
"His rhythmic movement beside her was continuing. What the hell was he doing?"

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Pallas shifted in her place on the sofa, she cut her eyes to the left, and Kian was doing something in the seat beside her. She kept typing focusing back on the screen in front of her. She rubbed her eyes, fatigue as setting in but once she started typing, she wanted to finish before she called it a night.

Kian was still shaking beside her. She could feel his eyes on her; he had watched her more than the movie all night. She’d given up on getting him to stop and had focused on finishing her writing project.

They were friends and he had been supportive of her taking some extra classes focusing on more things that are creative. She was taking a business class, which is where she met him, her parents wanted her to have a good business background. They had seemed to overlook and tried to even suppress her creative side.

However, writing and drawing had always interested her and she really excelled in those things. Her parents were paying for her classes that they approved of but she had to take a part-time job to take the classes she liked. She had a project that was due after the holiday and was blocked all week, and now the ideas were flowing; but of course, this was the day that Kian wanted to sit up and watch movies.

She kept saying, ‘Let me finish this,’ and ‘Ten more minutes.’ But, that had turned into an hour and half so far.

Kian was still moving slowly next to her. He had come over a little drunk and unhappy that his latest romantic venture had ended with him frustrated and his wallet $250 lighter.

Pallas had refrained from saying ‘I told you so,’ and agreed to stay up and watch movies with him.

Kian was very attractive. Tall, blue eyes, devil-may-care smile, blond wild hair, tanned skin. He was a walking dream to 99% of all breathing girls. He was very charming, very generous and as worldly as he was, he was very quick to fall in ‘love’.

She had given up on giving him advice, but was happy to always be a shoulder to sigh on between his various bedmates. He always came over talking about his conquests. And when he flirted with her, she shot him down time and time again not wanting to be another notch in his belt that was probably the size of Orion’s.

On her too many to mention lonely nights, she had regretted her decisions, wishing he was there beside her… inside her as she pleasured herself.

That night, after he had coaxed his way into her apartment (she had told him she had to get her paper done) he didn’t seem as upset about the evening’s turn of events as he initially seemed to be.

His eyes were on her as soon as they sat on her sofa. He seemed to have no sense of personal space either; sitting right next to her on the large soft, their legs touching.

His rhythmic movement beside her was continuing. What the hell was he doing? The motion reminded her of something, but she didn’t want to think about.

He couldn’t, wouldn’t be doing that.

She finally looked over at him. He was smiling slyly at her, causing her stomach to flutter and looked down as his arm moved back and forth…over the bulge in his pants.

She turned away quickly feeling her face burning.

“Kian, what are you doing?”

“Rubbing my cock,” He said in a low, sexy, matter of fact voice.

“Why? I mean…” She looked back over her shoulder. He continued smirking at her. “If it’s that serious, go home, or to the bathroom at least.”

“Does it make you uncomfortable?”

“Ahh, yeah. Take that outta here.”

“Then I can’t watch you while I do it.”

“What’dya need to watch me for?”

“Who do you think I’m thinking about?”

He always said the most outlandish and sexy things just to see her squirm.

“Shut up.”

She looked back over at him and he still hadn’t stopped. Still smiling at her, his hand rubbing over his bulging pants. He adjusted in his seat still staring at her and still stroking himself.

“Cut it out. Oh my gosh,” she squeaked out flustered.

“Oh, my gosh…” he said mockingly and laughing. “ Why? You know you like it?”

“No, I don’t.”

She lied.

“Just ’cause Jessica, Brittany, Nicola or whoever you went out with tonight didn’t pan out, I’m not gonna be your back-up.”

“You’re not a substitute; I didn’t want to go out with Keily anyway. She was boring. You’re way more fun.”

“Ha ha ha,” Pallas huffed sarcastically, cutting her eyes to the side.

He was still rubbing away.

“Will you cut that out?”


She was at a loss. She couldn’t work, she couldn’t sit back and she truthfully didn’t want to get up and leave.

She did like it; she liked him. His bold, lascivious ways. He always pulled it off with her, turning her on but not scaring her off.

She sat still just staring ahead not even looking at the TV screen.

“You wanna touch it?” he asked after a few minutes.

“Ahh…” her breath caught. Her clit fluttered throbbing to life, her panties filled with a gush of moisture.

He chuckled feeling her nervousness.

Her chest began to heave.

He liked watching the rise and fall of her large breasts. She always had them hidden behind a tee shirt.

“Are you scared?”

“I’m not scared,” she turned looking at him defiantly.

He knew her buttons well and that one phrase would always get her going in a direction she normally wouldn’t, but the direction the wanted her to go tonight.

“Then touch it,” he said resting his elbows over the side of the sofa looking down at his straining member, spreading his legs wider.

She hesitated, weighing the ramifications of the challenge.

“Touch it,” he said again in a low silky voice.

She swallowed hard looking deep into his blue eyes that egged her on.

He raised his eyebrow as he waited.

“If you’re scared then…”

“No, I’m not. It’s just a ….”

“A cock.”

The way he said the word, heavy and velvety, sent a flash of excitement through her.

“Yeah,” she blushed. It was a cock, but not just any cock. It was his. She wasn’t a dick loving type of girl. Penises in general weren’t that great to her or turned her on unless she was really horny.

It was ‘who’ it was attached too. In this case, it was attached to someone she’d harbored feelings about for a long time.

She began tentatively reaching out for him. Her lips and his parted in anticipation as she hovered her hand over his crotch; he lifted his pelvis slightly to meet her hand and she rested it on the stiff protrusion.

She let her hand close around it, with a sigh from her and a gratified moan from him.

“It’s so big,” she said not realizing she had said it aloud.

“Fuck, yeah it is…” he answered, looked at her confidently.

She looked at him blushing again, but not removing her hand. She began to rollover and over him. Feeling his size through the fabric of his jeans.

He watched her through heavy lids as she took her time touching him; he had wanted her to touch him for the longest time. His reputation causing her to pull away. He’d asked on many occasions to sleep with her, but she had told him no every time, thinking it was a joke.

“You wanna see it?”

She didn’t need to be coaxed again. Her blood was boiling with desire.

“Yes,” she said demurely, before she could stop herself.

His excitement was growing, and he smirked as he fumbled with the button and zipper. Then carefully let his painful erection emerge from his boxer briefs.

She looked wide-eyed as he out pulled the long thick veiny monster. She had only seen cocks like that in videos and pictures, never anything like that in person. Her few previous relationships had been of adequate size but nothing like this.

He was a beast, at least 8-inches long and thick. Nice, meaty and thick. In her fantasies and her toys, she liked the thickness. She liked what she was looking at.

She smiled in spite of herself and looked back up at Kian, who hadn’t once taken his eyes from her.

Her enjoying him turned him on.

“Touch it.”

She hesitated only a split second then reached out again, with a finger at first. Touching the veins on his hot skin, then she slowly took it in her hand, she heard Kian moan and lay back.

“Stroke it,” he said, almost commanding her.

She didn’t need instructions and she let her hand glide up and down the long hot shaft. Precum oozing from the tip, easing the motion.

She had an overwhelming desire to put it in her mouth, to taste him, feel him inside her. She moved close to him, her hand moving up and down the full length of him. His pubic hair was cut close, and his flat stomach added to his size. He began to moan deeply, his hand moving to her back and stroking her as he enjoyed her touching him.

She watched him, his mouth open slightly, his pelvis moving slightly too, coming and meet the downward stroke of her hand. He was so sexy, even when he wasn’t trying, but now he as off the scale.

He pulled his shirt up with one hand, his muscles in his ripped stomach visible and quivering.

He began to pant, guttural lusty groans coming from the back of his throat.

“Faster,” he hissed.

Pallas increased her speed on his thick hot flesh, as he continued to moan. He leaned over, breathing hot and heavy in her ear. The sound of his moaning overwhelming her, turning her on even more.

She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter.

She watched his face almost in a haze while the heat, passion and desire rose in her. He gripped her waist pressing his lips against her ear.

“I’m coming,” His voice was almost an inaudible growl of pleasure. His statement was an erotic challenge, which she couldn’t resist.

It hit her they were in her apartment on her semi-new sofa. She couldn’t have cum all over it. At least that’s what she would use as an excuse, when this was all over.

She leaned down taking his quickly swelling cock into her mouth. A sense of urgency pushing her. Any reservations she may have had, she pushed them out of her mind.

Kian gave a surprised high-pitched moan at the erotic shock of Pallas engulfing him, which made her giggle as she began bobbing her head up and down the length of him.

Kian didn’t know what to do. Whether to stop her? Never! Instead, he stroked her hair and held her down on him. He was confused, to say the least, but it didn’t last long as the added stimulation of her doing it so suddenly.

The hot delicious waves spreading through him, as the sight of her lush full lips around him had him bucking into her mouth moaning instantly.

Pallas pulled up from him letting her tongue slide, glide long, deliberate, and sensuous strokes up the length of him. She did this several times before looking up at him, eyes fiery and libidinous.

He wanted her so badly. He thought for a second that he was having a dream. Her looking up from his lap. Her lips wrapped tight around his cock. He reached down sinking his hand in the top of her shirt and under her bra palming her full-swelling breasts. He felt her moaning; her throat and mouth reverberated as she sucked him.

She couldn’t believe what she was doing, but she loved it. Loved feeling him in her mouth while also loving the way he was looking down at her, completely aroused and surprised. She even loved his hands on her. She wanted to please him, make him happy. Her thoughts were foreign, strange, but familiar and maybe of things she hadn’t wanted to admit she wanted to do.

Pallas had braced herself feeling his balls tighten and his dick swelling, she tried to relax her throat as the onslaught of thick hot semen spurted over her tongue and down her throat.

It was so much though that she could barely keep herself from gagging.

Once. Twice. The third time, huge gushes spurted in her mouth then several smaller ones before the floodgates closed.

She sat up wiping her mouth, not believing what she had just done, while coughing lightly.

Kian stared at her even more enamored than before. Shattering happiness filled him, as his attack was swift and complete; he was on Pallas the instant she raised from his lap. His mouth covering hers in a deep impassioned and probing kiss.

His one hand mauled her breast while the other held her neck as his bruising kiss continued, his tongue licking and sucking hers.

Pallas halfheartedly pushed against him as he easily overwhelmed her senses and any further resistance she may have had. His kisses trailed down her cheek to her neck.

She had revealed to him on a drunken night of talking, that kisses to her neck especially on the left side sent her over the edge so quickly. He was so drunk that night, not being able to take advantage of the newfound knowledge because he passed out. But now…

His tongue and lips lavished affectionately over Pallas’s super sensitive erogenous area. And, as promised her body opened up, relaxing into his attentive care to that area as she basically melted underneath him. Her legs opened as he maneuvered excitedly between them. His restless lust causing him to pull and tug at her clothes in an awkward frenzied attempt to get her out of them.

He looked down on her as she beamed. His cock hard again against her leg.

She was so beautiful. Hazel eyes with green flecks peering up at him from under the veil of her dark brown bangs that hung in her face. He pulled off his shirt effortlessly and then went about pulling her from her own as well.

Pallas was tempted to cover her chest as her heart thundered in her chest. Panic and clarity striking her at once realizing where this roller coaster of lust was taking them.

“We shouldn’t…” She said reaching for her shirt that he had just moments ago thrown to the side.

“Yes, we should.” He insisted kissing her neck. Her body responded immediately relaxing back on the sofa, but fear had too strong a hold and she pushed him off again.

“Really Kian, we shouldn’t. I don’t want to confuse things.”

“I’m not confused. I want to fuck you.”

Tact and eloquence were not his strong suit when he was horny. He dove for her neck again.

A pang of sadness and regret flooded her while completely out weighing the passion she was just feeling. Seeing that she was nothing more than another fuck for him.

She had told him repeatedly that a friend with benefits was not her style, and she saw that this was where this would be heading. She knew she didn’t have the right to demand anything more. She wanted to keep the lines to their friendship clear and defined and it didn’t include what was about to happen.

She pushed on his chest more forcefully, holding his off.

He groped for her to stay under him.

“What is it?” He said still trying to kiss her.

Yes, what was it?

Her head was spinning, was that what it was… She was trying to put a stipulation on this experience. All the halting thoughts in her mind were threatening to overwhelm her. She wanted to label this, say what it would lead to. She closed her eyes to shut them out, to silence them….

Published 15 years ago

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