought about my father who wasn’t due home for another two days. How could I avoid my mother for that time. Worse, what if she got to him first? Whatever damage she might do, he might kill me! Oh God! What was I going to do?

After an hour or two imagining the worst, I finally started to cool down. I realised Mom couldn’t tell Dad too much. I mean, for God’s sake, she was screwing the maid. And this is Catholic Ireland, where sex between married couples was only just allowed. I had a pang of fear as I realised she could make up a story, a lie to cover the facts.

I thought about me telling Dad. Yes! I’d get that bitch! Oh I really wanted to get that bitch!

But then I thought that Dad would fire Anne. I still hoped to continue my adventures with her. Also, there was a distinct possibility that Dad could take Anne on and monopolise her, leaving nothing for me! After a few minutes considering that, I realised that this scenario was unlikely. My father was a devout Catholic, and while his relationship with Mom was probably not very sexual in nature, he would never stray. If he did, he would regret it immediately and confess it to our parish priest. No, that would not happen. But then I thought about Anne’s beauty. No one in their right mind could pass up an opportunity to make Anne a sex slave! So, what to do?

Then I started hating Anne. She had, after all, betrayed me. With my mother! The bitch! The bitches! I seethed with a need for revenge. I thought about my mother again and dreaded seeing her in the morning. What would she do? What could she do?

I considered her beating the shit out of me, and while this scared me most, it wasn’t my biggest worry. I remembered my comment to her when she arrived unexpectedly in the kitchen: “I take it you were having a good old time with Anne, Mommy Dearest?” What was I thinking? All you sex crazed readers will have assumed that I was planning to get into her knickers. But you forget how young and naive I was.

It was only now, as I lay, in bed, that I considered the implications of my comment. “Shit, is that what she thought?” I really think I was just slagging her with no ulterior motive. But now I had to consider this possibility. I knew that she would never allow it, but I started to get a hard on. My mother is a very attractive woman. Not nearly as fine looking as Anne or my cousin Vicky. She was about as pretty as Eve, Anne’s sister. Oh God, my life had been going so well. I’d had sex with three fantastic women in such a short time. Me, aged sixteen had had it off with three grown women, the youngest of which was my beautiful cousin, aged 18. And now that was all gone! Then I realised that I still had Vicky. She’d still be there for me! And she knew about Anne and Eve. So there would be no jealousy!

Feeling better, I started to come up with a plan for tomorrow. I determined to stay out of everyone’s way, especially my Mom. I reset my clock for an hour earlier, after checking that I had enough money to buy something for breakfast. Then I lay down and tried to sleep. For ages, I still kept going over the whole episode as exhaustion overtook me.

My clock woke me at an ungodly hour. I slapped it quiet, before it woke my mother. I dressed in my school clothes, and examined my face. I had a swollen lip and a purple bruise where her hand landed. I crept out of the house. As I was closing the door, I could hear the door to my mother’s room opening. I quietly shut the front door and ran, hell for leather. I didn’t go directly to school, as I knew my mother would find me there, in the school playground waiting for the doors to open. So I headed for my favourite haunt for some more deep thought. The lake is quite a fine lake, about 10 miles around the edges. There were places to swim, and for sailing, as well as fishing. I found the lap lap of the small waves very settling. I had a place behind a stone wall where I could sit out of view, alone to my thoughts.

I still had no definite plan other than to avoid my Mom until Dad got home tomorrow evening. I decided not to go home until late, and made up my mind to keep away from my friends too so that she would not find me.

Finally school time approached and I made my way to the school gate. I saw her car parked near the gates as I was coming along, so I climbed the wall and went in one of the side doors.

After school, I was wary as I was exiting the building. Again Mom’s car was there, but I left the same way as I entered in the morning. So I avoided her again. I had agreed to spend the afternoon at one of my classmates farm, just outside town. The afternoon and evening was spent in strenuous work as I helped to repair some stone walls. My mate’s parents were curious about my face but didn’t ask. They gave me dinner which I ate ravenously not having had anything other than a cereal bar since getting up.

Finally, as it was getting dark I went home, considering the possibility of avoiding Mom on arrival there. No such luck! As I put the key in the lock, the door was pulled open, and surprised I found my father standing there.

“Where were you then? And what the hell happened your face?”

“I was helping a friend repairing stone walls on their farm,” I said. Before I answered about my face, he grabbed my arm and dragged me to my mother saying, “Did you see this?”

I really expected a lecture, something to indicate the state of affairs with my mother. “Your mother was worried about you. Boys will be boys!” That’s all? What was going on? Then I realised that she hadn’t said anything and my heart soared! The marks on my face must be disappearing already.

My dinner had been saved for me and I picked at it. My dad was reading the paper, as my mother was knitting. As Anne took the dishes away, I said, “Mom was keeping busy when you were away!”

My mother jerked her head up to look at me as her face went puce. Anne’s hands shook as she gathered the dishes. My father said, “Is that right?” but didn’t look up.

Mom waited for me to say more but I just stared at her with my cheeky grin. I knew I had her! This was a delight.

As I laid out my books for my homework, I said to Anne, with glee, “Were you sick last night, I heard some odd sounds from your room?” This time my father asked if she was OK. My Mom’s look was daggers. Anne said something about a cough, as I said it sounded more than that.

As I got myself a glass of milk before bed, my Mom whispered, “Keep your trap shut!” I sniggered and said, “Why? Let you slap me for no good reasont and get away with it? Not a chance! I’m going to tell him, I’m just going to have some fun first! Payback will be fun!” Her face had been red, now it was purple with rage. It scared me a little. She waved her hand at me again, and I took a step back. My Dad called, “Mags!” She about turned and took a deep breath, leaving with my snigger in her ears.

As I went to bed, I went to Anne and said, “Expect me later!”

“Goodnight Mom!” and waited with a grin. She looked at me, angrily, but said sweetly, “Goodnight, dear!” I quickly said goodnight to Dad and disappeared. To be honest, I was dog-tired but determined to see Anne later.

About an hour later, I heard Mom and Dad going to their room and a short time later heard them in amorous activities. Time to move. I arrived at Anne’s door and with trepidation went to open it. It was locked! No real surprise! I knocked and there was no response. I knocked louder and shook the door. She whispered, “Go away, you’re not coming in”.

For a second, I nearly withdrew, but then realised that I had the upper hand. I whispered back, “I don’t care about the noise, let me in or I’ll start banging for serious!”

Seconds later, the door swung open and I slipped in. She was wearing a dressing gown, that was no way revealing. But I knew what was underneath and that got my boner going. I slipped off my pyjamas and said, “I own you now! You will do whatever I want! Or else, you’re out on your ear. Not only that but I’ll make sure everyone in town will know why.”

I didn’t really like myself saying that but I knew it was necessary to get what I wanted. I seriously doubted that I could be so hard on her as to carry out my threat.

She immediately burst into tears, and my heart went out to her. I embraced her, holding her tightly say “Sorry but you and Mom have really pissed me off. I don’t want to do any of that, so all you have to do is help me.” I kissed her on top of her head, and she looked up at me with a nervous smile. I put my lips to her, remembering how soft and warm they were, I pushed with my tongue and she opened to accept it into her mouth, meeting it with her tongue. While the kiss started out as tentative, it moved rapidly to frantic, as I reached to open her gown. She was wearing a very sexy dark blue nightdress in a very light silky material. I could feel her heat and shape and my excitement grew. My cock was standing straight out and her small hand was attracted to it like a magnet. Her warm hand felt great on my heat. She grasped it and moved her hand up and down on it.

I was afraid I would spill my seed before getting into her, so roughly pulled up her nightie. She was a magnificent creature. She let go my cock, and I pulled the nightie over her head. As her head was covered, I leant down and sucked in one of her enlarged nipples. She sucked in some air in delight as I licked frantically. Disposing of the nightie, I reached for her pussy and was delighted to discover her arousal. “I love you,” I said. “I love you too,” she replied.

I pushed my cock towards her wet cunt and missed my target, She took me in hand and guided me to her waiting pussy. We were still standing at the side of her bed, and as I pushed to secure entry, we both lost our balance and landed sideways on her duvet.

We giggled but continued our efforts without further time loss. We were in heaven. My experience of the last few days had given me some control. I knew that if I performed to satisfaction, Anne would never deny me. I loved her but wanted to control her, to own her. I controlled my urge to shoot my cum into her, making sure that her orgasm arrived first. I could feel her loss of control coming. I withdrew from her as she moaned, “No! Give it to me!”

I withdrew completely, as she looked up at me in despair.

“Please,” she whispered.

“Who owns you?” I asked as her hand descended to my sensitive organ.

She tried to pull me back into her, and I almost gave in because the feeling was so exquisite. But then I remembered.

“Who owns you?”

Finally she realised that she needed to answer. “You do!”

“Who? Say who!”

“You do Matt!”

“And what will you do for me?”

“Anything you want, anything you say!”

“Will you help me get back at Mom?”

“Please? Just put in it.” she begged.

“Say it”.

“I will do anything for you, including getting back at your Mom!”

I sunk my painfully hard cock into her steaming pussy, to the relief of both of us. I didn’t think it could get any better. She started cumming immediately on my entry, and it was a measure of my increasing skills that I was able to hold out for a few more strokes.

“Make me pregnant!” she said.

I couldn’t believe my ears, and to my delight my cock maintained its firmness as I pumped her to another orgasm. I kept going for some minutes until I finally released my last desperate load.

We both dozed off for some minutes. I awoke first, and looked over at her. She really was a beauty. I could not believe that she loved me. As she regained consciousness, she reached for me, and smiled into my eyes. “That was the best ever. I love you,” she said. “I belong to you now!”

I kissed her and relished the feel of her against me, her lips, her arms around my shoulders, her tits at my chest, her hips against mine and her legs threaded through mine. “I love you too,” I said, “but you will not have any sex with anyone from here on without my permission! OK?”

“Yes, my love!”

We then pulled the duvet back and crept into bed, embracing and hugging as we slipped into an exhausted sleep.

We made about half way through the night, when I heard the door of her room open. Startled, I looked up. It was Mom! I had been sure that she would not leave Dad on his first night back. She was dressed in a light dressing gown that barely hid her shape.

I think her shock was about the same level as mine, but I recovered quicker. I grinned as I said to Mom, “What is it?”

She looked in shock at Anne. She was…

Published 15 years ago

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