Boys’ Changing Room

"Team wank competition"

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I’m Robbie, I’ve been playing football most my life and when I was sixteen I began to love it even more and since that day I’ve learnt to explore myself and experiment in many ways. I’ll explain what happened and why I love going to footy.

It was summer and humid with the odd shower offering some relief during a hard fought game.

Us lads had been playing another team who sat top of the league and we managed to nick a draw scoring an equaliser in the eighty-seventh minute.

We were sweaty, muddy, and soaking wet and we were glad the club had built changing rooms. This was the first time we could use them and previously would have had to wait to get home to shower.

I remember my mum saying, “About time! My car smells of boys’ sweat permanently now from having you lads pile in for a lift.”

Most of us took our soaking wet shirts off and draped it over our shoulders before shaking the other teams hands and slowly jogging over to the changing rooms.

As I jogged I looked down and could see my red shorts clinging to my dick and balls revealing everything, I may as well be naked as my mesh boxers I wore became virtually non existent in the wet.

My bulge was bouncing about as I jogged. I couldn’t help glance at the other lads and thought how mad it looked just loads of bulges swinging about.

Our mums and family were clapping us as we jogged back and I caught most of the mums eyeing up our packages, staring for way too long. It actualy gave me a bit of a semi and I’m positive one of the girls watching noticed as her eyes beamed before whispering to a friend.

We entered the new changing room which consisted of two benches facing each other and hooks on another wall to the right. The wall to the left had an archway opening with a view to a trough-style urinal. My mate Ryan who’s the captain laughed, “Look, it makes anyone pissing fully on view to us.”

We all laughed before Lee said, “Who cares? Check out the showers, they ain’t cubicles and got no curtains. It’s all in the open.”

We piled in to see and noticed a fully tiled room with five showerheads on each wall and then five showerheads from the ceiling in the middle.

Some of the lads looked nervous. Some of us looked excited.

The coach called us back to the changing area and gave us our post game briefing before he said, “Boys, respect the new facilities. They are also used by the other age group teams so the deal is you clean it after and leave it as you found it.”

A loud moan from eighteen lads filled the room.

“OK, now get on with it. I’ll be back to inspect later.” He left the room to chat to the other manager.

We all sat on the benches looking at the boy opposite each other not sure who should go first in stripping. We were just in our shorts and socks by now.

Ryan shouted out, “Fuck this lads! I’m fucked, I ain’t up for cleaning. How about a game? My bench versus opposite bench. Losers clean after.”

I was sat next to him and said, “What game, mate?”

He replied, “Last bench to cum.”

We all laughed but couldn’t believe it as he put his hand down his shorts and started playing with his cock.

He looked at me grabbing me by the leg, opening my legs and said, “Get working, bruv. I don’t wanna lose.”

Slowly we all put our hand in our shorts and nervously wanked.

Lee sat opposite me and wasn’t wanking. J shouted, “Oi, baby dick, get wanking!”

Lee shouted back, “I ain’t got a baby dick this is weird.”

The lads all chanted “Lee little dick” before he snapped, flopping out a monster soft cock. It was about seven inches soft and we all went quiet, even Ryan whose idea it was and who I knew was a monster — I’d seen his bulge swinging about and he’d told me he was eight and a half inches hard before.

Lee started wanking it, pulling his foreskin back and forth before shouting, “Come on then, get ’em out.” We all whipped our dicks out looking around the room comparing.

I was glad to see my dick looked one of the nicest and at seven and a half inches only two or three looked to have me beat. Only one lad, Carl, was cut and generated a bit of interest, all of us asking, “Why ya cut mate?” and looking at his six inch prick.

“Dunno,” he said.

I couldn’t help stare at Lee’s growing penis. It must be nine inches at least as I was comparing Ryan’s to his. Lee had him beat. It looked strange as he was the smallest in the team at 5ft 6 or 7 with a slim frame and no body hair. His short blonde hair and blue eyes gave him a pretty boy look. His balls were shaved and only a slight strip of pubes sat at the base of his monster penis.

As I looked around the room I could see balls and dicks bouncing about and the smell of precum, sweat and dick was immense. The slurping of foreskins being pulled back and forth with precum got louder when eventually, Harry, on the opposite bench, arched his back and leaned back, lifting his nice looking fat six incher upwards before ejecting a heavy stream of cum forward on the floor.

That set a few of us off and I wanked hard, looking at Lee in front of me whilst feeling Ryan’s hand rest on my leg sent me over the edge. Being a heavy cummer I chucked it all over the place and a wad hit me in the face. Ryan went, “Damn, boy, nice one. Yours looks nice mate.”

A load of the lads shouted, “Gays!” and laughed away as boy after boy let go and filled the floor with cum. It left just Lee and Ryan. We were watching them both, cheering them. The two big cocks battled it out. They even stood up, stepping forward, dicks inches from each other when the coach stepped in.

“For fuck’s sake, lads, what is…?” he said before falling silent and staring at us with our dicks out, most of us nearly soft now, the cum everywhere and the two massive ones wanking still.

“Finish up!” he laughed before he left and we heard him and our mums roar with laughter. At that Ryan won releasing cum all over Lee’s penis.

We bundled into the shower, washing ourselves, coming to realise what will our mums say and leaving Lee’s bench to tidy up.

This went on most weeks and only started slowing up this year. I now look for other guys and women to wank with as it’s a thing for me.

The looks from some mums made it look like they were horny as.

One of the mums was a medical professional and convinced coach she should undertake regular medicals for us and assist in injuries.

But that is another story.

Published 3 years ago

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