The goodbyes were hard, April one day, Maeve the next. I felt like a dirty great hole had been ripped in my soul, I wandered about aimlessly, unable to concentrate or focus. Giving up sex cold-turkey like that sucked the big one.
My last night with Maeve had been magical; we didn’t have sex, we made sweet, affirming love, spending the time between sessions cuddling and talking about the days, weeks and months ahead. It made the leaving all the harder. Each time Maeve had to change planes on her way home, she would call and the hole just got bigger. I hadn’t felt this bad since finding out my ex was fucking her boss.
On Saturday, I played golf with Ted and two of his co-workers. I sucked, plain and simple, carding the worst score I’d shot in years. Ted tried his best to shake me out of my funk, suggesting I call Lisa for a night of fun. As good as that sounded, I wanted nothing or no one that didn’t involve Maeve and April.
The girls had been gone a week when I arrived home from picking up a few groceries to find a note on my front door. “Tonite, 7:00 supper at ours. J&K”. Recalling my conversation with Karen on the night of the girls’ going away party, I wondered if she was inviting me for more than dinner.
I decided, just in case, to have a shower and tidy up the downtown. I then texted both Maeve and April, “Need to talk ASAP.” A few minutes later I saw April’s face on my phone as she was calling to video chat.
“Hi, Sweetie,” she said, “something wrong?”
“No, babes,” I replied, “I got an invitation from John and Karen for supper. I didn’t tell you before but we had an interesting conversation before you and Maeve left,” speak of the devil, Maeve called at that moment. I added her to the call.
“Hi, Handsome!” She was flushed, “Just got home from working out, have to keep my girlish figure. What’s up?” I repeated that I had been invited to dinner across the road and that Karen and I had an interesting conversation before they left.
“She sort of guessed that the three of us are involved and that we had Ted stay over. She and John are playing with the idea of a threesome.” Both girls nodded.
Maeve spoke, “And you want our permission to go over to their house to play!” It was my turn to nod. “Fine by me,” she said, “what about you April?”
“Sure, why not?” she said “Just remember the ground rules, it’s just sex, nothing more.”
“Nothing more,” I repeated. “I thought you wouldn’t mind but I wouldn’t just go over without asking. This is one area where I will never beg for forgiveness rather than ask for permission.”
“Thank you, Baby,” Maeve purred. “By the way, April and I had a chat yesterday. In anticipation of you being ‘invited’,” she added air quotes,” to see Lisa, you have a free pass. No need to call beforehand, just give us the gory details after the fact!”
“Or,” added April, “you could just send us a picture or a video!” I was surprised to say the least, not that they had predicted that Lisa would be in touch, but that they had read me like a book in knowing I would jump at the chance to fuck her again.
“OKaaaay,” I said. “You two know me so well.”
“Don’t you forget it, Mister!” Maeve laughed. “Have fun!” She signed off.
“Have a great time!” April said. “Say Hi to John and Karen for me!”
“John has the hots for you, you know that?” I said.
“Really?” she answered. “You know this how?”
“Karen told me,” I said, “she and John fantasize about you in bed!”
“What a nice compliment!” she giggled. “Feel free to feed their fantasy if you like!” She blew me a kiss, “Miss you! Love you! Bye!” and the screen went blank.
I stared at the phone for a few seconds before finishing getting ready. I selected a bottle of white wine from my cabinet, grabbed my coat and headed across the road. Karen must have been watching for me because the door swung open just as I mounted the top step of their front porch.
“Stuart, hi!” she called, “It’s great to see you!” She ushered me in and took my coat, thanking me for the wine. “Supper’s just about ready, make yourself at home!” John came over, we shook hands and made small talk about the weather.
Dinner was simple, after we finished and the dishes cleared away, we retired to their living room to talk. John was a little reserved so Karen started.
“Stuart, John, and I have a pretty good idea about the relationship you have with Maeve and April, it’s really none of our business but we’re curious. How did you three get together?”
“It’s a long story,” I said, “You see, I was on a business trip to St. Louis and….” I rambled off how I met April on the plane, playing golf, having sex, her introducing me to Maeve, and so on, leaving out the most titillating details. John leaned forward, I suspect the titillating details were what he wanted to hear.
“So, you have sex with each other, all three of you at once, or sometimes just two of you?” he asked. I nodded, trying to explain that it was just sex without commitment or jealousy. “And the two women, they have sex with each other as well as you?”
It’s called bi-sexual, John, “Karen teased. “You know like on those porno sites you look at that you think I don’t know about!” He looked shocked. “Come on, you think you can hide that from me? You spend a half-hour in your study then come to me with a boner, you think I don’t know what’s going on?”
I was getting uncomfortable, afraid that this was the beginning of a fight. “I thought we were just going to keep that sort of talk to our bedroom,” he said. Karen took a deep breath, steeling her nerves before taking the next giant step.
“Well, we talked about adding someone to our love life,” she replied. “Stuart has obviously got lots of experience in having sex with more than one partner, I thought he could give us a few tips.”
“I suppose,” John conceded. He downed the rest of his drink and got up to make himself another. He made two, bringing one to me.
“All right, Stuart, what’s it like?” he asked.
“Well,” I began, “what you have to try to do is to separate the love from the sex. That’s the hardest part, at least it was easier for me, I hadn’t had a prior relationship with either of them before we started having sex.”
“Fucking,” stated Karen. “Let’s call it what it is.”
“Exactly, I said, “it’s not ‘making love,’ it’s ‘fucking.’ That’s what it started out as with April, Maeve, and me. But then Maeve and I started to fall for each other. You see, she loves April, but is not ‘in love with her. I love April too, but I’m not ‘in love with her. Maeve and I are in love, we could get married but we all want to keep the relationship we have when any of us can have sex with one another without all the jealousy or petty mind games. So we have an arrangement.” I went on to explain that we are all going to go into business and live together.
“Cool,” whispered Karen. “So where do Ted and…,” she searched for the name.
“Lisa,” I reminded her.
“Yes, Lisa, where do they fit in?”
“Well,” I continued, taking a deep breath, “this is the part that a lot of people won’t be able to wrap their heads around. April, Maeve and I all love sex, we do it a lot.”
I know,” said Karen, “I watched you!” John looked as though he was afraid to breathe.
“Yes, you said,” I smiled at them both. “Because we can separate sex from emotion, we have no trouble having sex with people outside of our relationship.” I could see that Karen was intrigued, John was even more so.
“It all sounds so easy,” John said, “It can’t be that simple.”
“Actually,” I said, “once you wrap your head around it and if you can separate the love from the sex, it can be exactly that simple.” Karen got up and sat on her husband’s lap, kissing him gently.
“John, sweetheart,” she said lovingly, “how many times have we talked about adding another person to our sex life?” She rubbed the bulge in his pants. “How many times have you orgasmed when I describe me fucking another man or being with another woman? Stuart is here and I think he wants to help us out, take the leap of faith. If it turns out you don’t want to do it, we can stop and never mention it again. Please, baby!” She was begging. “You didn’t see him together with April and Maeve,” the mention of watching April getting fucked made him groan. “Remember when I told you about it, how you came just from thinking about it? If we don’t do this right now, tonight, we never will. Is that how you want this fantasy to play out?” John took a deep breath.
“No, it isn’t,” he said firmly. “April and Maeve are cool with this?” I fished out my phone.
“I called them just before I came over. We can call them if you like,” I said, noticing that John’s interest peaked at that.
“Sure,” he said. I looked at Karen and she nodded. I brought up our group video chat and called.
“Hi girls, I’m with John and Karen, they have a question for you.” I handed the phone over to Karen.
“Hi April, hi Maeve,” she began haltingly. “Stuart has been saying the most wonderful and interesting things about your relationship. He says you are both okay with him being here with us to, well… you know.”
“To fuck you while John watches?” said April.
“To suck his cock into your throat while your husband takes you from behind?” added Maeve. Karen blushed.
“Well, yeah, I guess,” she stammered. “Are you okay with it?”
“We wouldn’t have it any other way,” April said. “Enjoy yourselves, live your fantasies, life’s too short for second guesses.”
“Exactly,” added Maeve, “Stuart will explain everything. There is one thing though.”
“What’s that?” asked John.
“If you’re comfortable, would you let Stuart take some photos of you two together? We promise they’re for our eyes only.”
“No,” said Karen, firmly and finally. “I’ve heard too many stories about naughty pictures on the internet, not me.”
“All right,” said Maeve, “we’ll respect that.” April nodded in agreement. “Stuart, you have some things to explain, we’ll leave you to it. Have fun kids, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” She ended the call before I could respond.
“For the record, I have yet to find anything that Maeve or April won’t do,” I said. We all laughed, it seemed to lighten the mood.
“Before we start anything, we need to have a frank conversation,” I said. “If you are going to engage in this sort of thing, you need two things. First, you have to trust the people you are with to respect any boundaries you might have that they will respect any of yours. For example, I’m not interested in touching John or any other man’s junk. It’s just not my thing. You have to respect that.” Karen and John both agreed.
“Second, you have to try to lose all inhibition and not be afraid to ask for whatever you want. Your partners will respond honestly and either agree or not. There is no quid pro quo, not with me. I will ask you to try different things, especially because you’re new at this. But if you’re not comfortable, it won’t happen. Full stop.”
“Fair enough,” said John, his earlier reticence had disappeared. “Is that it?”
“Not quite,” I said laughing. “We need a safe word. If at any time you start feeling uncomfortable or want to call a pause for any reason at all, say the safe word and everything stops.”
“I thought safe words were just for kinky sex,” said Karen.
“That’s what most people think,” I replied, “but the girls and I agreed to adopt them in our relationship as well. Safewords are a deal-breaker for us, everyone agrees or nothing happens. It’s one of the first steps in building the trust we’re going to need to do this.”
“So what word do we use?” asked Karen.
“You pick,” I answered, “If I pick the word, you’re less likely to think of it when you need it most.”
Karen and John thought for a few minutes, “This is harder than I thought,” John said, “every word I think of can have a sexual meaning.”
“I know, right!” exclaimed Karen. “I got it! Suitcase! I can’t imagine ever saying that!”
I laughed out loud, “If all this goes where I think it might go, you will surprise yourself with the words you’re going to say during sex! But suitcase it is.”
“Is that it?” asked John. He was definitely eager to get on with things.
“Unless you have more questions,” I said. “This is your night. Why don’t you two start with each other and we’ll see where things go?”
My lustful neighbours began with kissing each other, moving quickly to pulling each other’s clothes off until they were down to their underwear. I saw an opportunity.
“John, undress her. Slowly. Kiss each bit of new skin as it comes into view.” He reached around and deftly unclipped the clasp on her bra, letting her breasts fall free. They weren’t large but they were full and still firm. “Are those all-natural?” I asked. Karen shook her head.
“My gift to myself for my forty-fifth last year,” she said, turning to me and showing them proudly. John’s hands went o them and began caressing them with both hands as he licked at her nipples. Karen’s eyes never left me for a second. I could see the inhibitions fall away before my eyes. “John, honey? Perhaps Stuart would like to feel my breasts.” John moved to concentrate on her left as I moved in to her right. My lips caressed her nipple and she moaned, ever so softly, “yesssss…”
I felt Karen’s hand on mine, guiding it downward and cupping her hand over mine to caress her pussy. Her moans grew louder as we rubbed her clit through her panties. I leaned in and whispered to her, “Can I watch you give your husband a blowjob?” She smiled at me sweetly.
“You think he’d mind?” she asked teasingly. She sank to her knees and pulled John’s cock out of his underwear. He wasn’t especially long, about five inches but the head was disproportionally large for his girth. She opened wide and took him into her mouth as I backed away to let husband and wife do their thing. She alternated taking him in her mouth and then stroking him with her hand. As continued pleasuring her husband, I got undressed. As I sat back down, the movement caught Karen’s eye and she took her mouth off John to look at me.
She looked up at her husband, “Do you mind, John?” He shook his head and she crawled over to me on hands and knees. Taking me in her hand, she examined it for a moment before licking up the length of it from my balls to the tip. She opened wide and moved her lips over me, clamping them down and suckling on my head. Her tongue felt wonderful as she tried to milk my cock.
“I think this needs to move to the bedroom,” said John. Karen gave me one last lick then leaned forward, giving me a long kiss. We got up and Karen took both of our hands and led us to the bedroom. She embraced her husband, kissing him deeply.
“Thank you, honey, I know you wanted this but I didn’t think we’d actually go through with it.” She kissed him again, “I promise, next time we’ll get a woman to share you with.” Turning to me, she pushed me towards the bed, “Now where was I?” I got up and laid down diagonally across my neighbours’ marital bed, Karen climbing on top and taking my cock back into her mouth. Her ass was stuck way up in the air, she could not have been more inviting to her husband if she’d had a neon sign on her back flashing, “Fuck Me!”
John just moved to the side of the bed and leaned forward so his face was close to his wife’s ear, “Oh, fuck, baby, I love watching you suck another man’s cock. I didn’t think I would but you are so hot!” His words spurred her on, she took me in deeper, sucked harder, flicked her tongue quicker with every word. “Take him in your throat baby, I know he’s bigger than me but you can do it, I know you can!”
She tried, but she hit her gag reflex each time and had to pull back. “Go slow,” I urged her, remembering how Maeve and April had coached Lisa. “Let it ease to the back of your mouth, take a deep breath and relax.” She did as I instructed and she seemed fine for a moment as she held herself on me. “Now relax and swallow, your throat will open up and…,” and I was in! My cock head slipped into her throat and she made a noise which, had her mouth not been full of cock, might have sounded like a squeal of surprise.
John ran his finger along her cheek, “You did it, baby, you took it all!” he said quietly, “You are so beautiful, so hot with Stuart’s cock against your beautiful red lips! This is everything I dreamed it…,” he groaned and orgasmed right there, not being touched or anything, the sight of his lovely wife sucking another man’s cock drove him over the edge. She continued fellating me, slowly moving so that I would slip out of her throat and back in, her stomach would lurch every so often as she got used to the feeling but she quickly got the hang of it. After a few minutes, she sat up on her haunches and gazed at her husband.
“Thank you, baby, you know how I’ve wanted this!” She patted the mattress beside her and invited him up, moving to take him into her mouth. She sucked him back to full hardness and then took her mouth off him, “You want to watch Stuart fuck me while I suck you off?” She knew the answer before she even asked the question, John’s eyes got bigger and his dick twitched, bumping off the end of her nose. She went back down of him and I moved behind her, placing the end of my cock against her soaking opening. Lube would not be required this night. She moved her hips back against me and I pushed forward. She moaned loudly around John’s cock as I entered her, pushing her harder onto her husband’s cock.
We were a bit uncoordinated at first but soon got a rhythm going so that she could push against me and still keep John inside her mouth. She had no trouble deepthroating him, his length didn’t allow for him to go all the way into her throat. By the looks on his face, he was enjoying what she was doing to him. Looking up along her back, I admired her shape, she had a nice hourglass figure if not particularly narrow at her waist. Her hips were full and wide and her waist flared to toned shoulders. Leaning to one side, I could see her generous breasts swing as we fucked.
I began to get close to erupting so I started pushing harder. Her mouth came off John and she held him in her hand as she urged me on, “Fuck me, Stuart! Oh, I have waited for this, FUCK ME!” she demanded, I suspect as much for John’s benefit as my own. I could feel my balls slapping against her pussy lips as I banged into her, our hip-to-ass cheek contact making loud slapping noises. John grabbed her hair and pulled it, bringing her face to his cock.
“Please baby, suck me!” he pleaded. “Suck me while he fucks your delicious pussy!” She took him back in her mouth, trying to keep him in there and not bite him as I thrust into her from behind. I slowed my pace and vigour so she could please her man. After only a few more strokes, he grunted loudly and pulled out of her mouth, spraying himself all over her pretty face. “Oh fuck, baby, yes! You look so hot with your face covered in my come!” When he finished spurting, she took him back in her mouth to lick him clean.
“Clean my face!” she demanded of her husband and like the cuckold he was becoming, he did as he was told. “Come on Stuart, I need this! Fill me up, I need to feel your hot come inside me!” I grabbed her hips firmly and pounded into her a few more times before my orgasm erupted inside her. Her hand flew to her clit for a few frantic rubs to finish the job, her knees gave out and she collapsed into her belly as she came, roaring her flood of pure orgasmic pleasure into the room. When she fell forward I had slipped out of her so I sat back on my haunches admiring the view, her lovely round ass, her legs open just enough to see my come leaking from her pussy. Her torso was heaving as she tried to catch her breath, her husband’s face beside hers whispering ‘I love you’ between his licking his semen from her cheeks.
She rolled onto her back and pulled her husband in for a long hug. Releasing him from her clutches, she looked into his face, “Was that what you had in mind, honey?”
“It was,” he breathed before kissing her long and lovingly. “You are so beautiful, so special to me.”
“Next time,” she whispered, “we’ll find some pussy for us to eat!”
“And for me to fuck too, I hope!” he replied.
“Yes, my love, for you to fuck!”
I extracted myself from the scene, preferring to watch as two people who were deeply in love revelled in the experience that they had just shared. I went to the washroom and when I came out, they were still snuggling. “Come here, Stuart,” Karen said softly. I climbed in beside them so she was between myself and her husband. “That was incredible, thank you for making this so easy for us.” She kissed me softly.
“You guys obviously wanted this, if I’m right you’ve always wanted something like this, I just gave you the little nudge you needed to take the leap of faith.” I hugged Karen.
“Well,” John said, taking his wife’s hands and moving one of them to each of our cocks, “we should do this again sometime!”
“Maybe we should,” I replied.
“Oh, fuck!” cried Karen, “We didn’t take any pictures for April and Maeve! Grab your phone, Stuart!” Surprised that she had changed her mind, I took my phone and she posed for a few photos, directing John and me so that there was one with his cock in her mouth, another with me in her mouth and one with one cock on either side of her lips. I took her hips and guided her up on all fours, John dangled himself in front of her face while I faked fucking her from behind. After we looked at the photos and sent them to the girls, John excused himself to the washroom and I got off the bed and began getting dressed.
“You’re leaving?” asked Karen, “it’s still early.”
“I think you two should be alone now,” I said. “Your husband, who I would say loves you more than life itself, has just watched you being taken by another man. Add to that the cuckolding you gave him making him lick his come off your face while I fucked you. He needs to reclaim you for his own now, and you need to let him. Feed his ego, tell him he’s the best husband in the world for letting you do this.”
“You think?” she asked. I nodded.
“I know,” I stated. “If you two ever get together with a woman, you’ll get it. When it’s over you will want to reassert your claim on him. Even in our open relationship with April, Maeve and I both want to reclaim the other for our own afterward.”
“Oh, okay, I never considered that.” She thanked me again with a long deep kiss. “You have the nicest cock, Stuart, it fits me so well. I look forward to another evening with you and maybe some of your friends.”
“Thank you,” I said, kissing her one last time. “Now go fuck your husband!”
“My pleasure!” she wiggled her fingers goodbye.
As I walked back across the road to my house, my phone pinged, it was April, wanting to talk. I told her we could have a group chat with Maeve when I got home and got into bed. That group video call turned into a long masturbation session as we all played with ourselves while I related the events of the evening. After April signed off, Maeve and I continued chatting for a few minutes before ending the call and drifting off to sleep.