Pulling into his driveway on Friday afternoon, Daniel was a little surprised to find no other cars there. He chuckled to himself, wondering if Madison had finally run out of friends that needed his special attention. As much as he had enjoyed the devotion, Dan decided that a night of relaxation would probably do him good.
Walking into the kitchen, he found Madison standing by the sink wearing shorts and a halter top. Putting down his briefcase, Daniel moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her middle. “Did you run out of hot chicks to entertain me?”
Moving his hands up to cover her breasts, Maddi responded, “No, but I was getting jealous. I need more of that beautiful cock in me.”
“Are you planning on feeding me first?”
“Why don’t you make a drink and open a beer for me?” she said before turning around and giving him a kiss. “I think we should have a drink, have a little fun time and then eat. I finally have you all to myself.”
“So then,” Daniel said as he squeezed her ass cheeks, “You’ve given this some thought already?”
Pulling him tight against her body, Maddi replied, “I probably think about having sex with you most of the day. I seem to be constantly wet and ready for you.”
“I’ll just have to check to see if you’re telling the truth.” Just as he was about to push his hand inside Maddi’s shorts, the doorbell rang.
Looking down at the lump in his pants, Madison laughed. “I’ll get the door while you calm that thing down.”
Daniel went to his liquor cabinet and pulled out a bottle of bourbon when he heard Maddi talking with someone. He couldn’t make out the words and set about making his drink. Looking up, he saw Madison standing at the kitchen door with a surprised look on her face.
“Is something wrong?” he asked.
“No,” she muttered. “My accounting professor is here.”
“Here in our house?”
Stepping inside the kitchen, Maddi was followed by a lovely, dark-haired woman. “Daniel, let me introduce you to Gloria Hernandez, my accounting teacher.”
Daniel stepped forward to take the hand of a pretty woman he guessed to be in her forties. Her hair was coal black and fell over her shoulders. Her eyes were bright and her lipstick red. “It’s so nice to meet you, Ms. Hernandez,” he offered. “Welcome to our home.”
“Please, call me Gloria,” the woman said, offering Daniel a charming smile and showing her pearly white teeth.
Continuing to hold her hand, Daniel asked, “Have you come to report Madison’s poor work in your class?”
“Well,” Gloria replied, still holding his hand. “I can’t exactly say that she’s one of my top students, but I’ve come to have a business discussion with you, Mr. Williams.”
“If I’m going to call you Gloria, you must call me Dan,” he said in his most charming manner. “I was just fixing myself a drink. Would you care to join me, Gloria?”
“That would be delightful,” she answered. “What are you drinking?”
“Bourbon with a splash of water,” he told her. “That’s my drink.”
“Then make two,” the teacher said. “It’s Friday and it’s been a long week. A stiff drink would be appropriate.”
Before mixing the drinks, Daniel turned to Madison. “Ms. Hernandez wants to talk with me, sweetie. Why don’t you go up to your room and watch some television so that we can have some privacy.”
“Sure,” Madison said. “Just call if you need anything.”
Daniel prepared the two drinks, handing one to his guest. He touched his glass to hers, saying, “Cheers. Here’s to a great weekend.”
Gloria smiled and tasted the drink. “Yes, thank you,” she said. “That’s just perfect.”
“Would you like to sit here at the table?” Dan asked graciously, pulling out a chair for her. He watched the teacher sit and admired her lovely rounded ass. Dan sat across from her, tasted his drink and, said, “You mentioned you wanted to talk with me about some business?”
“Yes, I did,” the woman replied, appearing somewhat shy. She hesitated a moment, taking another sip of her drink. “I’ve thought about this all day and struggled with it.”
“Is it something about Maddi?”
“Well, in a way,” Gloria said as she looked at him with her big, dark eyes. “I had a conversation with a friend of mine this morning. My friend works in the school’s registrar’s office and she was here with you last night.”
“Oh, my,” Daniel said in surprise. “You know Layla? Bad news must travel fast at your school.”
“I assure you it was not bad news. Layla raved about her experience with you. She would still be telling me about it if I didn’t have a class starting. She left me thinking that you must be some kind of a god.”
“We did have a good time,” Dan admitted. “I’d have to say that I’m a little surprised she would tell the world about it since she’s married.”
“As I said, Layla’s a friend. She’s someone who knows that I too am in need of some specialized attention.”
Now Dan’s surprise turned to shock. This beautiful woman seemed to be suggesting that without ever having met him before, she wanted the two of them to have sex.
“This is really quite awkward, Dan. Let me explain a few things. First, I am divorced. I’ve been divorced now for seven years. My husband wasn’t good for much, but he took my body to heaven in the bedroom. Charlie was an exceptional lover. After he was gone, I realized that sex was what kept us together. We shared no interest in common other than fucking like a couple of wild animals.”
“If it was regular, I’m sure you missed it,” Dan offered.
“Regular doesn’t begin to describe what we did. The man was insatiable. To be honest, so was I. There wasn’t anything we didn’t do. There was no position we didn’t try or one I didn’t like. He brought a man home one night for a threesome, and I once brought home a girlfriend. I teach accounting, Dan. It is an exacting science. Sex was something for me to enjoy in its freedom of expression. Your partner from last night knows how much I miss it.”
“And she suggested I could help you out?”
“That’s exactly what she said. She knows that I want someone to shake my world and that I don’t expect an involvement.” Gloria stared into Dan’s eyes, speaking softly, “Dan, I just need to be fucked. I have a drawer full of sex toys at home, but I need a living, breathing man to make me feel like a woman again.”
“You’ll excuse my forwardness, Gloria, but you are a beautiful woman. It can’t be difficult for you to attract any man you want. I’ve barely met you, but I don’t need a magnifying glass to see that you’re built like the proverbial brick shithouse.”
“Thank you, Dan,” she sighed. “In fact, I’m really rather shy. I am very uncomfortable going into a bar and meeting a man. If I dress to show off my figure, I get men slobbering all over me. My report on you was that you are calm and secure. You know what you’re doing and are interested in your partner’s enjoyment. If you agree to at least give me a test ride, I’ll see to it that Madison gets through both segments of accounting with a decent grade. I would tutor her or simply give her a passing grade in both sections.”
Daniel sat quietly, studying this lovely woman. Her using the expression “give me a test ride” captivated him. He dared not stand because it would expose the lump in his trousers. The idea of seeing this lovely woman naked was exciting.
Speaking softly, Dan said, “I like to kiss. Do you?”
“Yes. Very much,” Gloria replied with a smile.
“Tell me what you miss the most?” he said.
Gloria was quiet for a moment, seeming to ponder the question. “I’m not the soft and sentimental type. I’m not interested in making love. I prefer fucking. Hot, sweaty, loud fucking. I miss having my ass slapped and my hair pulled. A hard cock between my breasts is exciting. I like cum on my skin and inside me. There is nothing more enjoyable than sucking a man’s cock until he explodes in my mouth. I miss all of that.”
When he didn’t speak, she added, “And, yes, I do miss a cock in my ass. My anal orgasms are especially long and strong. I am anything but a prude. Toys are nice, Dan, but they can’t bite on my nipples or whisper naughty things in my ear.”
Daniel noticed that her glass was empty. “Would you like another glass of courage?” he asked.
Gloria blushed. “Yes, thank you. Sometimes I need a little liquid backbone.”
Dan took both glasses to refill them.
“It’s embarrassing to come to you like this,” Gloria said as Dan poured fresh drinks. “But I was told that you’ve helped out a number of women who had sexual problems. I’m also told you are discreet.”
Returning to the table, Daniel handed Gloria her drink. When she took it, she saw the bulge in his pants. “Oh, my,” Gloria whispered as she studied the size and shape covered by the fabric of his trousers. She looked up at Daniel’s smile and raised her glass to his. “Here’s to arousal.”
“May I?” Gloria asked as she ran her fingers lightly over the lump.
“I wanted to make sure you understood that I’m intrigued by your proposal and would be willing to help you in any way I can.”
Gloria took a long swallow from her drink before setting it down and using both hands to unzip his trousers. Finding she didn’t have enough room to get to the prize, she unbuckled his belt and pulled his slacks down past his knees. When the boxers were down, his cock jumped out at her. “Sweet Jesus!” she whispered as her fingers touched the tightly stretched hot skin.
Wrapping the fingers of one hand around his shaft, the other hand cupped his balls. Gloria smiled up at him before kissing the tip of his cock. Immediately her lips parted and she took the head in her mouth. After a few seconds, Gloria groaned. Again she looked up at Daniel. “I love to suck cock and it’s been ages since I had one.”
After she had enjoyed it for a couple of minutes, Daniel pulled her up on her feet and engulfed her in a passionate kiss. Their tongues danced as their hands roamed.
Dan found the zipper at the back of her skirt and slowly pulled it down. He allowed the garment to drop to her ankles. Dan held her ass cheeks in his hands and enjoyed finding that she wore a thong.
Gloria pulled back slightly as she looked up at Daniel with a smile. “Do you like my ass?”
“Yes, I do,” he said softly. “You’ll find I’m an ass man.”
Beginning to unbutton her blouse, she said, “I hope you’ll appreciate my breasts too.” Gloria dropped her shirt on the table and grinned. “Wouldn’t you like to unhook my bra?”
Daniel didn’t speak. He quickly released the three hooks, tossing the bra onto the table beside her blouse. When she stepped back, Dan admired her impressive chest. He grinned at her again. “Maybe I’ll become a titty man as well.”
Gloria began to unbutton Dan’s shirt. “I want you to enjoy my body as much as I’m going to enjoy yours. Keep in mind that I do anything and everything. I hope you’ll fuck me until I can’t walk.”
“I like a woman that speaks her mind,” he replied, pulling her back against his chest. “Tell me what you’d like.”
“Take me wherever your mind wants to go,” she said as she wrapped her fingers around his hard cock once more. “You don’t need to ask permission for anything and don’t have to worry about knocking me up. I’m safe and disease-free.” She squeezed his dick. “I just want to feel this inside me.”
He took Gloria by the hand and led her around to the living room. Sitting on the couch, Dan pointed at his stiff rod. “Let’s begin with you riding this.”
Gloria removed her panties and pitched them aside. “That sounds like a brilliant idea,” she said, positioning herself over him. Their eyes locked together as she slowly sank down to find his hardness. When the head of his cock slipped into her hot opening, Gloria’s eyes closed and her mouth opened. “Oh fuck!” she gasped.
Daniel held still, allowing Gloria to take as much as she wanted as slowly as she wanted. Her pussy was extremely wet. She took it all before opening her eyes.
“You are a big boy,” she whispered.
“Show me how you like it,” he said as he took her breasts in his hands.
Gloria smiled at him as she began to move up and down on his pole. “This is so fucking good,” she growled before she began to grind her hips back and forth. “Do you like my hairless pussy?” Gloria asked as she began to move faster.
“That’s just the way I like them,” he responded quietly before grabbing her ass. “Come on, Gloria. Fuck me! Show me you want it.”
Putting her hands on his shoulders, Gloria began moving hard and fast. She moaned and dug her fingernails into his flesh. “Fuck!” she shouted. “Fuck! I’m going to cum!”
Dan saw a movement in the corner of his eye and turned to see Madison watching them from the stairway corner.
“Oh fuck, Dan!” Gloria shouted. “I’m cumming. I’m cumming!” Her body stiffened and shook. Her pretty face changed from a frown to a bright smile. Gloria dropped her forehead on Dan’s shoulder. “I only need to do that another hundred times,” she whispered in his ear as she began to move again. “I can hardly wait to taste your cum, Dan. Are you going to want my ass?”
Dan slapped both of her ass cheeks. “You’d better believe it,” he growled. “I’m taking everything you’ve got.”
“I like to be spanked,” she told him as she began moving hard and fast again. “I like to be choked and my hair pulled.”
He slapped her tits. “You like that too?”
“Yes. Fuck, yes!” she shouted.
Gloria had two more orgasms in that same position before Dan moved. He put her on her knees on the couch with her chin on the back. He slapped both of her ass cheeks before burying his cock in her dripping wet pussy. “Now it’s my turn,” he told her. Daniel grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling hard as he pounded her.
The room was filled with the joyous cries made by Gloria. Along with the piercing sound of the slaps, Dan was totally enjoying her body. He felt sure that Madison was still watching. Dan was willing to bet if he turned around, he’d find her masturbating as she watched. He guessed that she would love to get involved in the action but was probably hesitant to mix it up with one of her instructors.
Daniel realized his orgasm was imminent. “I’m cumming, Gloria. Where do you want it?”
She whirled around, “In my mouth, Dan. Please!”
There was no time to discuss it. Dan pulled her mouth to his cock and she opened it just in time to receive his load. Gloria managed to get most of it in her mouth but still had smears on her cheeks. She ran her fingers through the residue, smiling and laughing as she swallowed.
“Fuck, that was great,” she told Dan. “Do you always cum that much?”
“I don’t know,” he mumbled. “I guess so. Did you really like it?”
“I love it!” she said with a bright smile. “But it’s been a long time since I’ve done it.”
Daniel cleaned a spot of cum off her cheek with his finger and put it in her mouth. “Maybe we should refill our drinks and move up to my bed.”
“I don’t need anything more to drink,” Gloria replied while taking his shrinking cock in her hand. “I just need more of this. A lot more. But I wouldn’t mind getting in your bed.”
Gloria and Daniel spent the next three hours in his bedroom. Madison remained in her bedroom with her door open, allowing her to hear them. She was naked and used most of her sex toys while listening to them across the hallway. Listening wasn’t as good as watching, but their sounds kept her attention.
Maddi could almost know everything they were doing by listening to Gloria’s continuous commentary. When she heard Gloria announcing that Daniel had a magic tongue, she could just imagine Daniel on his knees beside the bed with his face buried between the woman’s legs. When she heard Dan’s headboard banging against the wall, she knew he was riding Gloria missionary style. Daniel’s moans gave away that Gloria had gone down on him. Based on his sounds, Maddi could also determine that Gloria was a cock sucking star.
Having watched them in the living room, Madison knew that Gloria had an amazing body. The woman had great tits that were still firm. Her brown skin made her appear to be completely tanned. Gloria’s ass was spectacular.
Because of her intimate knowledge of Daniel’s body, Maddi had no problem envisioning what they would look like while having sex. Still, the urge to watch them didn’t leave her. Twice during the three-hour sex session, Madison tiptoed down the hall and watched them through the crack of the unlocked door. Many times she had thought of Daniel as a human fucking machine. Gloria was his equal in every way.
When they finally became quiet, Madison wondered if they were finished but thought she could hear them talking. Maddi decided that she now had five women to fill Dan’s bed, one for each night of the week. As she considered the possibilities, Maddi was shocked to see a naked Gloria walk into her room and sit on the bed beside her. Up this close, Maddi could see that Gloria’s body was ever better than she had thought.
“Did you enjoy watching us?” Gloria asked. When Maddi didn’t answer…