The study reflects his tastes – it’s a picture of Victorian luxury – filled with objets d’art, shelves of books and rich furnishings. A low fire flickers in the fireplace, and the smell of newly – heated coal permeates the air. The Persian rug beneath her knees is an intricate mandala of reds and and blues. The wood panels on the wall glow dimly in the firelight.
She leans her head on his thigh and he caresses her hair.
“Are you warm enough, my dearest?” he inquires.
“Yes,” she whispers.
He runs his hand down her naked back and her skin is blazing hot. She murmurs at his touch.
“Are you happy to be here?”
“Yes,” she says, and strokes his shins lovingly. “I’ve wanted to be here for a long time.”
“Even though you know what I require of you?”
“Yes, that too.”
They sit in silence for a while, listening to the crackling of the flames.
“I have never let any woman know my true nature before.” he says, after a pause. “And I am afraid you will not think so much much of me when I have exercised a little of my desire upon you.”
“You can trust me.” she replies.
“But you cannot trust me, my dearest. This is a point of no return for you.”
“I know,” she says, and runs her hand up the inside seam of his trousers, to the welcoming bulge between his legs. Her palm lingers there momentarily, and then travels back down.”But I give myself to you. You have earned me. Now teach me your pleasure.”
He smiles and presses her hand to his manhood once more. “Tell me again how much you desire this.”
She raises herself on her knees. “Oh, my love, I want nothing else. I have never wanted any touch but yours, I dream of things with you that leave me burning in my lady’s place. I can’t tell you…there aren’t words…please let me see it! Please let me touch it!” She looks to him and there is no denying the fervor in her eyes, the lust that plays around her slightly opened mouth, inexperienced as he knows she is.
“It will touch you more deeply than you can imagine.” he says, with a smirk – and then a change comes over him. “I cannot control this any longer!”
With this he seizes a handful of her hair and stands up, almost dragging her up beside him; such is his agitation.
Her face contorts with pain and she seeks to free his grip. “Oh! What have I done? Are you angry?”
“I am not angry, dearest, but this is something you must get used to.” he says, and with his other hand pulls a bundle of cord from his pocket, and throws it on the seat of the armchair.
“You’re going to bind me? But why?”
He laughs, and drags her nearer to the chair. “No more questions now, dearest.”
She is kneeling, facing the chair now, and her hips are up against the seat. With one hand he pushes her forwards, so she must hold on to the sides to keep her balance, and with the other starts forcing her thighs apart until she has a knee beside each chair leg. He loops the cord around them and lashes her legs to the armchair in this way.
She cranes her head around with a look of astonishment. Without a word he manoeuvers her head to face into the chair again and delivers a sharp smack to her buttocks. She squeals.
“Dearest, don’t make this harder than it needs to be. You’re mine now.”
The sight of her pink ass jutting towards him, and the glistening folds of her labia hanging gaping beneath are pleasing in the extreme. He crosses to the back of the chair, takes her hands and raises them over her head, wrists crossed. These he secures whilst watching every move of her face. She seems not to see him now – there is a strange look in her eyes, part resignation, part lust. She does not seems afraid and allows him to manipulate her like a rag doll.
He has her arms stretched to the top of the chair now, and runs the excess cord down over the back and behind it to where he has fixed an anchor just for this purpose. Her spine is bent in a shallow curve, and her ass juts out over the seat. He steps back a moment to admire his handiwork. She twists her hands a little in the bonds, perhaps to test them. He walks around the chair, enjoying the view from every angle. He particularly enjoys the view of her breasts rendered fuller and more shapely by gravity.
“I could do anything I wanted now.” He smirks. “I could whip you, violate you, and just leave you here for the use of my friends. What could you do about it?” He yanks her head back by her hair “Tell me!”
“That’s right, petal. Absolutely nothing. You are completely helpless.”
He’s kneeling at the side of the chair now, and crushes one dangling breast in his hand. She inhales deeply and he hears a tiny rippling sound as her flower opens up and produces fluid.
“Oh, you naughty little girl!” he laughs, and pinches her nipple cruelly, making her yelp.”What would your fiance say?”
“Ohhh, I don’t care!”
He lets go of her breast abruptly, it bounces back into its former position. The sight of this sends a lightning bolt to his cock. He is so tempted to leap on her right now, but this light torment is too mentally exciting to him. He has never seen a woman look more feminine and vulnerable than she does now, he could just devour her whole.
For her part she has never felt more feminine either, the sensation of the very air on her exposed and offered nether regions is exquisite, and knowing that he is looking at her, inspecting her, and that she can deny him nothing – not that she ever would – means her nipples are hard amber beads and a thin stream is coursing down her thighs. She needs to feel his hands upon her again, even if they cause pain.
He moves behind her, places his spread hands on her buttocks and sweeps them gently down the backs of her thighs. That pussy is so inviting, the way it hangs like an orchid; inviting him towards the nectar. Her pearl is engorged, and her hole shows no evidence of former conquest – the opening is tiny. Her hymen is maddeningly intact.
“What are you doing?” she asks, trying to look over her shoulder as much as her bonds will permit her.
“I’m looking at you.” he replies, simply.
She can’t see him, but she can feel his breath on her pussy. It’s excruciating.
He traces a finger between her inner and outer lips, first one side, and then the other, brushing her pearl with the lightest of touches. At this, a rivulet of her fluids gush out and she moans:
“Ohhhhh – please!”
He chuckles. “Am I being too gentle for you, my petal?” and starts stroking her tender parts a little more brusquely.
“I didn’t know it could feel so good!” she purrs.
“Oh yes, my dearest, that is why virginity should not be treasured as much as you seem to think.” He pokes the tip of his finger into her entrance and tickles.
“Ohhh no!”
“Ohhh yes!” he mocks. “Remember who you belong to. Remember whose whore you will become.” He straightens up and leans over her, suddenly gripping the back of her neck in his left hand. “My whore!” and thrusts his forefinger into her roughly, eliciting a scream.
“Oh! Oh God!” she cries, but it serves only to excite him further. He feels her tighten around his finger – in response he forces in another one, and another until she sobs.
“I have you nice and wide for me now, but not quite wide enough.” he says. “It’s time to make a woman of you. I’ve waited far too long for this, already.” He unbuttons his clothes.
“No, no!”
“Are you denying me!” he hisses, as he frees himself from his pants and his rod springs out to attention.
“Beloved, it’s not that…it’s…he’ll know!”
He pauses for a moment, a drop of pre-cum falls onto the whiteness of her body.
“How will he know?”
“He…he likes to look at me too.”
She is right.
“Beloved?” she whispers, unnerved at the silence behind her.
He crouches down beside her, grinning, one hand on his cock, working it slowly.
“I will still make you mine, but you will not enjoy it. You may even hate me for it. “He strokes down her back, and watches the goosepimples form on her arm as he reaches down to her buttocks and cups each cheek lasciviously. She really is very naive, he thinks. “I will need all your trust.”
“You know you have it.”
He moves back behind her and notes that the insides of her thighs are dripping with her juice. He cups his hands between her legs to collect still more, and then uses it to further lubricate his cock. At the same time he retrieves his belt from the floor. She hears the sound of the buckle stirring and her head jerks up in alarm.
“You will be mine, but you have disappointed me, and for that you must be punished.” He says, and before she has a chance to respond the belt whistles through the air – a stroke lands on her ass with an ear-splitting crack.
“AAAAaaaaah!” she screams, but the sound is music to his ears. This is the part of his nature she did not bargain for.
He swings the belt again, this time adjusting the angle so that the tip snaps at her pussy lips. She screams again, and her body convulses through her bonds.
His next stroke is backhanded, reddening a new part of her posterior. “Hush now,” he commands. “It sounds worse than it actually is.”
“Mercy!” she yells. But her little quim is still pumping out more nectar.
He lays the belt aside and rubs to soothe the marks he has just made.
“There…my poor little love! Am I really so cruel? Each of these strokes was really for your fiance, not for you. You took it just as well as I anticipated. I am proud of you.”
She whimpers her gratitude through copious tears.
Using both hands now -God! His balls are aching with desire – he begins to massage her buttocks, pushing upwards and outwards, feeling the heat of his assault radiating from her skin. Her cheeks are so fleshy and her crevice so deep that it is only now he is able to see her puckered little asshole fully. She groans happily, but says nothing as he slowly directs his thumbs towards it, caressing the delicate tan star lovingly, watching as it quivers and pulses under his touch.
“Oohhh my dearest. Has your Fiance ever seen this? Of course not.”
She is shaking her head no as he opens her like a book, leans in and plants a kiss on her most sacred place.
“Mmmm, the scent of a woman. How delicious. The only musk a woman needs.”
She is nervous and unsure, but feels no need to stop him. This intimacy overwhelms and she thinks herself sinful in her enjoyment. “It’s yours.” she whispers, and her face at once grows hot and flushed.
“Yes,” he purrs. “This is for me and only I will make such good use of it.” He leans in again and drags his tongue slowly, almost reverently along the full length of her furrow.
“Oh Lord, Yes! do that, do that!”
A guttural noise emits from his throat as he obeys her with relish, pressing his tongue firmly into her ass, flicking at her rectum with the tip, and allowing his saliva to pool where he will need it the most. His grip on her cheeks tightens as his cock throbs, sending messages of urgency into his sadistic mind. He falls back and picks up the belt again. She stiffens in fear.
But instead of lashing her with it, he holds both ends, flips it over her head and tightens it against her lower face.
“It’s time for me to take you, my little whore, and I cannot promise to be gentle. Open your mouth and bite down on this, it will help, since I haven’t the patience to prepare you properly.”
She bites down on the leather, feeling more vulnerable now than she has ever done in her life. She has a vague idea of what’s about to happen, but has wholly committed herself to it, no matter how it hurts. The belt is wide and stiff and wrenches her mouth wide open. He loops the belt securely around her head and draws it tight around her skull. Something about the taste of the leather arouses her even more.
Bracing himself on the arm of the chair, he angles himself against her, scooping up one last handful of her juice to lubricate his manhood. Guiding his cock upwards from her scorching pussy and against her tight hole, he pushes firmly against it, until she begins to yield. She mews like a cat through her gag as her asshole widens and then closes around the head of his cock. “Good girl,” he whispers, and kisses her on the back. “Say goodbye to your virginity.” And then he thrusts his full length into her with all his might.
She feels her ass erupt in a sheet of flame and involuntarily bites down on the belt so hard she almost splits it. She cannot help but cry out, and her muffled moan is almost enough for him to spill his seed right then and there. God she is so tight and hot! He had imagined how this would feel for months now but his fantasies are nothing compared to the reality. Pausing for a moment for her to adjust to his length he then retracts halfway, and plunges into her again, watching her bound hands twisting in the cords, her fingers clenching and unclenching in time to his thrusts. Unable to stop himself, he clutches her hair once again, arcing her head back as far as it will go, in an unspoken declaration of dominance. He pulls his cock back further now as he hammers into her again and again, now emerging outside her and battering his way back in, harder and harder, faster and faster.
She no longer feels it as a burning, but an exquisite ache that extends down to the tops of her thighs, a fullness that somehow seems right. She feels herself no longer a person but more a vessel of his desire, and her arousal gushes down her legs in such a torrent she wonders if she is urinating. Suddenly the belt drops from her mouth, shaken loose by the movement and she is able to cry out unimpeded.
He pistons himself into her ass with wild abandon, the old armchair creaks as he fucks her mercilessly, she confirms each stroke with a stream of moaning, gazing sightlessly at the ceiling as he pulls her hair and uses her body. Slap, slap, slap is the sound as he slams into her and his balls swing up and hit her cunt.
“Clench your ass, make it tighter.” he commands, but he is thrusting so fast now she is not sure how to. She obeys as best she can – he groans happily and reaches around her to cup her dangling breasts.”A…good…little…whore…” he pants “I …always knew…I saw it…in you”. She clutches at his cock even harder as he twists and pinches her nipples. A feeling is growing within her now, one she has never had before – a buildup of pleasant pressure, a tingling joy in her womb.
“Oh fill me, fill me more!” she begs, not knowing how else to express her feelings. “Take all of me! All of me!”
“Oh God, I’m going to come! I’m going empty myself into you, whore!” he roars, and his pace breaks- he pounds her once… twice… three times and feels his seed shoot deep into her as she writhes and sweats beneath him. He collapses onto her back, as she shudders and releases her own need only a moment later, letting out a primal wail as the flood gushes from her into a pool on the floor.
For a few minutes, only the sound of their breath and the dying fire remains. She hangs limply against the chair, he rests against her back, arms encircling her, the side of his face glued to her shoulder-blades with their combined sweat.
“Yes dearest…”
“Reach up please and remove my engagement ring.”