My cousin at the beach

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I was a late bloomer. I have to admit it. I was small for my age, always standing in the front row with the girls for school pictures, always one of the last to be picked for sports. That is, until my junior year in high school, when I actually grew up.
My dad’s cousin lived a few miles away. In his family they had a son my sister’s age, a daughter a year younger than I, and two younger siblings. Linda, my cousin, started at my high school. She was a freshman when I started my junior year. We weren’t particularly close but I showed her around and made sure she was comfortable in school. I would help her with her homework from time to time but mostly, I was involved with my friends and didn’t see much of her. Little did I know that she developed a crush on me during that first year in high school and it apparently blossomed well into her second year when I was a senior.
As for myself, I was a shy and naive boy. My first girlfriend was during the first semester of my junior year. I was always interested in girls, but this is the first time I actually discovered that girls were interested in me too. In the three months we actually called each other boyfriend/girlfriend though, we made out — I even squeezed her boob under her shirt — but that was as far as we went. Through the rest of the year I slowly explored my own sexuality, learning to flirt with other girls and discovering what to do with the new body I was growing into. Just to describe myself, I was reaching up to around 5’10” tall, but still weighed something less than 150 lbs. I had longer, brown hair turned lighter by the sun and have blue eyes.
Our family was planning a weekend beach campout around the end of spring. My family and Linda’s family were going to join up at a State Beach park. My parents arranged for the families to be in adjoining campsites. I was reluctant. I loved the beach, but also spending weekends partying with my friends was high priority for me in those days. However, I had no say in the matter, being still only 17, and we were bundled in the car and off we went.
Uncle Troy arrived first with his family and we were close behind. I helped unload the car and set up camp. It was a great warm day and soon I had left the bluff campsite and went down to the sand. I laid my towel out on the sand and took off my shirt. The sun felt warm and I alternated between laying on the warm sand and body surfing the waves in the still-chilly ocean.
Soon I was joined by members of my family and Uncle Troy’s family. They laid their towels around mine. My mom even brought a beach umbrella. Linda was there. She looked at me shyly, her long blond hair blowing softly in the breeze. She laid out her towel and removed her t-shirt. I was shocked. My chubby, geeky cousin was starting to develop. She had lost her baby fat and her 16 year old body was starting to blossom. I stared at her in her bikini for probably much longer than I should of and my cock immediately stiffened. I rolled onto my stomach and burrowed into the sand to avoid detection. I didn’t quite know what to do.
Over the course of the afternoon, our families sat together and talked. I continued to steal glances at Linda and, it turns out, she at me. Finally, in the later afternoon, we packed up the gear and trudged back to the campsite to set up for dinner.
After dinner was over, I asked my parents if it was okay if I went back down to the beach to take a walk. They said it was okay. When Linda overheard this, she asked if it was okay if she went with me. I said “sure”, and off we went. The breeze of the ocean was chilly and Linda hadn’t brought a sweatshirt. I offered to walk in the upwind side first and she walked closer to me. Our arms touched several times. I was keenly aware of each time we would touch and wanted to keep in contact. The sand was uneven though and we would often break contact. Just as soon as that would happen though, we seemed to readjust and soon we were touching again. My heart was pounding in my chest. “What the heck”, I thought. “This is my cousin for god sakes”. My cock was stiff. I was trying to be subtle about readjusting myself but I think Linda noticed. Finally, I offered her my sweatshirt. “What are you going to use?” she asked.
With that, I plopped down on the sand and pulled my sweatshirt off. “Well share it”, I replied. She sat down next to me and I laid it, as best I could, over both of us. As we sat, all I could think about was the contact between our bodies. It wasn’t much — our arms were touching, our legs were touching, but we WERE touching and I couldn’t get that out of my mind.
We sat silently, watching the gathering dusk. I finally broke the silence and we started talking about school. The conversation picked up and soon both of us started to relax. I could feel her lean into me. I pulled the sweatshirt over her more to keep her warm. I left my hand touching her leg though – made it seem inadvertent — and soon I felt her put her hand in mind. Both of us stopped talking. I think we even stopped breathing. We couldn’t even look at one another, but I found the strength to close my fingers around her hand. It felt cold — even so I think my palm was sweating. I felt her lean against me more. As she did, I could feel the wetness from my pre-cum starting to soak my shorts. It was quite surreal, but I couldn’t get enough of her touch. Our fingers entwined. I could feel her rapid heartbeat through her fingers.
Finally, we slowly turned toward one another and our eyes met.

She had such a look of innocence on her face yet the fire of passion was evident. I leaned into her without speaking a word and our lips met. I found out later that was the first time she ever kissed a boy. It was tentative and yet so sweet. We pulled back, look at each other and then kissed again. This time it was deeper – more passionate. We fell back on the sand as our mouths opened to each other. I tasted her tongue. I felt her body rubbing against mine as if it were doing so without her even thinking about it. Her legs opened and I slid my leg in between them. Soon, I was rubbing my still-clothed cock against her thigh. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she clung to me. We were getting sand in our hair and clothes but we didn’t seem to notice. It was so hot. I couldn’t get enough of her nor she of me. We could hardly be kept apart if we wanted to. I reached up and felt her breasts. Her nipples were hard as rocks. She gasped audibly when I touched her and felt her hips thrust perceptibly. This was as far as I had ever gone with a girl before and this was my cousin who, until a half hour ago, I hadn’t even thought about in this way.
We finally pulled back. We realized that our families would wonder where we were and slowly brushed the sand off each other and slowly started walking back down the beach toward the camp. We wrapped our arms around one another and brazenly rubbed our bodies together as we walked. We held almost a continuous kiss until we reached the bottom of the bluffs, then we parted and tried to act like nothing unusual had happened.
That night, after the campfire had died out, we all went to bed in our respective family tents. I couldn’t get the feeling of Linda out of my head though and couldn’t get to sleep. Finally, after tossing and turning, I quietly got out of my sleeping bag and crept from the tent. No sound came from the tent so I was certain no one had noticed my absence. I crept toward Uncle Troy’s campsite. I heard rustling and I stood back behind a tree. Much to my delight, I saw Linda emerge quietly from her tent. I stood out in the moonlight and caught her attention. I saw her beam with a huge smile. We apparently shared the same thought. We met up and hugged tightly, then silently snuck out of camp.
We found an empty campsite that was sheltered by some trees. We sat down on the picnic table and immediately fell into each others’ arms. We were kissing and moaning. I immediately found her breasts again, this time under her shirt. I played with her nipples. I cupped her adolescent mounds and felt the pebble of her nipple against my palm. I squeezed each of them. She rubbed against me brazenly, apparently unable to get enough of my touch. My hand fell to her lap. Almost at the moment my hand touched her pants, she spread her legs. She WANTED me to touch her pussy. I couldn’t breathe. I had never gotten this far with a girl before and wasn’t even thinking of stopping. I threw caution to the wind, convinced beyond doubt that she wanted this as much as I did. I cupped her pussy in my hand and caressed her. She moaned into my mouth. I fumbled for the buttons and zipper on her pants. She helped. The mood was desperate, almost panicked. The need was palpable. My hand slid down her belly into her pants, then into her panties. Her pussy was soaked. She started to moan a low, consistent humm. Her hips thrust and ground against my hand. My fingers played with the new toy. Her lips parted and a hot wetness enveloped my hand.
We parted and looked at one another, panting. I pulled my hand out of panties and guided her hand to my throbbing cock. Her touch was tentative, then curious. She wrapped her fingers around me through my shorts and squeezed passionately. I helped her unzip and her cool hand slid inside my pants. She wrapped her hand around my cock held it. My hand dove back into her pants and back to fingering her hot, virgin pussy. We began kissing again deeply – passionately. She started to stroke my cock, slowly at first and then more insistently. My fingers traced her swollen pussy lips then I slid a finger inside her. She thrust against me. We couldn’t get enough of one another. I wriggled out of my shorts and she was stroking my cock in the open. I was thrusting against her but at the same time concentrating on the feeling of my finger being inside her. Then I felt her pussy start to clinch around my finger. Her hips were thrusting and she stopped stroking my cock. Her pussy gripped and throbbed. My hand was wet from her juices. She had exploded into a powerful orgasm. It was the most awesome thing to watch. My own cock was twitching. I was thrusting into her hand as she started stroking me again as her orgasm subsided. I felt my cock start to swell. I think Linda could sense I was on the verge because she picked up the pace of her fondling and kissed me deeply. I couldn’t hold back and soon I was shooting wads of cum over her hands and arm and my stomach. It was the most amazing, powerful orgasm I had ever had in my life — all at the hands of my cousin.
Slowly, we returned to the reality of the moment. We adjusted our clothes and walked hand in hand to the restroom to clean up. She confessed to me that she had had a crush on me all year. I now had a crush on her. This wasn’t the last time together, but in my life it was the first orgasm I ever had with a girl and I’ll never forget it.

Published 14 years ago

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