After an amazing breakfast at the resort I had decided to indulge in a massage in one of the open huts on the beach, perhaps swayed by the tall, dark and handsome Fijian masseuse with a smile that stretched from ear to ear, being as cheeky as it was friendly. He had motioned me onto the massage table and as he ran his strong dark hands over my body in long firm strokes I had completely floated away getting lost in the smells and sounds of the ocean nearby while my body was losing its instinctual fight to hold on to the tensions of my life back home. I had completely relaxed into the table, its surroundings and the hands of that gorgeous man.
Now, hours after my massage I was sitting poolside back at the resort trying not to blush as I went back over it in my head. About half way through my massage he had started working his long strokes more gently toward the inner side of my thigh, moving his strong hands over the cheeks of my bum, and his thumbs ever so softly in between my legs. Whenever he ran his hands down my back they would splay out pulling at my sides and gently brushing over the outer edges of my breasts that were escaping the line of my body as they pressed against the massage table. He had gone no further than that and I had not reached climax; and while I had left relaxed all over from the massage I could feel the heat between my legs and was so worked up I had needed to immerse myself in the ocean just to cool down. Looking out over the pool area now, I couldn’t help but see every man as a potential victim, needing to in some way release this energy that cheeky Fijian had awoken inside of me.
I was so caught up in my thoughts that it took me a moment to notice that someone had sat down next to me, so close that we were almost touching. My initial reaction was to be almost annoyed that someone dared to interrupt the array of arousing scenarios that had been dancing around in my head. Then as I caught a glimpse of the toned and tanned legs that had dropped into the clear water of the pool beside mine, I suddenly felt a rush of anticipation rush over my entire body as I scanned up, hungrily passing my eyes over his bare chest, looking up to see the face of the intruder that had sat down beside me. To say that I was shocked to recognise his face was an understatement, the last person that I had expected to see in Fiji was one of my university lecturers, let alone the one that I had always imagined in even less clothes than he was wearing now, sat beside me in a pair of swimming shorts.
“I thought that was you, sitting over here in your own little world” he said.
“Hi.. I was just… ah…” I stammered with a mix of confusion and embarrassment.
Had he seen the way I had looked up at his body? How long was he watching me before he came over? Had the look on my face alluded to the kind of thoughts that had been running through my head? I was sure I was blushing. I didn’t know how to act or even where to look, what was he doing here? I found it hard not to smile at him. He wasn’t your average academic, with his dark blonde hair, bleached by the sun in parts and his tanned and toned physique. I knew that he was an avid surfer and though he would have been at least 15 years my senior, he was only just beginning to wear the signs of age and he wore them well. He was testament to the way that charismatic good-looking men just get sexier with age as they settle in to the lines of their face.
He apologised for startling me and explained that he enjoyed regular trips to Fiji as it was a great surf destination and a great way to wash away the ails of academic life back home. As he talked, and I got over my initial shock, my body started to become intensely aware of just how close he had sat down beside me. We got chatting and I found my eyes darting up and down the length of his body, hazily resting on different parts of his well-shaped frame. Did university lecturers really have bodies like that? Or was I delirious from my morning massage? I realised I was unashamedly flirting with him, holding his gaze for longer than normal, smiling at him with piercing eyes, and leaning back to rest my body back on my hands, so he could easily take in my bikini clad body. Back in the real world I never would have dreamed of being so openly flirtatious, with anyone… let alone my lecturer! But the morning’s events had left me eager to be touched and my skin, already glowing from the kiss of the Fijian sun was alive with the sensation of his eyes flickering over my bare flesh and the corners of where my bikini hugged the curves of my body. Besides, he was flirting back and I was on holidays, totally enjoying my new found ability to forget what I should or shouldn’t be doing and just enjoy the moment.
Simon invited me to join him at the bar and as we laughed over cocktails I couldn’t help but allow my eyes to give a glimpse of my intentions toward him, my cheeky insinuation being mirrored in his. As we finished our drinks, I was internally debating the pros and cons for finding the courage to suggest a more private drink and I noticed a very attractive woman approaching us from behind him. She came up and rested her hand on his shoulder, smiling at me and as he turned around to look up they greeted each other with a brief open-mouth kiss. Again I found myself not knowing where to look. Not even the slightest wave of guilt seemed to cross his face. Was I really that bad at reading signs?
“Tara, this is my wife Lydia,” he said still flashing me that that gorgeous cheeky smile,
“Lydia, I would like you to meet Tara, one of my soon to be ex-students.”
Wife? Wife!! How could he introduce us so casually after he had been indiscreetly flirting with me for the last hour? I was still only dressed in my bikini and a short light skirt, as I had been for most of the day, yet suddenly I felt naked, exposed and a little silly. I discreetly glanced down and felt slightly better to learn that I hadn’t missed a ring on his finger; he wasn’t wearing one.
“Lovely to meet you Tara” she replied as she flashed me another smile, she didn’t seem to be the slightest bit worried about her very handsome husband being sat at the bar with a half naked girl, over ten years his junior. But then why would she? She was absolutely stunning! Her almond shaped eyes sparked with confidence and were as warm and sexy as her smile. Her skin was beautiful, and although I could tell that she was probably the same age as her husband it was the cool and elegant confidence that she portrayed that alluded to her age rather than her appearance. In a photo she could have easily passed for a woman in her twenties.
“Hi… nice to meet you.” I replied, almost guiltily.
“Honey, we really have to go,” she said to him without the slightest tone that she was trying to drag him away from me. “But you will be joining us for dinner won’t you Tara?” she said as if it were the most obvious turn in the conversation.
“Um… I…,” What was happening?
“Well of course she will,” broke in Simon, “her first day in a new country and no friends arriving until the morning… You have to come for dinner Tara, unless you already have a hot date lined up with one of the locals?”
Ha! No, I don’t bother with dating the locals, I just move straight into letting them run their hands all over my body. Then in the evenings I apparently look forward to spending confusingly arousing time with my hot teacher and his equally gorgeous wife… Fijian Tara was much more exciting and complex than my Australian counterpart. While I didn’t really understand what was happening, I couldn’t bring myself to say no and lets face it, it had to be better than eating alone.
“Um, yeah… ok. Sure, thanks.”
Lydia wrote down the details of their apartment on a coaster for me, handing it to me and holding it for just a second before letting me take it from her, at the same time she looked right into my eyes and gave me another one of those smiles.
“See you tonight” she said. Was she flirting with me too?
Simon kissed me goodbye and with that they walked off, his arm sliding down the length of her torso to rest on the curve of her arse, perfectly accentuated in the simple yet figure hugging black dress she was wearing. As they walked off, I couldn’t help in thinking that display of affection towards his wife had been purely for my benefit, to draw my attention into her perfect curves, sitting on top of those perfect long legs… If I was right in my assumption… it had worked, I had taken the bait, hook, line and sinker.
Their apartment was at a different part of the resort to mine and I had been questioning my decision to show up the entire walk over, not knowing really why I had been invited in the first place. Or did I? The same underlying sensation that had stopped me declining the invitation in the first place had caused me to make sure I had my hottest underwear on under the short, white summer dress I had decided to wear after agonizing over the decision for a good hour. It was also the same feeling that had moved one foot in front of the other the entire distance to knock on their door, bottle of red in hand despite my internal monologue doing cartwheels.
“Tara! Come in, you look great. Simon is just in the kitchen finishing off dinner, he is an amazing cook.” She said grabbing my free hand and closing the door behind me. She was still wearing that dress and her blonde hair was falling casually over its thin straps, that served to accentuate her bust, that I could see was no longer held in place by a bra, allowing me to just make out the shape of nipples and the line of her bust through the thin fabric of the dress.
Lydia dragged me into the combined kitchen and entertaining area, where we could see Simon putting the finishing touches on dinner. Simon had put a shirt on since leaving the bar this afternoon and dinner smelt amazing. Lydia explained that Simon was a great cook, which was why they always took an apartment with a kitchen, though they didn’t have many opportunities to cook for guests when they were in Fiji. Lydia poured wine and they both told stories and laughed, inviting me to share interesting tidbits of my life and generally making me feel very welcome in their company. They both continued to flash their incredibly infectious smiles at me throughout dinner and I found myself, smiling right back and slightly tipsy after we had finished our meal, numerous tales of adventure and almost two bottles of wine.
Although the lovely couple had sat at the opposite side of the table from me throughout dinner, Lydia came round to sit beside me to tell a story of a palm reader she had come across on her early days of travel. We turned in to face each other and as she took my palm in hers, and started the impression, her smooth bare legs brushed against mine and all of a sudden I was no longer concentrating on her story but was heightened in my awareness of the touch of her hand, her legs, her smell. I looked up at Simon. Busted. He totally saw through me, and he was smiling at me knowingly.
We moved down to the living area, Lydia had pulled out a photo album, filled with her favorite photos of around the world, that she said she carried with her wherever they went. As I knelt down to sit on the carpet, she sat close, reaching her arm in front of me and leaning in each time she pointed to a photo to share another story. Simon sat opposite us leaned up against the lounge, correcting her and adding antidotes to her story. They worked well together; the web that I had been lured into was testament to that.
“Let me get that for you…” She said as she maneuvered herself round to kneel behind me, her knees splayed gently to rest either side of my feet that were curled under my legs.
She ran her fingers through my hair, collecting it at the top of my head and tying it in a lose knot. I closed my eyes and caught my breath at her touch. As she ran her fingers back down my neck she began to massage my shoulders, working her thumbs up underneath my hairline. I let out an audible sigh, hardly believing I was at the mercy of a masseuse for the second time that day. I groaned my approval after she asked me if it was ok. I could feel the front of her body almost pressing against the back of mine and had to resist the urge to sink back into her. She worked her hands over my shoulders and slowly down my arms, massaging as she went, slowly sitting down on her feet as she went, I could feel the insides of her thighs cradling the outside of mine. I felt her breath on my neck, just before I felt the softness of her lips caressing the top of my back, I looked up at Simon and he smiled back at me knowingly, he was enjoying this, maybe even as much as I was.
She ran her hands over the top of mine and onto my thighs, massaging down to my knees, causing me to feel the curve of her breasts press up against my back body. I had never felt a woman’s bust pressed up against me before, but it made me know I wanted to feel every part of her body press up against mine. She dragged her hands back up the length of my thighs towards us, pulling my skirt up with her, exposing my little white g-string for Simon to see. I gave Simon a cheeky look, right before I turned my head back to kiss his wife, feeling her hands running up the side of my torso under my dress and then back down over my thighs and letting one hand then the other run lightly over my pussy. It was on fire and the idea of being the plaything for this predatory couple was driving me wild. This time as her hands made their way back up the length of my body they took the dress with them right up and over my head, removing it all together. I didn’t feel her hands for a moment and then all of a sudden her right hand came back around, grabbing my torso to lean back against hers as she supported our weight with her other hand. She had taken her dress off and now I could feel her breasts naked against the skin of my back, I loved the way they felt, so smooth and feminine. As she leaned back she pushed into me with her torso so I could feel the heat between her legs pressing against the small of my back.
I breathed in, in anticipation as her soft hand slid down the front of my stomach teasing me at the hip, and slowly sneaking under the line of my panties and even more slowly to cup the heat of my pussy in her hand. I couldn’t help but lean back against her, pushing my lips against her to kiss the palm of her hand. I was so worked up, I never in my wildest dreams thought that a woman could turn me on like this. But I was beginning to feel bad for Simon. I looked up at him at the same time as Lydia ran her fingers down the line of my pussy, parting my lips, to feel how wet I was. I was so warm and wet and she groaned a sign of appreciation at feeling just how much I was enjoying her attention. I could no longer be passive; it was my turn to become an active participant in this little fantasy. I told Simon to remove his clothes.
“I thought you girls were going to forget about me for a while there” he said smiling and removing his clothes, not looking the least bit worried at all.
I went to reply, but just at that moment Lydia stuck her finger inside of me, I pushed back against her hand and she removed her finger to use two to spread my wetness and tease the mound of my clitoris that by now was so swollen and sensitive that I felt like I was about to explode! She left her hand inside of my panties just resting on my mound and sat upright, bringing me with her and wrapping her other arm around me. She kissed my neck and nibbled at my ears and whispered to me…
“We don’t want you to get too worked up just yet… Help me show Simon some affection.”
I looked over at Simon, who was now naked and visibly worked up from our show. His cock was standing on end, it was perfect and pink and it made me just want to go straight to him, wrap my legs around him and sit down on it, slowly first so I could feel every inch of it entering me. Lydia must have felt the urge in me and she wrapped both arms around me playfully yet tight. Pressed against me, rubbing up the length of my thighs with her hands again, oh those hands, god they knew how to touch. Held in her grasp, one hand on my pussy and the other one rubbing my breasts that were by now heaving to be free, first on the outside of my bra and then sneaking her left hand into the bra. Running her fingers over the top of my panties now. Still holding me back she moved her hand round behind me and unclipped my bra, running her hands up my back and down my shoulders to slip the straps off. Again she wrapped her arms around me, grasping both my breasts in her hands, pushing her own against my back and tracing the line of my nipples with her fingers. She gave me a last cheeky bite of the ear lobe before releasing me.
We made our way over to Simon, encouraging him to sit back on the couch as we both positioned ourselves in front of him. She put those magic hands on his leg, running them up his thigh and right up the length of his torso, causing him to lean back against the back of the lounge. I took a moment to look at her, she was naked and those breasts were as perfect as I had imagined, just slightly smaller than my curvy D frame. Her pussy had been tended so it was almost bare, so inviting…
But it was Simon’s turn, and he was ready, his cock was screaming for some attention and he had two very horny women ready to give it to him. Lydia motioned for me to take him in my mouth first. I couldn’t believe I was really going to do this to him, for split second I the thought of ‘how would I ever look him in the eye in class again’ but as he lent forward to gently take my hand in his and guide it to touch him, those thoughts completely vanished. It was so hard, and smooth at the same time and all of a sudden I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face as I took him in my mouth. I lent down and ever so slowly licked the length of his cock with my tongue, whilst running my hands up his torso. He groaned, and rolled his eyes back as I then put my entire mouth over the round and exposed tip of his penis, taking him completely in my mouth. Lydia ran her hands over mine and through my hair while I was sucking her husbands cock, alternating flicking it with my tongue and working it with my hands and tickling his balls. Every part of my body had a hunger to wrap around or enter into a part of one of theirs, or be entered into and I couldn’t tell which part needed attention more, my hands, my tongue, my breasts, my thighs or my pussy.
I looked up at Lydia and I could tell she was dying to have a piece of her husband, so I moved from between his legs allowing her to take him in her mouth. I had never watched someone give head before but she did it well, and they responded well to each other, Simon gently thrusting with anticipation into his wife’s mouth. I placed my hand on Lydia’s back as I moved around to kneel behind her, running my hands up and down the length of the smooth curves of her back, caressing it with my tongue, my lips as I let my hands reach longingly around her front to take her breasts in my hungry hands, loving the way they bounced in my hands from the rocking and thrusting of her sucking Simon’s cock. The angle made it hard to get my fingers to meet her pussy, but I was so eager to touch her there, feel the velvet inside of her. She responded to my call, parting her legs just enough for me to enter my fingers into her soft, wet, pussy. I was biting her now, her shoulders, her arm, fucking her with my fingers, she was thrusting back against my hand, the whole time greedily consuming her husbands cock whole. Simon was lost, we all were. I didn’t know how long we could keep this up before we all spontaneously combusted as a single unit.
Lydia slowed, and came up, rubbing her husband’s chest still pushing herself against my hand.
“Darling, I think you are going to have to finish us off…” she said, groaning from the pleasure of me removing my fingers and running circles around her clit.
“With pleasure” he said, wiping sweat from his brow.
We were all wet, sweaty and ready to explode, it had been not only a sensual feast but a visual one as well and we couldn’t sustain it any longer. Lydia took Simons hand and guided him onto the floor, placing a pillow under his head. She motioned for me to straddle him and take his cock between my legs… I felt bad, for a second, but had been waiting all night to feel him, all of him, inside of me. She must have sensed my hesitation and gave me smile and a nod.
“It’s ok, I get to fuck him all the time, go ahead.” I didn’t need to be told twice. I moved up between his legs, taking his cock in my mouth again, for just a moment, as much to taste her kiss on his cock as to feel it in my mouth before I took it between my lips.
She was straddling her husband, facing me and as I came up to straddle him, his cock jut in front of my pussy, she pulled me in to press against her body, our breasts touching, pulling me in by the small of my back and kissing me, both of our pussies sitting just over the top of Simon’s cock, standing on end. He would have been able to feel the heat from both of us, and he was groaning like someone being inflicted the greatest torture. I reached my hand down and softly caressed it with my fingers, guiding him up as he arched his torso up to just feel the moistness of his wife. Then pushed him back down to the ground. Lydia and I giggled at his pain, knowing it wouldn’t last long. She sat back, easing herself onto her husband’s mouth, giving a telling groan as his tongue entered her. I lowered myself down onto his tip, he was starting to thrust but I pushed him back down, I wanted to fuck him so hard, but at the same time, my favorite part was to feel the soft skin of a hard cock enter me little by little, savoring every millimeter of penetration. I let him enter me, ever so slowly, looking into Lydia’s eyes and moaning. How could something feel so hard and so soft at the same time?
Lydia was moving herself round and round and pushing herself onto his face. He had a one hand on my thigh and the other around her waist pulling her eagerly onto him, fucking her with his tongue his mouth. She leaned forward to take my breast in her mouth, hungrily biting my nipple. I began to fuck him, slow, then getting faster and faster and as she put her hand to my waist as if trying to get my sex closer to her it only served to pull me further onto him, causing me to take him deeper between my legs. It was too much for me, all these hands, and mouths, tasting and pulling and riding different parts of each other… Simon filled me deeper and I lost it, my whole body starting to shudder and contracting around him. My orgasm started a cascade of pleasure that ran through us like a wave of sensation, first me, followed by Simon and then Lydia all within a matter of seconds, one triggering the next. We were a shuddering pile of juice and sweat and skin, collapsing into one another as the quivering of our gratification began to pass. Finally, I had gotten the release that had been building inside of me since the beginning of the day.
I couldn’t help but wonder… what would tomorrow bring?