Police took a suspect into custody early this morning following a shooting. According to police two people were killed at a house in this upscale neighborhood outside the city. The identities of the victims, as well as the suspect in custody, are being withheld by police…
Chapter One
3 weeks earlier…
As the final months approached it became apparent that 2009 would be the worst of my twenty-nine years. My business was failing and I was struggling to make payments on a myriad of loans. The strain was ruining my marriage.
My wife, Katie, always hot and sexy for the nearly eight years we were together, had been gradually losing interest in me as our financial troubles mounted . By late summer our sex life had grown as dry as the grass of our lawn and by late autumn we were sharing the house, almost as strangers.
The dilution of Katie’s enthusiasm for our marriage and small business was a depressing turn. Both of us had been so excited by the prospects of the startup. She kept her job at the firm where we first met as college interns and continued to travel quite a bit as an installer and troubleshooter.
I buried myself in the work of fortifying the small company after the initial growth period waned. I trimmed staff and other expenses and made up the difference with longer hours for myself. I saw it as a rough patch I would get through and everything would be fine with Katie again.
On a Sunday morning in early December, with my wife again away on business over the weekend; I was sulking around the house in my bathrobe when Alicia Gladford, the neighbor from the end of the block, rang my doorbell.
I opened the door and immediately knew things were about to get even worse. Alicia’s usually serene Oriental/African features were a riot of emotion. The veneer of her sophistication, polished smooth by her role as a corporate wife, was fractured by tears and smeared mascara visible even against her milk chocolate skin. Her long rich black hair was matted to her head.
“I have something to show you”, she said in a quivering voice while standing motionless on my doorstep.
“Come in,” I said. Alicia surprisingly walked into my arms and burying her face against my shoulder started to cry.
Helplessly I held her sobbing against me for a few long moments until she apologized, regained a little composure and asked if I had a DVD player. I showed her into the den, guided her to sit in the center of the couch, put one of the three DVD’s she handed to me into the player and turned on the TV. I handed her the remote. I remained standing. She studied the buttons on the remote.
“Please sit down Daniel, she said, and turned on the player. I sat down in my usual TV chair and waited for the DVD to load.
Then across the title screen of the DVD scrolled photo’s of Katie smiling and laughing and looking sparklingly beautiful, interspersed with photo’s of Alicia’s husband Phil also smiling and laughing. All of this was accompanied by Sinead O’Conner’s “Nothing Compares 2 U”.
The knot formed in my stomach so quickly that by the time Alicia said, “Brace yourself,” and hit the ‘Play Movie’ button on the remote, I was already feeling nauseous. I was sure it was not just from the sappy title-screen music.
When the video opened on a scene of Katie’s face in profile she looked impish and pert like a young fresh faced teenager, head tilted upward, smiling. Then, in the next second a hard cock entered from screen right.
“Are you ready for me?” Phil’s voice intoned deeply. Katie’s smile widened as she nodded girlishly. Then she opened her mouth and took the cock almost all in, without even bringing a hand up to touch it.
The cock slowly drew in and out of her mouth in long even strokes. Katie maintained a seal around the shaft with her lips inflating and deflating her cheeks on each stroke until she opened wider and seemed to lean into it. She then worked her lips tight around the base almost in an effort to inch her mouth still further onto it. She managed to make the entire shaft disappear.
It was impressive in spite of its unexceptional size. Katie had never shown quite that much enthusiasm for sucking my cock. Though I was growing increasingly nauseous I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the TV.
The scene cut to a different angle from another camera further away behind Katie showing both her and Phil fully naked. She was on her knees with her wrists bound behind her back by handcuffs. Phil was standing with his legs akimbo and his hands clasped behind his head as he looked down at his cock hidden from us by Katie’s head. His body was hairier than I expected. Katie always claimed to be repulsed by men with hairy bodies. It was a shock to see Katie, petite, blonde, former collegiate, scholarship gymnast, Katie sucking this hairy man’s cock with her wrists bound behind her back.
When the movie cut back to the original close-up camera Phil’s hand appeared in the screen and moved along the opposite side of Katie’s face to take hold of the short pony tail of hair gathered high on the back of her head.
The video began switching frequently between the two cameras. Often the scenes overlapped so we could see the same portion from both angles making it seem like it was continuing on even longer than it actually was.
Phil began to forcibly pull Katie’s face onto his cock by her hair while driving aggressively into her mouth. Katie kept trying to take it all, but occasionally her mouth would hack open wide as she gagged. Phil kept pushing it in, as if he were deliberately and cruelly trying to make her gag. A few times she had to stop for a moment, missing a stroke or two while she regained control before eagerly going back at the cock.
I began to understand that even at my most aggressive behavior, I had been far too gentle for my wife’s secret desires. Oddly, it made me feel insufficient.
This brutal face fucking continued for more than another two minutes as Katie’s saliva grew thick with phlegm. Every time she would gag and pull away stringy saliva would trail from Phil’s cock.
I wanted to rescue her and grew antsy at my helplessness to do so even though this was already in the past. Besides, judging from her eagerness to reopen her mouth for Phil’s cock following each gag-induced pause, Katie clearly wouldn’t have welcomed any attempted rescue despite her discomfort.
As Phil’s orgasm approached, he avoided the interruption of her gags by no longer driving in as deep, instead he increased the speed of his action into quick shallow pumps into Katie’s mouth. She sealed her lips tight around it again and her cheeks again puffed rapidly out and in. Phil changed hands on her top-tail and used his far hand to wrap around the base of his cock as he began to cum.
“Swallow all of it,” Phil commanded forcing his cock into her mouth right to the base of his hand. There was strain on her distorted face as he held her head on his cock. Cum began leaking from the corner of her mouth. He finally pulled her head away and the last blast hit her chin. One or two anticlimactic drops appeared at the tip of his cock and fell into her open chick-sparrow mouth as he tilted her head back by her hair.
When the spewing and sparrowing were finished, Phil used his cock to scoop cum from Katie’s cheeks and chin, back into her mouth. The girl who hadn’t swallowed my cum in five months, took it all in greedily before turning her glistening face toward the camera and beaming like the sun – in pride, at her accomplishment. It was as if she had just stuck a difficult dismount from the balance beam.
Unable to hold back I rose and quickly headed for the bathroom where I vomited my recently consumed breakfast. Murderous thoughts took control of my mind as I downed two glasses of water, brushed my teeth, drank another glass of water and returned to Alicia, quietly crying where I had left her in the den.
I stood before her looking down until she looked up at me. I was still seething with anger. I wanted to hit her for losing control of her husband before realizing I too had lost control of my wife.
She was six, maybe seven years older than me, late thirties, and despite her country club demeanor was beautifully exotic. She had somewhat oriental facial features, thick straight satin black hair, mocha complexion and a long, gym-honed body.
We had met at a neighborhood picnic last summer and saw each other at a few parties in the neighborhood but never actually spoke. I had always thought of her as one of those high-class, high-maintenance women, the kind that you’d expect to see with men who actually drive Ferraris.
Her usually intimidating aura was now broken and vulnerable. I didn’t know how to comfort her. “How do you want to kill them?” I finally risked, in perfect deadpan.
She slowly leaned back against the sofa and looked up at me, intently searching my face, controlling her tears. Finally a smile, the first since she entered my house, gently crowded the misery from her face.
“Very, very slowly,” she said. Then she asked, “Do you have a computer to copy these DVD’s? I’d better get them back to where I found them so Phil doesn’t discover them missing when he gets home tonight.”
“Yes, I do,” I responded, “I have a large hard-drive that would hold all three of them. How many different scenes like that are there?”
“I’m not sure, I only watched a few of them last night and into the morning. I debated long and hard before bringing them over here… I… I didn’t know… I… in the end I needed to share them with someone. You were my only option. But yes, there’s more than you can imagine, perhaps more than you want to know.” She seemed on the verge of breaking down again.
“Oh, I can assure you that I want to know.” I said, sitting down next to her and pulling her close so she could cry into my shoulder.
After a while she quieted again. “We’d better get busy. Here’s what I’d like to do, if it’s ok with you.” She said and began laying out her plan.