The Art Of Sexual Wrestling

"The best kind of fighters"

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At the age of twenty-seven, Lena had conquered the world of female fighting. Currently, Lena sat on a five fight win streak and was on her way to becoming a legend in the sport. Lena had black hair, olive skin, an athletic build, and looked exactly like a young Gina Carano. Standing at five-foot-eight, Lena was usually taller than her opponents and practiced kickboxing.

One unique part of Lena’s game was her love for wrestling despite her kickboxing background. Lena spent the early rounds taking her opponents down and draining their energy. When the later rounds came around, Lena had fresh legs while her opponents walked like zombies. In the later rounds, Lena used her kickboxing to finish off all competition. Most women who had fought Lena were so crushed from the encounter that they usually quit the sport altogether.

On a summer afternoon in small city Oregon, Lena headed to the gym, which was empty just for her. Inside of the gym was a 600 square foot room with a soft clean carpet that anyone could sleep comfortably on. Lena stripped down to her white panties, which hugged her lovely olive, golden skin as she took deep breaths. The temperature in the room had been turned to a little above room temperature in order to make it hot.

The room had a lot of cold water in it available for drinking and a mini room with a nice cozy bed. On one end of the room was a shower for anyone training to clean themselves up. For the purposes of today’s workout, Lena hadn’t showered for the past two days and only stuck with wearing deodorant. The brunette could feel her body get that sticky and hot feeling as she had a glass of water. Not long after, a visitor came into the room.

“Finally here,” said Lena, smiling.

“Had to take my time,” replied the visitor.

“Because you’re gonna get your ass kicked, Sav,” said Lena, playfully shoving the man.

Sav was Lena’s trainer for the day who worked with her on the session that took place three times a week. Standing at about six feet, Sav was a couple inches taller than Lena. Sav had jet black hair, golden skin a couple shades darker than Lena’s, six pack abs, and looked exactly like Rohit Khandelwal. Of Indian descent, Sav had prior knowledge of anatomy and physiology from his college days due to his parents wanting him to be a doctor. Instead of going with their plan, Sav became a business owner full time and a martial arts trainer on the side.

“You sure this time, champ?” asked Sav.

“Why don’t you get in uniform and then ask me, punk?” said Lena, lightly smacking Sav on the arms. Sav stripped down to his trunks, which were basically like a tight underwear, with Lena seeing the massive bulge in his pants. Who could blame Sav? He had a topless brunette with those beautiful brown nipples staring at him as her arousing musk hit the hot air.

The goal of the session was that both Sav and Lena would wrestle for five rounds, each of which was five minutes. No hitting, punching, or physical violence was allowed in the rounds itself. The only thing the two could do other than wrestle to get the best position was kiss, lick, and softly bite each other’s bodies. Smacks were only allowed if they were to the buttocks, anywhere else would end in a disqualification. If Sav came, then Lena won and if Lena had an orgasm, then Sav won. If either pinned the other for more than ten seconds, then they won the fight.

One final rule was that after two rounds, both of the competitors could get naked. Any sort of penetration during the session itself would automatically disqualify Sav but oral sex was allowed. Since the two had become familiar with each other, no referee was needed in the ordeal. All Lena had to do was call Siri to set the timer to five minutes and the session would begin.

“Alright, ready,” said Sav, hugging a standing Lena.

“Ready here too,” said Lena, hugging Sav as a rush of arousal consumed her.

“Okay, so love pledge first,” said Lena, having an arm around Sav.

“Sure, always,” said Sav, grabbing Lena’s buttocks.

The love pledge was when both Sav and Lena got on their knees and faced each other. Lena hugged Sav and kissed him on each cheek as he licked her nipples, the two lovers now aroused. Sav then hugged the softer-skinned brunette, kissed each of her cheeks, licked each armpit, and sucked each nipple. The two then locked lips and stood up together as they did it, smacking each other’s ass as they stretched out and went to the opposite end of the room smiling. Both were heavily aroused by the strong stench which came from each other’s body. Only twelve feet separated the two lovers as Lena said her magic words: “Siri, start the timer”.

Siri started the timer and nerves overcame both of the competitors as they approached each other. Lena and Sav directly approached and got a hold of each other’s bodies. Sexual Wrestling encouraged competitors to grab a hold of each other quickly and not waste time in trying to circle around for a good opportunity, at least while they still had their clothes on. The pledged aroused the lovers due to how much they whiffed each other’s natural odors, sending blood rushing in each other’s bodies. Sav and Lena hugged tightly, kissing each other on the cheeks and shoulders to see who would break.

Kisses, licks, and soft bites in the art of Sexual Wrestling were almost like punches and strikes in Mixed Martial Arts, meant to wear down the competition overtime. Sav found the sweet spot by kissing Lena’s neck and ear area while Lena focused on softly biting Sav’s shoulders. The pair hugged each other tightly as Lena pushed hard to drive Sav down to the ground, surprisingly getting the takedown on the larger man.

“Whew,” said Lena, lying on top of Sav.

Lena’s victory was short-lived as Sav put his hands around her waist and managed to roll her over, now ending up on top. Now Sav started to go to work, his body right in-between Lena’s legs as his chest and waist collapsed down. Sav kissed Lena’s shoulders and sucked on her nipples, possessed by her strong body odor. Lena’s heart pounded with the heavier man on top as her mouth was too far away to put up any bit of an offense. The bold brunette coiled her legs around Sav’s back and pressed her body close to his, softly biting his shoulders to put up some offense from the bottom.

“Ring ring ring,” said Siri, letting the competitors know the round was over.

“Whew,” said Lena, sweaty with her body hot.

“Fun,” replied Sav, letting out a deep breath as he got off of the brunette. The two headed to get some cold water and stretch for a minute before agreeing that it was time for round two as they got on the opposing ends.

“Siri, five minutes,” said Lena, eyeing down Sav.

The timer started as Sav and Lena quickly closed in on each other, their bodies much hotter due to the previous round. In the true spirit of Sexual Wrestling, the pair once again hugged each other tightly. To Lena’s surprise, Sav quickly picked her up and managed to effortlessly get her down. The moment was overwhelming for Lena, who was still trying to collect her thoughts while on the ground. Sav immediately transitioned into what they call a “half-guard” in MMA, meaning he entangled one of Lena’s legs as he sat on top of her.

Most of the second round would go almost like the first with Lena laying on her back as Sav got in all of his offense. Lena felt almost helpless as Sav continued to kiss and softly bite her sides and waist. The strong grip Sav had on Lena’s body made it tough for her to break free from anything. Meanwhile, Sav took long whiffs which continued to arouse him due to how Lena smelled. Thankfully for Lena, the second round where she was on her back the entire time ended.

“Let’s go,” said Lena, pounding her chest as she immediately stripped down nude. Sav took off his clothes too and stroked his massive brown cock, which was thick. Lena could not help but lick her lips as she saw the cock, thinking about what she was gonna do to it.

“That ends up in my mouth, this one’s over,” said Lena, smiling.

“It will be in you after the fight,” said Sav.

“More like I am going to sit on that pretty face of yours and you are eating this ass once we are done,” said a sweaty Lena, as she had some water and gave some to Sav.

“Let’s ask Siri,” said Sav.

“Oh so quick and impatient,” replied the nude Lena, stretching and jumping.

Being nude in a Sexual Wrestling match reignited the energy and stamina so much for the competitors that past fatigue faded. The first two rounds in Sexual Wrestling were not even considered that significant because of how much being clothed held back the arousal. Fighting nude meant that men had to be careful not to penetrate and were in far more danger of cumming due to all the women could do. Lena had ended a Sexual Wrestling match by taking a man’s back, coiling her legs around, and giving him a foot job until he came.

“Ready to lose in the third?” asked Lena.

“Ready to fuck you hard once I win,” replied a sweaty Sav as Lena smirked. The two walked to their ends as they readied for the real competition.

“Siri, let’s go,” said Lena, as the third round started.

Full of energy, the two competitors approached each other but were not so quick to engage. Competing nude meant that entry was everything; one wrong step could mean being in a very vulnerable position. For a solid minute, Lena and Sav faked going in on a take down with each other. Finally, Sav rushed in and managed to push Lena against the wall with his arms coiled around her waist.

“Uh,” said Lena, as Sav pressed his body against hers and sniffed her sweaty face. The arousal from Lena’s odor made Sav’s cock as hard as a rock but it only pressed against her right thigh, not being sandwiched, which meant that Lena couldn’t rub her legs together to make Sav cum.

“Damn you’re good,” said Lena, breathing hard as her heart race.

Sav’s arms around Lena’s waist meant that she could reach down to stroke the cock or put up any threatening offense. Meanwhile, Sav kissed Lena’s cheeks, neck, and licked her behind the ears as she moaned with her eyes closing. The muscular man’s abs rubbed against the brunette’s cleanly shaven pussy, causing her heart to race. Due to how Lena’s head rested on Sav’s shoulders, she was at the mercy of his licks, kisses, nibbles, and soft bites. Sav always got an arousing reaction and moan out of Lena whenever he kissed and licked her armpits.

“Fuck, uh! Huh!” said Lena, letting out a long breath as Sav licked her left armpit.

Lena felt engulfed from the pressure of Sav and her inability to break away from his powerful hold. The brunette took deep breaths while Sav stayed active in licking, kissing, softly biting, and sniffing her face. As Sav’s muscular, hard-skinned body constantly rubbed against the aroused brunette, she threw her hands up as her eyes almost automatically closed. Sav locked lips with Lena, who ran her hands through his head, turning the competitive ordeal into a nightclub make out.

“Round over,” said Siri, as the third round ended.

Lena found herself awkwardly walking to get water, losing a lot of the fire she had in her muscles, which had made her so fast at the start. The brunette took long deep breaths as her body was overcome with electric feelings of arousal due to being so tightly pressed against Sav. Sav, on the other hand, was fresh and had a hard cock he gently stroked, feeling an almost euphoric vibe from the round. The man’s rough-skinned body rubbing against the soft-skinned brunette coupled in with her arousing odor had Sav wanting to prolong the interaction. Lena had to sit down as she slowly consumed water, her heart violently pounding in arousal.

“No more words?” asked an energetic Sav, seeing a tired Lena sitting down.

“It ain’t over,” replied Lena, taking some deep breaths as she had some water, her legs vibrating. Sav picked up on the tense nature of the brunette along with her slower walk, realizing how well the last round had gone for him. While usually quick to call Siri, the brunette was now catching her breath and trying to cool down the electric feelings in her body which had somehow made their way in-between her legs.

“So, is Siri taking a water break too?” asked Sav, teasing Lena.

“No, are you done with yours? I was waiting forever,” replied Lena, talking quickly yet in an angry tone.

“All done,” said Sav, finishing after a sip.

“Finally!” replied a clearly agitated Lena, walking to her end. Lena collected her breath as her body was still flowing with a shocking and hot arousal. All Lena could do was stare down Sav with a blank stare on her face.

“So we going to tell Siri anything?” asked Sav.

“Siri, go!” said Lena, quickly.

Sav immediately went towards Lena, who was much slower to approach him. In a simple yet assertive manner, the man went for a takedown on the exhausted brunette and got it with ease. Instead of getting into any kind of a guard, Sav just put his arms around the brunette’s waist and shoved his face against her pussy. Soon, Lena’s lower body started to vibrate and she had an orgasm. The sweaty brunette lay flat on her back, breathing heavily through her mouth as she fingered herself. Fluids came out as Lena moaned before letting out one more loud breath, accepting that she had lost.

“Hey, good match,” said Lena, slowly sitting up nude and giving Sav a hug.

“For sure,” said Sav, kissing Lena on both cheeks as her odor continued to arouse him.

“Well, you won, so here’s the winner’s spoils,” said Lena, putting an arm around Sav as she gave him his back. Sav was permanently under the spell, kissing the soft skin of the brunette as his heart violently raced.

“Don’t mind if I do,” replied Sav, in a soft, whispering tone. The man continued to kiss the soft skin while grabbing the hips tightly, massaging them to the point that Lena’s body danced.

“I can use a good one after that,” said Lena, laughing.

The passionate affair continued except Lena was very compliant, smiling and dancing her body as Sav kissed her shoulders and neck. Lena put her wet moist fingers in her anus to stretch it out for her lover who had bested her, seeing his cock get as hard as a rock from all the kissing of her soft body. Sav saw the ordeal and instead put his longer and thicker-skinned middle finger in Lena’s ass, getting her to moan as her hips vibrated. The rough hands were placed on Lena’s inner thighs, massaging the soft skin.

Perhaps the two things that won Sav the match more than anything were the appreciation of Lena’s soft olive skin and her arousing natural odor. Sav was glued to Lena’s soft-skinned body, which had been bombarded with hundreds of kisses, licks, nibbles and soft bites by the time the match had ended. The discipline Sav kept in not cumming had earned Lena’s respect. Even as his middle finger wiggled inside of Lena’s ass, Sav had his face pressed against Lena’s, kissing her behind the ear and softly nibbling on her soft skin. The kissing and loving from Sav had a cumulative effect on Lena, who was destined to lose due to an orgasm being imminent.

“Yeah yeah, booty says welcome,” said Lena, her soft arm around Sav who could not help but softly bite it.

In an almost smooth motion, the cock went inside of Lena’s ass. Lena closed her eyes at threw her arms up, stretching as Sav kissed and nibbled on her armpit while grabbing her waist. The horny brunette started to dance her lower body in a Salsa like sensation while being continuously kissed by Sav. Sav took deep whiffs of the sweaty brunette as his hard cock almost sat in her anus, aroused by the dancing sensation of the body housing it.

“Muah, muah, muah,” said Sav, his eyes halfway closed as all he could do was continue to kiss that soft beautiful skin while his heart pounded.

“Huah!” said Lena, stretching her kneeled body high as she collapsed forward into a doggy style position.

Sav grabbed the buttocks tightly, aroused by how soft the skin felt as he started to pound his cock in Lena’s ass. For about a few seconds, Sav thrusted his body back and forth against Lena’s ass but realized that he missed that special ingredient. Having wrestled nude with the brunette, Sav could not stand to have his nose and mouth so far away from her skin. In fact, the love for Lena’s soft skin and powerful odor is what had given Sav such a decisive victory in their competition.

Sexual Wrestlers are by nature lovers, wanting to grab on and make love to their competitor. The love for the opponent’s body is what allows the Sexual Wrestler to overwhelm the competition with arousal. For a passionate Sexual Wrestler, it is those tight hugs on a sweaty body, the powerful odors, and the mouth and nose being on their opponent which excite them. Ejaculation and simple sex are not enough because that means the love is over; for a Sexual Wrestler, love is a long drawn-out grind.

“Fuck,” said Sav, wanting the intimacy back.

The aroused lover shifted his arms from Lena’s buttocks to her waist, having a grip around it. In a careful way, Sav collapsed his body on top of Lena’s. Now Sav’s waist was all on Lena’s back as his mouth could easily kiss her behind the ears or on the neck. The nose being so close to Lena’s face meant that Sav got those arousing smells again, whiffing the woman fully as he softly kissed her. Whiffs, sniffs, kisses of the soft skin, and the constant grinding is what aroused Sav, who couldn’t even be won over with the anal offered on a silver platter.

“Hurgh!” said Lena, rolling over a bit as she now lay on her side.

Sav took the time to now suck on the breasts of the beautiful brunette as he spooned her. The aroused man still took the time to kiss the skin and sniff it as Lena became overcome with arousal. After a lot of heavy breathing and the tight arousal from the close physical contact, Sav came in Lena’s ass. Even after all of this, the two lovers could not help but kiss each other.

“That was damn good,” said a tired Lena.

“You’re just too fun,” replied Sav.

“I mean you had me in that round, you pressed me against the wall and I gave out after that man,” said Lena, stretching a bit with a dreamy look in her eyes.

“Yeah, you’re just so easy to love,” replied Sav, getting a whiff of Lena again as he kissed her cheeks and locked lips with the nude brunette.

Published 3 years ago

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