Mother and Daughter; The Swimsuit edition

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I had been seeing Jenny on and off for about a month when she first introduced me to her mother, Angela. It was quite an eye opener I can tell you that for free. It was close to midnight when I dropped Jenny off back at her house that she shared with Angela. Jenny’s father had run off to Somerset to be with some young tart he had knocked up from work leaving the two of them to fend for themselves.


I followed Jenny in through the side door that lead straight into the kitchen. There she told me to wait for her while she gathered some clothes together since she would be staying at mine that weekend. As I stood there waiting, Angela walked in wearing a pair of red pajamas apparently having spent her Friday night in front of the TV.

My jaw nearly hit the floor upon seeing her. She was just past 40 with a wholesome body that exaggerated her French figure. She had a big mane of blond hair that swooped and curled down her back to just below her shoulders. It was obvious her and Jenny were related since they looked quite similar in the face except for a few discrete wrinkles around Angela’s eyes that did nothing to stem her beauty. By contrast, Jenny was smaller than her mother having quite a petite frame but they both shared that one trait I have always adored; brilliant blue come-to-bed eyes.

The three of us hit it off immediately. Angela was such a good laugh to be with and I had barely known her for more than a few minutes before I started picturing myself opening up the top half of her pyjamas top to see what was underneath.

That night at my place me and Jenny gave in to our carnal desires as we usually did when we were alone. What was different this time was that I still had the mental image of her mother burned into my mind as I fucked her hard and fast all the while imagining Angela. The thought invigorated me to such an extent that I felt I had all the energy in the world as I pumped away at Jenny’s quite tight pussy; she was eighteen at the time and still quite inexperienced but willing to try anything once.

Over the next month I started to get to know Angela more and more as I spent more time with her and Jenny. Staying over there was especially a turn on knowing that Angela was in the room next door while I had sex with her daughter. I had heard about the mother-daughter fantasy before but had never embraced it as I was then as I realized I didn’t just have a huge crush on Jenny but her mother as well.

Getting ammunition for my mental imagery was hardly a difficult undertaking. They were both very comfortable with one another more so than the regular middle aged mother and teenaged daughter. Even now they were not afraid to get undressed infront of one another and sex was a frequent topic of conversation whenever we would open a bottle of wine together and it caused more than a few embarrassing moments for me as my ‘interest’ in the topic became clear to both of them.

It was a Saturday that IT happened. By then I had practically moved in with them since I spent so much time there. It was a hot day, one of the hottest on record and the two of them went into town to do some shopping. I loathed shopping and came up with the excuse of having to service my old heap of a car. I was done well before they got back and was sat in the living room as they seemed to stumble in at about six in the evening. They had both clearly had a few drinks in town because of the incessant giggling that came from the hallway.

Jenny came in and kissed me before going upstairs with her mother to put the stuff away that they had bought. I didn’t think anything of it until I heard Jenny calling me upstairs. I was enjoying watching the motorsport channel so I was slightly annoyed at being summoned.

I dragged myself up the stairs and could hear them still giggling from inside Angela’s room. Jenny called out again and said, “In here!”

I opened the door and was confronted by something I never expected to see. The two of them stood there side by side wearing bikini suits they had bought in town. Jenny had a little red strapless outfit that wrapped around her smallish breasts and had a bow on the front with a matching bottom half that clung tightly to her well shaven pussy. Angela on the other hand had a white set on that just about held her much larger breasts inside and was tied around the back and the neck. The bottom part was very skimpy to say the least and as I looked at her smiling flirtatiously at me wondering what my response would be I began to realize that she knew I fancied her and this was their way of teasing me about it.

“Well?” asked Angela referring to their outfits.

“Um…Very nice!” was all I could muster. Jenny burst out laughing followed by her mother before she walked up to me and put her arms around my neck. She began kissing me in front of Angela in a way that we normally reserved for in the bedroom. That was another side effect of her drinking, her inhibitions would lower dramatically and she became highly charged. The fact that Angela was there watching us kiss like this just heightened my excitement that was growing in my underwear. I was going to have to fuck her once we left this room. The sight of the two of them in those suits was causing my heart to start beating like drummer from a slash metal band. To my surprise however we weren’t going anywhere. Our tongues continued to twist and turn in our mouths which sent shudders down my body to the end of my cock.

“You’re making me jealous,” said Angela jokingly as she watched us from only two feet away! “I aint got no one.”

“Aw there, there,” I said playfully as I turned and went to kiss Angela on the cheek as I always did but it was as I turned back to Jenny I saw a strange look on her face. She was thinking something and seemed excited and nervous about it at the same time. She was wondering what it would be like to watch me kissing her mother. I could see it in her eyes. We both could and so as she looked at us and said, “Go on!” we both knew what she meant.

Angela and I looked at each other unsure what to do. Did Jenny mean it? We all knew that we had a ‘thing’ and neither of us wanted to hurt Jenny but she was the one coaxing us on. She was genuinely excited at the idea of me kissing her mother.

“Alright then,” I said as I broke arms from Jenny and turned to Angela. I put my hands on her bare waist and felt her soft skin for the first time. Angela put her arms up around me and leaned in towards me. Our lips just brushed each other once as we tested the water. She smiled indicating she liked it and so she moved in closer again. This time our tongues began to meet and touch more delicately and sensually than when I was kissing Jenny. As we kissed she rubbed her tongue seductively over my bottom lip and I felt my toes doing somersaults into the floor. It was probably the single most erotic moment of my life that far.

We pulled away neither of us wanting to get too carried away after all we didn’t know how Jenny was feeling about it now that we put her suggestion into practice.

Jenny was smiling devilishly at us. She had enjoyed every second of it and clearly would like to see more. Knowing that it was wrong only seemed to exacerbate her thrill. This was something none of us had ever done before. It was exciting and the three of us were curious to see how far this was going to go.

“Don’t stop!” commanded Jenny as she waited in eager anticipation to watch us some more.

Both Angela and I quickly complied and once again I found my girlfriend’s mother pressing her body up against me kissing me and teasing me with her sultry tongue. I was so busy kissing Angela that I didn’t really notice Jenny walking right up to us. When I saw her there out of the corner of my left eye she reached down in front of her and wriggled her hand in between us placing it on my stomach before reaching down.

My body tingled with excitement as her hand found the bulge in my trousers. With her mother’s body still pressed up against me Jenny started to rub my cock through my trousers causing my underwear to become moist with my pre-cum. She began stroking my shaft through my trousers causing the fabric of my pants to rub against my exposed end.

Angela pulled away from us as Jenny quickly positioned herself directly in front of me. I thought surely this would signal Angela’s departure but I was wrong. She looked down to watch as Jenny pulled my trousers and underwear down to the floor. As my cock was freed it seemed to pop out as if begging for someone to touch it.

I didn’t know where to look; Jenny or Angela?

Jenny was now on her knees in her swimsuit stroking my stiff cock before placing her tongue underneath it and licking the salty tip. Angela wasn’t smiling anymore. She had become consumed by erotic lust and as she watched her daughter start sucking me I could see she was rubbing her own pussy through the fabric of her white swimsuit.

Jenny turned away from my cock to look at Angela watching us. “Do you want a go?”

“Ok,” said Angela as she slowly got down on her knees in front of me beside Jenny. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Was I dead? Is this what heaven is?

Angela took hold of my cock from Jenny and proceeded to lick the wet tip where her daughter had been sucking and licking. I honestly couldn’t tell you who was better. The whole experience was blurring into one euphoric explosion of dizzying pleasure. I do know that Angela was slower than Jenny no doubt getting used to the act of oral sex on a man having said repeatedly that she was out of practice. You’d never know it though.

Before long the two of them were taking turns passing my cock back and fore to one another to suck and rub it before handing it back. My mind was turning to jelly at that point. As I looked at the two of them dirty lust filled and incestuous thoughts burned into my mind. If ever I was to fulfill my ultimate fantasy of a full-on mother and daughter session then this would be it. Jenny had set the wheels in motion but it would be up to me to take it all the way.

“Why don’t you two try kissing?” I asked almost breathlessly.

“No I don’t think so,” said Angela laughing before she took my cock in her mouth once again. I was a little disappointed but hey this was good enough as far as I was concerned.

Jenny stood up as her legs began to ache being crouched down on the floor leaving Angela to work on my cock alone. I kissed Jenny in the quick and furious way that she liked only this time my right hand found its way down to her pussy. I thrust my hand inside her bikini bottoms and began to run my fingers around her swollen clit hard and fast. She seemed to gush with pre-sex excitement and gasped as she leaned up against my shoulder looking down at her mother’s bobbing head.

Soon, Angela stood up to join us and three of us cuddled in close together, the two of them taking it in turns to kiss me. Jenny was soon peeling away her bikini much to the amazement of both me and Angela that she was so accepting to this. Standing naked beside me I rubbed her pussy hard as I leaned over to kiss Angela once more. Both of them were rubbing my cock with their hands as we did so and I was now getting frustrated. I wanted to fuck them. I was smart however. I knew that the situation was delicate at best. They were after all mother and daughter and this was a major taboo. Therefore it was Jenny I took over to the bed and thought it best to see what Angela did.

I placed Jenny’s naked body down on the bed and took hold of her skinny legs just behind her knees. I pulled them apart and leaned in with my hard cock pointing towards her pussy. As I rubbed my dick up against it I could feel she was oozing with liquid excitement. I knew how Jenny liked to be fucked and so I thrust inside her tight pussy as hard and as firmly as I could.

Angela came and sat beside us as we fucked in front of her. She began removing her own bikini before very nervously laying down beside her daughter and staring at her as I fucked her. Angela began to touch her own neatly trimmed pussy as she watched. Thinking this to be a little unfair I let go of Jenny’s leg with my left and reached over to touch Angela’s pussy. Angela’s hands moved around her larger and softer breasts rubbing the nipples furiously as my hand brushed around her clit in a slow but firm manner. Jenny was watching my hand and soon I could feel her tightening up around my cock before she gave out a deep groan of delight as she climaxed.

With Jenny still reeling from her orgasm I pulled out of her pussy and side stepped over to Angela. I intended to even up the score so to speak. Like I did with her daughter I pulled her legs apart, holding them behind the knees, before pulling her closer to the edge of the bed. Like her daughter she was so wet, her juices dripping down from her neatly trimmed pussy over the cheeks of her buttocks and onto the mattress.

Jenny was starting to slowly touch her self again as I thrust inside Angela’s pussy causing her chest to surge upwards with pleasure and delight. I knew she was out of practice but I didn’t care and fucked her as hard and fast as her daughter. Her pussy was not as tight as Jenny’s but was warm and welcoming being firm enough to provide me with all the sensation I would need.

Angela’s breathing quickened and her chest began rising and falling rapidly. I became almost hypnotized by the movement of her large breasts as they slid form side to side under the force of my thrusting. So too did Jenny who turned over onto her side and placed her right hand on Angela’s stomach. The two of them looked at each other silently speaking with their eyes. I will never know what happened between them at that point but the next thing I knew Jenny had leaned in and started kissing Angela!

That was it for me. My body was reverberating with levels of excitement that were frankly orbital. I don’t know if Angela came or not but I do know that I emptied myself inside her with such force that it felt as though I would be dried out from it all.


Published 15 years ago

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