My First Boyfriend

"A true story."

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I couldn’t stop smiling, my hands were shaking and I started to sweat. I ran from my bedroom into the bathroom to brush my teeth for what must have been the third time. I ran my tongue over my smooth teeth. I sighed a little at my reflection, pushing my short hair out of my face and grinning. Practising my smile. I took a deep breath to steady myself, and as I washed my hands, the doorbell rang. I legged it down the stairs and put my hand on the latch.

“Ok,” I muttered to myself, “one… two… three.”

I pulled open the door, and smiled at the person standing there. Looking very handsome, as usual. Alex was my first serious boyfriend. We had been together for around 6 months, and things were amazing between us. It was the middle of summer, our exams had finished so we decided to meet up. Slightly sweaty and out of breath, he gave me his cheeky grin which always made me feel like I was the only person in the world that mattered to him. Every time he smiled it seemed to light up his perfect face and everything around him, and make the day seem so much sunnier. His short blond hair was spiked up, and his eyes lit up when he saw my face. Cue the deep blush from me.

“Hey beautiful, sorry about being so sweaty. I brought the bike so I wouldn’t be late.”

I looked behind him and saw his bicycle leaning against the wall outside my house. He was a cycling fanatic, and had gone as fast as he possibly could to get to my house so he wouldn’t keep me waiting. He cycled the 20 minute journey in 5 minutes, so I was over the moon to hear he cared for me that much.

I put my arms round him and gave him a quick peck on the lips before leading him inside. After a couple of glasses of water and casual chatter with my mum, we were walking out of the house the the local chip shop. Not very romantic, I know, but we didn’t care about that. It was just spending time together that mattered.

Alex put one arm around me and one on the handlebars of his bike as we walked and talked. One of the many wonderful things about my boyfriend was that he always made me laugh. We were both a couple of jokers, and whenever he laughed at one of my silly one-liners, he would laugh long and loud. His laugh was so infectious and it would always make me grin from ear to ear. Every second with him I cherished.

We reached the chip shop and bought a portion of chips each, both soaked in vinegar. We sat on a wall as we ate, away from a group of menacing chavs in a corner. We ignored them. There was always an air of confidence around Alex, and it seemed to grow inside me, making me feel like I could do anything in the world.

As I began to tell him about a funny moment in my day, Alex sighed quietly and lay his head on my shoulder, a happy smile on his face. He loved to hear me talk about anything and everything, and the way he rested his head on my shoulder told me that. A balloon seemed to swell inside me, and I hugged him tightly.

We sat in comfortable silence, watching the cars drive past with their windows down and summer music drifting through the air. Alex’s hand slyly crept towards my portion of chips, and he stole one and quickly popped it in his mouth.

“Oi you cheeky bugger! Those are mine.”

I laughed, yanking the chips out of reach.

“But yours taste so much better!” He reasoned, his eyes widening with innocence.

Giggling, I took a couple of chips from his portion as a pay back.

We finished eating, and walked over to the nearby park. The same park we went to on our first date. Alex removed his hand from around my shoulders and jumped onto his bike, speeding off into the distance, showing off. He came to a sliding halt, yanking his bike sideways so he blocked my path. I ran up to him laughing, and he wouldn’t move out the way until I kissed him. I willingly obliged and I walked on, Alex peddling slowly at my side.

The weather was getting hot, so we raced over to a nearby tree. I pushed him over onto the soft grass, laughing at him sprawled on his back. His look of fake hurt and horror at what I had done disappeared and was replaced by a grin and a naughty glint in his eye. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down next to him and we rolled around laughing under the tree as he tried to grab my bum and tickle me.

After much hysterical laughter, he somehow managed to sit on top of me, spreading my legs open. I gasped at what he was doing, because we were in such a public place.

“Get off!” I hissed, “people are staring!”

He chuckled lightly. “Let them look.”

With that, he pushed the hair tenderly out of my face and leaned in to kiss me. Our lips met and my heart began to beat faster. I rolled over so I was lying facing him. He wrapped his arms around me and lightly kissed my neck as we watched the sun getting lower in the sky. The minutes passed, and I looked up at his face, his eyes closed as if he was sleeping. He opened them slowly and gave me a lazy smile, holding me closer.

I gently stroked his lips with the tip of my finger, and he kissed it as I ran it from either sides of his mouth. I placed my other hand behind his head and ran my fingers through his hair. His eyes closed again with a relaxed smile as he let his hand wander up and down my back. With his other, he held my hand that was stroking his lips and moved it gently away, kissing me once more. We broke apart, and he rubbed his nose against mine in our eskimo kiss.

“I suppose we better get a move on” he sighed quietly, though making no effort at all to get up. Lazy sod, I thought fondly as I pushed him off me and stood up. Alex yawned, stretched, then took the hand I offered and pulled himself up. I kept hold of his hand as we walked out of the park towards his house.

We walked up his road, Alex giving me the guided tour with little comments such as:

“On your right, you will see the the Russian neighbour’s house. I try to keep the curtains closed, because they tend to watch me when I get out of the shower.”

We reached his house, a big building with a beautiful garden. We walked round to the back door to put his bike in the garage. He gave me a quick tour of the house, showing me the different rooms. Thundering back down the stairs, he grabbed some cold pizza from the side then sat in the garden.

When he had polished off three slices, he turned to me and licked his lips. Taking that as an invitation, I put a hand onto his chest and pushed him backwards onto the soft grass. It was the first time that evening we had been alone, and I had grown impatient. I kissed him fiercely and passionately, which he returned eagerly. Our bodies seemed to melt into one as his hands ran through my hair, twirling it between his fingers.

A bird cawed suddenly, causing me to look up up startled, arms either side of Alex’s head. I looked back down at his gorgeous face to see him smiling at me, and I leaned in again only to pull away at the last second, teasing him.

I giggled playfully as his eyes narrowed in mock anger. Looking down at him, I could see his heart beating through his shirt.

I widened my eyes, a little concerned.

He smiled reassuringly, and whispered

“What do you expect? It’s what you do to me. How you make me feel.”

Looking past my shoulder up at the darkening sky, he mumbled something about going inside. As he sat up, he looked down at his trousers. I fought back a laugh as I saw the obvious bulge, which had obviously happened while I was kissing him. He looked into my eyes and raised his eyebrows suggestively. I blushed, amazed that I could make him feel like this just from kissing him.

He stood up and looked at me lying on the grass. Bending over, he swept me up into his arms and carried me inside. I laughed as he ran through the kitchen into the living room, and gasped when he threw me onto the sofa, looking at me as if he meant business.

Alex lay on top of me, and a new side of him I had never seem before began to show itself. Some kind of animal seemed to be unleashed inside him as he pinned me down. His hands felt every curve of my body while his lips met mine in a passionate kiss. His tongue danced inside my mouth, pushing his face closer to mine with urgency. He moved to my neck, biting it softly, trailing kisses to my chest and back up again to my mouth.

His hand slid to my legs, trembling slightly as he ran his fingers up the inside of my thigh, getting higher and higher, then gently running his fingertips backwards and forwards between my legs. Our breathing got faster and louder, and I moaned into his mouth. I ran my hands down his back, my nails pressing lightly against his skin. I moved them downwards, creeping underneath his jeans and into his boxers, gripping his bum as he writhed against me. He held me as we rolled off the sofa onto the floor, our kisses remaining fierce and hungry.

Alex pulled me into him even closer, crushing my body into his. We felt a need to get closer, to push against each other, to really feel one another. I crept my hand up his shirt and ran one finger from his neck downwards, feeling the curves and outlines of his toned and muscular body. He hungrily kissed my neck, sucking it and running his teeth across my skin.

I continued to run my finger down past his belt, placing my palm onto his crotch, which seemed to get harder at my touch. He gave an intake of breath as I ran my fingers up and down, moving my hand under his trousers to his boxers and doing the same thing again. I kissed his neck softly then bit it, when his hand suddenly closed around my fingers and pushed my hand underneath his trousers to meet his hard cock. I gripped it tightly and he gasped, his eyes rolling back.

He then quickly took off his jeans and boxers in one, revealing his hard on. Looking into his eyes, I moved my hand steadily up and down his shaft, thought not quite reaching the top, teasing him. He moved my hand all the way up, moaning as I pressed my thumb right at the head, moving it in little circles.

Alex let go of my hand and gripped my back, his nails scratching me slightly as I pressed harder on the tip and moved faster, pre cum oozing out of his cock. I began to move my fist up and down again, looking straight into his eyes as he fought to keep them open. Our breathing got faster as I was getting turned on by this new Alex, and the effect I was having on him. What I was doing to him. He started to pant, his eyes rolling back as he bit his lip. His eyes snapped open and stared straight at me, a passionate, hungry stare I had never seen before. He seemed to be seeing me properly for the first time, looking at me with such burning lust.

He spoke, his voice hoarse and trembling.

“Go for it.”

There was a slight plea in his voice. He moaned a little and added, “You own it.”

I laughed nervously, my voice shaking slightly.

“So I can do… whatever I want…”

I moved my hand away. He breathed out and chuckled deeply. Unable to resist, my hand moved straight back to his cock, and he lifted my head and kissed me like he had never done before, his tongue dancing in my mouth, his lips pressed against mine with such hunger that it took my breath away. I kissed his neck and closed my eyes, wanting to concentrate with my other senses. I wanted to hear him, feel him. I didn’t need to see, I wanted to make him feel like he had never felt before. I wanted to make him come. I wanted to touch him, be the first to give him that.

I could feel his heartbeat racing, his chest going up and down as he gasped, his cock getting harder in my hand. I could feel it moving and twitching as it grew even bigger, responding to my pressure and movement. Alex groaned, and gave an almost inaudible moan into my ear.


I moved my hand to his breathing, listening to his body and reacting to it, moving with it, making his body tremble with pleasure. I could tell he had never come like this, that I was making him moan harder and louder than he had ever done before. I became one with his body, breathing with him, feeling his orgasm building up. It seemed to grow with me, making me gasp as he began to breathe louder. I finally opened my eyes, unable to keep them closed any longer. I looked into his face, his mouth slightly open and his eyes tight shut, occasionally biting his lip as I squeezed tighter on his dick. I kissed him and he sighed with pleasure, holding me tightly. He breathed heavily, his words silently forming against my lips.

“I love you.”

It took my breath away. I moved my hand even faster with a new passion, I wanted to make him come, now. Suddenly, everything changed. His heaving breathing turned into loud, incredible moans as he came, his hand gripping my hair as he pushed my face towards his, groaning into my mouth. I closed my eyes once more and bit my lip as our foreheads pushed together. I struggled not to make a sound as he got louder and more passionate, the noise of him coming sending shivers through my body. 



It was so intense, I was swept away with it. His back arched, his voice shuddered and broke with every groan.

I gasped and opened my eyes. I stopped moving my hand and gently took it away, wiping it on my jeans. Alex looked down and burst out laughing, so I looked down too. His cum had literally gone everywhere. Onto his torso, the coffee table, the carpet, the curtains. We broke into hysterical fits of laughter when we realised a bit had gone onto my cheek as well, and I crawled over to a box of tissues next to the sofa. I handed Alex the whole box, struggling to breathe. I watched him try and clean up, and giggled at his attempt at a straight face when he asked me if I wanted to wash my hands.

After wrestling on his boxers and trousers, he turned to me and kissed me, full of love and affection. My heart seemed to explode with happiness as I remembered what he had said to me. He had told me he loved me before, but never like that. We walked out of his house, big grins on our faces as he walked me home, holding my hand tightly in his.

Published 14 years ago

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