Chapter 7: First Day on The Job, First Fetishes
The day finally arrived when Braedon, and his wives, could move into their new home. Whilst there was still construction continuing on the property, the essential facilities and required rooms had already been constructed, and furnished, according to specifications provided by Braedon’s newest mother-in-law, Daisy.
As the armored transport pulled up in the driveway, he looked out to see a sizeable gathering of women standing at the steps to the home. Most of them were completely naked, while others were dressed in attire suited to their duties at the property. Eventually, the vehicle came to a full stop in front of the group; he saw several drones take off and begin hovering nearby, each drone clearly having a camera mounted below it.
“No need to be concerned, Braedon,” Raine assured her husband. “The drones are just for historical records, and are not broadcasting their recordings.” When the doors opened on the vehicle, and Braedon stepped out, he felt a bit nervous.
“All these women are my wives now, and yet, I’ve never even spoken a single word to them,” he mused. “What if I say the wrong thing, and they get insulted?”
Seeing Braedon standing still, like a frozen statue on the front lawn, the wives that joined him on the ride to the new house came up behind him, and two of them took an arm and encouraged him to start walking forward.
One of the new wives, being less patient than the others in the group, slid through the front of the group and began running toward Braedon, her very large breasts bouncing left and right, up and down and all around, as she quickly closed the distance between them. When she got within a foot, or two, she stopped running and planted a big juicy kiss on his lips.
“WELCOME HOME HUBBY! We’ve all been anxiously looking forward to joining you in our new home!” She leaned her head to his ear, and smirked as she whispered, “I’ve got something special planned with you once you finish your tour.”
With that said, she wrapped her arms around to give him a big hug as she smushed her soft pillowy breasts into his chest. This reminded Braedon of exactly why he always had preferred women with large breasts, it always reminded him of when his grandma would comfort him when he was sad. It always made him feel better, and his worries would melt away.
With Braedon being required to take on thousands of wives in such a short period of time, the women had all agreed that they wouldn’t push the issue of him memorizing each of their names. Some of the wives had even taken the liberty of getting their first name tattooed on their right breast, and their new married last name Owens on their left breast, to help him along.
This doesn’t go unnoticed by Braedon, as he got a huge grin every time he saw this. After brief introductions were completed with the first group of wives to arrive at the house, Braedon proceeded with Savannah, and Bernadette, on the tour of the completed sections of the home, while the other wives got settled in, and got to know one another.
Once they finished the tour, the wife whom he met earlier, walked up and asked Savannah and Bernadette if she could borrow Braedon for a little bit, to show him the surprise she’d set up for him, to which they both agreed. Savannah and Bernadette decided to go outside to the pool, so they could get off their feet, cool off, and hopefully sample the bar that Daisy had placed behind the artificial waterfall at the side of the pool. Meanwhile, Braedon was escorted by his wife toward one of the rooms in the house. Glancing down at her substantial breasts, he noted her name and resolved to try and memorize ‘Scarlett’.
“So, where’s this surprise you have in store for me, Scarlett?”
“Well, do you remember the room with the walls that change color?”
“Yeah, the Polymorph Room, that was something that sounded really fun when they told me about it when we were designing the house! I’ve been really interested in trying it out!”
“Well, if you’re up for it, I’d like to show you what I created for the first program in that room.”
“Sure, sounds like fun!”
“Okay, here we are. Now keep in mind this was kind of put together in a rush, so it’s not exactly the way I want it, but it’s close enough I think.”
“No need to apologize, I’m sure I’ll be impressed regardless. Besides, I think I’m in good company!”
Without any further delay, Scarlett opened the door to the room. At first, everything was pitch black inside, but as they stepped through, her Nav band blinked, and the walls, floor, and ceiling, all transitioned to a beautiful park scene with a pond dotted with elm trees and maples, a large field filled with all sorts of flowers skirting the edge of the pond. As they both walked inside, Braedon felt the floor changing and looked down at his feet.
The hard floor distorted to have soft bumps, and thin flat filaments extended through countless tiny holes to replicate the feeling of walking through short soft Kentucky Bluegrass. In seconds, a blanket appeared on the ground for them to rest on, and Scarlett took one of Braedon’s hands as she knelt down on the blanket.
As they talked with each other, they lay on their sides to get more comfortable. She told Braedon about herself prior to joining the program, and her response when she had agreed to become his wife; Braedon shared with her about what his life was like before he was unceremoniously drafted into the program. Eventually, Scarlett leaned in close and asked if she could get a kiss for the first date with her new husband. Not shy at this point, he leaned forward to meet her halfway to kiss her too.
The moment was magical, and as they kissed, they both slid closer together to take each other in an embrace. It wasn’t long before things heated up, as they continued making out with each other. Scarlett then spoke into her Nav band, “Stage two.” The room began morphing again, this time though, into something darker, and not so bright, cheerful, and colorful like the park scene.
Braedon also realized that the blanket they had been laying on was now rising up much higher from the floor, and the fabric took on a rougher texture. As the walls completed their transition, he realized this was supposed to be some kind of cheap, seedy motel, a typical flashing vacancy sign barely visible behind the thick curtains. Scarlett smiled as she dominatingly rolled Braedon onto his back, slunk off the edge of the bed, and knelt down in front of him between his legs like some sort of sleazy prostitute getting ready to work her John.
Wasting no time, she grabbed hold of his now semi-erect penis and slowly began stroking it back and forth. As he grew larger, she lowered her mouth to just above the tip, and extended her tongue between her plump red lips and out to touch the slit. She then slid the tip of her tongue under the head of his glans as she gently opened the lips of her mouth to smother the head of his cock.
Using her right hand, she stroked and rotated her hand up and down, and around his shaft as she continued to slide her lips up and down over his helmet. As she did this, more and more of her saliva dripped down his shaft, and she began sucking harder on his cock, moving her mouth up and down more quickly, and with more force.
While increasing the intensity of her blow job, she simultaneously did everything she could to keep his cock in her mouth, but it grew so large that she gagged just before reaching the base of his cock. It was at this same time that she felt him start to tense up, so she stopped blowing him, and told him that she wanted the first load in her pussy.
Not waiting a single second longer than necessary, Braedon leaped up from the bed, launched Scarlett over the edge of the mattress, and aided by the large amount of saliva on his cock, without hesitation, plunged his cock head between her pussy lips. Having gone without sex for months in preparation for this very moment, she was understandably very tight, and the intensity of the resistance, despite lubrication, caused her to squeal in pain initially.
But he was determined right now, being brought to the verge of orgasm, and shoved his thick, meaty, veiny cock into her velvety canal, impaling her to the point where he bottomed out in her. He didn’t stop there, however, as he immediately began running his giant fuck log in and out of her dripping, wet, gripping pussy with such urgency, that less than a minute later he blasted her slutty insides like a fire hose, with massive, thick, sticky globs of cum.
It was so thick that, as he slid out of her, when she flexed her core muscles to see it, the cum just sat there looking like a fat, sticky, slimy glob of silicone caulk, forever sealing her vagina, closed to any other unworthy small cocks that would dare attempt entry. Extremely pleased with the ferocious intensity of the motel fucking by her new husband, Scarlett slid down off the mattress and proceeded to clean the remainder of the cum still leaking from the head of his penis. As she removed the last remnants from her fingertip, several of Braedon’s new wives that he hadn’t met in person yet, slowly opened the door and peered in through the partially open doorway.
One of the wives, seeing the very satisfied look on Scarlett’s face, chimed up, “Hey stud, save some of that for us! What do you say, you continue the tour of the house while you get to know more of your new wives better?” Feeling stuffed to the brim with baby gravy, Scarlett playfully slapped Braedon on the butt, ushering him on to hurry up and join them.
Recognizing that today was bound to be a very busy day, both in, and outside of the bedroom, Braedon hopped to his feet, but not before sharing a passionate kiss with Scarlett, then headed out the door to join his other wives for the tour of the rest of the house.
With the full potential of the global community focused on supporting rapid construction of roughly 2,000 Mega Mansion estates, housing thousands of permanent residents each, the governments of the world had been delivering transport orders to the volunteer women roughly a week after construction began at each house. So, when Braedon finally was bussed out to his forever home, many of his wives had already been settled in for almost a month. Accommodations had initially been cramped while all the suites were constructed, and furnishings delivered, but they found that there was plenty to do.
The expansive pool was the first luxury to be provided, since it not only provided a means for relaxation and socializing, but also accommodated their needs for aerobic exercise, which was to become vitally important in the coming weeks. For this reason, the pool area became the de facto, meet and greet place, reminiscent of a town hall of sorts, and so this was the next destination on the tour.
As Braedon and his wives, strolled through the large glass doorway to the pool area, the sound of laughter, and water splashing filled their ears. The hundreds of women, and the hundred or so children that came with some of the previously widowed wives, were busy gossiping, while children played water polo, Marco Polo, or other various poolside games.
The pool had multiple stands around its perimeter, where service staff promptly delivered food and beverages to those relaxing in chaise lounges and Adirondack chairs, or sitting at bistro tables or the luxurious outdoor sofa sectionals. The smell of the food was incredible – even from a great distance, the group could detect the familiar lure of grills with crisp vibrant vegetables sizzling, juicy sweet fruits, and the wonderful aroma of various meats.
Scattered around near randomly placed trees, hung hammocks of various sizes, some suited for a single person, others for a couple, and larger ones specially designed for small groups to swing together without causing everyone to slide toward the middle. The tangy spicy scent of the Carolina BBQ ribs was what really had Braedon’s attention though, and of course, the drinks at the cocktail bar were looking quite refreshing and delicious, especially since he and the others who had been at processing the past month, were effectively restricted to hospital food, good hospital food, but not home-cooked, by a long margin.
Having Braedon in their group, the wives and Braedon were automatically prioritized to the top of the dining queue. Braedon, and the wives showing him around, took a seat at one of the vacant Bistro sets while their orders were prepared. While they waited for their orders, one of the wives turned to Braedon and asked, “So what do you think so far? Is it everything you’ve dreamed of?”
Still coming to terms with everything that had happened, Braedon chuckled, “Heh, yeah, what guy would complain about being surrounded by beautiful naked women who are all there for the sole purpose of ravishing him, and fulfilling his every sexual desire, and giving him as many children as he can father?! But at the same time, I miss my old life too, when things were simpler, and I had more freedom to live my life the way I wanted.”
Nodding her head, “That’s got to be something else – to be torn from your home, uprooted, and thrown into this craziness for sure! Of course, if you ever need someone to just talk to, without any pressure, you can always come to me. I’ve had my share of tumultuous events since VY showed on the scene. I was actually in a long-term relationship with a man I’d known since we were in grade school. He ended up dying from VY the same week he had bought a ring to propose to me; I only found out when his mom broke the news at the wake. I was crushed, and defeated, to put it mildly.”
Two of the other wives then chimed in, adding that they had gone through similar losses of their loved ones, one of them even losing her teen-aged sons, as well as her husband. Her daughter and she were utterly devastated. They discovered that they relied on each other’s strength and that together they would hold each other up, and be the sounding board for the other in their time of grief.
The three wives each agreed that the volunteer program didn’t immediately appeal to them, as they were still reeling from the tragic losses and initially were put off by what seemed like nothing more than a horny teen’s perverted wet dream. But in coming to terms with what happened, and despite how horribly things had gone south, they ultimately wanted to raise a family. And seeing as how the governments all around the world were scooping up all the men, the volunteer program was probably going to be the only way that would happen now.
At this time in the conversation, the service staff walked over with their meals, which was a definite mood-lifter. As the topic of conversation shifted towards the happier spectrum, Braedon and the wives joked back and forth, sometimes being joined by some playful touching back and forth. Of course, they kept it on the down-low, since there were children in the pool, and people were trying to eat.
Braedon found the surroundings so relaxing; he was beginning to imagine how he could spend his life here. As the girls chatted amongst themselves, he daydreamed of lying back on a floating platform in the pool, while his children, and one day grandchildren, splashed and played in the pool. The gentle sunshine gave his skin a warm soothing sheen. What more could he have really asked for in life than to have a wonderful house, the envy of his very distant neighbors, a big family with beautiful, happy children scurrying about, having fun, and getting into mischief.
The only thing that could have made this better was if he had been permitted to have some dogs as pets, but that was considered too big of a risk for dog bites. Eventually, they completed their meals and decided they had best continue the tour before it got too late, so they got up and decided on the next stop along the tour, which they agreed should be the bowling alley.
Never in his wildest dreams had Braedon ever figured that he’d have his own personal bowling alley, let alone inside of his house. That was just ludicrous to consider that as something that could be a reality one day – only millionaires and billionaires led extravagant lifestyles like that. As they approached the doors to the bowling alley, they were greeted by an OLED sign atop the doorway which displayed in big bold flashy colors “HORSE Bowling Event Tonight!”
“HORSE bowling, what’s that all about”, Braedon inquired.
“That’s a special bowling game where every time you bowl a strike, you get another letter until you spell HORSE. You basically score bonus points on top of a perfect 300 point game if you keep getting strikes. It makes it pretty exciting when you have the wives that were super into bowling before they came here, and they start competing. It’s amazing to see how many strikes they can get in a row since the HORSE part can make a game infinite rounds!”
“Interesting, well you’ll have to have my back, and tell me if one of those wives of mine tries to pull a fast one on me by challenging me to a game.”
After walking through the doors, they see ten lanes available to play on, though all are being used right now. They walk over to the far side of the alley to find a food ordering counter, the typical ball shine machine as well as what appeared to be a plastic mold machine with several styles of trophies and an auto-engraver to customize your prize. “How awesome is that,” he thought to himself! “Now I just need to get good enough to win one, ha ha!” The next stop on the tour would be the gardens of the conservatory, while they still had daylight.
Fortunately for Braedon, it was a short walk to the conservatory. With the vigorous morning activities followed by the big meal by the pool, and then walking around for the tour, by this point, he had begun feeling a tad weary. Entering the conservatory, they were suddenly confronted with the sweetest floral aroma. A server walking the grounds approached the group and offered them refreshments. Braedon asked her to surprise him, and the other wives agreed that sounded like a good idea, so the server swiftly returned to the bar and returned a few minutes later with their drinks.
“A Mint Julip for you, and a Fleur de Paradis for you, the Berrylicious Floral Cocktail for you, and I had a feeling you’d like the Lotus Flower Martini. For Braedon, we have a special request from one of your wives that we bring you a Bull Frog Mondai Whitei. Enjoy!”
“Thank you very much, these all look so delicious!”
Soon after they continue walking the gardens, Braedon had developed a heaviness in his groin, and more swing in his step. One of his wives noticed this and innocently suggested they sit down on one of the benches for a short rest. Without waiting for a response, she pushed Braedon to the seat, and like a seductive harpy kneeled between his knees.
“Well, what have we here?”, she said, while lifting his growing beanstalk for all the girls to see. Getting a little embarrassed, Braedon’s cheeks flushed with warmth, as he felt another set of cool hands touch the side of his face.
“Oh my, it looks like he might be having a reaction of some sort. Perhaps we should provide some sort of first aid, what do you girls think?” Yet another set of cold hands traced his pecs causing him to feel a strong flushing sensation.
“Yes, he’s definitely developed a lot of swelling down here. I definitely think we should release the excess heat. Perhaps the cause of this is these heavy swollen balls?” A final set of hands reached below his sac to trace the delicate skin with a crystal clear piece of spherical ice, as the mouth attached to the set of hands holding him upright engulfed the top of his continually growing beanstalk.
At this point, Braedon’s head was spinning. The hands on his face turned his to have him join a pair of wonderful lips, dripping with the sweet nectar of the fresh garden cocktail. While the mouth rinsed his bean pole, and his tongue performed a sensual dance in another mouth, a third mouth began teasing the nipple on his other pec, causing it to become firm, and stick out slightly from his chest. As if this wasn’t more stimulation than he could handle already, a final mouth replaced the ice sphere on his balls, sucking them in, as the tip of a tongue danced across the oh-so-sensitive foreskin.
With all these wonderful sensations, Braedon was about ready to shower everything in the garden with his own rainfall, that was until the mouth on his balls applied pressure to hold back his finale. Sensing his return from the edge, the girls tapped each other, signaling everyone to discontinue.
“There, I think he’s going to pull through, don’t you all agree?” to which they all gave a shit-eating grin. Astounded that they’d left him in this state, but not taking a chance that there could be more planned before they finished the tour, Braedon stood back up and resumed walking the gardens. The server returned to check on the group, “Did you enjoy your drinks?”
“Oh darlin’, the drinks were wonderful! In fact, I think Braedon’s went straight to his head, we had to take a short pause to tend to him. Course, I do believe he is feeling much more relaxed now, aren’t you?”
“Oh yes, definitely feeling the tension dripping away”, he quipped.
“Well, I’m sure your wife that ordered you your drink will be very pleased to hear how much you enjoyed it. I’ll let you continue on, as I’m sure you’re going to have your hands plenty full this week!” With that, the server returned to the bar to retrieve the food and drink for the other visiting residents. A couple of hours later, the sun had started to fade as it headed toward the horizon. As if signaling that it was time to move on to the last part of the tour, the lighting in the garden shifted to a blue hue to allow the flora to begin their night cycle. The group handed their empty glasses to the server, who bid them a pleasant evening.
As they strolled along a grassy path, small globe lights rose up from the ground, and cast a beautiful assortment of random colors of light, reflecting magically off the soft blades of grass. A few minutes later, they arrived at the horse stables. Now, this wasn’t intended to be permitted at the new houses, but each male had been permitted five exceptions, each of which would have to be approved by a Risk Management Committee, and each exception requiring a justification.
Braedon had chosen a stable with horses, that he, the wives, and any children twelve years or older, would be permitted to ride, with the justification that horseback riding is how he centered himself and allowed his stress to drift away with the breeze. The RMC had approved his exception, with the condition, that he always be accompanied by two additional riders, on their own horses, which was perfectly acceptable to him.
The stable master having been advised of the group’s impending arrival two hours prior, had begun instructing the stable hands to prepare a horse for each member of the group, with a custom-tailored saddle for Braedon designed to not only provide additional protection but also equipped for dual-riders. When the group arrived, the Stable Master asked if they wished to put on riding attire or ride British Dressage.
Braedon had never heard that term used before, not that he had gotten a chance to ride all that often though, as he only rode when visiting his grandparents’ old farm. Seeing the blank look on his face, the Stable Master explained, British Dressage is the tradition of riding a horse in only a top hat.
In a high-pitched squeal of giggling, the girls all agreed it sounded like fun. Braedon seconded replying, “The ladies get what the ladies want!”
“Very good Master Owens.” The Stable Master clicked his tongue to give the command to the Stable Hands to start bringing the horses forward. The first horse for Braedon was a Friesian breed, with flowing black mane, and a prominent stature, fit for a king, a prized breed by any measure.
As Braedon walked up to the stirrup to mount the horse, one of his wives asked if he needed a boost. He laughed at the joke, knowing full well they were just waiting for any excuse to grab his butt. Since he would be riding bare-bottomed on the saddle, another Stable Hand brought forth a mounting block to aid him in mounting his horse. It may have been only a couple of steps up the block, but the girls were taking in the show with much delight. Then sliding his feet into the pair of riding boots tailored to the 3D scans of his body from In Processing, he proceeded to raise his left foot to the stirrup and grasp the reins, propelled his body up, and his right leg over the saddle in one graceful movement.
“Lookin good stud! Now don’t fall off, hee-haw!”
“Oh, you’re all so hilarious”, Braedon retorted back to his wives, who probably would undoubtedly be rolling on the straw-covered ground in a fit of laughter right now; if the Stable Master would tolerate such childishness in his stable grounds. Seeing the Stable Master’s somewhat unimpressed demeanor, they collected themselves and apologized, and each of them proceeded to mount their rides. The Stable Hands guided the horses to the trail leading around the perimeter of the property, where they relinquished control of the horses to their riders.
Braedon, and his wives, strolled along the path, as the sun set in the distance, casting a mesmerizing combination of orange, red, and green hues. As the sun set, the group paused to enjoy the magnificence of the portrait in the sky. For what seemed an eternity, Braedon allowed his anxiety to melt away, and drift off with the gentle cool breeze of the evening. With the sun having dipped out of sight, they continued along the path to return the horses to the stable. The Stable Master once more joining them, “I trust you had a pleasant ride, Master Owens?”
“Yes, the horses were wonderful, and the trail provided a smooth and gentle ride, as well as creating a superb vantage point for viewing the sun setting. Thank you very much!” With that, the group dismounted, allowing the stable hands to prepare the horses to spend the night in their stalls. The Stable Master bid them a good night before retiring to his office to complete some final paperwork before heading home.
Since it had started to get late, and Braedon had been on his feet most of the day, he and the wives made their way to his master suite where they could get cleaned up for bed. When they finally arrived twenty minutes later, Braedon opened the doors to find Savannah along with what seemed like thirty to forty of his wives sitting on the very large custom bed, or on seating arranged around the room.
“Woah! What is going on in here ladies?”
Savannah spoke up, “These are the next group of your wives who have been selected for you to impregnate tonight. Since I’ve already had my turn recently, and I’m still recovering from that shower pounding, I’m going to excuse myself to sleep in another bedroom nearby with some of the other wives I have yet to meet with. Take good care of him, ladies.” Savannah gave Braedon a deep passionate kiss and hugged her husband goodnight before heading out.
“Uh, ladies I don’t know what you’ve heard, but I can’t go that many times, even if I go without sleep.”
One of the wives he had seen tending to the gardens earlier stepped forward, “That’s not a problem at all dear. We’re going to use a little bit of science to help you boost your numbers.” She then revealed a turkey baster that she had been hiding in her other hand behind her back. “You’re going to fill up this entire baster with your baby batter, and then you’re going to lay back on the bed while I deposit your contribution to each of us, at the same time, the other wives will be helping you to recover so that you can provide more batter. Once all of us have been fertilized with your seed, your wives that gave you the tour today will finish you off, so that you can get some sleep for tomorrow. Sound fun?”
“Sounds like you all are going to suck me dry till I turn into a prune!”, Braedon joked. “I suppose it would be in bad taste to complain though, being ‘forced’ to knock up as many women in a marathon session as humanly possible. So, let’s do this!”
Continued in Chapter 8: Home Sweet Home… Busy Day 2 With More Wives