“No silly,” replied Cindy. “It just means we hire the boat without a crew and sail it ourselves.”
“Well, you can’t blame me for thinking that, given the way you usually behave at the beach,” Marsha told her.
“Well, I won’t rule out the possibility of a bit of skinny-dipping on my part,” Cindy smiled cheekily. “I love the feeling of the warm sun on my bare butt.”
“So what do you think, David?” Marsha asked me.
“What was the date again?” I wanted to know, looking away from the T.V. for a moment.
“The third,” replied Cindy. “That’s the only Saturday when I can get the yacht for the cheaper rate. They had a last minute cancellation.”
“But the third is the date of the big match,” I complained.
“Oh, you and your football!” yelled Marsha. “Isn’t there anything I can do to drag you away from that damned T.V. set?”
“Well, I suppose I could always tape the game and watch it later, if it’s that important to you,” I said.
“Yes, it is important to me,” she answered. “I don’t get much of a chance to have any fun these days. And I don’t get to see much of Cindy, either. It won’t hurt you to get out in the open air for a while.”
And so it was settled. We were going on a boat charter with Cindy and her boyfriend Michael. Only it didn’t turn out that way.
“I don’t feel well,” Marsha groaned at breakfast on the morning of the third. “I think you will have to go without me.”
“But the only reason I am going in the first place is because you wanted to,” I replied. “I’d rather stay home and watch the game.”
“You can’t disappoint Cindy now,” she told me. “It’s bad enough that I can’t make it. If neither of us are there she will be terribly disappointed.”
“But she’s your friend,” I complained. “I’m sure she doesn’t give a damn whether I’m there or not.”
“That’s not true,” she said. “Cindy is very fond of you, even if you don’t realise it. You remember all the fun we used to have together when we were first married. It’s just that you don’t seem to want to do the fun things anymore. And what about Michael? He’ll want a bit of male companionship, someone to drink a few beers with. Go on, don’t worry about me. Have a good time.”
When I arrived at the dock, I was surprised to find Cindy standing there alone beside the small yacht.
“Where’s Michael?” I asked.
“He tore a hamstring at football practise last night and the doctor told him to stay in bed today,” she replied. “So it looks like it’s just the two of us.”
“Can two of us manage the boat?” I asked.
“Sure. I’ve had plenty of experience,” she reassured me. “As long as you don’t mind taking orders from me, we’ll get on fine.” She had a strange smile on her face as she said this.
“Well, if you’re sure,” I said, climbing onto the yacht.
Cindy really was an expert when it came to sailing. She had the sails up in no time and told me which ropes to tie where and how to steer the boat. Soon we were heading straight out to sea.
“When we have a bigger boat we sail all the way to Jamaica,” she told me. “But today we’ll just cruise down the coast a little.”
“Sounds O.K. to me,” I replied. “It’s pretty hot here in the sun, though, isn’t it?”
“Well, take your shirt off, dummy,” Cindy replied, throwing me a bottle of sunscreen.
Cindy was wearing a long, colourful T-shirt that just barely covered her bikini bottoms. Her legs were long, slim and tanned. As I pulled my T-shirt out of my cut-off jeans shorts, and over my head, she did likewise. Her bright pink bikini didn’t cover very much. Small triangles of material barely contained her firm, full breasts. When she turned away from me to throw her T-shirt down into the cabin, I saw that her bikini briefs, while being more substantial than a thong, still exposed a good deal of her firm tanned bottom cheeks.
“Here, let me do your back,” she said, taking the bottle from my hands and starting to smooth the cool liquid over my shoulder-blades. Cindy was a very desirable girl, and this intimate treatment caused my cock to swell inside my jeans. I hoped she wouldn’t notice.
“Who’s got a stiffy?” she teased, looking over my shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” I flustered. “I’m just not used to having anyone but Marsha touching me like that.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it,” she laughed. “I’d be disappointed if I didn’t have that effect. You know what an inveterate cock teaser I am. I just didn’t expect you to get that stiff until I’d taken all of my clothes off.”
“I’m not sure I should really be here,” I replied nervously. “Marsha…”
“Oh, forget about Marsha for a while,” she said. “Anyway, this isn’t the first time I’ve given you a stiffy. Remember when we went skinny-dipping up at the lake and you wouldn’t come out of the water. You can’t tell me that was Marsha who had that effect on you. You’d been married to her for six months by then.”
“Well, I’m only human. But I am faithful to my wife,” I told her.
“Oh, don’t give me that ‘faithful to my wife’ crap! You’d rather watch a football game than make love to her. She told me so. What good is a faithful husband who doesn’t fuck you? Tell me that,” she said.
“That’s none of your business,” I replied.
“I bet you’d love to fuck me, though. Wouldn’t you?” Cindy smiled, as she untied her bikini top and pulled it off.
“I think we had better go back,” I told her, trying not to look at her gorgeous breasts.
“No way,” she answered. “I’m not going to waste a chance to enjoy myself, just because you’re so uptight. I’m going to work on my tan.” She pulled her bikini bottoms down her long legs and stepped out of them. For a moment, my eyes were attracted to her neatly trimmed pubic thatch like ball bearings to a magnet. Then, with a great effort, I looked away.
“This isn’t fair,” I complained.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to rape you,” Cindy laughed. “If you get too horny, just jerk off over the side. I promise not to look.” She made a show of covering her eyes with her hands, and then peaking slyly between her fingers.
I looked away, off over the ocean, and tried to concentrate on a seagull that was dipping and gliding over the waves, looking for fish.
“Oh, damn, look what I did!” cried Cindy. I looked over at her, only to find her sitting with her legs spread wide apart and a huge mess of sunscreen dripping down her firm belly, over her pubes and the pink skin of her pussy. “Wanna help me rub it in?” she asked, gliding a slippery finger down over her pubes and deep into her pussy.
“Some friend you are!” I yelled. “Masturbating in front of your best friend’s husband!”
“You love it,” she teased me.
“I’m not going to give in to temptation,” I told her, laying down on the deck and closing my eyes. I pretended to fall asleep, but behind the closed lids of my eyes I was watching Cindy masturbate. I’m sure my visions were just as arousing as the real thing, which I could tell was happening by the groans and slippery noises that were coming from the other side of the boat.
After a while, Cindy fell silent, and under the soothing heat of the sun, I fell asleep for real.
I was awakened by the feel of hands unclipping and unzipping my shorts and pulling both them and my underpants down my legs. I was too startled to put up any resistance. When I opened my eyes, they were dazzled by the bright sun. I clasped my hands over my penis instinctively, and when my vision adjusted I saw Cindy standing at the rear of the boat, still stark naked and glistening with sweat and sunscreen. She was holding my shorts, T-shirt and underpants aloft. With a flick of her wrist she flung them over the side of the boat. I watched fascinated as they floated on the surface of the gentle waves for a while, before becoming waterlogged and sinking beneath the surface.
“Why did you do that?!” I yelled.
“It’s more fun if you’re nude too,” she replied. “I like to see the effect I’m having on you.”
“You bitch!” I cursed.
“What are you going to do, spank me?” she teased, wiggling her nude bottom in my direction.
I couldn’t very well hide the fact now that my cock was rock hard beneath my hands.
“There’s no need to be angry,” she said, soothingly as she came and sat down next to me on the deck. “Let’s kiss and make up.” With that she put her arms around me and pulled me close, pressing her firm stiff-nippled breasts against my chest. Her lips were warm and soft against mine.
An almost overwhelming desire to push her down onto the deck and fuck her swept over me. But I resisted it. I pushed her away.
“Stop tormenting me!” I screamed. “I love Marsha, and I don’t want to be unfaithful to her!”
“Spoil sport!” Cindy screamed back.
While the sun was hot, the feeling between us was chilly for the next couple of hours. I no longer tried to hide my erection, and I stayed hard because I just couldn’t help sneaking glances at Cindy’s truly gorgeous body.
“You’re looking at my bottom, aren’t you?” she said, as she leaned over the side and dangled her fingers in the water. Her firm backside was truly mouthwatering. “You’d better not do that,” she added, “not unless you want to fuck me. Cause it’s going to make your cock so stiff you won’t be able to help yourself.”
When she pulled out a camera and started taking photos of me, it was just too much.
“What the fuck do you think you are doing?!” I screamed, grabbing the camera and preparing to hurl it over the side of the boat.
“Don’t!” she yelled. “That’s a $3,000 camera!”
“Well, what are you doing taking pictures of me? Are you planning to blackmail me or what?” I wanted to know.
“Of course I’m not planning to blackmail you,” she replied. “I just love the look of that stiff cock of yours. And knowing that it’s me that got it that way. Look how it wags back and forth.”
“How do I know you’re not going to show those photos to Marsha?” I wanted to know.
“You don’t,” replied Cindy. “So you’d better be nice to me. But actually I just want them to look at while I masturbate when Michael is away at work. You may be a stick-in-the-mud now, but believe me, in my imagination you are going to do all the naughtiest things with me. Just a pity you are so repressed, or you could enjoy doing them for real right now.”
“I’m not repressed. Of course I would love to have sex with you. But I do have some principles, and I love my wife,” I insisted.
“Ah, well. Your loss,” she sighed, pulling out the roll of film from the camera and keeping it clasped tightly in her fist while she stretched out to sun herself on the deck.
While she lay there glistening and naked in the sun, I couldn’t help but take a long look at her lovely body.
The important thing, I thought, was to get that film away from her. When she began to snore softly, I went over and squatted down next to the hand that held the film. My efforts to gently prise her fingers away from the film were enough to wake her up. She began to struggle and my only option was to pull her hand in tight to my body. A delicious feeling swept over me as I pushed the back of her soft fingers against the stiffness of my cock.
“Mmmmmm, that feels nice,” she sighed, dropping the film and wrapping her fingers around my prick. She began to gently stroke it up and down. My resistance crumbled. I clasped her slippery body against mine, loving the feel of her stiff nipples sliding across my chest as I parted her legs and slid my cock deep into her wet, welcoming pussy.
“That’s more like it!” she cried. “Nothing like fucking in the broad sunlight, with the smell of sea salt in the air.”
“I hope your satisfied, you cruel bitch!” I yelled, as I pounded my cock in and out of her.
“Not yet,” she sighed, “but I’m sure I will be.” She clasped her hands over my ass and pulled me even deeper into her. “Now that’s better.”
As a lover, she was totally uninhibited. We rolled around on the deck of the boat, as I pumped my cock in and out of her clenching pussy. I ran my hands down her back and and played with the cheeks of her bottom as she spread herself over my cock and rode me hard. I could feel her pussy squirting its honey down over my cock and balls long before I came myself, spurting what felt like pints of hot jism deep within her.
Then we collapsed in a pile of sweating limbs beneath the warm afternoon sun. The gentle swell rocked us to sleep in each other’s arms.
“I’m hot,” she said, when we woke up an hour or so later. “Let’s go for a swim.”
“O.K.,” I agreed, “but are you sure it’s safe. We don’t want to lose the boat.”
“Sure, it’ll be all right,” she reassured me, “the water’s very calm.”
So we jumped over the side into the cool, refreshing water. I felt so alive with the coolness of the water carressing my satiated body.
“Forgiven me yet?” asked Cindy as she came over and put her arms around me.
“I shouldn’t,” I replied. “I know I’m going to feel guilty for weeks, but I must admit it was pretty fantastic.”
“There’s no need to feel guilty. Marsha and I are friends. We share everything,” she laughed.
“You really are a naughty girl,” I scolded her.
“And you don’t like naughty girls?” she queried, one eyebrow raised.
“I love naughty girls,” I confessed.
“Well, we better get back into the boat before the sharks smell us,” Cindy commented.
“Sharks?!” I screamed.
“Oh, yes. There are loads of them around here,” she replied. “But don’t worry, you just have to punch them in the nose and they go away.”
“I’d rather not meet one, if you don’t mind,” I responded, swimming as fast as my arms would carry me back to the boat.
“Isn’t this wonderful,” Cindy sighed, as we lazed our way through the rest of that golden afternoon. “I love being naked under the sun. I wish I lived on an island where I didn’t ever have to wear clothes. Would you like that? We could run around like Adam and Eve all day long.”
“Sounds fine to me,” I replied. “Of course we’d be all brown and wrinkly like a pair of prunes by the time we got to the age of 30, but I’m sure we would enjoy ourselves until then.”
“Do you have to allow reality to impinge on my fantasies?” Cindy complained.
“Sorry,” I replied, “but you know me. Remember, I’m the spoil sport.”
“Well, you proved me wrong on that count anyway, lover boy,” she smiled. “But you certainly didn’t give in easily.”
“I bet you’ve got up to some pretty naughty behaviour before on these little boat trips,” I replied.
“You bet,” she responded, with a wink. “I think the best time was when Michael and I came out with our friends Tony and Jeanine. We all got nude and went swimming. Then the boys fell asleep and woke up to find us sucking their cocks. Imagine Michael’s surprise to find…