What do you want mister?
She was younger than he thought she’d be. It crossed his mind that the girl might be underage. He quickly dismissed the thought, having been told the females in this place were all legal.
Feeling his dick stir, he traced her curves through the oversized secondhand dress she wore. Flashing a peak at her painted face, he wondered when, and if she would look at him? Her chin almost rested on her chest now, as she stood next to him.
“What do you want mister?”
The softness in her voice startled him.
Taking her by the shoulders, he sat her down on the bed. Sitting close to her, he pulled her face up by the chin and inspected it. A bystander might have thought he was searching for something. Her eyes remained lowered as she said again,
“How do you like it mister?”
His M.O. was always the same.
“Take your clothes off and finger yourself.”
Looking at her knees, she said, “Listen, gotta know what you want.”
“That’s what I want. Take all your clothes off and finger yourself.”
He reached for the zipper and pulled it down her back. Standing, she pulled the sleeves off and let the dress fall to the old wood floor.
Climbing onto the bed, she felt her head jerk sideways in wonder at the stranger. Wanting the thing over, she rested against the headboard and spread her legs as far as they would go and reached for her cunt.
He saw, but she didn’t. The tight skin covering the pelvic, running down under the soft pubic hair to the swollen fucked pussy.
“Look at your fingers while you’re doing it. Watch them and show me something.”
He missed the glance she shot him.
What hell does he want? she thought. The sternness in his voice alarmed her a bit.
Bending forward, she reached into herself, watching her long painted fingernails go in and out. The last dog had a big dick and he had given it to her rough. She felt the swollenness that was there every day. The lube from the sleeve he used was still there too.
“Put some spit on it sister. Wet your fingers.”
She shot him a glance and he caught it.
Whispering loud enough for her to hear, he said, “Don’t look at me woman. Watch-Your-Fingers.”
Avoiding her eyes, he looked at the fingers in her mouth. She worked at it unenthused.
“Get it wet! Lick between your fingers. Soak the palm and backside.”
Her dry-mouth made it difficult.
“Keep your eyes on your hand girl! Watch!”
The taste on her fingers made her think about the others that had touched her that day. She felt her stomach come up to her mouth. Sinking into the headboard, she relaxed and watched her hand become soaked.
Reaching down, she ripped it across and rolled the wet into her cunt. The spit felt different from the lotion she used to get them in and out. She’d learned to have something on hand to get the bastards off without tearing her apart.
“Look at it. Your going to do it, until you get it done.”
Who is this guy? Does he think I’m gonna get off? Her head jerked in disbelief again. I’m gonna have to fake one for this bastard.
Opening her mouth, she let a moan escape for him. She didn’t like to speak to them. In a day, she could go without much more than a, “What do you want mister?”
She didn’t hear what they said either unless she had to and then forgot it soon afterwords.
Another sound passed her lips.
“You’re not getting it sweetheart. I’ve paid for this and you’re gonna give to me.”
The way he said it made her quiver. All of a sudden it was cold and goose bumps appeared on her skin.
It was always hot in this place, she thought in disbelief. She couldn’t remember feeling cold in the room.
The tightness in her chest made her look and see her nipples perking.
“Touch them,” he said.
Hesitating for a moment, she complied and felt an unusual hardness rolling each between her fingers.
“Squeeze them hard.”
She did as she was told, starting gently.
“Milk your tits!” he ordered.
Taking one in a hand, she watched her tit squeeze tighter. What was this? Milking, she forced some stuff out of her nipples.
His mouth watered at the sight. Opening his pants, he reached for his dick and told her to suck her tit.
What the hell, she thought, I don’t want to eat this!
Taking her tit, she pushed it into her mouth. A sweetness rolled over her tongue and she felt an almost smile cross her lips. Sucking harder, the taste kept coming.
How weird? she thought.
Forgetting him for a moment, she sucked until the tasted was gone. Reaching for the other, she began again.
He felt the hardness in his hands. Watching, he tasted the sweetness she ate.
Red lipstick smeared her tit.
“You’ve left your pussy alone for too long.”
Releasing her tit, she looked up at him.
“Please, don’t look at me girl,” he muttered. “Look at yourself.”
To see what? she thought.
Not realizing she was looking at the man, she wondered what he really wanted.
She realized where her eyes were when she heard him say, “I told you not to look at me!” She decided to obey and get it over with quickly.
Feeling dry again, she deep throated her fingers, something for him to watch, and wet them thoroughly.
Bending herself forward, she brought her knees up to her shoulders and played the game, wondering how far she could get inside. Hoping not to look at him again, she moved and turned her backside to him, got on all fours and then reached between her legs wishing he’d just fuck her, and get this over with.
“That’s right. Show me your ass. Put your fingers in your ass.”
“Okay,” she uttered through clenched lips.
Running her fingers over her ass, she found it and reached in feeling the softness. The tightness hurt. Stretching the opening, her rib cage heaved and she felt hardness return to her nipples. It wasn’t cold in the room now. Nonetheless, her titties swelled and sweat beaded on her skin. The pain was different. Not like the shit she felt with the others.
The softness was warm. Reaching further, she forgot where she was and explored. She felt the emptiness inside her. The fact that she hadn’t eaten that day made that emptiness. She didn’t care one way or the other.
She stopped herself from turning to look at the sound of the man jagging himself.
Good, she thought. It will be over soon!
She heard him slow his pace and knew he’d make it last longer. She remembered his words,
“That’s what I want. Touch yourself “
The deepest moan she could muster passed her lips. The work she’d done to open her ass for the man vanished with the moan and closed her ass over her knuckles.
What was that? The moan made her react.
She’d been fucked before. Fucked and ripped. She practiced control to keep herself receiving. It stopped them from tearing her up, along with the lotion. Stretching herself again, she swished her fist inside and touched something.
“You’re doing it now baby. Go on, give it to me.”
She wondered, and then shook her head again.
He watched her hair swing slowly across her back and around her shoulders. There was no question in his mind. She was going to cum. It was what he came for.
She still didn’t understand that.
Reaching for her, he flipped her down on the bed and tore her hand out of her ass.
“I want it wet.”
No big deal, She thought.
Licking her knuckles she tasted what she had tasted before.
He wanted her to fuck herself.
She found her clit and rubbed hard . Her eyes closed, as she tore at herself. She thought she’d come apart or bleed from the hard days work. Softening her touch, she felt wetness. Softer she worked. More wetness. The slickness felt good.
Hoping he’d get off, she opened her eyes and rubbed the wet hand into her snatch and over her inner thighs, watching the glimmer. Her back melted into the bed and she grabbed her protruded swollenness in a hand.
No more tricks today.
Holding herself tighter, she tried to go to that place where she didn’t feel. It wasn’t working, and then she knew, she didn’t want it work.
He spoke, “Keep going.”
What is this? she thought.
She looked to see her clit hard, sticking out of her cunt lips.
What the hell?
Reaching for her mouth, she licked some spit onto her fingers and touched herself. Squeezing her eyes closed and shaking her head, she felt a new expression on her face.
She heard the man make a sound and almost wondered what he said. She squeezed her clit between her fingernails hoping it would help.
He saw her struggling and reached for her. He looked at her face now. She was desperate to the core.
He touched the red raw pussy and then, she saw him taste it. A warm wave washed over her. He touched her again and she unknowingly withdrew. He bent and bit down on her erect nipple.
“You’re gonna cum.”
She felt his teeth close tighter and her cunt tightened with them. She still didn’t believe it.
He whispered, “I told you to look at yourself.”
She opened her eyes just as he reached into her cunt softly. She felt it. Sinking into the bed, her legs apart. With just a finger he reached her. A spill began. Cupping his hand he caught some and and put it on his cock.
She avoided his eyes and watched him. The cockhead bulged out of the top of his firm grip. It looked like he was trying to hold the stuff in.
She heard him moan and then mumble something.
The sound shook something inside her. Releasing his grip, the cum shot over her. He reached and smeared it into her body. Scooping some in his fingers, she thought he’d shove it in her mouth but, no, he put it in his own.
Her eyes followed him to the door and then he was gone.
Her eyes closed and she slept.