Sarah’s Friend

"Daughter's friend gives dad a thrill"

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My daughter Sarah had invited her best friend to stay with me at my place in Paris for the weekend. Ever since I had divorced over ten years ago, Sarah had been travelling back and forth at regular intervals to and from Bonn in order to satisfy the terms the separation agreement. During all those years of visitation rights, she had never suggested bringing along a friend, but now I supposed she was somewhat bored with sitting around with dad for the weekend. I wasn’t used to having unknown teenage girls in my apartment, and despite the fact that I was delighted at the prospect of ogling a potentially sexy nubile, I didn’t realize beforehand just how much enjoyment Nadia would bring.

The doorbell rang, and I went to answer. Two lovely girls stood before me; my daughter and her friend Nadia. I should have known from her name that Nadia was from Eastern Europe. The first giveaway was her dirty blonde hair tied in a ponytail with an overly large pink ribbon, her excessive use of makeup in the form of blue eye shadow, bright red lipstick and two rosy red cheeks. She was wearing a tiny stretch nylon pink top cut at the midriff to show off her bejeweled bellybutton, and a black miniskirt. Her long bare legs were tanned, and she wore a pair of silver high-heeled shoes. The whole look was absolutely adorable in a twisted way. No decent girl would be seen in such an outfit, but then again I was about to discover that Nadia was not a decent girl.

I greeted them, and my daughter introduced Nadia with a giggle. Nadia said “Hello” and immediately apologized for not speaking good English, adding that she was from Russia. Thus it was confirmed that she was from Eastern Europe, and although I had seen such ludicrously dressed and made up girls in porn movies, I had never met one in person. I wondered how she managed to fend off the advances of male admirers with those innocent and yet whorish looks, but at least now both she and my daughter were safely home with me.

I waited in the living room while my daughter showed Nadia their bedroom and the bathroom. They unpacked a few things and then joined me, sitting together on the couch perpendicular to mine. I asked them if they were hungry after their trip, but they told me they had already eaten a sandwich on the train.

My daughter and I chatted for a while. I asked her how things were going in her last year of school, and if she knew what she wanted to do next. She had just turned 18 and had done fairly well for herself, but still had no solid ideas of what she wanted out of life. I wasn’t disappointed, because I knew that she would always land on her feet. Nadia listened carefully, but didn’t seem to understand much of the conversation. She was used to talking in German with my daughter, but she made up for her lack of comprehension by smiling sweetly at us chatting together. I casually watched her while I spoke to Sarah, wondering what it would be like to take her from behind.

The first indication I had that Nadia was no ordinary girl was when she suddenly put her arms around her knees, lifting her legs toward her. Her black miniskirt rode up her thighs, exposing her butt cheeks, giving me a beautiful glimpse of her white panties. I could have stared at that tightly clad crotch for hours, but knew that it would be inappropriate, so I quickly looked away. Still, the image was firmly encased in my mind, and my member started to swell in my pants. Nadia’s gesture had seemed so innocent, and yet I couldn’t help wondering if she had done it on purpose.

Sarah noticed that I had been disturbed by something, and when she turned to Nadia, Nadia gently lowered her legs with the same ease as which she had raised them only moments earlier.

“Do you like?” said Nadia, with a big smile.

I was flustered, but managed to keep my cool. I asked her what she meant, and she responded by asking if I liked Paris. I told her that I did indeed, that I had been living there for many years and found it to be a large enough city to be entertained, and yet did not suffer from much crime. That answer seemed to satisfy her; at least superficially, because I was sure she didn’t understand half of what I was saying. She flicked her ponytail a couple of times as I spoke, perhaps from boredom, but perhaps also to draw attention. The image of her sweet patch and the idea of being teased with her long hair made me even stiffer. I wanted to pull her into my arms and have my way with her right there and then, but again I had to remind myself that not only was my daughter present, but also that I was a much older man, and that much of Nadia’s looks and behavior could be attributed to teenage innocence, or at least just flirting to see my reaction. In any case, I knew that I would enjoy a pleasurable session later that evening when both were safely tucked away in bed.

Shortly thereafter, Sarah declared that she was tired and wanted to get ready for bed. She left Nadia and me in the living room while she went to wash and put on her PJ’s. I was thinking of ways to break the silence when Nadia repeated her spectacle of earlier that evening.

She wrapped her arms around her knees and pulled her legs toward her, once again exposing her white panties beneath her black miniskirt. Only this time, she didn’t hold her knees together so tightly, but instead let them widen slowly until she was sitting cross-legged with her raised skirt and a full view of her white panty-covered crotch.

“It’s very nice”, said Nadia, grinning at me.

I wasn’t sure where to look. By now I thought I knew that she was coming on to me, but still wasn’t sure. After all, she exercised her exposure with such innocence that I believed somehow that she was unaware of the effect she was creating. Once again I had seen her panty-clad snatch in all its glory -practically in slow-motion – as I registered the tightness of the stretch-nylon fabric over her flat tummy, the cotton gusset delicately tugging into her pussy lips, the pastel-blue lace border accentuating her thighs, and a pretty little matching bow as the icing on the cake. I wanted my face down there, and fast!

“What’s very nice?” I asked, trying to act as though everything was normal.

“You have a nice place,” Nadia responded, “lovely”.

She shifted her legs back into place at the sound of Sarah coming back into the living room. A couple of minutes later, Sarah and Nadia headed off to bed, while I sat there waiting for them to get settled. Nadia spent ten minutes in the bathroom before joining Sarah, and after half an hour I decided to also go to bed.

It only took a few seconds for me to recall the events of the evening, tugging at my shaft with fury and literally exploding as I thought of Nadia in her little white panties. I fell asleep quite quickly, exhausted at the excitement of the evening, and very happy at having been exposed to such a sweet and charming girl.

At about 2AM I woke suddenly with someone trying to kill me. At least, that’s what I thought at first. It took me a few seconds to realize that the material covering my nose was in fact Nadia’s panties. She was standing over me, holding the gusset of her panties tightly over my nostrils whereas my mouth was uncovered.

“Shush!” Nadia whispered.

I was breathing heavily from the shock of having been woken up so suddenly, but after a moment I calmed down – realizing that it was Nadia – and started to enjoy the sweet musky smell of her panties. They were wet now. I could feel the dampness on the tip of my nose.

“You like my panties?” Nadia continued, slipping under the covers next to me, but all the time holding her panties firmly over my nose.

I felt her soft and silky body next to me, her pert little breasts brushing against my arm, her smooth legs folding over mine.

“Yes, I do!” I whispered back.

Nadia sat up, flicked on the bedside light, and straddled across my chest. She was wearing nothing but a pair of light pink soft cotton panties with a frilly yellow border. I looked up at her looking down at me, her tiny breasts and nipples pointing out firmly. She gestured toward her crotch, which I could see was soaked due to the darker pink area directly surrounding her pussy. She moved up in the bed until her crotch was directly over my face, and started to rub herself back and forth across my nose.

“You smell it?” she asked.

“Yes!” I gasped.

Nadia rubbed herself back and forth, making sure my nose tickled her clitoris at each stroke. I reached behind her with both hands and firmly grasped her buttocks, to steady her as she masturbated on my face. She was getting really worked up, occasionally shuddering before continuing her sliding rhythm. Her panties were getting really wet, and the smell of her sex was driving me wild. Suddenly she stopped moving for a couple of seconds, and then sat down hard on my face. Her sweet pussy juices exploded into her panties, gushing through the material and smothering my face in her cum. I almost came too as I swallowed as much as I could in those few brief moments of female orgasm.

“Take me!” said Nadia, as she turned away from me, getting down on all fours, her bottom raised for my pleasure.

I didn’t need any encouragement. Nadia had a perfect pear-shaped body, a beautiful ass, and the cutest little shaved pussy I have ever seen. I quickly mounted her, holding her butt cheeks in my hands as I slid my shaft inside. She was exquisitely tight, her pussy hugging and sucking me while I looked at her young body, her beautiful hair, topped off by that not-so-innocent-after-all ponytail. It only took a few moments before she started bucking at the release of another shower of cum which dribbled down my legs, and caused me to squirt my load inside her.

We collapsed in a heap, and held each other tightly before falling asleep. A couple of hours later, I half-awoke to the sound of Nadia returning to the room she shared with my daughter.

Nothing more was ever mentioned, and although Nadia was very courteous the following day, she didn’t make any further advances, or seem remotely interested in pursuing a relationship. She had had her way with me, a memory I will treasure forever.

Published 15 years ago

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