Tonight I finished up being the Santa for the family Christmas party for a pretty large law firm in my city. There had been probably 150 kids there and each and every one needed to have a turn with Santa. That didn’t bother me though, for the most part they were good with only a few really freaking out. I pocketed about $5,000 for the event but I’m glad that it’s over. I work my way through a crowd of kids and make it to a private room that they have just off the reception hall so I can change and take off.
As I’m unbuttoning my suit I hear a knock on the door. I ‘m expecting someone to stop by and drop off the $2,500 final payment in addition to the $2,500 deposit that I had been paid earlier. I open the door and there are 2 women standing there, I assume they work at the firm and one of them is holding a check book. They ask if they can come in and shut the door so none of the kids see me changing out of the Santa uniform. Of course I say yes, not wanting to ruin it for any of the kids.
As I step aside and they both walk in. I recognize one of the women from before. She had been standing in line with 3 kids all under the age of 10 and looked a little frazzled. She’s on the chubby side and has really light blond hair with a very fair, but pretty face. She’s wearing a business top that pretty well hides her ample breasts, but not enough to cover up the size and a skirt that goes down to here knees and stretches tight over her thick large ass. By no means is she a beauty queen and its was clear that she has 3 young kids, but she’s very sexy in that MILF way.
I have no idea who the other girl is, but she’s probably 15 years younger and much less formally dressed. She’s wearing a loose kind of school girl skirt and a tight sweater. Her boobs look good in it, not huge, but very perky. She has kind of a plain face with some dark freckles around her nose that support her glasses and her hair is pulled back into a pony tail. Like I said, she’s kind of plain and not really what I look for in a girl.
As they walk in and I close the door the young one says to the older one, “Sam, I think we walked in on Santa changing”.
I realize that the top of my Santa suit is open and they can see the top of my chest and the beginning of the fake belly I wear.
“Hey, it looks like he’s not the real Santa” Sam replies and puts her hand on the fake belly.
“Santa’s doctor told him that he needs to lose some weight and get his cholesterol down or there won’t be anybody to deliver presents” I reply with a shy smile. I have been working out lately and dropped enough weight to need the fake belly, so I am flattered by her comment.
Leaving her hand there Sam says “Good for you Santa, the world needs a sexier Santa” and winks at me. “I believe we owe you some money, hand me the checkbook Ella.”
As Ella hands her the checkbook Sam takes her hand off my belly and I continue unbuttoning my coat so that I can get this hot fake belly off. As Sam writes the check I get the belly unfastened and pull it off so I’m standing there with a bare chest, but the coat still on. I also still have on my fake wig and beard which I won’t take off until I get home because I need to use some solvent to get the glue off. Overall it must look pretty funny and Ella gives me kind of a goofy smile.
As Sam starts to tear the check from the pad and hand it to me Ella pipes up “wait, he hasn’t finished seeing everyone yet.”
Sam smiles at her and asks “and who might that be?”
“Me of course” Ella replies. She turns to me and says “Santa, I haven’t had a chance to sit on your lap yet” as she pouts out her bottom lip.
I figure that they are probably both a little drunk, and since they have my money I probably ought to play along. I sit down on a chair and pat my knee saying “come sit on Santa’s knee and tell me what you want little girl.”
Ella giggles and comes over to sit on my knee. She’s facing in so her legs are between mine and I can feel her leg against my crotch. Since she’s considerably taller then most of the kids I see her boobs are pretty much right in my face and as she sat down one of them brushed across my cheek, I’m sure turning my face as red as my coat.
I put my arm around her waist so it’s resting on the top of her ass and ask “so, what do you want for Christmas.”
Ella kind of bits her lip and rolls her eyes up like she’s really thinking about it. Then in her best little girl voice says, “I want a pony and a barbie and a dolly and a bike.”
“Ho Ho, OK little girl, be sure to tell your mommy what you told me” I reply. As I say this I mean to pat her on her back, but again since she’s bigger then the kids that I see I actually end up patting the top of her ass.
As she starts to get up she again leans in so her boob brushes my face and turns around so I’m about 6″ from her ass and stops. After a second she turns around, looks down at me and says “wait, you didn’t ask me if I was naughty or nice” with a scowl on her face.
For the first time I think, “hmmm, this is interesting.” I look up at her and with a very dry throat say, “Ella, have you been a nice girl”, I pause and swallow, “or a naughty girl?”
A little hint of a grin appears on her face and she walks right up to me. Instead of sitting on my knee, she lifts her left leg up over mine, then does the same with her right so she’s straddling me. As she lifted her leg I caught a glimpse of her white cotton panties and I can feel my cock start to move.
She lowers herself so she is sitting down on my lap and I can feel the pressure on my cock. Her boobs are pressed into my chest and she puts her arms around my neck and pulls my ear to her mouth. She whispers loudly and slowly “I’ve been a very, very naughty girl” and puts her tongue out so that it touches my ear.
As she does this I put my hand around behind her and feel her ass. “I’m sure you haven’t been that bad” I say reassuringly to her. At this point Sam walks over from where she was standing so she’s right behind Ella and says, “Its true Santa. Little Ella here is known as kind of the office slut. She’s had sex with at least 6 married men just in our office this year. I don’t think she can get anything unless she does something to make it better.”
“I see” I reply. “It does sound like she has been a naughty girl, but it’s pretty close to Christmas so I’m not sure what she can possibly do.”
Ella sits back with big frown on her face. “Please Santa, there must be something, anything I can do.”
As she says that she reaches behind her and puts her hand on my knee. She slowly starts moving it up my leg staring at me with the frown on her face the whole time. She finally makes it all the way up and rubs her hand on my cock. As she grabs it through my pants she gets an evil little grin on her face and says “isn’t there anything I can do?”
At this point Sam says, “Well Santa, what do you think? Can she make it up to you before Christmas?”
I’m in complete shock and just silently nod my head.
Ella gets a great big smile on her face and Sam just says “good” and walks up behind Ella. With my hands still on Ella’s ass and my cock in her hand Sam takes hold of her sweater and lifts it right up over her head. Her boobs bounce slightly as they fall from the sweater and her lacy pink bra is inches from my. She has large dark areolas that are sticking out from the top of the bra and her nipples are poking out through the material.
“Does Santa want to feel Ella’s boobs?” Sam asks. I slowly lift my left hand from her ass and up to her chest. My hand is shaking like crazy as I lift it up to her right boob. As I start to squeeze I let go of her ass with my right hand so both of them are fondling her boobs.
Ella just puts her head back and says “Mmmm Santa, that feels so good.”
As I’m squeezing and kneading her tits I leaned in and start to kiss her chest. I move my hand to the top edge of her bra and slowly pull it down so that her nipples pop out of the top. I continue kissing her and start to pinch and roll her nipples in between my forefingers and thumbs.
While playing with her tits I feel another set of hands go between my legs and join the hand Ella has kept on my now throbbing cock. As Ella keeps squeezing I feel Sam’s hands go up to the fly and zipper. She unbuttons the pants and pulls down the zipper. When they were undone she reaches in and rubs my pubic hair and the base of my cock.
She pats Ella on the ass and says “stand up for a minute sweetie.”
Ella complies and stands up so her boobs are right in my face. Sam pulls her hand from my pants and says “lift up your bum a little Santa.”
When I lift up she takes hold of my pants and starts to slide them off. She pulls them down around my ankles so I’m left in just my boxer briefs. My cock is rock hard and straining against the material of the red boxers. I relax and feel 3 hands again start to fondle my package. As I sit back down I lean in and start to kiss the tops of Ella’s boobs. I work my way down between her cleavage and then move my mouth to her right boob. I open my mouth and take her nipple completely in.
“Oh Santa, that feel so fucking good” Ella moans and moves her hands up to her tits so she is holding and squeezing them at the bottom.
Just Sam’s hands are fondling my package now and she reaches up and pulls my boxers down far enough that my cock and balls come out. She takes hold of my cock and says “Ella, it look like your are doing a good job making this up to Santa, I think he wants to fuck you.” I feel one of her hands lift up to Ella.
“Santa, I think Ella wants to fuck you too” she says and stands up. She lifts up her hand and shows me her fingers. They are soaking wet and as she spreads her fingers strands of clear sticky cum hang between each one. She moves them towards me and says “does Santa want to taste Ella?”
Without responding she puts her fingers up to my mouth and I start to suck and lick them clean. Ella’s pussy tastes so good and I suck every bit of cum from Sam’s fingers. After I’m done Sam puts her hand back down there and I lock onto Ella’s other tit. As I’m sucking I can feel the back of Sam’s hand rubbing against my cock while she’s rubbing Ella’s cunt. Immediately Ella starts to moan “oh fuck Sam, fuck, fuck, fuck.” She puts her arms around my head so I’m suffocating on her tit and her whole body goes stiff as a board. As she’s cumming I feel the wetness around the base of my cock.
Ella finally relaxes and Sam stands back up. This time her hand is even more coated with Ella’s cum and she is cupping her hand with a small puddle of it in her palm.
“Here you go Santa, its not a cup of milk but I think you’ll like it” she says and lifts it up to my mouth. I open up so she can “pour” it all into my mouth and then proceed to thoroughly clean her hand. I have never tasted anything so sweet and just keep lapping at Sam’s hand. Ella pulls me into her and starts kissing and licking my lips. Sam kneels back down and I feel her hand on my cock, stroking it very slowly. With her other hand she starts to squeeze my balls and roll them around gently.
After a few minutes of Sam stroking my cock and fondling my balls and me rubbing Ella’s tits while kissing her I feel Sam take my cock and start to rub my head up and down Ella’s pussy opening. She stops so my cock is being held up at the opening of Ella’s cunt and tells her to lower herself onto my cock.
As Ella lowers herself I can feel my cock opening up her pussy lips and start to slide into her. She is soaking wet and very hot down there. My cock is now all the way in and Ella just sits there with all 8″ inside her. As she is sitting there I feel something warm, soft and wet on my ball sac. I realize that Sam must be licking my balls and let out a loud moan. Then I feel her teeth graze the sides as she takes my sac into her mouth with her nose buried in Ella’s ass. She sucks them and pulls her mouth away, pulling my balls out with her until they pop out of her mouth.
“There you go Ella, Santa is good and ready for you” she says from down there.
Ella starts bobbing up and down on my cock. I reach around and put my hands on her ass and pull her in closer so I can suck on her nipple again. Ella is now fucking me good and I can feel Sam’s hands on the base of my cock and my balls. I’ve never had anything like this happen before and am doing everything I can to keep from blowing my wad too quickly.
I start to massage Ella’s ass checks and practically lift her up and down on my cock. Her eyes are closed and she her lips pursed as we fuck like animals. I keep moving my hands around on her ass until I get my fingers in between her cheeks. I slowly start to rub my middle finger over her tight little asshole. After a minute I start to put it in a little and Ella lets out a little moan.
I decide to push my finger in a little bit further and feel something that I didn’t expect. I feel something wet and smooth rubbing around on my finger and Ella’s asshole. I quickly realize that Sam is rimming Ella’s asshole with my finger inside of it.
This is so fucking hot and I bury my finger into her ass up past my knuckle and wiggle it around a little. As I start to pull it out Sam is licking my finger. I pop it all the way out and feel her take it into her mouth. Damn, Sam is a dirty girl.
She sucks my finger for a minute then takes it out and says “Ella, I think Santa wants to fuck your ass.” I can’t believe what I’m hearing and just keep silent.
“I don’t think so, thats not my thing” Ella responds to my disappointment.
“Ella, remember how naughty you’ve been. If you want Santa to bring you anything I suggest you give him what he wants” Sam scolds back.
Ella pulls back and looks at me. “Is that what you want Santa? If I let you fuck my little asshole will you give me what I want” she asks.
I just nod, “Oh yeah, anything you want.”
“Lean forward sweetie” Sam says to Ella. Ella does what she’s told and my cock slips from her wet pussy. I hear a spit sound coming from Sam and she says “let me just get you ready”. She takes hold of my cock and I feel it against her cheek as she starts licking Ella’s asshole again.
After a minute she says “OK, I think you’re ready.” With that she takes my cock and I can feel my head against the puckered skin of Ella’s tight hole.
Ella starts to sit down. There is a lot of pressure at first and Ella says “I think it’s too big.”
“No, it will fit, just relax” Sam replies.
She starts pushing again and after a few seconds I feel a pop and realize that I have just penetrated her o-ring. I can see Ella wince and start to slowly sit down further. I’ve never felt anything so tight and can feel the blood pulsating through my cock. She goes a few inches and then has to stop and get used to it. I can’t believe I haven’t cum yet and finally hear Sam say “there you go.”
I can now feel her ass resting on my balls and the idea that my cock is 8″ into her rectum is almost too much for me. Sam starts playing with my balls again and Ella starts rocking back and forth more then bobbing up and down. I realize that I won’t last and decide to just go with it at this point. I start sucking Ella’s tit again and feel Sam’s tongue on my balls.
I can’t believe it, but I think Ella is actually getting into this. She has her eyes closed and keeps moaning very softly, almost purring. As Sam takes my balls into her mouth I feel her hands reach around Ella and start rubbing her clit.
“Fuck, Santa is about to cum” I say after a minute.
“Oh god, me too” Ella replies and starts bucking hard on my cock. I can tell that Sam is rubbing her clit hard and Ella’s body again goes tight. As it does this her ass squeezes hard on my cock and I loose it.
“FUUUUUUCK” I cry out as I start to unload my cum into her ass. After my first squirt Ella moans real loud and it suddenly feels very wet and hot in my crotch. I’m sure I’ve never cum so much and as I’m finishing Sam pops my balls out of her mouth and gently squeezes every last bit of cum out.
As Ella finishes up she just slumps down onto my shoulder, breathing very hard and loud. Sam starts to suck on my balls again and Ella leans up so my cock starts to slide out of her ass. As it is sliding out I can feel Ella’s tongue sliding up it. Finally with a pop it is out of her ass and I can feel the cum all over my dick and dripping down onto my balls. Ella stays leaning forward and after a minute I start to feel cum dripping onto my cock.
“That’s a good girl” Sam says to Ella, and then continues to lick my balls and cock as cum keeps dripping onto my still hard dick.
After a few minutes of Ella just resting her head on my shoulder Sam tells her to get up and step out of her panties. Ella stands up off of my lap and steps to the side as Sam stands up. She smiles at me and her entire face is covered in cum from my cock and Ella’s ass. A big drop of cum drops from her chin onto her left boob and she leans in very close and says “Does Ella get what she wants now?”
I just nod and without any warning Sam leans in and kisses me. The taste of my own cum and Ella’s ass on Sam’s lips and tongue is unlike anything I have ever tasted. As we’re kissing I reach up and start to fondle Sam’s left boob, feeling the drop of cum that is there. My other hand goes around to her thick ass and starts to squeeze.
Suddenly Sam stops kissing me and stands up.
“Ella, throw me your panties” she says, and Ella complies. She then proceeds to use them to wipe off her face and reaches down and cleans off my cock. The are absolutely covered in both of our cum and she gives them back to Ella to put on.
“I need to get back to my husband and kids” she says and my cock deflates. Ella has her panties back on and hands me a check.
“Thanks Santa, I hope I get everything I ask for” she says with a wink and they both brush past me and walk out the door.
I sit there in a daze for probably 10 minutes trying to decide if that all just happened. Finally I get up and slowly put my street clothes on and get ready to go. As I leave the room with my bag holding my Santa suit I walk right into Sam and her family. Sam whispers something to her husband and he says “you were great tonight, the kids absolutely loved it. My firm is still looking for a Santa to play our party, are you interested.”
I think I stuttered that of course I was and we exchanged information. As I was writing down my phone number on his business card I heard Sam say to him “dammit, it looks like I spilled on my blouse.” I look over and she is showing him the cum stain from earlier. As I hand him back the card with my number Sam gets a wicked little smile across her lips and says “can’t wait to see you again Santa.” With that she gives her husband a peck on the cheek and they walk out of the reception hall hand in hand.