Ashes to Ashley Pt 3

"Things heat up in Mexico"

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The hotel room phone in our Cabo San Lucas resort rang loudly and jarred us both awake. Ashley scrambled to answer it.

“Hello? Yeah… I guess my phone is in the other room… Oh… okay yeah. We’ll be there in like fifteen minutes.”

I pulled her back to me, I missed her warm body already. The room was a bit chilly. “Where are we going in fifteen minutes?” I asked. 

“The pool bar. We were supposed to meet at three. It’s half past, I think you would have slept all afternoon.”

“Well, I am on vacation, ya know?”

“Yes we are, and we need to get going and start enjoying it.”

Seeing as this wasn’t really my trip, I went along with her. I brushed my teeth and ran some water through my hair, put on some trunks and a Hawaiian shirt and I was ready in ten. Ashley put on a somewhat modest bathing suit and a flimsy wrap, touched up her face, and we were out the door in twenty.

We walked hand in hand up the palm tree-lined winding path to the main pool and bar. This was the adults’ area, I discovered, people with children were gently directed to the other pool with numerous slides and other activities for kids. 

Our pool’s activities were centered on the covered circular bar. It had about twenty swim-up seats in the pool and maybe thirty or forty bar stools completing the circle. There were also numerous tables with umbrellas and maybe a hundred reclining lounge chairs like the one we’d just made love on… and that’s where we found the girls; all in bikinis and glistening with sunblock or suntan lotion as they lay on their backs.

There was also a sign that read, “Adult Pool Area. Topless Sunbathing Allowed. (Please dress appropriately in all other areas of the resort.)”

“There’s the love birds!” Rachael laughed. Ashley squeezed my hand and I could see her blushing. I just lightly beat my chest a couple times in a mock ‘Me Tarzan, Me Strong Man’ kind of way.

“What are we drinking?” I asked as we sat down in a kind of circle with the group. They were having mostly margaritas but that didn’t sound good to my stomach. Ashley wanted a margarita but before I even had a chance to raise my hand for a waiter, Javier arrived on-scene.

“Good afternoon my new amigos! I am Javier and I am at your service. What may I get for you?” This kid was probably twenty-four at the most. He was a rather attractive dark-skinned and well-built young man with only a slight accent. I imagined he had a new gal every night if he wanted.

“We’ll take a Margarita with your best tequila for the lady. And I will have, let’s see. Gimme the biggest glass you’ve got, pour in a twelve-ounce can of Red Bull, three shots of Goose, and fill the rest with pineapple juice, por favor.”

Javier very diplomatically let me know that, although this was an all-inclusive resort, Top Shelf liquors were a few dollars extra.

“Ay Papi,” teased Sandra. “Need something to revive yourself?” She gave me a lascivious wink. Even though she was pretty enough, I wasn’t a big fan of breast implants. She seemed very proud of them and made sure to mush them a little with her arms whenever she had the chance.

“Oh, I’m just getting warmed up! I can feel my second wind about to hit, I promise you that!”

“Looks like Ashley wore you out, huh Papi?” Bernadette slightly slurred. She sounded like she’d already put a few away and looked like she’d been in the sun a little too long, her skin turning pink even in the shade.

“Maybe I wore her out?”

The girls looked at Ashley, and then back at me. Simultaneously, they all answered with various versions of “Naw” and “No way” which made them all laugh hysterically, even Ashley.

Since we obviously weren’t going anywhere for a while, I decided to get some sun like the gals were. I stood up to take my shirt off and re-arrange my chair. 

Papi, what the fuck?” Rachael demanded. 

Ashley jerked her head up, trying to figure out what was wrong. 

Bernadette, the redhead, joined in. “Yeah, Jesus, Papi. What the fuck?”

I didn’t know what to say as I had no idea what was going on. “Uh… what did I do?”

“Nothing Papi,” Rachael smiled. “But, damn, we just weren’t expecting you to be… well… ripped.”

I chuckled as I rolled my eyes, a little embarrassed.

“Yeah, dude,” Bernadette explained. “We were expecting you to have like… a Dad Bod or something.”

Ashley smiled, looking relieved. “He looks pretty good, huh!”

“He’s giving MG over there heart palpitations,” said Samantha in a stage whisper, pretending to whisper but actually saying it loud enough for everyone to hear.

That elicited an uproarious amount of laughter and giggles from all seven women as I, of course, stood there dumbfounded. Who was MG and why is she having palpitations?

“You bitches better shut up!” Bernadette fired back. She was trying to be mad but she was laughing, too. I guess… she is MG?

“She’s already christened the room, of course. And the plane!” 

“Shut up, Samantha!” Bernadette fired back, but all the girls still laughed. “What happened to the roommate code? Ho’s before bro’s?”

I still had no idea what was going on, which I think made it even funnier for the girls. Bernadette seemed to have some poorly-kept secret and they were teasing her about it. Fortunately for her, Javier showed up with our drinks. 

“I want to know if your drink is okay, mi amigo,” he stated. I liked this guy, he had the right level of deference without sounding like a kiss-ass. 

I took a sip of my concoction. “Fantastic, my friend. I’ll need another one in about thirty minutes. Meanwhile, how about a double pitcher of margaritas for these lovely ladies? Girls?”

“Absolutely!” Rachael agreed. “And some food?”

“We have a very nice seafood platter as well as another platter with Mexican favorites: quesadillas, little tacos, that kind of thing. You’ll love it, I promise you!”

“Just bring enough for all of us, por favor!” Javier hustled away to start our order. 

I started to sit back down which brought a little rebuke from Bernadette. “You can just keep standing there. Hell, you can stand there all day,” she quipped.  

“Chill out, MG,” Ashley teased. “You’ve got a husband at home.”

“Yeah but he fucking doesn’t look like that. Besides, if Papi is going topless, so am I.”

Bernadette, MG, sat up from her recliner and reached behind her back with both hands. In seconds she undid her bikini top, freeing her lovely breasts. Full and nicely shaped, her very light-colored nipples seemed to be rather erect.

I tried to act nonchalant by taking a sip of my drink, but Bernadette spoke to me directly as she slowly rubbed sunblock into her breasts. “How about these puppies, Papi?”

Fortunately, Ashley saved me. “Don’t answer her, Papi. She’s just looking for material for her Jilling sessions.”

I nodded but gave Ashley a blank stare. Rachael helped me out. “Jilling, same as Jacking, but for girls. Bernadette is known in our little circle as Masturbation Girl.”

Ahhh, okay, that explains MG. And Samantha said she had already christened the room, and the plane. Damn!

“Thanks a lot, Rachael,” complained Bernadette.

“I would have just told him later,“ Ashley said.

“Yeah, calm down MG,” Samantha declared as she took her top off also. Within the next minute, six of the women were topless and rubbing sunblock lotion into their breasts. Everyone except Ashley. I tried not to notice, but, damn! This kind of thing didn’t happen very often in my life. I took a long pull from my drink and laid back on my lounge chair, hoping not to get a hard-on.

Ashley leaned over and whispered into my ear so only I could hear her. “You don’t mind if I don’t take my top off, do you? I’m just not… comfortable doing that.”

“Ash, whatever you want or don’t want is fine, okay? You’re sexier than all of these women, though. I just want you to know that.”

“Okay, good. And don’t worry about Bernadette, she’s harmless.”

“Well, you could’ve warned me about her,” I joked. “What’s her story?”

“We were renting this big house while at Cal. You know, Berkeley?”

I chuckled. “Yes, I know Berkeley.” That was one of the top universities in California.

“Well, there were about… fifteen girls I think? We had this big house up there we were renting. Anyway, Bernadette shows up, she was a friend of a friend, and she just openly masturbated several times a day. I mean, she didn’t do it in the living room in front of us. But you could hear her through the walls. So, right when she woke up, took a shower, before class, after class, maybe even in class, I don’t know. Anyway, she jilled at least ten times a day, and with a lot of moaning, too. She wasn’t shy at all about it.” Ash looked around, the other girls were chatting and couldn’t hear us. She continued on, “We suspect her husband can’t keep up with her needs.”

“Yeah, I can see that. No guy can get it up that often.”

“Well, she’d be happy if it was once a day, but from what she’s told us, she’s lucky if she gets it once a week.”  Damn, they know a lot about each other’s lives. “So, how much have you shared with them about us?”

“I’ve told them two things so far: Jack and shit.”

I laughed. “Really? Because, I mean, I know it’s common for you girls to talk about intimate stuff….“

“Joe, really. I haven’t told them anything about our love life. And I’m not going to, either. What we do is our business.”

“Well, you could tell them I do get it up more than once a week if you wanted. You know, brag on me a little bit!”

She smiled. “I’ll tell them you made me squirt for the first time. Even MG doesn’t squirt.”

I just stared at her. 

“Oh,” she growled. “You know I won’t tell them anything of the sort!”

We both laughed. “But, Ashley. About the squirting…”

“Yes?” she asked demurely.

“You know I think it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, right?”

“Really? I mean, honestly? Because it’s kind of… embarrassing, I don’t know. I was so into everything you were doing and I… you know… I kinda just kinda let go.” She looked straight ahead towards the ocean.

“Ash, look at me. Look at my crotch.” She turned her head and saw my developing bulge. “That’s from you, just talking about you squirting makes my blood flow.”

“I… I wasn’t lying before. I’ve never squirted in my life until you. You just make me so… you get to me so much, Joe. I want… I want to do anything you want to. Anything.”

“You know I think I’m happiest when I make you come. I get a tremendous amount of satisfaction from that.”

“Yeah, but… there must be something you want to do? Something wild, like a crazy fantasy, something you’ve never done.”

“Ash,” I said in a voice just above a whisper. “We’ve had anal sex, I’ve fucked your face, both of those are… amazing to me. And I want to keep doing that with you, if you like them.”

She shot me a beautiful smile. “I love them, okay? I just want to be sure I’m… slutty enough for you.”

“Trust me, you’re the sluttiest woman I’ve ever been with, Ash.”

“Yeah but, I don’t want you to lose interest in me. Like, ever. I don’t want you ever going anywhere else. Anything you want, I’ll do it, Joe. Like, I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but the times I really come the hardest, are when you’re… rough with me.” 

I stared hard into her eyes. “You do seem to like that.”

“Joe, it’s like, a switch gets flipped and you turn into a caveman. I can’t tell you how much I love it, when you take charge of me. I can feel your passion for me, your… lust… it just makes me crazy. Like, the way you’re looking at me right now, I just know.”

“You like when I take charge, don’t you?”

“Yes, oh my God! I get shivers when you tell me to do something.”

Her breathing had changed a little, she was taking deeper breaths than before. Her nipples poked through her bikini top, and I swear her pussy was swelling. “You’ll really do anything I tell you to?” 

“Yes, Daddy,” she said demurely. 

“Okay, little girl. Take your top off.”

Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open in shock. “I meant in the bedroom, I’ll do anything you tell me in the bedroom.” 

I stared hard at her. “Do it,” I hissed. “You said you wanted to be slutty for me, do anything for me, you can start by obeying me, right here, right now.” 

I could see the internal conflict on her face. She’d made a lot of bold claims and I wasn’t entirely sure she’d be willing to back them up. “Okay, Daddy,” she whispered. 

Her hands were visibly trembling and her breath was ragged and shallow. I knew what I’d asked her to do was terrifying her, but she looked deep into my eyes. “If you want me to do this, you’ll have to do it for me.”

“I’m not forcing you to do anything, honey.” I paused for a moment. “This has to be something you want.” 

“I want it, I want to please you, Daddy.” 

“Turn around little then, little girl.” 

Hesitantly, she turned and faced away from me. I moved her long blonde hair off her back and onto her shoulder. Then I slowly untied the strings on her bikini top and it fell onto her chair. “Turn around, baby,” I ordered.  

Slowly, she turned to face me and the rest of the women. Her large breasts were slightly swaying with each labored breath she took. Her nipples looked painfully erect and there was a little wet spot in the front of her bikini bottom. Even though I knew this was scaring the hell out of her, I’d never seen her so aroused. 

Robyn, the nearest girl to us, called to the ladies, “Hey, hey! Look!” The other girls all stopped talking as they saw Ashley’s bare breasts for the first time in over ten Baja trips. 

Ash leaned back in her chair, her breasts laying spectacularly in the hot sun. Suddenly all six of the other gals screamed and hooted and clapped… which of course made every other person in the pool and bar look over. 

“You’re beautiful, my Ashley. And you’re such a good slutty girl for Daddy.”

She just smiled and closed her eyes. 

“Damn, Papi!” Robyn cried out. “We’ve been trying to get her to do that for years, and it only took you fifteen minutes. Better get some sunblock on those girls.”

“You’re right about that!” I squeezed some sunblock into my hand and wrung them together, then I firmly applied it to both of her breasts. “But you see, Robyn, the difference is I didn’t ask her, I just told her.” 

My fingers dug deep into her breast flesh as I kneaded them carefully. I had to make damn sure that the lotion would provide complete coverage, who wants sun-burned boobs? As her breasts had never seen the light of day, they definitely needed a lot of sunblock. Ashley just smiled at me and made little cooing sounds, especially when I finally finished and tweaked her nipples for a few seconds.

“Goddammit,” exclaimed MG as she got up from her chair. “I’m going to the restroom for a couple minutes. I won’t be long.”

“I might go with you,” said Sandra as she stood up, too. “Why didn’t we bring a hot stud?”

“Because we married corporate assholes who are probably banging their secretaries right now instead of us.” The two girls walked to the little restroom building a couple hundred feet away.

When, an hour later, I rubbed lotion on Ashley’s ass cheeks as she laid on her front, I made sure to make another little show of it… kneading her bottom with my strong hands… my fingers visibly sliding under the little string… her body jumping a little as my fingers went down her crack… touching her privates as she spread her legs slightly open. 

Bernadette shook her head at me and ordered another pitcher of margaritas before heading to the bathroom again to Jill off. Sandra just watched with a very intent look on her face. 

Robyn winked at me. “Can I be next?”

Ashley had told me that Robyn was one of the two single girls on the trip, besides herself. Originally a native of Hawaii, her family came to the mainland when she was in her teens because of the death of her father. Her dark, beautiful skin had lots of natural sun protection, and, well, I knew she was teasing but I didn’t want any complications. My brain was having enough issues with my hands touching Ashley like I was and seeing all the various other bare breasts and nearly naked ass-cheeks. 

“Oh… I think you might have to get one of the other girls to handle that for you. My hands are only for Ashley.”

Smooth move, Ex-Lax. That sounded really stupid.

“Aw baby,” moaned Ash. “That’s so sweet. But you can rub her butt, it’s fine.”

“Oh sure. But then I’d have to rub MG’s ass, and Rachael’s, and everyone else’s. And that’s a lot of work for me, ya know? I’m on vacation!”

That got a few snickers at least from the gals. Yes, this was every man’s dream to be with so many hot women, topless women, but I knew if I did something stupid my relationship with Ashley would suffer, and I didn’t want that at all

After about an hour passed, Ashley said she had to go to the ‘loo.’

“I think it’s called el bano down here. But, loo is very cute,” I teased. 

“I went to London after college, that’s what they call it there. Or else water closet. But I like loo.”

In addition to our group, there had to have been eighty to a hundred other people at the pool, including lots of eligible men of all ages who checked out our flock with staggering regularity. So when Ash announced that she had to make some southside lemonade, I immediately stood to go with her.

She reached for her bikini top but I put my hand on it, stopping her. “You’ll be fine. I’m coming with you.”


“But we are in Mexico, and it’s all right. I’ll be with you every step. Come on now.”

I held my hand out and she took it, standing up… her long and lean body soaking in the afternoon rays. 

“Can I put on my hat at least?”

I reached for it and her sunglasses, which she quickly put on. Then I placed my hand at the small of her back for reassurance. The fact that two of my fingers slipped under her thong string wasn’t lost on Ashley.

As we walked down the curving sidewalk, the majority of the eyes in the pool area were looking at us. Well, not really me, but the beautiful nearly-naked woman at my side. I could tell Ash wasn’t comfortable at first, but she seemed to gain confidence with every step she took. 

“People are looking at me, Daddy.” Her whispered voice sounded so vulnerable and sexy. 

“People like to look at beautiful things, Ashley. And you are by far the most beautiful person within a hundred miles of here.”

There was still a bit of apprehension in her laughter, but I could tell she was becoming more comfortable.  As she began to relax, her stiff gait changed into a more provocative, sexy saunter as her hips began to gently sway from side to side. 

“You like this, baby, don’t you?” 

Her face broke into a little blush. “Yes, Daddy, I do.” 

Once we reached the restrooms, I promised her I’d be waiting for her when she came out, but I had to go also. When she disappeared into the bathroom, I went inside the men’s room and stood in front of the urinal. Just as I was letting a strong stream flow, a very Italian-looking younger guy took the urinal next to me.  He had muscles on top of muscles, tats, fashionable short haircut, about six foot two… great…

“You’se gotta be like, the luckiest guy here, know what I’m sayin’?” I wasn’t expecting the heavy Jersey accent, this was a long way from the east coast.

“Don’t I know it! Thanks man.” I tried pissing harder but it will really only go so fast.

“Yeah so, you know I was thinking, my girl is smokin’ hot too. Maybe we could, you know, have a drink and hang out, you’se guys and us. We could party, ya know? It could be real fun, I’m tellin’ ya!”

Fortunately, I reached the end of my stream. “That’s an awesome offer, thank you. But we’re here with a bunch of friends as a group, so I think I’ll have to pass.” 

But Tony, he could only be a ‘Tony,’ wouldn’t give up. He followed me to the sink and as we washed hands, he tried to get me to change my mind. “Yeah I seen you over dere,” he pronounced ‘there’ with a ‘d’, “with all dem girls. You banging ‘em or what? Come on!”

I winked at him. “Of course I am. I gotta get back, see ya around, Tony.”

“Hey, how’d you know my name?”

I waved at him and went back out to wait for Ashley, but she emerged from her restroom just as I got there. My hand around her waist this time, we began walking back to our chairs. I must say, it was nice having her bare breast bump into me as we walked.

“I just got an offer to swap, you interested?” I teased Ash.

“With who?”

“Uh… Guido over there… standing by the bar.”

Ash looked and spotted him, and what had to be his girlfriend. Crazy hair that was teased up to the sky like some 80’s movie, fake tan, so much makeup that you couldn’t possibly tell what she really looked like, and, the coup de grace, implants the size of… well… they were freaking enormous and looked kind of stupid. Poor thing, I thought. 

“Uh… you said no thanks, right?”

“Yes, but we could change our minds! There’s still time, I’m sure.”

“Ugh. No, I’ve got my man.”

We got back to the girls who all stood up when we arrived… six, no, seven topless women (with breasts and legs and torsos all covered in oil) surrounded me. Penis, settle the fuck down, please!

Rachael announced, “Javier is going to take our picture! Come on, line up!”

Robyn dashed in next to me on my left side, and I already had Ashley by the waist. 

“Hey now!” complained Rachael. “I wanted to stand next to our stud muffin!”

But Robyn just smiled and said with a smile in her voice, “Sorry! It seemed like a race, so…”

I put my hand around Robyn’s waist and she slid up against me, her very perky breast and stiff nipple rubbing into my side. Steady… Ashley turned a few degrees towards me and squashed her breast into my other side. Steady… Rachael stood in front of us for a second, then raised her hands in the air and shook her body side to side— her very large breasts swinging out from her chest and almost hitting us. Fuck! Hard-on has been engaged!

The girls lined up, arms around the next girl, with me in the center. Javier must have taken a hundred pictures as we mugged for the camera. Eventually, our line broke as the girls started posing wilder and crazier; hugging each other and grabbing boobs for the camera. 

Finally, Javier said, “Okay, okay, just you two, the couple in love.”

When we looked at the pictures later, I was very impressed. Javier had caught the sun behind us, low in the sky with palm trees and the beach in the background. And in the foreground was… my Ashley. And me, of course, but Ashley was the star of every photo he shot. We posed so much; hugging, holding hands, looking into each other’s eyes, kissing, my hands forming a hand bra for her, just so many lovely shots of us. Ashley didn’t seem to care that she was topless, she never showed an instant of regret or remorse. 

Javier finally snapped his last pic as the sun set completely, and our band of merry women (and me) began to poop out. Mira was not feeling well due to the hot sun and the copious amount of alcohol she consumed.  It looked as if regurgitation was in the cards so Robyn took her back to their room. Some of the other gals were yawning, we were all pretty tired after drinking so much all day long. 

“Alright ladies,” announced Racheal. “Sleep in, because we’re going partying tomorrow night!”

We responded with a few half-hearted cheers as we all picked up our stuff and settled the bills with Javier. 

“You were great, again,” Ashley spoke softly to me, her head on my shoulder as we slowly walked to our casita. “I was a little worried, to be honest. But the girls really seem to like you, get along with you.”

“I’m glad, too. I was afraid they’d treat me like someone’s dad or something. But it didn’t seem like I put a damper on anything.”

“Yeah not all. We’re just old and tired I suppose. This is our… eleventh or twelfth trip coming down here. Those first few years, we didn’t even sleep the first twenty-four hours! Now, the sun is down and we’re all going night night!”

As we entered our room, Ashley’s phone started going wild; Rachael was texting all the photos to everyone. 

I got us some ice waters while Ash got herself a pancho and me a sweatshirt from our room. I also snagged a magic little blue pill. Nothing was going to keep me from popping a chub if the situation called for it tonight. We went out on the patio and I lit the fireplace on the deck and sat next to it on one of our lounge chairs.

“I don’t think these will be going on Instagram,” I laughed as we scrolled through the pictures. So many nice breasts… “And you were squeezing my ass the whole time, I was having a hard enough time not getting a hard-on.”

“Uh, Daddy, look at my hand in the pictures, it’s around your waist. Robyn’s hand is missing from the shots.”

“That was… Robyn’s hand all over my butt? Oh shit, I didn’t know…”

“It’s fine, Daddy, I don’t mind. Really. Robyn and I go way back, back to high school.”

“Well, okay. I really didn’t know it was her. Jeez, you can see my bulge in some of these shots.”

“It’s impressive, Papi.” Ashley reached over and rubbed my groin. “Full disclosure, Robyn was the first person I ever kissed.”

My eyes widened. “You really kissed a girl before you kissed a guy?” 

She giggled. “Yeah.” Ashley leaned over on me and kissed my neck right back by my ear, her breasts crushing sensually into me. She nibbled on my earlobe and whispered in my ear, “Robyn also showed me how to have an orgasm…” My cock began growing to full staff. “We used to have sleepovers where we would count how many orgasms we could give ourselves.” 

Jesus! “And how, my little love, how were you achieving all these orgasms?”

Ashley ran her tongue around my entire earlobe before answering. “Sometimes, we would face each other and just rub ourselves. Or, we would get one of those long English cucumbers and we just watched each other … you know.” She paused for a moment. “Do you like hearing about this or is this weird? I can stop if it bothers you.”

By this time my left hand had cupped her bottom and my right caressed her neck and back. “Please don’t fucking stop,” I whispered. “What else… you said sometimes. What else did you do?”

“Hmmmm… we used to practice kissing, of course.”

“Of course.”

“It was all kind of… innocent. We were just exploring, you know? Usually we were also laughing hysterically much of the time.”

Ashley straddled me and my hard cock, still in its swimsuit, dammit. “But when we weren’t laughing,” she paused to kiss me full on my lips, “we discovered a lot of things.”

I slid my hands up inside her sweatshirt as she spoke. “What did you discover?” I cupped her hanging breasts firmly. Fuck, she has nice breasts.

“We discovered our various erogenous zones. I found that having my breasts played with makes me incredibly wet.”

“Is that so? Let’s see if that’s still true.” I teased and carefully caressed both her breasts. “These are spectacular, you know?” My fingers rubbed gently on her nipples.

“Mmmmm fuckkkk… I’m glad you like them… you’re like… sending lightning bolts… right to my pussy… mmm Joe! Can you… pinch my nipples… harder… it’s okay I promise. Yes, like that, just like that.”

I was squeezing fairly hard, I thought. Twisting her nipples, pulling them as she rested on her hands. 

“You can go harder. Robyn used to… use her fingernails.”

“Alright let’s get this sweatshirt off then.” We quickly got that off her, then I peeled her little bikini bottom down her thighs. I shucked my shorts, too. The breeze was still somewhat warm and the gas fire pit was blazing nicely so staying warm wasn’t a problem. 

I laid back on the reclining lounge chair with my hard cock fully extended. “Why don’t you get comfortable on this and I’ll keep playing with the girls.” 

Ashley smiled that sexy grin of hers. “Yeah, let’s do that. I haven’t had your cock in me for like, half a day.”

She straddled my hips and then held my cock as she scooted back… sitting on my cock… her weight crushing down around him… fuck yes. Ash wasn’t kidding about breast play making her wet, she slid so easily onto my steely post. 

As she leaned forward, her breasts dangled right at my face. Perfect. I held them again, pinching her nipples hard and pushing my face into them so I could move my head side to side, motorboating her as she slowly moved up and down on my cock. 

“Come on Papi.”

I gave her a quizzical look as if to say, come on and… do what?

“I told you, Robyn dug into my nipples with her nails.”

She stopped fucking me and looked at me intensely, her skin bathed in the flickering firelight. “I…  I… want you to… bite them.”

“But… that will hurt you, won’t it?”

She started moving again on me, raising herself up and then settling back down slowly, purposefully. “Yes, Daddy. Yes, it will. I want you to… hurt me… that way.”

I’d never done anything like this before. Yes, I had seen more than a few porno scenes involving BDSM, but I never met anyone who was submissive like this. My soon-to-be ex-wife was aggressive and combative, certainly not submissive. The thought of… hurting someone had always gotten me excited but here, this was really happening and she wanted me to hurt her, actually cause harm to her. It went against my lifelong way of thinking—Don’t hit girls

But her insistence made me give in to her demands. I squeezed her left breast, the slightly larger one, roughly and it made her nipple stick out unnaturally. My lips encircled her hard bud, and I drew as much of it as I could into my mouth. I suckled hard, my teeth scraping against her breast flesh digging in somewhat.

“Yes Daddy! Yes… keep doing that… mm hmm… now, bite down.”

She’s asking me to do this. I brought my jaw together, my teeth closing around the base of her nipple. Her moans increased, so I bit down harder. Her squeals soon turned to whimpers as my teeth were a mere fraction of an inch apart, separated only by the thin skin of her areola. 

Ashley ground hard on me, adjusting herself so she could rub her clit better on me. I… let myself go and got more into it, got more comfortable with delivering the pain she asked for; I absolutely loved biting her breast.

I knew she was close, so I quickly switched breasts. The sudden, new pain caused her body to jerk several times before she arched her back… and squirted all over my cock and crotch. Her screams, a mix of pain and pleasure, echoed on the patio and got the neighbor’s attention again. I could hear some clapping and hooting from both sides of the casita, but Ashley was lost in her own hedonistic fog and didn’t seem to notice.

I released her breast as she collapsed forward on top of me, utterly spent. Her cheeks were wet with tears but she was giggling, panting, cooing, and moaning too as my raging cock, still inside her, made little up and down thrusts in her sex. 

“I love you so much, baby,” I whispered. I could feel a few new tears on my neck as she had buried her face there, too exhausted to hold herself up to be kissed. “You’re amazing, I… loved what we just did. Was it okay for you?”

She vigorously nodded her head and snaked her arms under me, molding her body perfectly to mine. We lay like this for several minutes, just enjoying each other as I whispered sweet things to her, reassuring her that I loved her. My cock never went soft and it stayed inside her.

“Joe, you don’t think I’m… weird? Or, crazy or something?”

I rolled us over so I was laying on top of her. I propped myself up on my elbows so we could look at each other.

“Honey. You are, without a doubt, the most sensual person I’ve ever been with. Okay? I… don’t think of you as weird or crazy at all. I do think of you as sexually adventurous. I just hope I can keep up with you!”

“Are you sure? Because I’ve been with more than a few guys who seem fine with me… for a while. Then I ask for a spanking or something and they get kind of… weirded out. They treat me like I’m sketchy or some kind of skeevy ho after that.”

I laughed and then leaned down to give her a hot kiss. “Baby, my love, you’re not a skeevy ho, but you might be rather depraved, and I’m good with that, okay? Like you said to me at the pool today: Anything you want to do I will try it with you. You want spankings? That just makes my cock stiffer, swear to God. You and me? We can do anything we want to, okay? I’m open to try anything with you, just ask me.”

I started moving my hips up and down slightly, fucking her gently. 

“I used to dream of you,” she whispered as we made gentle love. “Daydream, you know? And you would be… oh that’s nice, squeeze my ass… touch my asshole, Daddy… what was I saying?”


“Right. I would imagine us together like this, all soft and sensuous and romantic, but I would also imagine other things.”


“Like… being restrained, tied down. And you… you were…”

“What was I doing, Ashley? Tell me.” I was breathing harder at this point.

“You would… punish me.” She turned her head and closed her eyes tight, apparently ashamed.

I got up on one elbow and used my other hand to encircle her throat; not squeezing but just exerting the slightest bit of pressure.

I spoke with my teeth clenched. “I will give you what you want, my love.” I increased the pressure on her throat just slightly. She turned her head and opened her eyes, and they widened even more when I upped the pressure a little more.

“Are you okay, Ash?”

She smiled, even as her face began to turn a few shades darker. 

“Grunt once for me.” She did. “If you want me to stop, grunt three times, okay?” She grunted, just once.

“Good girl, and such a bad girl!” She grunted just once, again.

I began fucking her harder; taking longer strokes to where I pulled my cock back out at least three-quarters of the way before slamming back into her. I relaxed my grip on her throat and she breathed deep and hard for a few moments.

“You okay baby?” I asked, still thrusting hard.

“Yes, Papi. That was scary but… I loved it. Oh my God… it was so intense.”

“Let’s get these legs nice and opened up, shall we?” I raised up and she lifted her legs so her thighs were against her breasts, and I stuffed a pillow under her ass. I laid back down on her, my cock splitting her wide open. 

“Ash, you’re almost ready to come, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Daddy… just a little more.”

Just as most poker players had a giveaway, or ‘tell’, when they were bluffing or had a winning hand, Ashley had a ‘tell’ when she was about to come; her eyes began to flutter and her breathing changed to very rapid, shallow breaths.  

I put my hand back on her throat when her eyes fluttered and I gently squeezed. Her eyes widened fully at the sudden shock, then her body stiffened as her orgasm hit her. I squeezed a little tighter as she thrashed beneath me. 

In those few seconds where she couldn’t breathe at all, this overwhelming feeling of power nearly overwhelmed me. I felt like I owned her, I controlled everything about her. She was mine.

Also during these few seconds, I felt her first squirt around my cock, so I backed up just an inch so it could spray better; and Ashley soaked herself and me as her squirt droplets rained all over her stomach, chest, and face.

I released her throat and let out a caveman-like roar as my own orgasm surprised me; I soaked her insides with so much semen as she trembled and gasped beneath me.

My hands found hers and I pressed them into the lounge chair while also letting her legs fall back down to their regular position. We kissed passionately as little tremors still quaked through both our bodies for the next couple minutes… I’d never had an orgasm like this, like a long rolling wave that didn’t just peak and drop after five seconds. But this time, the head of my cock was so sensitive that it actually hurt even as it felt like he was still coming; that combination of pain and pleasure made my orgasm even more intense.

I was so spent I couldn’t support my weight and I didn’t want to crush her. I rolled to her side and lay on my back, breathing deeply. Ashley reluctantly let me go, but then she bent over my diminishing cock and took him in her mouth. 

She’s… cleaning my cock. Sucking down both of our juices and swallowing them. Fuckkkkk!

“Get up here and kiss me, love.”

“Sure. Oh, wait, one second.” She slurped up some liquids from my balls and then came up to kiss me. 

“Mmmmm” I moaned as I tasted my own cum in her kiss. Ashley then planted little gentle, loving kisses all over my face, turning me into jelly.

“Joe,” she whispered.


“What are you doing to me?” 

Confused, I opened my eyes. “Um, what do you mean?”

“The way you made love to me, the way you fucked me. It… I don’t know.”

I wrapped her up in my arms as she laid her head on my chest. “Is something wrong, honey? Because if there is we—“

“No, that’s not it at all. It was… more of a rhetorical question, I guess.”

I kissed her gently on the top of her head. “Tell me what’s on your mind, Ash.”

She turned her head and looked up at me. “I’ve… never felt like that before, never come so hard as I just did.” 

“I have never come like that, either. Honest. That’s not a bad thing, is it?”

“It’s… not bad. Just different. When you were… well… choking me…” her voice faltered. 

“It’s okay, love. Say it, please. I want to know how you felt.”

“I felt… so out of control… like you controlled everything about me… and I loved it. I mean, I was scared shitless but at the same time I was… I never felt so loved, so totally loved as right then.”

“You felt that way because I have never loved anyone like I do you. And by the way, that was completely mind-blowing for me, I swear to God. I felt so connected to you and like… I owned you or something.”

“Yes! That’s it! I couldn’t find the words but that’s them, you owned me, and I want you to own me again… (kiss)… and again… (kiss)… and forever…” 

After I broke the passionate embrace, I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to our bed. I gently laid her down and crawled in beside her, spooning her tight against my body. “I love you and I’m crazy about you,” she whispered. 

A little smile broke over my face and I heard her breathing change and I knew she’d fallen asleep. 

– – – – –

I woke up, alone, to the sound of voices, female voices. Is the TV on in the main room? I looked at the clock; a little after nine at night. That’s a nice two-hour nap. We hadn’t really had dinner, and I was a bit hungry. I put on my board shorts and started to walk out into the main room of the suite, but I heard Ashley’s voice very distinctly as I got closer to the door…

“… and yeah, it scares me. Sex with him is so intense. I have never felt like this before.”

“What about Steve last year? You were so in love with him.” I think that’s Robyn talking?

“That was like… puppy love compared to Joe. This guy, he… he’s nothing like anyone I’ve ever met before.”

“And he sneaks around and eavesdrops, too!” I said, startling the girls as I strode into the room. They were sitting on the sectional couch in shorts and t-shirts, both obviously braless.. “Hi Robyn, good to see you. Will you excuse me for a moment?” 

“Of course,” she said as I smothered Ashley on the couch. I kissed her lovingly, but just for a few seconds as we had a guest. 

“How long were you listening?” she asked me, beaming at me after that kiss. 

“Just long enough to find out I scare you. It’s okay, though. You scare me too. What’s up Robyn? You guys hungry?”

“We were just talking about that before Ashley got all gushy about you,” Robyn responded. “We could eat a little something.”

“How’s Mira doing? She didn’t look so good there at the end.”

Robyn chuckled. “That’s why I’m over here. I got tired of the vomiting and the moaning. She’ll be alright, though.”

“Well, how about you two order some room service, whatever you want. Just get me some meat and make sure it has some of that Mexican cheese on it. I need to shower.”

I headed back to the bedroom and turned on the water, it got hot in just a few seconds. This is probably the nicest shower I’ve ever been in. Glass walls, two rain-type shower heads coming out of the ceiling and a couple of massage heads on flexible silver hoses, this shower also was big enough for a poker game. 

Ahhhhhhh… hot water… cascading gently from above… wash away my—

“You got some room in there?” Ashley’s voice rang out. 

“Yeah sure!” I called out. I hadn’t opened my eyes yet as my head was still directly under the rainfall head. So, I was rather surprised to feel two hands on my shoulders, and another two hands on my ass.

“I hope you don’t mind,” Ashley whispered sexily from behind me.  

I turned around and wiped my eyes… and there stood two lovely ladies, stark naked, in the big shower with me.

“I thought it would be rude to just leave her out there alone,” Ashley seductively cooed.  

This was so completely unexpected and my mind was having difficulty processing the situation. Ashley and I had never talked about a threesome before, we were so into each other the topic just never came up. But… she brought a naked Robyn to me in the shower. That means that Ash has given me her tacit consent to… to what? Kiss Robyn? Touch her? Fuck her? She had just revealed some of her past sexual adventures with her, and she knew it turned me on. Looks like it’s ‘Game On.’

All that internal thinking took about three seconds. I smiled at Ashley, turned to Robyn, and smiled at her too. Then I snaked an arm around each of their waists and pulled them into me. 

Slightly taller than Ashley at maybe 5’7”, her island skin contrasted with my pale complexion. Her lithe body, long brown hair, completely shaved pussy, perfectly lovely little breasts, and cute-as-a-button face all combined to make one very hot package. 

My cock stiffened as I held the two giggling friends. 

“So… what happens next?” Robyn asked, smiling at me.

“Um… what are the ground rules, Ash?”

She gave me a huge grin. “Robyn and I never had any rules, and everything always worked out just great.”

I looked back and forth at the girls. “No rules then, sounds good to me! Ashley, if you would be so kind, lean up against the glass over here?”

She put both hands against the glass and playfully stuck her ass out. Her breasts hung down and looked spectacular.

“Now, open those legs, little missy.” Only the lower part of one leg remained in the overhead flow of water.

“Yeah,” Robyn joined in. “Spread ‘em.” Robyn seemed to have read my mind as she unhooked the flexible sprayer from the wall and turned it on to the massage setting; the hot water pulsed from the showerhead. I grabbed the small square washcloth and the container of body wash. 

“You better hose her down good,” I offered. Robyn obliged and held the pulsating showerhead over Ashley’s shoulders, slowly moving it from side to side and down her arched back. I stared, fixated by the sight of two naked women in my shower. Finally, Robyn got down to the small of Ashley’s back. 

When Robyn directed the stream into Ashley’s ass crack, Ash moaned and stuck her ass out a little more, further exposing my woman’s vagina. When the stream hit her asshole directly, Ashley squealed to high heaven. 

“I think you found a dirty spot or something,” I teased. 

“Yeah, I think you’re right. We’d better get this extra clean.” She nodded to me and pointed the massaging sprayer at the side of Ashley’s hanging breast.

I poured a good-sized dollop of the body wash directly onto my hand, then I worked it into her ass cheeks with both hands like I did earlier with sunblock lotion. However, there was no need to hide or be circumspect about it, my fingers thoroughly and brazenly rubbed Ashley’s asshole, getting it all nice and soapy. 

“Rinse, please,” I called to Robyn, who thoroughly cleansed the area. When she finished, I bent down on one knee and began licking her clean little asshole, much to Ashley’s delight. I really enjoyed licking her butt, but even more so because of how she reacted to it. She slowly gyrated her hips, and then pushed back so the tip of my tongue entered her puckered little hole. 

I’d never been in a threesome, but Robyn was just standing there and it seemed to me she should be involved too. She’s probably a little hesitant, tooDo something!

“Ash honey, how about you stand up straight so Robyn can get in there too?”

Robyn beamed at me as she sat down on the shower floor in front of Ashley. She was also in front of me… within arms reach. We both leaned into Ashley so she was getting her asshole licked by me and her pussy licked by Robyn. 

“Oh my fucking God, you guys!”Ashley cried out as she tried to maintain her balance.Robyn’s and my chins bumped a few times as we worked our tongues in Ashley’s hot holes, and while I kept my left hand on Ashley’s thigh to keep her steady, my right hand had nothing to do. With only a moment of hesitation, I reached forward to feel Robyn’s breast.

Fuck, it’s so soft, and firm, and her nipple is so hard and actually more prominent than Ashley’s.

Robyn moaned as I gently caressed one breast and then the other, before settling on the one nearest me. I continued thrusting my tongue in Ashley’s asshole knowing how much she loved this. My fully hard cock flinched when Robyn’s hand grasped it by the shaft. When she began stroking me I moaned deeply into Ashley’s ass, hoping the vibrations sent little chills through her. 

Ashley must have looked down and seen what was going on, because she spoke in between her moans. “Oh good. You guys are… mmmm touching each other… that’s… mmmm… so fucking hot… I’m almost… fuckkkkk…”

She began shaking and trembling, her orgasm imminent. I tweaked Robyn’s nipple hard, making her scream into Ashley’s pussy. That was enough to send Ashley over the edge, she screamed to God and nearly fell over. Fortunately, Robyn and I let go of each other and helped her remain upright as she went through the throes of passion. 

When Ash returned to earth she pushed Robyn’s head down so she could swing her leg over her, and then joined us as we sat on the shower floor. Ash gave me a hard, passionate kiss, then she gave Robyn one also. Then she surprised us both. 

“You two kiss.” She saw our hesitation and said, “Really! Go ahead.” She proceeded to put her hands behind both of our heads and gently pushed us together. I still had a few milliseconds of doubt, but I quickly got over it. Our lips met and gently brushed together for a few seconds. Then she slightly parted her lips and our tongues delicately danced inside each other’s mouths.

We backed off, and I began to stand up, helping them to their feet. “You know, I think we ought to hurry up with this shower and, uh, move to the bedroom.” The girls agreed and we quickly washed our hair and our bodies. At no time did my cock even consider going back down. The combination of rubbing these naked soapy bodies, and theirs rubbing mine, kept him fully occupied. Well, the Viagra I had earlier probably didn’t hurt, either.

We dried off and the girls spent about ten minutes blow drying their hair. I finally came back to the bathroom and yanked the plug from the outlet and told them their hair was dry enough. 

Robyn laid down on her back, mostly because Ashley was pushing her down. They wrapped their arms around each other in a loving embrace while their legs entwined as they began grinding their pussies together.  

My cock had quieted down quite while I waited for them to dry their hair, but watching them gyrate on each other brought him right back to fighting condition. I carefully climbed over the two of them, my cock laying in Ashley’s crevasse. That in itself felt awesome on my cock, but of course, that wasn’t enough for anybody. I wriggled down until my cock fell out into the open air… meaning he was free to move down the inch and a half and find Ashley’s pussy. I knew she would be wet, and I wasn’t disappointed as I slowly pressed him inside my woman.. 

“Oooo!” she moaned. “Robyn, he’s fucking me. Oh my God, kiss me more, baby!”

I pounded her pussy as hard as I could, slamming my cock repeatedly into her. Like Ashley said to me at the pool, sometimes it’s like a switch gets thrown and I turn into a caveman. I pushed down on her back, putting more weight behind my cock so I could fuck her harder. The two girls couldn’t kiss anymore as my rough fucking jerked them around too much. I rose up on one hand so I could spank her ass hard with the other. I don’t know what Robyn was feeling from all this, but I knew Ashley was getting close. My cock was a bit insensitive from the Viagra, he was just a steely fucking machine.

“Baby,” I panted. “Let go of Robyn. We’re gonna… (gasp) I’m gonna roll you over… come with me.” I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her with me as I rolled onto my back so that Ashley laid on her back on top of me, my cock still impaled inside her.

“Robyn, lick her and… be ready.”

Ashley’s weight on my cock provided a lot of good friction for both of us and I got a really good grip on her breasts, squeezing them hard and rough as I fucked her from beneath. 

“Rub your pussy, baby,” I whispered. “Spray her, she’ll love it.” I squeezed her breasts hard as she gasped and moaned. I felt Robyn crawling around down there so she must have settled her mouth on Ashley’s wet pussy. Ashley’s breathing increased but also shallowed to where she was just taking fast but short little breaths, like a dog panting. I found it sexy as I knew it meant she was very close. I slid one hand from her breast and moved it to her throat, where I squeezed a little. My fingers on my other twisted and pulled her nipple repeatedly.

“Are you my whore?” I growled.

“Uh-huh,” she squeaked.

“Fucking say it then.”

“I’m… (pant)… I’m your whore… (pant)… Daddy’s… (pant)… Daddy’s fucking whore.” Words seemed to be a struggle for her, maybe because I was choking her a bit harder than I thought? 

I growled again through my clenched teeth. “I can fuck you anywhere, any hole, right?” My voice sounded pretty menacing, which was my aim.

“Fuck me Daddy… (pant)… fuck all my holes… (pant)… use me… (pant)… I’m yours… fuck fuck fuck!”

“Don’t come yet!”

What!” she wailed.

“You heard me, little girl. Don’t come yet!! Don’t come until I say you can.”

Ash grunted as she got simultaneously fucked and licked. Her whole body squirmed under the mounting pressure of her orgasm, just a little bit more!

“Who owns you?” I roared. “Tell Robyn.”

“You own me… (pant) fuck, my Daddy owns me .. (pant) … I love you Daddy, just… (pant)… use me, hurt me… (pant)… just let me… (pant)… let me fucking come!”

“Are you my good girl?” I squeezed her breast as hard as I could, my hand trying to make a fist with her breast flesh inside it.

Aaauuughhh!” she screamed. “I’m your bitch Daddy!” she screamed again. I loved it. I released my grip on her throat so she could scream louder. “I’m your fucking bitch! Your fucking cunt!”

“Good girl! Now, come. Come for me. Come for Robyn. Show her what you’ve got!”

Ashley let out a high-pitched squeal, but as she began to breathe in I squeezed her throat hard again.

From my vantage point underneath Ashley, I saw Robyn rise up, her face in shock and wonder as strong streams of pussy fluid sprayed her face and body. Ashley jerked hard as her orgasm exploded, thrashing around crazily like she was being electrocuted. I released her throat and she gulped fresh air while her pussy continued to pulse fluid on Robyn, who then went back down on Ashley, presumably to capture the squirts in her mouth. 

“Daddy?” Ashley whispered after a minute or so.

“Yes, love?”

“Daddy, fuck Robyn, okay?”

Music to my ears! “Are you sure?”

“Yeah… but do it right over me?”

I slid out from under Ashley and left her on her back while Robyn laid down on top of her in a classic sixty-nine; each face was in the other’s pussy. I positioned myself behind Robyn’s hot little ass, and pushed my cock into her dripping vagina. As I slowly fucked Robyn, I could feel my balls on Ashley’s nose… so decadent… and I knew my thrusts were pushing Robyn’s clit into Ashley’s face.

Robyn began mewling the moment I entered her, obviously she was very wound up and looking forward to a good orgasm. I, on the other hand, was damn near ready to explode! The thought of fucking someone other than Ashley hadn’t ever entered my mind until twenty minutes ago. Now that my cock was inside another woman, while Ashley watched from two inches away, was driving me completely crazy.

I gritted my teeth hard and tried not to think about fucking this beautiful girl; it was all I could do to not come. Fortunately, Ashley was working her magic on Robyn’s pussy and Robyn began climaxing, her vagina rhythmically clenching my cock. I finally released my pent-up semen, flooding her insides with shot after shot of hot cum. 

Bliss, pure hedonistic bliss…

I collapsed on Robyn, which also put a lot of weight on Ashley. She whimpered for a moment and I reluctantly got off her best friend, my body spent and wracked from this awesome fuck.

I watched as my cock slipped out of Robyn’s pussy and within seconds a small torrent of my white cum gushed out of her slit… into Ashley’s open mouth. 

I simply stared, my mouth agape, as this erotic scene played out in front of me. I had seen this in a thousand porn scenes but just never thought I would experience it in person. When Ashley finished licking my cum from Robyn, she pushed on Robyn’s hips so she would get off of her. Ashley then moved up to Robyn so they could kiss… and share my cum… swapping it back and forth a couple of times before they both swallowed what was in their mouths.  

I descended on the pair and kissed both of them as we all hugged, our bodies lying in a tangled heap on the bed for a few minutes. 

Finally, we took a little break to rest, and Robyn asked Ashley, right in front of me, “So… how much does he know?”

“Well,” Ash began, “now he knows… almost everything.”

Almost? Doesn’t he deserve to know it all?”

“I think he does, yes. Why don’t you tell him.”

Robyn smiled and turned to me. “You ready to hear this Papi?”

I nodded my head vigorously.

… More to come

Published 3 years ago

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