I’ve fallen for a delusion, a man that was so hot.
A dream that was never all the things I wanted him to be.
Though he was always consistently my biggest fantasy.
I just kept on waiting and hoping things would change.
I never figured on the fact we would become estranged.
My insides are so empty and I’m feeling rather lost.
I would have done anything to keep him, no matter what the cost.
It makes me feel so foolish to want something so wrong.
To have it invading all my dreams all of the night long.
A craving that will go unsatisfied no matter what I do.
Because the thing I crave my pet is the time I spent with you.
My mind will not accept the fact that feeling is gone forever.
I have to think that someday in the future we might be together.
So my delusion continues, it is always just in my mind.
My biggest fantasy has disappeared so now my heart feels blind.