You honestly couldn’t remember him being there last time you checked. You are in some seedy downtown bar, halfway through your third – or was it fifth? – whiskey when you noticed an oddly dressed man sitting beside you, though he was difficult to make out, given your inebriation. He seems to be dressed in some kind of fancy checkered suit, complete with a tall hat that looked straight out of the 1800s. You suppress the urge to laugh as you teeter back and forth on the barstool, just one light push away from landing face-first on the sticky floorboards down below. He turns his head in response, and your smile dies away as you realise that he is wearing a mask. A peculiar, black mask that seems to be smiling one moment and grimacing the next, set with a pair of glittering emeralds where the eyes should be.
You stammer out a slurred apology and return your attention to your drink, but the man laughs softly and says your full name, causing you to freeze up.
“You’re a hard man to find, you know,” he comments, tapping his gloved fingers against one of your empty glasses.
Shaking your head, you ask the stranger if you’ve met him before. You never considered yourself to be terribly social, and your circle of friends didn’t seem to include any sharply-dressed enigmas that you were aware of.
“Perhaps. Perhaps not. It does not matter, in any case.”
You cock your head. Doesn’t it? How does he know your full name, then? Who is he? Is he even real? Or is the alcohol starting to mess with your head?
“I assure you, I am very real. Real enough to have a proposition for you.”
Oh no. You heard of this kind of carry-on happening in establishments like this. Some dubious businessmen like to practice their scams on the drunk and disorderly, swindling them for all they’re worth before they’ve even sobered up. You’re shitfaced, but not stupid. Making your excuses, you try to step away from the bar, but the man stops you with a word.
“You’re between jobs at the moment, and behind on your rent, are you not?” he states with supernatural accuracy.
You bite your tongue and slump back into your seat. He was right. You had pretty much spent the last of your cash drowning your sorrows, and you only had a couple of days left before you were evicted from your apartment. Either that, or your landlord will send men with crowbars around to pay you a visit. You heard it happen to previous tenants through the thin walls.
“I believe I have the solution to your problems right here,” the stranger continues, placing a document on the bar top.
Squinting and straining, you try to read the fine print, but you’re far too drunk to make anything out. All you recognise is a dotted line at the bottom of the sheet. A contract.
“Sign here, and all your financial problems shall become a thing of the past,” he explains, placing a pen in your hand.
You tell him that the offer is mighty suspicious, and he nods understandingly.
“You have the right to refuse, but know that I’ll only make this offer once.”
What were the terms?
“It’s all written on the contract.”
You roll the pen between your fingers, narrowing your eyes as you struggle to piece your thoughts together. A strange man with a strange offer. What could possibly go wrong?
Fuck it. It’s not like your life is going anywhere good anyway.
With a resigned sigh, you messily scrawl your name at the bottom of the contract and slide it back over to the businessman, who graciously accepts and slips it back into his coat.
“A pleasure doing business with you, sir. You have a good night now.”
With that, he gets out of his seat and disappears into the miasma of liquour fumes and cigarette smoke that permeated the bar, leaving you alone with your drink once more. You continue to nurse it for some time, silently wondering just what the Hell you signed up for. Before long, last call comes, and you’re eventually tossed out into the street. With naught left to do, you stagger home to your rundown apartment, barely able to pull your trousers off before you collapse onto your mattress and fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.
You are rudely awoken the next morning by no less than three things; a splitting headache, someone’s car alarm, and the sound of violent thumping on your apartment’s front door. Snorting in a panicked manner, you flop off your mattress and onto the floor. You call for your impatient visitor to calm down as you wrestle with a clean-ish pair of jeans, swearing beneath your breath as the fly refuses to zip. Out in the hallway of the shabby apartment block, you hear a coarse voice calling your name.
“I know you’re in there, and I don’t got all day!”
As you topple out into the living-dining room, you briefly wonder just who the Hell could be knocking down your door at this hour.
You check the clock on the wall. It was 1 pm.
Okay, maybe it wasn’t that unreasonable a time.
“Quit fucking me around!” barked the voice, punctuated by a heavy fist slamming against your poor door.
Frowning, you stumble over some loose trash and unbolt the door, wincing as your head throbs. You call for them to come in.
“About bloody time!”
A heavy boot kicks the door open, revealing a tall woman dressed in a disheveled suit. Her hair is grey and tied back into a messy ponytail, and for some reason, she is wearing an eyepatch over her left eye. For a split second, you want to ask why, but the way she is glaring at you is anything but friendly, so you shut your mouth. Is she a debt collector, finally sent by your twisted landlord to take back what you owed?
Your gaze tracks down to the pistol holstered by her side. Oh shit.
“Hey, eyes up here, kid,” grunts the woman, snapping her fingers.
You do as you are told, doing your damnedest not to look absolutely terrified, in spite of your knocking knees.
“Let’s get introductions out of the way; I’m on a tight schedule. Name’s Lilith, and I’ll be your overseeing coordinator for the time being. I take it you’ve already packed your stuff?”
She frowns upon noticing the blank look on your face.
“Quit staring at me and grab your stuff already!”
Flinching at her words, you stammer out a few half-sentences, before you finally manage to ask her what she is even talking about.
“What the- this isn’t funny! For fuck’s sake, where’s your luggage?! I’ll carry it!” barks Lilith, storming into your apartment.
You can only stumble out of the way as she surges past, fists balled and brow furrowed. Upon failing to find whatever she was looking for, she faces you with a furious look in her eye.
“You were supposed to be packed and ready by the time I got here!”
Packed for what?!
“The manager position!”
The what?!
“Are you stupid or something?! Your resume certainly didn’t mention that!”
Resume?! Last time you checked, you didn’t even have a resume!
“I don’t have time for this! I’ll send Dallas to go grab your shit later! Come on!”
Grabbing your wrist tightly, Lilith drags you through the door and down the hallway, not giving you a moment to lock your apartment or even put on a pair of shoes. She mutters beneath her breath as she walks, cursing your apparent lack of sense and complaining about your less-than-orderly appearance.
Crippled as you are with a hangover, you can do little to stop her from dragging you out into the midday sun and shoving you into the passenger side seat of a black sportscar.
“Right, you listen to me and you listen close, because I do not have the patience to deal with any bullshit today,” she threatens, forgoing her seatbelt in favour of slamming her foot down on the gas.
You try to respond, but you can only nod your head as the car lurches forward, dropping your stomach into your feet as it peels off onto the road.
“This cultural exchange thing is a big deal, for Earth and Hell alike. You’re gonna need to make a good impression,” Lilith explains, narrowing her good eye at you. It’s a disturbing shade of red.
Wait. Did she just say Hell?
“For fuck’s sake, did you not read the contract?! All the information you gave us stated that you were perfectly qualified and eager to work with demons!”
“For the love of – okay, just listen. In mid-2018, a portal opened up in the middle of Paris, one that lead directly to Hell. Humans learn of the existence of demons, panic breaks out, and all Hell breaks loose, excuse the pun. Fast forward three years, and talks initiate between the UN and a council of representatives from Hell’s city-states. Everybody decides that peace is the best option going forward, demon and human governments unite, and the Earth-Hell Initiative – the EHI – is born. That’s who I work for.”
She flashes a silver badge at you, but you’re barely able to keep up. You’ve never been one for keeping up with current events and having been living from paycheque to paycheque for the past few years, you didn’t particularly care. Getting told all of this is a little overwhelming, but Lilith isn’t done yet.
“We’ve run a few successful homestays and transfers over the last few months, but this one is probably gonna be the toughest to pull off, and I’m gonna need to know that you’re up to it,” she continues, running a red light.
Up to what exactly?
“The manager position, remember? It was written on the contract like six times, kid.”
You furrow your brow as you try to remember. Your befuddled memories from the night before tell you something about a contract, but beyond that, you have no idea what Lilith is talking about.
“You stated you could cook, clean, perform maintenance and anything else needed to run a household. Your references checked out too. Have you seriously forgotten all this?”
You can’t cook anything more complicated than toast, your apartment hadn’t been cleaned since you moved in, and the last time you attempted to replace a lightbulb you nearly burned your hand right off! And what references was she going on about?! You don’t remember writing any of this!
Lilith grips the steering wheel hard and tears off down a highway, gritting her teeth as she dodges traffic.
“Look, here’s the catch. There’s gonna be seven demons staying in a purpose-made boarding house, each from some of Hell’s more isolated enclaves. People that have never seen a different race of demon before, never mind a human. Do you get where I’m going with this?” she explains, taking her eye off the road in order to stare you down.
Heart in your mouth, you shrink into your seat. You have no idea how you managed to land yourself in this situation, and you’re too terrified to ask. So swallowing your fear, you grip the seat of the car tightly and decide to ride out the rest of the journey, so long as Lilith doesn’t crash first.
“There. Sent a text to one of my guys to clean your old place out, kid. Should have your stuff here by tomorrow,” Lilith calls, tapping at her phone as she leans on the hood of the car.
You barely register her words, too enraptured by the sight before you.
The boarding house is a fairly modern-looking building; lots of glass, steel and concrete, but it doesn’t look cold. It has a small garden out the front as well as a generously-sized garage, and as Lilith finishes up with her phone, you only just realise that you were looking at your new home.
“Construction barely got finished a week ago. I swear, the EHI just loves leaving everything to the last minute,” she sighs, tossing you a set of keys.
You just about manage to catch them. As the one-eyed agent gets back into her car, however, you raise a quizzical eyebrow and ask her what you’re supposed to do now. She responds with a shrug as she starts the car.
“Just settle in for now. Oh, one of your charges should already be here, so make introductions or whatever. I’m counting on you, kid!”
And just like that, she pulls off, tearing off down the road at speeds that you knew far exceeded the limit. Swallowing hard, you take a quick moment to steel yourself before entering the boarding house, feeling completely and utterly out of your depth.
The door is already unlocked, but that’s not surprising, considering there is already someone living here. A demon.
You still can’t believe they were real.
The inside of the boarding house takes your breath away. The ground floor is open-plan and boasts a full suite of furniture with a large TV mounted above the fireplace, as well as an impressive dining area that looked to be worth more than your net worth. The kitchen has more appliances than you know what to do with, and as you stagger around with your jaw hanging open, you notice the sound of running water coming from somewhere upstairs.
They must be showering.
Making your way up a large staircase, you confirm that the bathroom door is locked, and instead decide to stake a claim on one of the bedrooms. There are plenty of empty rooms to choose from; each with a double bed, a desk and more dressers than you reasonably need. You decide to take up residence in the room furthest down the hall, just next to the airing cupboard.
Above the sound of pouring water, you can hear feminine humming.
Perhaps this would be a good opportunity to get an idea of who you’re going to be living with…?
Though most of the bedrooms are empty, one of them is not. Clothes litter the floor, and a suitcase lies unpacked by the ruffled bed. A few leather-bound books have been stacked upon the desk, with titles written in a language you don’t understand. A single stick of incense burns in the windowsill, filling the room with a smoky-sweet scent that makes you feel warm inside.
“My my, it seems I’ve caught a snooper.”
The sound you make upon hearing this cannot accurately be described.
Panic overtakes you as you trip over a lacy brassiere on the floor, getting the garment tangled up in your legs as you topple back onto the bed. A response forms on the tip of your tongue, but upon seeing the woman standing before you, the wind is taken right out of your lungs.
How do you describe the goddess that stands before you? Voluptuous? Sensuous? Erotic? Perhaps if you had a thesaurus to hand, you could do her justice, but as you lie there on that bed, there’s only one thought on your mind.
Holy shit, she’s sexy.
She is tall, with an hourglass figure that is only accentuated by the loose towel she wears. Steam is still rising from her smooth, iridescent skin, which seems to be a peculiar shade of purple. Her sapphire eyes exude a kind of salacious confidence that pins you in place, and her still-damp hair is long and dark. It was obvious that she is a demon, given the long pair of yellow horns rising from her forehead and the pair of small, bat-like wings fluttering cutely on her back. As you stare, you notice a long tail swishing behind her, tipped with a black heart-shaped spade. Your gaze is inevitably drawn to her legs, which-
“Get a good enough look, honey?” she sighs, interrupting your train of thought.
You gutter and gasp, before you shake your head and offer your hand, stammering out your name as you do so. She giggles and shakes it. It’s so soft.
“Cute. I’m Natasha. I assume you’re the manager?”
The enchanting demoness leans closer, allowing you to see the tattoo of a pentagram she has on the side of her neck. She smells amazing; equal parts sweet and sensuous.
You nod dopily, feeling your blood rush southwards.
“Don’t look so afraid, honey. I assure you, I don’t bite unless I’m asked.”
Natasha gives you a dazzling smile, revealing her pointed teeth. You nervously laugh before apologising, stating that you’ve never actually seen a demon before.
“Is that a fact? Well, if you’ll let me, how about I give you a proper Succubus welcome, hmm…?”
Leaning forward, she gently takes a hold of your face, smiling sweetly as she raises an eyebrow. Swallowing hard, you just nod.
“Heh… good boy.”
Before you even know what’s going on, she presses her lips against yours and gently teases them apart with her tongue. Enthralled by the Succubus’ advances, you stifle a moan and allow her to push her back onto the bed. Her impassioned kiss is soft and slow, her tongue exploring the inside of your mouth with the kind of dexterity that could only be achieved by an otherworldly being. Your entire body seems to grow more sensitive as your tongues entwine, causing your blood to flow to your pelvis all the quicker. With a cheeky bite of your lip, Natasha eventually breaks the kiss, pulling back as a string of saliva connects your mouths.
“Not bad, honey, not bad at all,” she says, getting back to her feet as she wipes her mouth.
You take a moment to catch your breath, your heart hammering rapidly in your chest. Smiling sheepishly, you thank her for the kiss. You weren’t exactly expecting this kind of welcome.
“I’m a Succubus. It’s kinda our thing.”
You raise an eyebrow. What exactly is a Succubus…?
She laughs at your naivety.
“A demon of Lust, silly! Ain’t you ever heard of the deadly sins?”
You admit that you’re not all that caught up on your demonology.
“Well then, allow me to enlighten you, honey.”
Opening her arms out wide, the towel falls away, revealing Natasha’s naked body in all its glory. Her breasts can’t be described as anything other than perfect; large, round, and capped with a pair of dark violet nipples, the sight of which causes the front of your jeans to grow uncomfortably tight. The Succubus raises her arms and gently sways her body from side to side, drawing your attention down to her toned stomach, still covered in droplets of water from her shower. She bares a second tattoo just below her navel, of a heart-shaped rune surrounded by strange swirling patterns which directs your gaze further downwards, towards her crotch. She is coyly covering it with the spade of her tail, but if anything, this only excites you further. Her hips are flared, and her legs are simply breathtaking.
You sit there, guttering and gasping like a fool.
“My people are the patron demons of Lust. Mistresses of the night and masters of shadow, mixers of potions and minxes of pleasure. Our magicks are as potent as they are mysterious, and we are not ones to shy away from strange and new experiences, if you catch my meaning,” she states with a wink, fluttering her wings.
Nodding dumbly, you blink a few times and ask her whether you’re dreaming.
“Oh no, honey. But I can make your dreams more… interesting, if you’d like?”
The reality before you is plenty more interesting than any dream you’ve ever had.
“I’m glad you think so! Here, allow me to give you a firsthand demonstration of what we can do…!”
With a lurid smile, Natasha raises a hand to her mouth.
“Idua em…“
Strange purple mist pours from her lips, pooling in her palm. Leaning forward, she gently blows it in your face. At once, a strange euphoric sensation takes over your entire body, sending tingles of electricity up and down your spine. Your vision tints pink, and as you begin to sweat and breath heavily, Natasha clicks her fingers and points to a spot on the floor.
“Bend a knee for me, honey,” she commands, in a gentle yet firm tone.
You feel compelled to obey, but even if you weren’t under the Succubus’ spell, you admit to yourself that you would have done her bidding regardless. You wordlessly kneel on the floorboards, allowing her to take a seat on the bed.
“Good boy.”
Hearing her praise you causes a wave of indescribable pleasure to rock through your being, making you shudder. Natasha giggles and reaches over to hold your face.
“I want you to do something for me, but only if you want to, okay? Nod or shake your head; I won’t mind either way.”
This time, you feel no such compulsion. It seems she wants you to take the next step forward of your own volition. Though you briefly wonder whether it was morally okay for a boarding house manager to get involved with his charges like this, your judgement is swiftly overtaken by your own mounting lust. You smile dreamily and nod.
“I was hoping you’d do that, honey,” coos the Succubus, drawing you closer as she pulls the spade of her tail away.
You gaze wide-eyed between her legs, entranced at what lay within. Natasha’s pubic hair was neatly trimmed, complimenting her tattoo well and perfectly framing the lips of her vagina. The scent is almost enough to drive you over the edge. That peculiar, feminine perfume that left your head spinning.
You try to lunge forward, but a polite hand on your forehead keeps you at bay.
“Ah ah. Patience. Eagerness is appreciated, but you must be gentle,” she chides, running her fingers through your hair.
Slowly, she brings your face closer to her sex.
“Slowly. Tenderly. Feel your partner’s urges as well as your own, that’s a good boy.”
Nodding, you take a moment to consider your next action. Despite her composed speech, Natasha’s skin is flushed, and every breath you take causes her to shiver a little. Swallowing hard, you lean in close and slowly run your tongue from the base of her pussy all the way up to the top. The taste of a Succubus is extraordinary; salty yet sweet, and far more tantalising than you could have imagined.
“Mmm… that’s the way. Remember to alternate your movements, honey.”
With her guidance in your ears, you reposition yourself on the floor and get to work. Taking care to be as receptive as you can to the demon’s reactions, you work your tongue along her sex, probing the entrance and lightly flicking it against her clitoris. Natasha shudders at your every movement, smiling sweetly as she nods her head.
“You’ve got potential, honey. If you were back home, the girls would tear the town apart trying to snap you up.”
She lightly squeezes your head with her thighs. With your tongue occupied, you make an inquisitive noise, urging her to elaborate.
“I come from a town called Phrodival. All Succubi, you see, so we’re all girls. We keep ourselves to ourselves, occasionally letting outsiders in to enjoy themselves and grant us some new blood. I ran a little alchemy joint there, but when the EHI people came asking for transfer volunteers, I was the first to raise my hand,” she explains with a sigh, twirling your hair around her fingers.
You gently close your teeth around her clitoris, causing Natasha to yelp a little.
“Gently, honey, gently. Little nibbles, okay?”
Apologising through a mouthful of her lustful secretions, you continue your ministrations.
“Where was I…? Ah yes. Most Phrodival girls never really leave the town, excepting a few of the more adventurous ones, like the Matriarch’s daughter. She wound up having six kids; a set of quintuplets and a son.”
Didn’t she say that Succubi were all female?
“Occasionally, there’ll be boys. Incubi, they’re called. But I’d rather not – ah – get into that now. Ooh, you’re doing such – ah – a good job, honey.”
Her praises only spur you on, encouraging you to work faster. You lick and tease, nibble and suck, delighting in every little noise that the Succubus makes. The pink haze intensifies as you continue with single-minded purpose, drowning out everything but the beating of your own heart and the gasping of the woman you are pleasing.
“V- Very good, very good… Here, let me – ah – help you out…”
You feel her tail slip between your legs, teasing your fly open and allowing your dick to spring free. You jolt at the sudden contact, but the hand on the back of your head keeps you firmly in place. Slowly, Natasha wraps her tail around your shaft and begins to stroke it. Her movements are slow at first, but they gradually quicken in time with the movements of your tongue. Whatever spell she has you under heightens your sensitivity, causing you to release muffled moans and shiver uncontrollably.
“O- Oh sweet hellfire… K- Keep going, honey…” gasps Natasha, grasping the bedsheets with one hand as she mashes your face against her sex with the other.
She is sopping wet, causing a mixture of her juices and your own saliva to dribble down your chin and onto the floor. Her breaths are coming in short, sharp gasps. She must be getting close, and judging by how fast she was pumping your dick, so are you. Though barely able to kneel, you furrow your brow and put all she taught you into practice. You alternate your nibbles and your licks, occasionally delaying in order to keep her guessing. Truth be told, you’re barely aware of what you’re doing at this point, but it seems to be working.
After a few moments of incessant, breathless pleasuring, Natasha suddenly cries out.
“Ah! H- Honey! I- I’m…!”
All of a sudden, she clamps her legs tightly around your face just as a surge of liquid splashes against your face. You try to pull back, but her thighs hold you in place as her tail speeds up. You feel the telltale sensation of something welling up within you, but before you can do anything, Natasha’s tail constricts around the head of your cock, vibrating with unnatural speed.
It’s too much for you.
You give a muffled cry as you ejaculate onto the floor, clinging to the Succubus’ legs for dear life. Cum spurts onto the floor in ropes, but she doesn’t let up. Natasha continues working your cock mercilessly, overclocking your brain with mind-melting pleasure, until you bottom out and can give no more.
The two of you release each other, toppling back as you both catch your breath.
“Y- You’re something else, honey… You really are…” she gasps, lying back on the bed.
You shudder at her praise, causing her to stifle a laugh.
“Sorry, let me lift the charm for you.”
She snaps her fingers, and at once, the pink haze lifts. You gradually begin to cool down, but you have trouble moving your legs. You ask her if that’s normal.
“I’m sorry, honey. I got a little carried away. I might have made you cum a bit of your soul out, sorry.”
Your blood runs cold. Almost immediately she bursts out laughing.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding! You must have just enjoyed yourself too much. I can barely feel my own legs, come to think of it.”
Breathing a sigh of relief, you both laugh. Eventually, Natasha climbs to her feet and retrieves a rag from her suitcase. As she begins to clean your mess off the floor, you sheepishly ask her what comes next.
“What do you mean?”
You just wanted to know whether she and you were going to… go any further.
“Oh, I dunno. I think you’re gonna have to be a bit more specific, honey.”
Cheeks burning, you bluntly ask her whether you could have sex with her. She’s already seen you in a vulnerable state; no point in holding anything back now.
With a satisfied sigh, Natasha tosses the rag away and offers you her hand. Taking it, she hauls you back to your feet and plants a kiss on your cheek.
“Like I said, honey, have patience. I never had a human before, and I want it to be special.”
You can’t hide your disappointment. With a sympathetic smile, the Succubus wipes the remnants of her excitement off your face.
“You’ve got potential, and I want to see you improve before you and I go the full way. But don’t worry; there’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll get there eventually. Think of it as a promise of some sorts, yeah?” she says, holding your hands.
Taking a deep breath, you nod resolutely.
“Great! Well, I’ll leave you to clean yourself up and get settled in, okay honey? I look forward to being under your care~!”
Grabbing a few items of clothing from her dresser, the Succubus waves at you and departs for the bathroom, leaving you alone in her room with your jeans around your ankles.
You take a second to consider your situation.
There are certainly worse ways to start a new job.
… Right?