“It’s not what you think,” replied Tina with a meaningful smile. “Just ring that number and all will be revealed.”
Anita stopped wondering which of Tina’s bodily orifaces to jam the appointment card into and took a closer look at it.
True, it didn’t look like she imagined a card for a weightloss program would look. No skinny model. All it showed besides the writing was a woman’s leg, a rather large one, clad in a stocking and suspender belt. No, it certainly didn’t look like an official Weight Watchers appointment card.
“All right,” she relented. “I don’t know why I should trust you after all the tricks you have played on my birthday in the past, but I’ll play along for now. But if this turns out to be another one of your little jokes, I’ll woop your ass so bad you won’t sit down for a week. O.K.”
“I don’t think there will be any ass-whipping going on after my friends have finished with you,” Tina replied with a naughty smile.
So Anita rang the number later that night.
“My friend Tina wanted me to ring you,” she explained. “I think she is playing a little joke on me for my birthday.”
“You must be Anita,” replied the friendly male voice on the other end.
“Yes, that’s right. Did she tell you something about me?” she asked, suspiciously.
“She told me a lot,” he replied. “All of it good, I assure you.”
“What exactly do you do?” Anita wanted to know. “You aren’t the weight loss people, are you?”
“Oh, my word, no!” he replied. “Far from it. Weight Watchers is a nightclub.”
“A nightclub?”
“Oh, yes. A men’s club actually.”
“But I’m a woman. Why would Tina make me an appointment for a men’s club?”
“Well, we do like to throw parties for women. Usually only our dancers, but Tina thought you might enjoy our special treatment.”
“But how does Tina know about your parties?” Anita wanted to know.
“You mean, she hasn’t told you?” he asked.
“Told me what?”
“That she is one of our strippers,” he replied as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
Anita burst out laughing. “Are we talking about the same Tina?” she asked, incredulously. “She’s nearly as big as me. And you’re trying to tell me that guys pay to see her take her clothes off?”
“Well, our club caters to special tastes,” the man explained. “Hence the name. Our clientele prefer large women like yourself.”
“And you think that just because you throw me a little birthday party, I’ll get it all off for you guys and give you a free show, is that it?” she asked. Tina was definitely going to get her ass whipped over this one.
“You don’t understand,” the man replied. “For our special parties, the members provide the entertainment.”
“What sort of entertainment? Like a male stripper jumping out of a cake?”
“Well, sort of. Of course, when dealing with women with larger appetites, actually putting a man inside of a food product can prove to be a little risky. We’ve lost so many of our male strippers that way,” the man explained matter-of-factly, before bursting out laughing. “Just kidding off course,” he added. “I hope you will forgive my sometimes tasteless attempts at humour.”
“I must admit, you have got me intrigued,” Anita conceded. “And, for all her practical jokes, I know that Tina wouldn’t have set this up, if there was anything suss about it.”
So that is how Anita ended up knocking on an unmarked door at 8.00 P.M. that evening and descending down the steep staircase behind it into the murky depths of the Weight Watchers nightclub.
“Welcome to our little pleasure palace, Anita,” came a voice from the shadows. As the man approached she saw that he was a tubby, balding man in his fifties. From his voice she recognised that he was the man she had spoken to on the phone, the proprietor. “Our little parties are, of course, not open to the general public. Tonight is just for you and for our long standing members. And, believe me, some of our members are long-standing indeed.”
“Bragging, are you?” asked Anita, entering into the spirit of things.
“Oh, not about myself of course,” laughed the proprietor. “But I don’t think you will be disappointed with the entertainment.”
Now that her eyes had adjusted to the semi-darkness of the club, Anita noticed a man standing behind a counter near the door. His chest was bare above the level of the counter. She couldn’t see if he wore anything below or not.
“Oh, by the way, my name is Lester,” the proprietor informed her. “And that gentleman over there is Sebastian. He’ll take your coat…and your dress…and your bra…and your panties…”
“I thought you said I wouldn’t be expected to give any free shows?” Anita responded.
“Of course not,” replied Lester. “But it was worth a try, hey?” He nudged her gently. “But seriously, please feel free to make yourself as comfortable as you wish. You may find that the entertainment improves in response to your generosity. And I don’t mean tips. Oh, and let Simon, over at the bar, get you a drink. All drinks are, of course, on the house.”
When Anita went over and gave her coat to Sebastian and ordered a drink from Simon she saw that both were wearing nothing but the most miniscule of g-strings. What the pouches of the g-strings held, however, was anything but miniscule.
As she sat at the bar with her drink, various members of the club came up and introduced themselves. They were all very pleasant and respectably dressed. Some were as young as twenty, some as old as sixty. Some were large, some small. Some were white, some black, and one was asian. The one thing they all had in common was that they all looked admiringly and unashamedly over Anita’s body and found excuses to touch her subtly on the shoulder or the thigh as they chatted with her.
Eventually, the entertainment began.
Anita was given a seat in the centre of the club just in front of the stage. One by one, the members she had been chatting with, took the stage and performed strip-tease routines. She was surprised at how talented they proved to be, given that they were voyeurs rather than exhibitionists by nature. Unlike the strip-tease routines she had seen previously, these guys went all the way. Each removed his g-string and unashamedly displayed his cock to Anita’s amused gaze.
She couldn’t say that the exposure was in itself a huge turn-on, but she knew that they were performing for her alone, and that gave her a feeling of being indulged. The guys seemed to be enjoying themselves too. A few of them were semi-erect when they pulled off their g-strings, and none of them dressed again after their routine.
There was obviously a rule that no member was allowed to sit at Anita’s table for more than a couple of minutes. There were three other chairs and they were always filled. But every couple of minutes the occupants would sadly surrender their seat to another.
The guys were all very flirty, especially now that they were naked, and they took even greater liberties than before. Not that they were ever crude or obvious about it. They would just put an arm around Anita’s shoulders and pull her closer so that she could hear what they whispered in her ear, or they would gently stroke her thigh as they talked with her.
As each guy had his turn to sit with her, Anita found herself stealing more and more quick glimpses at the guy”s cocks. When they were wandering around the room, chatting with each other, buying drinks, or whatever, they would be flaccid, but Anita couldn’t help but notice that, as they sat next to her and flirted, each of them swelled and stiffened.
As the evening progressed, the easy-going atmosphere and the steady stream of free drinks had their desired effect. “If the guys can take their liberties with me, then why not me with them?” Anita thought.
At first she would just brush their backs or pat their knees, but it was not long before she was pinching butts and stroking stiff cocks. The guys loved it, so why not.
“And now, for the highlight of our show tonight,” Lester, who had remained dressed, announced from the stage, “a special performance by our boys from the military. We are lucky to have 24 recruits with us from the local military training college.”
These guys had not been among the members to whom Anita had chatted before the show began. Obviously this part of the show had been a closely guarded secret.
The twenty four young men who now took the stage were all dressed in camouflage outfits. They were not real military uniforms. Unlike real military uniforms, they were held together with velcro. One quick movement and each piece of clothing came away.
Soon Anita was admiring the sight of 24 bare military butts grinding rhythmically before her.
When they turned to face her she was surprised to see that every one of them had a rock-hard cock.
“How did they do that?” she asked the man next to her in astonishment.
“They were no doubt thinking about what happens next,” he replied, and she noticed that he too was as stiff as a poker.
“And what might that be?” asked Anita, giving his stiff prick an affectionate stroke.
“The twenty-four cock salute,” he replied.
Anita looked back at the stage to find that all of the guys were now stroking their cocks and walking towards her.
“Hey, wait a minute!” she cried. “You can’t come all over my new dress.”
“Then you had better take it off,” replied her companion.
“Somehow I knew something like this would happen,” Anita responded. “But what the hell. I am a little overdressed compared with the rest of you.” She then turned towards the naked, masturbating men on the stage. “Don’t come without me,” she laughed, as she got up and hurried over to the counter where Sebastian was still waiting, although now without his g-string, to look after her clothes. Quickly she unzipped her dress and stepped out of it. Then she removed her bra, allowing her enormous breasts to swing free. Finally she pulled her knickers down and stepped out of them. She was naked.
As she made her way back to her table she couldn’t help but notice that it was not only the guys on the stage who were masturbating. Everywhere she looked she saw bulging eyes and dopey grins and cock-stroking hands. To these guys, I’m a walking wet-dream, she thought. Well, what do you know?
“You can help the guys, if you want,” Lester informed her as he stepped down from the stage and began removing his own clothes.
Anita walked along the line of happy cocks, stroking one here and one there.
“I think they are all ready, now,” commented Lester, picking up his microphone again, now that he was naked and stiff-cocked, like every other guy in the room.
“Ready, aim, fire!” he cried, and 24 cocks spurted 24 streams of hot cum over Anita’s body. It splashed over her boobs and over her belly. It ran in viscous streams down her legs.
And then the other guys started coming over to her and rubbing their stiff cocks against her soft skin and she felt more streams of come pouring over her body. She felt like she was being bathed in streams of adoration.
Finally, with a fruity belly laugh, she spread her arms and presented herself to the club members.
“Look what a mess you have made of me,” she scolded them, playfully.
“Don’t worry. We’ll clean you up,” Lester informed her, leading her through a side door.
She entered a room which contained a jacuzzi the size of a small swimming pool. She waded out into it, enjoying the warm jets of water against her bare skin. Then all the naked men joined her.
Countless tender hands washed her body with fragrant bath gels. She felt kisses in all the most intimate parts of her body. And, though all the men had only just finished masturbating over her loveliness, she soon felt a sea of cocks stiffening around her. And she knew that she was the cause of it all.
“I really must thank you all for giving me the most amazing evening of entertainment that a woman ever enjoyed,” she told them, as they fussed around her.
“We are not finished yet,” Lester broke off sucking her left nipple to inform her. “The show ain’t over until the fat lady cums.”
Anita felt herself lifted up by countless hands and then a mouth attached itself to either of her nipples, licking and sucking and teasing them deliciously. Another mouth latched onto her pussy and began giving her clit the same treatment. Meanwhile, lips were kissing every inch of her skin.
Finally, when she thought that she could not stand the pleasure for one more second without exploding, the mouth between her legs was replaced by a large stiff cock. It’s warmth filled her to her very depths and she cried out in ecstasy as it brought to a unified cresecendo all the individual erotic tunes that all those mouths had been playing upon the instrument of her body.
By the time the party broke up at about 5 A.M., Anita was a very tired but very happy woman.
“And you will consider the offer I made you, now won’t you?” Lester asked as he kissed her goodbye.
“Oh, sure, hun,” she replied. “But to tell you the truth, I think I can only stand this much excitement about once a year.”