“It’s Just A Movie…”

"A wife's innocent intentions get dramatically betrayed."

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“It’s just a movie…”

Good grief. My husband seemed to be overreacting way too much to my plan to meet up with one of my deaf clients (Steven) and his friends to watch the movie “CODA” at the local theater.

“And besides,” I told him, “it’s not like I’m meeting up with only him – there will be other people there too.”

My husband still wasn’t convinced: “I know… I still think that’s weird, though. Married women don’t usually arrange to meet up with a young single guy to watch a movie.”

He had a point. I asked him: “Ok, fine – do you want to come along?” I knew the answer.

“Not really.”

I smiled. “Ok then. I figured as much. It’s no big deal… it’s just a movie.”

Against his better judgment, my husband eventually relented, especially after I convinced him that I was practically old enough to be Steven’s mom; his friend group would be more likely to see me as their chaperone than as their peer.


We arranged to meet a few days later at the movie theater for the 8pm showing. I always arrived early for things, so I stood out front waiting for Steven and his friends to arrive.

About ten minutes later, I saw Steven walking down the sidewalk toward me… alone. As he approached, I signed to him, Where are your friends?

They couldn’t make it, he signed back.

A hiccup of uncertainty surged through me – knowing that my (and my husband’s) comfort level with this idea was based on the expectation of this being a group activity. Before I could react any further to that, though, Steven had reached me and abruptly – startlingly – gave me a hug. A tight hug.

So good to see you, he signed with a big smile stretched across his young face.

I felt even more uncomfortable now… but I also didn’t want to be rude. To distract from the awkwardness, I used a quick diversion: Well, let’s get our tickets! He nodded and followed me inside.

I verbally ordered the tickets from the clerk, but when I went to pay, Steven quickly brushed my hand inside and handed over enough cash for both of us. Surprised, I looked at him, a quizzical expression upon my face.

My treat, he communicated, again with that eager smile.

What a nice young man, I signed back, genuinely impressed at his unexpected generosity.

He briefly touched my elbow as a gentle gesture, and then responded: I want to thank you for the many ways you have helped me. I really value you.

My initial feelings of awkward discomfort were quickly melting away into warm thoughts of gratitude and a wonderful feeling of being appreciated. With a sweet smile on my face, I signed back: Awww – thank you so much, Steven!


I had actually seen the movie once before – at home on Apple TV – but I had forgotten about how many crass sexual jokes it included. At one point, shortly after yet another reference to oral sex, Steven leaned forward and got my attention: You are married, yes?

I nodded.

It was dark inside the theater, but the darkness couldn’t hide the boldness of his next question: Do you like giving your husband oral sex?

Perhaps if I was of a different nationality, I might’ve reached across and slapped him, but instead I just glared at him, incredulous that he had so rudely asked about such an intimate detail. As soon as I made eye contact with him, though, he signed an even more shocking question: Tell me, do you like sucking cocks?

Then, and only then – in horror – did I notice that at some point during the movie, he had apparently unzipped his pants and had somehow managed to get himself completely erect.

“Steven!” I whispered hoarsely, briefly forgetting not only that I was in a movie theater, but also that he was deaf.

Put that away! I signed vigorously, my face turning red, and then – as if I somehow needed to identify what I was referring to – I smacked it.

I smacked… his cock.

It had been completely unintentional, and it had been done in anger… but the instant that I touched it, his cock suddenly captivated my attention in an entirely different way. When I had smacked it, it was so firm that it had barely moved. It had felt warm. It had felt smooth. My heart pounding with reluctant curiosity, I went back for a second look.

He was circumcised. His mushroom-shaped head capped off a perfectly-formed thick, tall, strong cock – and even without a side-by-side comparison, I could easily tell that he was bigger than my husband. He’s only 5’4″, I thought to myself, how could he have been carrying such a huge package this whole time??

I’m not sure how long my mind was occupied by those thoughts, but Steven had apparently noticed that I had stared long enough to become willingly transfixed… and so he gently grabbed my hand and guided it over to his towering shaft.

As my helpless fingers wrapped instinctually around the length of his exposed cock, I quickly scanned the nearby seats to find out if anyone else could see this illicit turn of events. What I discovered, though, was that the only other guests in the theater were all sitting in front of us – not only was no one in our row, but there was no one further back either.

A sickening feeling sank into my stomach as I realized what I felt compelled to do. It was so wrong… but I felt hopelessly unable to prevent it from happening.

It was just supposed to be a movie. That was my final thought… as I bent over and hungrily lowered my open mouth onto Steven’s waiting cock.

Published 3 years ago

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