She remembered with slight embarrassment the night she set out to find a naughty book to read. She wore a black slinky skirt, with no panties, and black thigh high stockings. She shaved her pussy. That was the first time she had done that and remembered liking the feel of the bare skin of her cunt quivering as a breeze blew up her skirt. God, she was getting horny just thinking about that.
Knowing she needed to do something about satisfying herself, she stripped off her clothes and padded into the bathroom. She had gotten lazy of late, and her pussy was covered in downy hair. Taking a pair of scissors, she trimmed as close to the skin as she could and then took the electric trimmer and shaved off what was left of her pubic hair, leaving only a short stubble. A Brazilian wax would have been much cleaner, but she just couldn’t bring herself to make that appointment, much less bare that part of her body to an esthetician. She wasn’t afraid of the pain, but was afraid of cumming as the hot was was spread over her mound, then cumming again as the linen strip was pulled off, removing all traces of pubic hair. God, she couldn’t think of anything more mortifying than squirting cum as the hair was ripped off her pussy.
Well, actually she could, and she giggled to herself as she remembered her last physical exam with her very cute, very young doctor. As he inserted two fingers into her canal, she tried to think of balancing her check book, doing laundry, anything mundane, but it didn’t work. It was reflex, she supposed, but her cunt muscles clamped down hard on his fingers as he probed her internally. She had gone without a stiff cock inside her for so long, that it actually felt good. What mortified her even more, was the moan that escaped from her throat!
She turned on the shower, and let the water warm to a comfortable temperature. She changed the blade on her razor, she stepped into the warm sluicing water. She lathered her pussy with shaving gel, and with one foot on the edge of the tub, she pulled the sharp blades of her razor over the most sensitive skin on her body.
Her last gentleman friend liked to do this for her, as she lay on the bed, spread eagle, a towel underneath her. After he was finished, he would wipe the remainder of the foam off her, and then put a warm wet cloth on her pussy, followed by an ice cold one, that always made her gasp. Then he would make her cum, with his mouth and tongue. Fuck, he was good at that.
Now she had to make do with a hand mirror, shaving herself, hoping against hope she didn’t nick her sensitive elongated clit. She tried to tuck it inside her puffy outer lips, but by now she was so fucking horny, her clit refused to be contained.
As her hands roamed over her pussy, she decided she was done. She took the hand held shower head, and set it to hard pulse. Bracing her back against the cold tile wall of the shower, she spread her legs. Holding the shower wand in her right hand, she spread her puffy pussy lips apart, exposing her clit. Aiming the pulsating water at her clit took her breath away.
She bent at the knees, into a semi squat and let the waves of her orgasm wash over her. Her thighs began to quiver, but she continued to let the water beat on her clit. Fuck…she should have thought to have stuffed her cunt with a nice fat phallic dildo…that would have made this even better. She could feel the deep inner muscles of her cunt quake in response to the orgasm that continued to come. When she could literally stand no more, she slid down the wall to sit in the tub. Cupping her hand over her now bare mons, she rubbed the baby smooth skin. When she could stand, she would get dressed and go out, to her favorite ‘toy’ store.
She needed something new to play with.
What she really needed was someone new to play with, but she wasn’t into whoring herself for a good stiff cock. No, but perhaps she would reactivate her profile on her favorite online dating site. She hadn’t met the man of her dreams on there, but she had met some nice men who had become good friends. Friends With Benefits.
She was fussy, and always made them go for blood work before they fucked her. She was “clean” and she aimed to stay that way. She always made them wear a condom, too, even for oral. Of course, she teased them into that. Most men wanted to go bare.
She had won more bottles of Dom Perignon betting she could put that condom on, with her mouth only. It was a technique she mastered using a cock-like dildo. It never failed to amuse her, to watch them watch her in amazement roll that thin piece of latex over their hard cock, with only her lips. It was a technique that she was thankful for, because then they always were UP for wearing the glove.
She took other protection as well, mind you. She used an alias and went to the local free sex clinic, and have herself tested for HIV and all of the other venereal diseases, syphilis, gonorrhea, and herpes. So far, her lifestyle hadn’t caused her any problems.
Getting out of the tub, she dried herself off with a big fluffy towel. She patted her pussy dry, and then rubbed some antibiotic cream onto the newly exposed skin.
She went into her bedroom, to her toy box, and found her remote controlled eggs. Inserting both of them into her cunt, she hit the on button of the small discrete wand, that looked like a pen. She could feel the buzz inside her, and she worked her muscles around the eggs, to keep them in place.
She pulled out a slinky skirt from her closet and put it on, no slip, no panties, but thigh high, black stockings, followed by a pair of black pumps. She rummaged through her bras, until she found the one she was looking for. It gave her nice cleavage, even though she wasn’t overly well endowed.
She set off to her favorite shop. It was a very discrete shop, set up mostly for women, although she had taken a gentleman friend or two there on occasion. She wasn’t really into the absurdly kinky, but she did enjoy sex. She liked to shop for new toys, and she planned to give her American Express Gold card a real work out this afternoon!
Walking into her favorite store, knowing she looked good, feeling the buzz of the eggs deep inside her had her body humming and on high alert.
A tall, handsome man had walked into the store, just moments before her. All she could hope he was there to look, and not purchase something kinky for his current wife and/or girlfriend. The store did sell things for men, as well…oh, please, let him like women, she thought. Not that she had anything against the gay lifestyle, or those who practiced said lifestyle. She just wasn’t into that.
She loved men, and she love their bodies…how well cock fit into cunt. Yes…she needed a new boy toy as well, and while she wasn’t fond of whoring, she might have to strike up a conversation with this gentleman.
Fingering the remote control in her handbag, she wanted to be able to hit the ‘increase’ button at a moment’s notice. She wanted to let this good looking guy she was ready at a moment’s notice!
Heading straight for the section of lingerie, she found a nice red lacy teddy. She knew it would fit, and she also knew she’d look damn hot in it. She also grabbed some of her favorite flavored condoms (a girl could never be too prepared). She liked the flavored ones, since she always used her mouth to put them on.
Browsing through the store always made her horny…even more so than she was before she left her apartment, if that was possible. She found her favorite dusting powder, that tasted like tangerines and cream, with a hint of honey.
Moving into the small room where the toys were, she ‘accidentally’ bumped into the tall, handsome stranger. Apologizing, she blushed that pretty shade of pink that her fair skin tended to turn when she was embarrassed. He of course, thought she was blushing to be seen in such a store, but she was blushing at what she hoped would transpire this evening!
She looked at the assortment of dildos, eggs, vibrators, and anal toys. Licking her lips, she picked up one of the vibrators that was on display. She turned it on, and felt the cylinder turn in her hand. Hitting another button, the ‘rabbit’ began to buzz, and she could almost imagine what that would feel like, pressed against her clit.
The stranger watched her face, she could feel his eyes on her, almost undressing her. She felt him step behind her, felt his hands on her ample hips and pulling her into him. They were well matched in height, and she could feel his erection pushing into her ass. His right hand slid around her front and cupped her pussy. She was hot, and wet, and she felt him inching her skirt up so he could touch her without the skirt in the way. She grew even hotter when his finger slipped between her pussy lips and immediately found her clit.
Chewing on her lower lip, so she wouldn’t moan out loud, she let him play with her, as he whispered just what he would like to do to her, with his throbbing, eight inch, hard cock.
Finally finding her voice, “I…ah…I gather you don’t have a current woman in your life.” It was a statement, not a question. “Because I’m not into men who are cheaters. If you’re with me, you’re with me and not leaving my bed and going to another woman’s. Is that understood?” She could afford to lay down her ground rules and there would be more, until she could assure he was ‘clean’.
“I’m clean,” she whispered, as she ground back onto his bulging crotch. “I have no diseases, and I plan to stay that way, so Darlin’, ‘no glove, no love’, is that understood?” Her voice was so husky, she barely recognized it as her own.
“I’m clean as well, but I do understand your conditions. What if I say I don’t like the ‘glove’?” he taunted her.
“What if I told you, I have a very unique way of applying said ‘glove’?”
“Really? How?” he demanded.
“Not here, not now, but if you like, we can go to a nice hotel and I can model my new teddy for you.”
She had never done anything so brazen, so bold. She did keep an overnight bag in her car with essentials in it, so she didn’t look like a common hooker checking into a hotel. “Meet me outside, after I pay for my purchases and we’ll decide where we should go from here.”
She might be horny, and in desperate need of that eight inch cock he bragged about, but she wasn’t stupid. She wasn’t going to take him home to her apartment.
She watched as he bought the rabbit eared vibrator, with the cylinder that turned, he also bought some lubrication, and anal beads that started off small – increased in size and had a handle on the other end.
They paid for their purchases, and decided on a classy hotel. She would check in, under her alias, and get two key cards. He would wait outside in the parking lot, until she registered, and then came out and gave him his key.
In her car, she made a phone call to her best friend. Knowing she wouldn’t be judged, she wanted someone to know where she was. It was a safety thing, but she didn’t get any bad vibes off this guy, and she was a good judge of character.
Heading off to the arranged rendezvous spot, her body was literally humming. She licked her index finger, and let herself finger her clit until she came, and prayed she didn’t get herself into an accident. She giggled to herself as she thought of her mother telling her to always put on clean underwear on, in case she was in an accident.
She wondered what the paramedics would think when they found her with no panties on at all, her finger on her clit, and eggs buzzing away in her cunt. Okay…no accidents tonight, but it was off to a promising start!