Reminiscence – Entwining part 2 – Storylines

"The continuance to Entwining part 1, part of Reminiscence group of stories."

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Reminiscence – Entwining

‘You know how I feel about this, you know what I’d like to give you.’ She told him, ever so slowly. Achingly, they had been lying in bed for two hours after they had awoken, just content to talk. The conversation had drifted however, to a more…. Taboo subject.

‘I know how you feel…’ he trailed off, kissing her neck, his arms wrapped around her waist. They were laying on their sides, her backs to him. She wasn’t being cold, she was on the verge of breaking.

‘I’ve been here for a month. I just don’t understand WHY this is a no go for you. We have condoms. We’ve given each other time to know each other. We’ve given each other time to get to know each other, we’ve lived together, eaten, slept next to each other day in and day out. How are you even able to resist me?’ Almost in tears, she hoped she could hold on long enough. She just couldn’t understand why.

He squeezed her in a hug, almost trying to comfort her. ‘Nothing’s wrong.’ He accented this with a kiss to her bare shoulder, peeking out from under the bed sheet. ‘Nothing, I’m just not sure if I’m ready yet.’

She sighed long, trying not to let out ragged breaths. Tears burned in her eyes as she swallowed, not sure how to ask, not sure if she wanted the answers. “Honestly… please. Is there someone else? Is it something with me?’ Suddenly, feeling self conscience, she pulled the sheets up more to cover. ‘Are you gay? I just… I just don’t understand ! It’s just so frustrating!’ breathing a little haggardly, she heard him moan. ‘There’s no one else, I’m not gay and there’s nothing wrong with your body. It’s just not the right time, just wait.’ Trailing kisses down her neck, she shuddered.

‘It wasn’t right the night you asked me to stay? It wasn’t right the night we went skinny dipping in the lake? It wasn’t right every other time?!’ Exasperated, she turned more into the pillow and away from him. ‘When will it be right? I don’t know what you need, It eels so right to me. All the time. Everyday !’ He could feel her tension, and he ached to tell her, though the relationship was still too new to risk it.

‘I’m scared there’s something your not telling me and its’ really important.’ She sniffed. ‘Its almost as if you were a virgin and were afraid to say something. If that’s the case, there’s nothing to be shy about… ‘ He giggled about this, assuring her it was not the right time. Everything seemed so right, she just couldn’t understand.

She had been with him for a month, they slept nude, every night. Every night, he was aroused and every night, shot her down. It seemed like all she had to do as look out at him, and he was aroused. She could tell, obviously. She knew she aroused him, she just couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t consent to taking her. She had tried different body lotions, scanty clothing (which he actually disliked) and even trashy. She tried talking dirty, she tried making breakfast nude. She knew she aroused him, but she couldn’t understand his reluctance.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, he spoke. Putting his hand on her shoulder, he asked her to turn around, wiping the tears off her cheeks. He hugged her close, once again repeating himself that there was nothing wrong. He wasn’t ready. Burying her face in his chest, he cuddled her for a while. He was hard. She had no idea how much he wanted her, but every time he thought about sex he’d begin to go flaccid. He wanted to explain himself, why he was so nervous, but…

She had wrapped her arms around his neck, pulled herself up in the bed. She was… he sighed to himself, beautiful. She was beautiful. She was chunky, but her body had just enough curve and bounce. She was still shapely. She was small and perky, her breasts, ample, pale olive skin with pink nipples, one being pierced. Wide hips, oh how she fit cuddled up to him, her ass just right. She doesn’t know how much he enjoys her body.

What she doesn’t know? There is a lot he wont tell her, all of it goes through his head as they lay upon the bed. Her body more than did it for him. Her personality is what drew him in. Living with her, he’s never felt happier. She just doesn’t know this. He likes to watch her move, watch her cook and talk on the phone. He loved watching her sleep. She’d fallen asleep in his arms on the couch the last week’ he had tears in his eyes, the way is heart felt like it was going to break. His heard skipped a beat as she kissed him. Long, hard, deep. Desire, passion. Red hot want. She made it clear how she felt about him. She wanted to give herself to him, assured him it wasn’t just lust.

Lust was cheap; you could buy lust on a corner in darker part of town.

What she wanted to give him was herself, wholly, a conjoining of two.

To her, sex was still sacred; it wasn’t just for lust, and lust didn’t happen without love. For him, lust couldn’t happen without love, but that wasn’t his issue. He knows he loved her, he knew she loved him.

He kissed her back, hugging her closer, feeling her breasts press up against his shoulders. She was only a couple inches taller than five feet, where he almost stood an entire foot taller than her. The height felt perfect to them though. Cupping her face, kissing her long and hard, he felt himself become lodged in her belly button. As he tried to hug her closer, one of her hands slipped under the sheets to adjust where he was placed, stabbing her belly button kind of hurt.

Giggling, letting him pull her closer, she wrapped her leg around his waist, not feeling him against her lower lips. He gasped, she told him to relax. He didn’t seem to understand that he couldn’t just slip in. Still kissing, he pulled her on top of him, her straddling his hips. Kissing her chest, she stopped, huffed at him. ‘We have… to stop…?’ She waited, trailing on at first. She reddened, his face felt flushed. ‘Keep kissing me?’ he asked her, She happily obliged.

He has explored her body, in the past. She had asked him to, kind of to get him to open up to her more. She let him trace her body, explore. He had already explored, needed not out of curiosity, but as his heart thudded in his chest, his felt each breast in his hand and kissed her, hard. She moaned, lowering her hips just lightly. She was very wet; he was rock solid. She dropped her hips down just enough to slide him closer to her entrance.

He paused for a second, his heart skipping another beat before, without thinking, he asked her for a condom.

She stopped, asked if he was serious, waiting for him to tell her no, just like the plenty of times before he did just such.

He nodded at her, swallowing. She kissed him again, whispered thank you into his ear, and grabbed a condom off the night table.

When he reached for it, she shook her head. ‘Let me.’ She didn’t ask. She told him, but sweetly. She straddled her hips again, standing on her knees. ‘Let me.’ She placed his hands on her breasts, indicating he should touch her. ‘Let me’ she repeated again, as she reached behind to pull on his scrotum. ‘Close your eyes’ She told him, and he did. He could focus more on what they were doing to each other, and not his erection. She stopped tugging, turned around to place her hands on either side of his face. Leaning down to kiss him, he kept his hands on her chest, she kept the condom in her hand.

He could feel his blood pound in his ears; his skin burned where her hair brushed it. She was kissing him, and her bangs were resting on his cheek. Driving him crazy, yet he couldn’t move them.

She bit his ear. He gasped. Just a love nibble that sent shivers through his spine.

He squeezed her chest; she moaned. His erection pulsed. She knew he liked that. ‘Oh’ she moaned. ‘Don’t stop. Please…’ She whispered into his ear.

His eyes still closed, she brought her hands down to put the condom on him. She flicked her thumb across his head, ran her fingers along his length before slipping the condom on him.

He took a deep breath.

Resuming her original position, she brought her hips down again to hover over him. Taking him in her hands, she guided him to her entrance, and yet didn’t take him in. She took his hands in hers, kissing each of his fingers. She placed one of his hands over her heart and the other she placed to cup her face. She kissed the hand again, than slid down to have him enter her.

He gasped, opened his eyes, gasped again as she started to rock back and forth. She smiled sweetly at him. ‘Feels a lot different than my mouth, doesn’t it?’ She asked him sweetly.

He nodded.

He took both of his hands and grabbed her hips, moving them for her. He grunted, she felt him pulse inside her.

She didn’t think he’d last long.

He pushed her hips back and forth to grind, gasping. He pulled her down to kiss her. She giggled, surprised wit his aggressiveness.

Moaning, she brought her hands to her head, threading them through her hair, throwing her head back. Taking control, she bounced up and down, slowly at first then gaining momentum, increasing speed. He let his head fall back, kept his hands on her hips for a few moments, then slid his hands up her stomach to cup and kneed her breasts.

Just as she was cresting, her face flushing and her chest heaving, she heard him cry out, when felt him come inside her. Smiling at the triumph, she stayed on her knees until he grabbed her by the neck, wrapping his arms around her to come own. Panting, they lay together for a few minutes, spend, in each other’s arms.

Published 14 years ago

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