Who do we work for?
You’re not supposed to know. Just know that John and I save lives and our own lives belong to our country.
“Put your guns down,” John demanded of Soren and Yelena.
“You put down yours, ” Soren replied in in his usually cocky manner. His Swedish accent was stronger when he was in his native country.
We weren’t supposed to be in this predicament. We were supposed to only observe. Carey and Kenneth were sent undercover, to pretend to be a married couple looking for some girlfriend- and wife-swapping action. They got Soren and Yelena into room 321 on a promise of a foursome. It had been easy. Too easy.
They had been tipped off and by the time we realized that there was a problem – Carey and Kenneth had already been taken by Soren’s people.
Now here we were. This cozy little foursome was different from what Soren and Yelena had expected.
We made an attractive group. John, with his tan, athletic build, the darkest hair I’d ever seen, and alluring green eyes that added up to one of the most gorgeous men I’d ever had the privilege of knowing. Luckily, I was hot also or I’d be intimated. I did my thing with my cocoa skin and hazel-colored, almond-shaped eyes. That alone gave me more than my share of attention. My 5’7, fit but curvy body took it over the top.
Yelena was a redhead bombshell with blue-gray eyes. Soren, well, he was in a league of his own – a tower of a man with dirty blonde hair, intense blue-green eyes and a sexual energy that permeated from his every pore. He seemed deceptively thin in his expensive gray suit. I knew underneath he had a ripped, broad chest and deliciously muscled arms.
“You’re out numbered,” Soren said.
“I like our odds,” I said, coldly.
Soren smiled at me, knowingly. The jackass. We had a history, a history I hadn’t shared with John. Trust was the number one thing that kept our partnership alive. We trusted each other with our lives. But we all have our little secrets.
“Count again, Joy,” Soren said.
John looked seriously from Soren to me. Did he notice anything? Soon as we take these two into custody, I should tell him everything. I wouldn’t be good to have the threat of exposure effect my work or our partnership.
Two of Soren’s guys burst in, guns aimed, of course. One had distinctive mane of curly, light brown hair and the other – well, we knew him. Marcus Miller was supposed to be on our side.
The case of who tipped off Soren was now solved.
Soren shrugged his shoulders. He had once told me to trust no one, no one but him. I told you so, his shrug said. Jackass.
“Where were we? Oh yes, you were about to give up your weapons,” Soren said.
John and I looked at each other – do it.
We’ll get out of this another way. We both put our guns on the floor, and had to bear down on our pride. Marcus and Curly came over and picked them up.
“So you moonlight as Soren’s lackey?” I said to Marcus as soon as I got eye contact with him.
Marcus couldn’t maintain the contact and remained silent. It’s a damn shame. I liked him until now. He was skinnier than what I usually liked but he was fun, easy-going, and handsome, it was easy to be attracted to him.
Soren put his weapon on the mahogany table near the window, to our right. Then he unexpectedly came over to me, wrapped a long arm around me and pulled me against his long frame. I defiantly looked up at him. He grazed my neck with his pouty red-tinted lips. The ticklish flesh of my neck area was one of my weak spots. He had remembered. God, when I got out of this mess…I…I struggled to focus.
“Get away from her,” John said, seething.
He had that berserker look that meant he was one step to going over the edge. I’d seen it and its aftermath before. I’d never want to be on the receiving end of it. But I found it incredibly sexy from this end. I’m not going to apologize for that.
“I’m not going to hurt her. Isn’t that your job, John?” Soren said, giving John a quick look.
Dammit, Soren. I had forgotten just how much he knew. He had figured out how I felt about John, though I never said a word. John looked confused for a split-second. Soren turned back to me. Marcus, Curly and Yelena had to hold John back. I tilted my head in John’s direction.
John, it’s okay. Keep your cool. I said with a look. Still breathing hard, he stopped resisting, but remained alert, ready to pounce.
Truthfully, I wasn’t sure if Soren would hurt me or not. He was an enigma to me and I think that I was one as well for him. We were constantly figuring each other out.
Soren placed a huge hand on the taut skin above my waistband and slowly snaked it around to my back. He smelled like honey and flame, a scent I was too familiar with.
“Joy. Give me more credit than this,” Soren said, softly to me. “I would never hurt you.”
Then grabbed the other gun I had stashed back there. With one last meaningful look at me, he directed for John to be searched also for weapons.
He had to know I had other weapons on me. But for now he let me be. Not for long, though.
“Why don’t we all relax? Everyone sit down. We have time, yet.”
The room had two full-size beds. I sat on one and John was directed to the other. The others sat in chairs across from us.
“We were promised a foursome. Yelena and I were so looking forward to it.”
He spoke to me only, as if John didn’t exist.
“Very much so,” Yelena said. “Maybe we can still have a little entertainment?”
“I agree,” Soren answered.
This was not going to be good. Who knows what craziness Soren was cooking up in his smart, devious brain.
“Joy. Strip for us.”
I looked at John. He can’t be serious, right? John didn’t seem to believe it either. But we were wrong.
“Joy, take off your clothes,” Soren said impatiently. I bristled at that.
Soren retrieved his gun from the table and continued. “If I have to ask you again, I will kill your beloved partner,” Soren picked up his gun and pointed it at John.
John’s look softened. He was pissed but now worried about me.
I believed Soren. John was not going to die today and not because of me. But maybe I could buy some time?
I walked over to Soren. “Isn’t there another way we could occupy ourselves?”
Then I saw it, that spark in his eye. Oh, he wanted me, badly. He sat down and I sat across his lap. I was wrapped around him, my feet didn’t even touch the ground.
“Let’s go talk about this in private.”
“Joy, I would like nothing better than to fuck you beyond comprehension. But we both know you’re just a tease. You would shoot me the first chance you got.”
Actually, I was going to use the knife I had hidden under my jeans. And there was also my hair pin, or the heel of my stilettos – I had a number of hidden weapons at my disposal. But either way, he knew me pretty well. Too well.
In our line of work you had to be willing to do just about anything for justice. Even John, who was normally loyal to his girlfriend of three-years had slept with a case subject, or two. But I had never gone as far as intercourse. I’d always found a way out before the deed had to be done. Was my luck running out?
He pulled out my jade hairpin, letting my long, dark brown hair swish down past my shoulders and handed the accessory to Yelena. She stuck it in her own straight bob with a flourish. Did he know its secret?
He ran his fingers through my locks and pulled me into a kiss. And what a kiss it was, nice tongue action, soft lips, with the coldness of his gun digging into my side. I felt a surge of longing below. I heard the commotion of John being held back, again, behind me.
When we broke the kiss, he looked at me, surprised. He hadn’t expected me to like it. He was questioning himself. Or like most men, thinking with his dick. It was the weakness I exploited for my work. But with Soren, things were different because there was a mutual attraction. I wasn’t proud of it, but I had to know my own weaknesses to survive. I had seen too many colleagues swallowed by there own Achilles heel because they refused to acknowledge their soft spots.
He told his group to meet him in the adjoining room, in Swedish. He got up, gently letting my feet touch the ground and then backed away.
They left Curly to guard us. Bad move. John sent a crystal ashtray he had somehow hidden, right at Curly’s head, took him down easily and took his gun. God, he was sexy when he was kicking ass. Actually, he was sexy in just about any circumstance.
Soon the gang was back and guns were aimed my way, again.
“You know what I’m going say,” Soren said firmly to John.
Put it down or she dies.
The Jackass.
John let them take the gun, none too happy about it. They directed him back to the bed.
“Joy, before you strip, I want you to take off John’s clothes. A naked man is a defenseless man.”
Clever and smart, two the things that I appreciated in a man. This was the wrong man though. And not only had he not changed his mind about me stripping, he now added another task. Oh, happy day.
“First, we have something for you,” Soren continued. Marcus crossed the room and handed me what looked like a stick of gum. Yelena gave one to John.
“Are you insulting my breath now?”
“No. You, my Joy, are sweet as always. Now, chew. And please don’t make me use threats again, it’s getting old. I much prefer to be a lover rather than a killer. But you know if I get pushed hard enough…”
Soren’s bullet whizzed by, inches away from John’s head and hit the wall behind us. Oh yes, Soren would enjoy getting rid of John. I did not want to chance testing my theory. We put the gum in our mouths. It tasted like peppermint and something bitter that I couldn’t figure out. Oh sweet poison, what had they given us?
“A truth serum,” Soren announced, looking at me again as if John wasn’t there. “Enters the system in seconds in this form. And oh, it has a little boost of a little drug we call Muresitna.”
Oh damn. Muresitna was a known inhibitor. We’d used in our own experiments. It basically took away fear, caution, or other factors that stop you from doing things you considered dangerous or off-limits. We had agents busted for using it unauthorized and had seen many a body scraped off a pavement after trying to fly off a building. We would now have to say the truth and would also be disarmed of our inhibitions.
The implications were huge. We kept silent.
“You two! Silence – great defense, temporarily. You will see,” Soren said.
He walked over to me, stood behind me, held me to his tall, hard body again. This time his hands found their way to my ample cleavage.
“Joy, do you like when I do this…?” He caressed my breasts and pinched my nipple between his thick fingers. A surge of longing went through me.
“Yes,” I found myself saying.
“Do you want me to fuck you?”
“Yes.” I had no intention of confessing that. It was true, in spite of every evil thing I knew about Soren, I wanted him with a force that terrified me.
“My sweet angel,” he whispered into my ear, just for my hearing.
Another rush of longing. I hated myself right about now. I couldn’t look at John.
“Start the task I gave you,” he said louder.
I shot Soren a look of disgust and slowly went over to John. Soren and his crew took their seats, including a now conscious Curly. I guess we were the entertainment for tonight.
“John…” I began. But what the hell could I say? I guess, it could be worse. I mean, taking off his clothes wasn’t that big a deal, right?
I ran my fingers through his silky short tresses almost without thinking. It was just one our things.
“Joy, do you want to take off John’s clothes?”
“Yes. But not for an audience of fucked up criminals, my dear Soren.” I didn’t miss that John’s head snapped back in surprise. I had never shared my true feelings with him before.
Let’s get started, I thought. I gripped the bottom edge of the soft, charcoal sweater he was wearing and lifted it up over the toned six-pack of his sexy stomach and the chiseled muscles of his chest. When he lifted his arms, I pulled it up over his broad shoulders, and it off of him. Then I did the same with the fitted white tee-shirt he had on underneath. He was now shirtless with an upper body that was fetching enough to lick. Repeatedly. Never taking my eyes away from his, I undid his belt buckle. He lightly kissed my forehead, a sign he was with me. It was another one of our things.
Did John want this?
I forcefully undid the button and took down the zipper of his black pants and slid them down. He stood in his black boxer briefs. Next his shoes and socks had to go. Then I bent down and with a tug, slide the underwear down that lovely, trim ass and those athletic legs.
I slowly rose up to John’s now completely naked frame. I wanted to cry at how beautiful and fuckable he was. It was an effort keeping my eyes off his hard-on. He truly was a work of art and he had about 8 inches magic stick between his legs. I stood on shaky legs. I shouldn’t be turned on, given the situation. But my body wasn’t listening. I was soaking wet and weak by now. I tried to read his face but I couldn’t quite figure him out, which was unusual and I didn’t like it one bit.
“Your turn. And I want John to do it.”
He didn’t even give me time to marinate on seeing John completely naked for the first time. John stood behind me, much like Soren minutes earlier. I closed my eyes. His firm cock, dug into the small of my back, a little moan escaped me and I was too far gone to care if anyone noticed. His strong hands unbuttoned my white top. He slipped it off my shoulders, then he began to unbutton my jeans and I eventually slipped out of them, my shoes and my tights.
I stood in cream-colored lace lingerie, with the strap holding a knife against my right leg. He took that off also. I heard movement and opened my eyes to find Marcus and Curly unzipping their pants, pulling out their hard cocks. Yelena had a leg hanging over the arm the ornate chair, her hand up her skirt and another on one of her big tits.
Okay. Flattering, I guess. Soren wasn’t moving a muscle and only stared, his eyes seared my flesh.
John easily unhooked my bra, and dragged the tips of his cool, able fingers down my warm, naked back. Shivers of the volcanic kind arrested me. I held the cups of my bra. He stood in front of me and took the soft cups from my hands, leaving me topless. He gave me an appreciative look, before taking off my panties. His hands firmly gripped the grooves of my sides and he seemed to almost forget where he was. He was going to kiss me.
“John, what are you thinking?” Soren’s voice boomed from across the room.
“I’m thinking about how I want to fuck Joy, badly. And I’m thinking about how I’m going to kill you when we get out of this.”
That was my John. I was salivating at his admission about wanting me.
Soren laughed. “There is no way out of this. We’ve found your people and taken them. It will hours before your pitiful organization finds you two. John, if we weren’t here, if it was just you and Joy, what would you do?”
“I would kiss her and make love to her like I’ve always wanted.”
“Then do it.”
I suddenly felt shy, like this was my first school dance.
(End of Part I)