His desires showed me the way, are the reason for so many things that I am today.
A sweet loving soul he was to me, his boyish charm was always so pleasing.
His essence is so very alluring, before very long it was him I was adoring.
I loved being everything to him that he desired, the passion he showed me always left me inspired.
He was always so very easy to please, all I ever had to do was just be me.
No matter what misunderstandings we ever had, he turned me on so much he drove me absolutely mad.
Crazy with want to have him like before, everything about him I wanted to explore.
He was such a brief beautiful moment in time, but I cherish the memory of when he was once mine.
To feel a love such as his fills your heart to the brim, no one else in the world could ever be like him.
Though he was never in a position to give his love freely, I felt it just the same he filled me up completely.
Never with me will he ever need to reciprocate, for him forever is how long I would wait.
I’ll always desire him so very much, that sweet sexy man with his special touch.
No matter where he goes he will always be, the one that I want the one that I need.