My name is Shannon, and I work for an affluent college just outside of Chicago. I recently turned 30 years old, and have been single for the majority of my life. Admittedly, it’s been an easy way to go for me and my finances since my parents were well off ever since I can remember. In fact, their large, charitable donations to the college landed me the job five years ago. I didn’t see the point in working since money was never an issue for us, but now I clearly enjoy having a Monday through Friday job in the bursar’s office on campus.
I’ve never lasted longer than a year in any of my relationships, with both men and women. I began experimenting with other women when I was at college– the very one I work for now.
It was the typical “curiosity killed the cat” thing, yet a few relationships proved far more meaningful than others. Not to sound haughty, but I was very proud of my features… Very busty, and lots of curves to explore. My measurements have been virtually identical since I reached my zenith at 25… 38d-30-38. I was given my raven tresses and eyes from my mother, and my abundant features from my father. And I also inherited a shapely, full backside from my dear Mother, whom, even to this day, is a complete and total knockout.
In the winter, my skin emanates an nice olive complexion, and in the summer, it turns to a nice, evenly tanned chestnut hue. Anyone who thinks plentiful and larger women are not attractive, then I say to them; don’t limit yourself to just one type. Of the women I have bedded, the absolute best have been the ones who weren’t your People magazine cover girls.
Being of an independent nature most of my life, I always tried avoiding any long-term commitments. I receive a lot of offers from both sexes, yet I try to be discreet and somewhat selective in who I go out with. And considering where I work, there are always batches of young men and women to gaze and admire. Yet one in particular caught my eye one day…
David was a fresh faced, handsome freshman that had stumbled into the bursar’s office one day for some help with his living arrangements. My co-workers were all at lunch, and I was the only one there who could help. Immediately, my eyes noticed something different about this young man. He was a tall, very attractive 18 year old who obviously seemed out of place in his first year there. Yet his demeanor didn’t seem to reflect any type of arrogance of self-assurance.
His features held the bluest eyes, almost like two sapphires staring right at you. His styled, light brown hair fit nicely into his boyish charm… a smooth, acne free face didn’t seem too manly. In fact, his face partially reminded me that of a woman’s. I didn’t make a practice of dating the students. If it did happen, it would usually be with the seniors. That way if the relationship ended in disaster, I wouldn’t have to see them the next year. But something about David made me want to know more.
After a congenial, friendly conversation, David and I soon had his problem solved. I could tell he was very shy and somewhat intimidated by my outward sexuality. I am a very outspoken and open woman, and blatantly complimented David on his good looks. I was dressed in a revealing gray suit that day, one that hugged my voluptuous, curvy figure. At times, I kept noticing David peeking at my full, rounded ass when I was up walking around, or at another desk. My senses could tell he too was intrigued. I soon bridged the opportunity by asking him for dinner that night. He accepted.
I decided to wear one of my black cocktail dresses to dinner that night. I ended up taking him to one of my favorite downtown restaurants in Chicago. He too dressed for the occasion, and looked radiant as he escorted me into the establishment. The atmosphere was perfect for a classic seduction… and that, I will admit was intentional. The thoughts and visions of him between my legs kept swirling throughout my head, and before this night was finished, I knew I had to have him inside me.
Coming back to my home, safely located outside the suburbs, I invited David inside. He knew as well as I did what we both obviously wanted. But I could tell he was bashful and reserved about staring too long at me. “David, it’s okay to look at me. I didn’t wear this dress just to be warm tonight,” I said as we sat in the dark, lowly lit den.
“I’m sorry. I just didn’t want you to think that’s all I wanted tonight.” He said. I smiled, standing up in front of him. What a sweet boy, I thought. His manners were flawless the entire evening, courteous, respectful, and ever the gentleman. Glowing with passion and appetite, my hands reached for the thin spaghetti straps that clung to my tan shoulders, and pulled them slowly down my shoulders. My eyes on his the entire time, I watched as he saw the thin material slide down my curvy body. He was mesmerized.
Remembering his stares at my backside, I turned around as I continued to peel the dress down the arch of my back. With the material hugging the width of my ass cheeks, I glanced back at David– intentionally swaying my wide hips slowly… He was hooked, and I knew it.
“Tell me what you like about me, David,” I whispered as the dress fell upon the floor. He stammered, obviously uncomfortable at verbalizing his desires– as most people typically are.
“It’s just… nice.” He managed to utter.
“What else, David? I see the way you’re looking at me– my ass. What do you like about it?”
I continued as I backed up, narrowing the gap between his face and the softened texture of my cheeks. I could hear his breathing swell.
“God, it’s… just…” he floundered.
“Round?” I said.
He sighed with appreciation. “Oh God yes. So beautiful.”
“So you like girls with a full ass?” I cooed as I inched closer to him.
“Uh-huh.” He managed to reply.
“Put your hands on it, David. It’s okay. I want you to touch me. Feel my ass in your hands.”
I said as his palms quickly placed themselves on each supple orb.
He was clumsy at first, yet his obvious appreciation soon translated itself into a slow, careful massage. My eyelids fluttered as David’s actions arrested my senses. A mere boy, yet I could tell he would be a skilled and thoughtful lover once properly educated. With my hair dangling freely around my neck and shoulders, I flung it back around my shoulder so I could see the look in his eyes as his grateful caresses continued.
That was something I truly got off on… the look in someone’s eyes as they were gently submerged into the waters of lust. There he sat, not once taking his eyes off my bronzed globes. His fingers pressing themselves into the plumpness of each orb… his pale ivory skin matched against the mahogany hued flesh of my ass. I shuddered.
Turning around, I began to loosen the constraints of my black-laced brazier.
The look in his eyes was of disappointment, yet fascination as the bra fell to the floor, revealing my large, motherly breasts. Not to be presumptuous, but I did feel good about my body. I glow every time I make love to a man or a woman.
I know that each lover I devour, they are genuinely satisfied with my healthy physique. I wasn’t going to torture myself or starve to be something, or someone I’m not. And as David’s youthful hands reached up to cup my savory breasts, I exhaled in elation as his face soon buried itself in my inviting cleavage. His moans became muffled between the deep valley of my bosom as my hands ran through his thick, short hair. My knees soon sat on each side of him as I easily straddled him… Nothing else mattered at this point except the two of us…
I felt the smoothness of his actions, like he intentionally took his time so he wouldn’t forget. Which compared to any other young man David’s age, made no sense whatsoever. 18 year olds usually rip their pants off just getting atop a female… this was nothing of the sort. This boy had talent. He was going to make some woman very happy one day. Except this night… he was all mine.
“I’m going to love pulling that seed from your cock tonight.” I managed to say as his hands (again) found my ass. All he could do was moan once more. This was my cue…
Locking lips with David for the first time, I could feel the shudders in his frame… There was so much anticipation in his eyes. I smiled, knowing he was going to have his first orgasm with me. The ever-growing prowler, I felt a wave of hunger wash over me… That was all the inspiration I needed to fall to my knees, and release this young man’s cock.
Flinging the zipper down, he and I thrust the cumbersome material down passed his ankles. I typically liked for my lovers to be as comfortable as possible, so I whisked his shoes and socks off all together. I hated those hastened moments of hunger when two people don’t completely shed themselves of their clothing… For me, that made it even less personal.
And then, as I crawled upward to his groin, my eyes saw the length that he was given. My mouth about dropped when I saw his massive, throbbing manhood. It must have been ten inches long, and a nice thick width. This was going to be a beautiful night indeed.
After dousing his quivering penis between my breasts, my head lowered and lips parted… It was then I felt a tug at my head– motioning me to look up.
“I’m a virgin,” murmured David.
I smiled, not because of his naivet,, but because I was going to have the pleasure of taking this young man’s virginity away from him. Young men have so much energy and potency built up in them at that ripe age.
“And I don’t have a rubber.” He went on to add.
My response to that of my tongue easing out, and running across the tip of his trembling penis.
I didn’t care… he had to be inside me and soon. Besides, my tubes were tied when I was 26 after realizing children were in no way a part of future. As my tongue felt the softness of his head, my lips parted further as a large amount of my saliva flowed out over his cock. That was my little touch to prepare the feast… like a fly when it consumes its nourishment. David’s cock was my nourishment… All I needed was his seed gushing down my throat.
Almost gagging, I engulfed David’s solid, weighty cock. It soon became sheathed with my torrid saliva. It now glistened as I bobbed up and down on his incredible length. God it was so long… David’s hands soon rested themselves upon my head, gently running his fingers through my lengthy strands.
I liked that… I liked that a lot. No forceful movements, no slamming my head into an unnatural rhythm. He gasped, I swallowed… He bucked, I swallowed more… I knew this was not going to last long. But that was okay. I was his first, and it surprised me that he lasted this long. There was a quick spurt of pre-cum juices that poured over my tongue. My low moans vibrated enough to send him into convulsions… His entire body began to thrust and buck on the couch. His manhood almost fell out of my mouth, yet my hands now held David to the couch. My palms secured on his sweaty chest as I was bent on making this boy cum. And yet this was still not enough.
His manly strength consumed him whole as he cried out in sheer rapture. David was cumming.
My lips held their lock, my tongue secured beneath the head of his cock. A torrent of sperm jolted outward, and into the dark confines of my mouth. His fingertips dug into my skull, and I wasn’t about to wince from the pain.
Another thick flood of David’s broth flooded my mouth. I held as much of it in as I could because I enjoy taking my time in savoring every drop I can.
But this was simply too much. Contending with his involuntary violent reactions, and trying to taste his life-giving bouillon was all too much. Thick dribbles of his seed soon spilled down the length of his shaft. It was then I took my first whole swallow of David’s sperm. I groaned in utter delight as I felt his warmth descend into my belly. Yet as soon as the flood of his broth was ingested, another was waiting for consumption. I delighted in the feast… He was cumming for me. I made David cum.
It was as if he wouldn’t stop cumming. There was so much. And despite how long it took, I made sure every trickle of his seed was ingested. The aftershocks soon set in as David began to catch his breath. By this time, my head was tilted to the side, letting the tip of his penis poke outward through my cheek. The massive bulge caught his eye as he now began to caress my sweat soaked hair once more. My movements slowed, almost to a crawl as I tasted the last pulses of his semen ooze out. Much to my amazement, his cock had not lost its command as of yet. My mouth still felt the rigid texture, not yielding in the least bit. I knew this was going to be a long, yet fruitful night.
After both of us shed the remains of our clothing, I walked David to the third floor of my home where my bedroom was. My fully nude shape entranced him. I too was enthralled by his… so muscular and hard. Just like a young 18 year old man should be. There, walking hand in hand through the large, darkened hallways of my home was David and I… about to mate like two unbridled animals.
I admit, I was mesmerized by his genuine thoughtfulness and care. His actions were not rude or rushed in anyway. It could easily make any helpless woman fall quickly in love with him… Staring into his eyes made me feel at place– comfortable. And when we reached the doorway of my large bedroom, he surprised me completely by whisking me off my feet, and into his arms. I laughed out loud, amused by the romanticism he seemed set on adding.
“What’s wrong?” he asked politely in his thoughtful, tender voice. My amusement faded, realizing this young man probably had read this in a book somewhere in his youth.
“Nothing. Just never had that happen to me before.” I whispered back as I let myself enjoy the affection. He still carried me across my room where my king size bed awaited.
“I like the way you talk to me.” He quipped.
“Yea?” I replied.
“Yea. You don’t talk down to me.”
“I like hearing you have sex with me. Verbalizing your feelings and wants through words.” I said as he gently set my frame onto the bed. “It makes it so much more powerful.”
“Yea. I like it.” He returned.
I echoed his sentiment by positioning myself comfortably, easing my legs apart as he motioned himself atop me. My hands came to his lower back as he lunged forward to kiss me. This by far was his most forward act of aggression all night. Again, I had no complaints.
Our kiss matured as our tongues twisted together in a most passionate exchange. I could tell this boy was a lover, not a fighter. I loved being seduced by his deeply affectionate and understanding heart. It was refreshing to say the least.
Inexperienced, David fumbled his still throbbing cock to the outer lips of my quivering vagina.
With some helpful whispers and nudges, he soon mounted me, easing his eager cock inside me. I gasped as I felt every inch move inside me. Recoiling on the bed, my lungs heaved in breathless foresight. He felt so good inside me.
“Oooh, David. You’re so deep.” I said under my breath. “So deep.”
“Shannon. I…” he tried to say. His senses were on complete overload, taking away his ability to structure a sentence.