Hurting more than you’ll ever let me see
I feel your heart breaking in front of me
As your face masks it all
All I can do is be a witness – sitting on the sidelines
Taking in all of your self-destructive ways
Surprised I don’t wear scars on my face
From the tears I always seem to taste
Cause I am right here – feeling you – even though
You think you’re on an island
All alone and stranded
It’s as if you’ve become blinded
To my open arms – welcoming you in
Turning your back every chance you get
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel my light growing dimmer
As you dig yourself further in over
Any type of hope and future you could have had
I try to take that whip out of your hand
You seem to be so damn fond of
Can’t stand to see you beat yourself bloody again
Re-hashing a past you’d rather erase than re-live again
My love paints you better – brighter – stronger
Than your pain will ever allow
I am left here to be your silent observer
Bleeding with every single blow you take
Watching my dreams for you being washed away
But I will suffer right along with you
Cause my love knows no ends
I will shelter my tiny flame inside
Hoping one day you will see
The person I’ve always dreamed you to be
I will be the last person on that sinking boat with you
As I would rather die with you
Than to be here left alone
Repairing the shattered pieces you’ll leave behind
I just cannot see beyond your existence
That’s why my love burns inside for you
Right with you until the very end