She is staring a Zack, who is lying naked on the top of the bed How did I miss that? It explains an awful lot. I step quietly out of the room before she sees me and make the plans for the day.
A few minutes later she climbs back into bed, I pretend that I am asleep. When I ‘wake’ up I make a feeble pass, which is requested. We make our way to the bathroom and meet up with Zack. He is very interested in the bite marks on our bodies, we did not even realise they were there until this morning.
I wonder if he feels the same way about her as she does about him. The way he is looking at her body suggests that he might.
The day is overcast and we are all listless. We work out on the masturbation machines, but they do not turn us on in the same way as they did yesterday.
We pick at lunch and as there is no sun there is little point in sunbathing.
Today is my day to choose what is to befall Zack and Stacy? I have given much thought to their respective sessions. Zack is to go first; however, I prepare Stacy for her session before attending to Zack. I place Stacy on a bench with her arms bound to her legs. The bonding is such that her tits and pussy are completely vulnerable to whatever punishment I intend to inflict.
I then turn my attention to Zack, I have decided on the staple, a good old fashioned spanking. He gets the pain a get the pleasure of stroking his bare bottom. I place him so that he is facing Stacy and go to work. Smack follows smack soon his bottom is scarlet and tears are following freely.
Anyone who thinks a proper spanking is not that painful would be very sorely mistaken, done right it is one of the most effective forms of CP. I was doing it right; Zack will remember this spanking for many days. However, at the moment he is blissfully unaware of the pain, he is completely focused on Stacy’s pussy.
I stop the spanking as abruptly as I started it, and turn my attention to Stacy.
The selection of the cat of nine tails drew gasps from both, Stacy and Zack. This was no toy it was very match to business end of Sadism. I took a few practice swings and as it sliced through the air both, Stacy and Zack winced.
“What is your safe word Stacy?”
“What does it matter Suzie, I do not pan to use it”
“What is your fucking safe word Suzie?”
Zack pleaded with her
“Stacy, for good sake what is the safe word?”
“Lime, but I will not use it, it simply is not going to happen.”
I line the cat up with her tits and swing it over my shoulders; Stacy looks both apprehensive and determined.
I then let it drop from my hand and proceed to untie Stacy.
“Suzie what the fuck, why?
“You would have used your safe word, but long after you should have done.”
“Any way we have better things to do with the time, and here is as good as place as any”
“So Suzie, who are you going to fuck first, Zack or me?”
“Neither Stacy, you are going to fuck Zack”
She looks at me and for the first time in over a day she smiles and mouths the word
“Thank you”
Zack echoes the sentiment.
Stacy then take Zack’s cock deep in her mouth and all but swallows it, so then goes up and down on it with a ferocity that I have rarely seen, I swear I could hear his cock hitting the back of his throat, he comes quickly and she greedily drinks his cum, then she brought his cock back to life with a vigorous hand job, so vigorous in fact that I am sure that there will be friction burns.
The look on Zack’s face takes my breath away he is drawing on all of his reserves not to orgasm before Stacy does, then finally she lets out an orgasmic scream as her whole body spasmed, Zack orgasms a few seconds later.
When she turns to me I barely recognise her, she is almost feral.
“Suzie, please lick me out then share the cum with Zack.”
I go down her and effectively suck the cum from her, once done Zack and I pass the cum between our mouths before I finally swallow it.
“Stacy and Zack, I think you had better leave”
Pointless really they were already making their way out.
When they had gone I sat there and cried there was no stopping the tears. Tears of sadness tears of joy, what the fuck do I care.
I am not the same person I was a day ago; I now understand the responsibility of being a sadist.