He was done in the bathroom. Now in a towel, and she knew what the “glory” was which lie beneath it, Jeff walked out and over so he could put on his boxers. She looked at his body again. Beth smiled as she did. The energy built up in her. As she eyed him she thought uhhh oooooohh if only I could but then she stopped herself from thinking it all. Nooooo, I can’t do she told herself. But she watched that slender hunk of a frame and shook her head. Ohhhhhh god, I want him. I want my man all of a sudden. I do! I do! Ohhh I do the tall five foot 10 blond haired beauty of a wife said to herself.
He turned away from her without seeing here that her eyes were on him. He headed to the closet, putting on a shirt and slowly turned around. As soon as she saw that, she quickly turned away form him so that his eyes didn’t see her looking at him.
He looked at that slim and sexy athletic frame. He asked “Getting in the shower honey?”
She was calming down a little. “Yes dear. In a second” she told him gently.
He buttoned up his shirt. She watched by way of the mirror as he did. Ohhhhhh those shoulders she told herself. God, I want him. She closed her eyes and thought I am getting so hungry for him and right now, she told herself. No, don’t let it happen. We don’t have enough and then she stopped undressing momentarily. Ohhhhhhh god no she thought. No, don’t do this. She pulled off her top. Her back was to him. She slipped off her pants.
He watched it all as he tied his tie. He smiled at her. He smiled at her body. He smiled at those hot looking curves. He loved it all. God she is so darn sexy still he thought. He smiled but wasn’t thinking about “it” at all. Not now he wasn’t. Now was not the time for any of that he thought. No way and no how he told himself. Soon, he was going to be introduced as the college’s head coach and now was not the time for that.
He threw on his tie and carried his jacket as he started heading into the other room. As he walked away, his lovely but “hungry” wife watched as “it” now grew and she felt herself needing this desperately. He went out to the other room and sat down to think.
She turned on the shower and thought about it all as she finished undressing herself. She tried fighting the strong urges but they grew stronger. She needed this more then ever now. It grew stronger. She felt those incredible sensations all over her and knew they needed taking care of.
“Fuck it” she said inaudibly.
She threw it back on and buttoned only a few of them up, leaving both her bosoms and some cleavage available to see at the top of her slim and sexy figure. Her belly also showed as she pulled back her hair. That was her final signature move as she smiled. He would know now, she told herself. He would know it thoroughly. He will understand.
She wants it, badly now.
She walked out, slowly. He turned as he said “Ready already?” Then he saw her. “Ohhhhhhh no” he said, shaking his head no. “No honey no!” he told her. “We can’t! We can’t honey. We just can’t!”
She smiled and winked at him as she stood there, in the half buttoned top and her panties. She smiled that smile which said it all. To her and what she was wearing it said to him that this, what was about to happen to him, was going to be a great ride.
“You know it will be” she said quietly with a smile.
And Jeff knew it too, if he did it with her. He stood up. He tried protesting again. Still, she smiled and sauntered closer as her eyes took on that look about them. To him she was saying “Take me baby. Take me and my body. Let’s do this. Do it to me baby!” He could barely resist.
It was coming closer to the time they needed to leave for the news conference and Jeff could not resist her and that body in anyway. She walked up closer. Now face to face with her tall and gallant looking husband, she smiled into his eyes the way a turned on woman looks at the love of her life. Her eyes and her face possessed every sign.
His wife a tall and sleek woman herself was forcefully hungry for great unending sex and Jeff knew that, to put it midly. He shook his head knowing this was wrong but god, she looked hotter then hot the way she was dressed and she wasn’t even dressed up yet. Simply a half buttoned top and in her panties, he could vitually “smell” it in and on her.
This meant it was going to be some of the greatest sex they’d had together. And he knew it too. But it was less then an hour away. The news conference introducing this young 36 year old former assistant coach of the same program. Not now something in the back of his head kept saying.
“Holy shit Beth” he said. He knew it was a lost cause. He knew he was breaking down. He knew he was about to give in to her. He knew he would let her jump his bones. He knew she would be all over his body, smothering him to begin with, with kisses upon kisses until all that was left was a great and powerful fucking of his wonderful and extremely beautiful wife.
And knowing on this awfully hot day that any sex of any kind would also require startng all over again with a shower he couldn’t, time wise, afford to take.
But he knew she was about to fuck his brains out. And that, to him, mattered a lot too.
She did just that! She jumped his bones. She leapt at him hard. He caught her too. When she did, she jumped at him passionately. Her hands and body were crazed. Her hands went at the back of his head, curling up threw it, slowly and knotting his nerves to the very end. He felt himself “tingle” a lot. Her long and lovely silky legs pulled up and curled around his waist.
She dove right into him as her lips went at his and in turn he kissed her back and crazily too. She had to be kissed. She had to be and he knew this too. The two were destined to do this that morning. It was only a matter of time for her. She was like a mosquito on a human. Yes, this was nuts but his hands were now reaching around his woman and pulling her as closely against him as he could.
The drips began all of a sudden. Oh no, he thought. He could feel them on her. He could feel them beneath his shirt. God no, he told himself once as they kissed and as her hands rolled from behind his head and into his short hair. Ohhh fuck she knows how to do this as the hands continued moving about his head as they kissed, hard and passionately. Her legs pulled at his body and pulled his groin into her.
She wanted it. She had to have it and he knew it too.
And she was tugging at him as best she could. He felt those glorious tits as they pushed into his chest. More sweat dripped from both their bodies as each steamed up. Clothes had to come off now. He knew that too.
They were slowly falling to the couch. There was no time for bedroom here. What was to be done was going to be done on their new leather couch.
She landed first. His face fell into her. It fell into her boobs. She loved it. His face was now in her tits. Inside her to boobs, it was beginning already feel triumphant on her part. There she was, her top pulled up and her tits screaming out at him.
A long, long way to where she wanted to be she wanted both of them naked as jay birds and fucking and doing it all and doing it all forcefully and as passionately as a husband and wife who love one another should be doing it. As attracted as these two were to one another, they were beginning to be over the top but then he loved that about her too. She is always a little over the top anyway.
Her legs again were around him as she pulled hard at his groin. It grew hard and it didn’t even need to be sucked off. She was just like that. Getting him hard like she had.
Still the woman he met in his senior year of college and who was one of the country’s top volleyball players showed a passion for him early on. She had kissed him first. She was the one who told him to feel her breasts albeit her top was still on and he did it gladly too. She was the one who told him to reach down inside her skirt before he even had a chance to try. She told him to feel her cunt albeit on top of her underwear that time as well. Oh yeah, he did it all under her command of course, and today of all days was no different.
“Take it off” she said referring to her top, which he did. “Feel my breasts honey” she invoked in a great but soft passionate tone. He did as asked. She told him to remove her panties which of course he did and then he looked at his bride of over 13 years and then sucked on her breasts.
He did that right as well. By then he couldn’t wait for the rest of her “commands” either. One by one, their clothes came off, although hers were all off already. As they did, they perspired madly. As they did they were entwined and entangled throughout the other’s body. As they found holes in which to entangle themselves, he fingered her. She found and felt his cock. Although already hard, long, and stiff as ever, she’d pet his cock gently and lovingly and as freely as she pleased. It felt to good to be true to him as more perspiration embroiled itself throughout them.
And before too long he was down on her in the ungodly hot and humid morning. He was licking and eating her out. As hot and moist as her body was and as much as these two sweat like dogs, the two were doing it all.
His hands were on her thighs as his cock snuggled down in between the lips of her pussy. She loved it. He snaked it up and down as he prepared himself to go inside that wondrous lovable pussy of his wife. Inside her still tight former athletic pussy he snaked his way all the way down and Jeff banged her madly as she groaned and screamed and pulled at him wildly.
Her hands reached out, grabbing at the couch’s cushions, and he went at her even harder as she squealed tremendously for much, much more. She never wanted it all to end. His beautiful wife was fucked as hard as ever. Screaming reached the peaks of their house and all the way to the cellar too. They fell. These two fell from the couch but kept on fucking and kissing crazily and Jeff was into this now as much as Beth was.
They made love the old fashioned way. It was one long and hard fuck and Jeff as usual was on top of his way, drilling her proudly and doing her perfectly as he had her screaming and trying to command more out of her husband. Either way you looked at it she got what she came for and she came after getting what she wanted
It was good for both but time was now running short. Very short indeed.
They lay there spread out as they tried catching their breath. Suddenly he said “Whoa” as he turned to her “I’m going to be late.”
“I know. It’ll be okay” she told him.
A smile laid on her lips as she worked on catching her breath. Still sweating like beasts she went on to add “I know honey but I’m not sorry at all. As usual, you were as good as ever.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek. “We better get going huh?”
He looked at her as if she was nuts but knew she was right and she added “We have to still shower” and she kissed him again and jumped up. “Thank god you’re around for me. I don’t know what I’d do without you baby” she told him.
In the shower, she kissed him hard as they let the warm water un down them and “clean” them off. They stood hugging one another with about ten minuets remaining before their news conference was about to begin. He knew he was gong to be late for it but something extraordinary happened.
He slapped her ass and just as he did he slipped a hand up inside the ass cheeks. Beth loved it. She felt that warm hands slide up inside her soft variable cheeks and smiled although he didn’t see it. It didn’t matter.
A finger started in. “Oh my god” he heard as it went in a little deeper into her asshole. “Oh honey, later, please?” she said. Now that was ironic seeing as she started all this. She reached around and playfully smacked his hand and finger out of her ass’ hole. She pulled away and said. “Afterward, alright sweetheart? We do have to go.”
They were going to be almost twenty minutes late as her hand “rested” on his thigh and “played” with him during the drive. He had put on a new shirt and tie and suit as well for the press conference, but to Jeff and most likely Beth too, it was well worth it all. He smiled. She “toyed” with him. And he was in a great mood as they sped towards the center to get to their news conference.
Later, he walked out to his car while she waited for him at it. Jess, his best friend in the world and an assistant head coach were talking as they walked out. Jess asked why he was so late to the conference.
He first said “Ohhh something urgent, something personal came up” and Jeff looked at him. But once Jess did, Jeff admitted to his old buddy. “She was hungry!”
Jess, whose head was down, stopped. He looked up as Jeff stopped too. “She was hungry Jeff?” he said, asking. He drew a curious expression and it showed in his eyes.
Jess came into Jeff’s office two days later. “I know” were the fist two words out of his mouth. “I know” he repeated. Jess had figured it out. “Hungry huh?” he went on to say with a naughty smile on his face. His smile grew. “Ohhhhhh, now I understand.”
Jeff smiled back at Jess as the two snickered in confidence and Jess left.