Benjamin couldn’t feel his face, fingers, or toes anymore. He had shoveled three driveways this morning. But he had a warm feeling inside along with some butterflies in his stomach. He was about to knock on the door of his third-period home economics teacher, Ms. Sterling, who just happened to live right next door and who he happened to have the biggest crush on for the last four years.
Mandy Sterling had moved into the house next door about four years earlier, Benjamin’s freshman year. He had a crush on her the whole time but this was the first year he had her as a teacher. Benjamin loved that he got to stare at her for forty-five minutes a day in class now. Before this, he would only get a glance here or there in her yard or at a neighborhood gathering. There was the one time he saw her tanning in the backyard from his bedroom window. He watched her for an hour that glorious day and was almost certain he caught a glimpse of her nipple as she rolled over and unlatched her bikini top to get an even tan on her back.
But now it was the dead of winter and he had no hopes of seeing any skin now. He was excited however, this was the first time he had ever visited her at her house. An older boy used to shovel her driveway but he went off to college and now Ms. Sterling was all his. He remembered watching from his window the previous year the other boy shoveling. Ms.Sterling would always invite him in when he was done for a half hour or so. He would leave so happy and it always made Benjamin so jealous. “Why should that goof get to enjoy her company and not me”? But now was his turn he envisioned her offering him hot chocolate and telling him how good a job he did with the driveway. Besides what else could she do with a student in her house for a half-hour?
As he rang the doorbell his heart began to race. What would he say? Would he look cool saying it? Did any snot freeze on the end of his nose and make an icicle? Before he could check, the door swung open and revealed a slender silhouette of an attractive woman in her mid-thirties. Mandy Sterling would not only be the object of lust for the boys in her class but their fathers as well. Her slim figure looked great if not a little top-heavy. This would be from the full 36DD pair of tits she was sporting. She always tried to conceal them in class to appear more conservative, but the boys all knew she was staked.
Only today Benjamin did not have to guess how big her chest was. He could see all of it in its stunning glory. Ms. Sterling was clearly in the middle of a workout. She had on a sports bra that wasn’t doing its job well and let the top of her breast spill out. She was also wearing a pair of tan yoga pants that hugged every curve of her lower body. At first glance, Benjamin thought she was naked but quickly realized that wasn’t the case when he saw the brand name written down the side of the leg.
“Hi, Ms. Sterling, would you like me to shovel your driveway today?” He waited for her response. It felt like an eternity but was in reality three seconds.
“Hello Benjamin, that would be great! I was hoping someone would offer this year now that Mark left for college. I’m in the middle of my workout but knock when you’re done and we’ll talk more then, ok?”
Benjamin was in. ” Sounds good to me.” He said with a tone that sounded like he had just won the Super Bowl. The next twenty minutes Benjamin shoveled her drive like he was trying to win a contest for “Best Snow Free Driveway.” He didn’t want to go too fast and interrupt her workout, but he couldn’t wait to get inside and spend some time with his ultimate desire. And seeing her in her workout gear was almost too much for him to handle. He spent another ten minutes doing the front sidewalk with the same level of care and decided it was time to knock on the door once more. A few seconds later Ms. Sterling answered once more this time with a towel over her shoulder and a water bottle in her hand.
“Wow! The drive looks great Benjamin.” She said with a big smile “Mark must have trained you well.” Benjamin tried to process what she said. Did she think that Mark kid trained me to take over the snow shoveling in the neighborhood?
Before he could figure out what she meant he heard his voice speak out “He showed me everything he knew.” Uh, why did I say that he thought to himself?
“Everything huh?” Ms. Sterling said in an inquisitive tone. “So you know about his payment too?”
Not wanting to sound stupid Benjamin spoke up, “Yeah, that too,” with a big smile like he was in the loop. Benjamin was definitely not in the loop, for the next sentence to come out of Ms. Sterling’s mouth made his heart drop to his feet and his breath stopped cold.
“Ok, then you can take your pants off and sit on the sofa.” What did he just hear? “Just remember nobody can hear about this, that’s the rule, got it?”
Benjamin was stunned but managed to dribble out a few words. “Ye, yeah no problem.”
Benjamin began to feel sweat forming on his forehead, nerves yes but also his coat was still on. He started to take it off trying to comprehend in his mind what was going on. His zipper was stuck. He couldn’t get it off. Instinct kicked in and he pulled it off over his head but his arm got stuck. He knew he must look like an idiot. But one more good tug and it was off over his head. As his eyes readjusted to the light in front of him stood a blonde goddess with no top on and her hands each squeezing one of her large full breasts.
Benjamin had seen plenty of breasts on the internet, bigger ones even, but this was real life and these were real tits. Real huge tits in his face he was rock hard in an instant. How could this be happening? He expected a hot chocolate and maybe at the best a hug now he had no pants on and was inches from his first real pair of tits he had ever seen.
“Ok one blowjob for one snow job. Are you ready?” Ms.Sterling said joyfully.
Benjamin blurted out a way too loud “YES!”
She giggled and at that moment knew this must be his first time. Better make it good for the kid, she said to herself. Plus his dick is pretty nice, might as well enjoy it too, she thought.
She gently wrapped her fingers around his throbbing cock. At first contact, he twitched and moaned loudly. She knew she could have fun with this one. Ready to start the show she brought her mouth in close to the head of his dick and gave it the softest kiss she could. Benjamin erupted in moans. You would have thought he had blown his load but he hadn’t. In fact, his rock-hard shaft somehow felt harder in her hand all of sudden.
She wondered what that would feel like inside her. The thought alone made her feel wet and prompted her to say, “Your nice cock is making me so horny.”
Benjamin did not know what to do with this information and responded with a polite “your welcome.” What a tool he thought to himself. Play it cool. He told himself. This was becoming harder to do as Ms. Sterling moved in again for another kiss. This time though she didn’t close her lips to kiss his unit but opened them slowly and unfolded her warm tongue out onto the tip of his cock where it stayed for what felt like forever to young Benjamin. Miss Sterling began to swirl her tongue all over his head. Wrapping it around like a snake around a stick. The warmth of her tongue felt amazing to Benjamin and he began to moan more heavily. “This feels amazing Miss Sterling,” Benjamin said. Mandy responded with a look of the devil in her eye “You haven’t seen anything yet kid.” At that moment she open her mouth wider and took the entire girth of his head into her warm wet mouth. It felt like fireworks went off on his dick to Benjamin but he knew he had to keep his cool and not let this amazing experience end too quickly.
Slowly she took more of his cock into her mouth. As she went lower this became a harder task than she thought. This kid really has a nice dick, she thought to herself. Her new goal was to see if she could take in the entire thing but she didn’t want him to cum quite yet. For the next few seconds, she slowly worked her mouth up and down the shaft of his hard throbbing cock.
Benjamin was in pure ecstasy not knowing what to do with himself. Feeling brave he reached his hand down to squeeze her right breast. He had never felt anything so soft, warm, and amazing in all his life. He began to squeeze harder and Miss Sterling began to moan. Benjamin was surprised by this reaction he never thought that he could give his ultimate Crush any kind of real pleasure. But here he was fondling her breasts and she was enjoying it. Feeling he gained a little confidence he reached down for the other breast pulling and squishing the two tits together as they gently rubbed against the bottom of his balls. This was one of the best feelings he ever experienced.
“That’s making me so wet Benjamin,” Mandy said with a muffled voice and a mouthful of cock. “Do you want to see?” she asked him. He shook his head with great excitement. She slowly got back up to her feet and slowly removed her yoga pants. As she lowered them she stuck one finger into her warm wet slit. Slowly she rubbed it in and pulled it out. “See I told you,” she said. “Do you want to taste?”
Benjamin was ecstatic he said, “yes please may I?” like some poor person being offered a bowl of soup. She gently placed her finger on his lips till he opened his mouth then she rubbed it on his tongue and told him to suck it off her figure. Benjamin liked being told what to do, he clearly had a thing for dominant women but he didn’t know that yet. The taste was amazing he wanted more but was afraid to ask.
Miss Sterling got back on her knees and placed his cock back in her mouth this time sucking and thrusting faster than before. She was ready to test her skills. She relaxed her throat and on one thrust rammed her face deep into his crotch. She now had seven inches of young teenage dick in her throat. Benjamin let out a wail, he did not know how to handle this new sensation. “That feels… holy fuck… wow.” were the only words he can muster. A second later Mandy slowly lifted her mouth off of his crotch and continued rapidly sucking his dick. By this point, she could feel his dick throbbing to the point of no return.
She wanted to swallow his load but decided to save that for another visit as she knew there was another storm coming soon. She took his cock out of her mouth and began to Jerk him off. Benjamin exploded all over his chest but she continued to rub his member. Benjamin was smiling from ear-to-ear this was the best moment of his life. “Not bad kiddo,” Mandy said to him in a cocky voice. “Now you better clean up and head home. And don’t forget the rule don’t tell anyone”. With that Benjamin cleaned up, put his pants and coat on, and headed home. That evening Benjamin was excited to learn there was a storm coming in the next few days he couldn’t wait to get his shovel out.