Alvin, a handsome Caucasian teenage male with chestnut hair and brown eyes, was so excited when he found the ticket. Considering he loved to eat, it was no surprise he won. Of course, he had taken a little bite out of the ticket itself since it was found inside the chocolate bar wrapper, but nonetheless he was the first to find it. TV reporters swarmed his house and his parents, who were very thrilled, took time to soak up the spotlight with their son. After reading the ticket, he found out the tour was to take place February 1st in a small country in Europe. Alvin was too excited and could not wait to see the oh so wonderful and famous chocolate factory.
Days passed as Alvin waited, and when the day came he could not wait any longer. After he arrived in the small country in Europe, the brunette was escorted to the factory, along with the other four winners. He got a glimpse the other winners and saw that they were all were males, like himself, dressed in formal attire, as the ticket said to arrive in, but they all had different outfits (but had coats to keep warm in the winter weather).
One of the winners was a young, hot male wearing a blue suit jacket with two buttons, a white dress shirt underneath it, blue slacks and brown loafers while chewing what Alvin presumed to be gum. Another winner was a young beautiful male with his hair hidden under a tan cowboy hat, which matched his tan vest and chaps, resembling a cowboy outfit from head to toe, and black lace-up dress shoes. Why he chose to wear that for the tour, Alvin didn’t know. Then there was another cute chestnut-haired teenager, who seemed to be crossdressing with a red dress shirt, a red skirt, white knee length dress socks, and black heeled Mary Jane shoes, while his attitude seemed very stuck up. And finally there was a cute teenager with blond hair, who wore a blue dress sweater with black slacks and black lace-up dress shoes. Alvin himself was wearing a gray sweater vest on top of his white dress shirt and silver tie, with black trousers and black slip on penny loafers for the tour.
As the five winners were entering the gate, Mr. Candyman appeared at the front door. The owner of the factory himself sported a purple suit jacket with a white dress shirt, tan slacks, and black dress shoes. And to top it all off, he wore a brown top hat and a violet bow tie. He gave a subtle greeting, introducing himself to the winners, who Alvin learned the names of: the blue-suit teenager was Vincent, the cowboy was Michael, the red skirt-wearing teenager was Valentino, and the blond teenager was Creek.
After entering the factory, Mr. Candyman asked for them to sign a large contract, which none read as they were too excited to begin the tour, at least that’s what Alvin thought. Mr. Candyman then led them to the grand hall, showing a map of the factory. Of all the places in the factory, the one that caught Alvin’s attention the most was the “Candy Wonderland Room”. Before Alvin could ask, Mr. Candyman said that they had free access to the entire factory for the entire “tour” as he thought it would be better for the five males to experience this once in a lifetime event for themselves, but to arrive back at the grand hall by 2 o’clock. Alvin was the first to go, as he dashed in his attire to find the Wonderland room. He came across it, after getting lost a few times, and entered through the door.
What Alvin saw, mesmerized him entirely. The room seemed to resemble its own ecosystem with candy-themed foliage. There were also signs that said “Everything is edible -Candyman.” And boy, it was. Alvin, with what appeared to be superhuman speed, ate nearly everything in sight. He mowed down the candy grass, peppermint tree bark, gum balls as berries, even gummy bears that resembled actual bears and not their cartoony counterparts. Alvin continued to mow grass until he stopped… and drooled at the next sight.
A chocolate, yes, chocolate river! With his two brown eyes, he observed the brown molten liquid that resembled a river. And Alvin thought, he HAD to try it. The brunette started heading towards the dessert stream, but noticed a sign to the side.
“DO NOT TRY THE CHOCOLATE RIVER!!! It would affect my work for chocolate in the various parts of the factory. While it does seem tempting, PLEASE refrain from infecting the dessert with your germs -Sincerely, Candyman,” the sign said in black, bold letters. While the sign did give a warning, Alvin did not care for it as he had to taste the molten chocolate. Once he was close enough, Alvin squatted down and dipped his left hand in the chocolate, before taking it out for a taste test.
And to Alvin, it tasted like Heaven. He enjoyed it so much, he had to have more. As he kept tasting the river, he grew unaware that his body was centimeters away from the grass and now his black slacks and loafers were the only thing on the terrain. After a few more tastes, it happened.
Alvin fell straight into the chocolate river. He arose to the surface, treading carefully. He was thankful that his mother had insisted on swimming lessons when he was growing up, so he was able to get to shore. As he almost reached it, he felt himself getting pulled back into a current. The first winner turned and saw a pipe that seemed to be sucking in chocolate… and himself. Alvin needed to get out of there now! He did not want to become a candy bar by the end of this experience. He started to swim and, luckily, reached land before he was caught in a chocolate whirlpool. Alvin pulled himself out and rested himself, exhausted from the swimming experience.
While he rested, Alvin got a glimpse of what had become of his outfit… and he was not satisfied with what it had become. His once gray sweater vest, white dress shirt, and silver tie now was covered in the gooey chocolate substance. His black slacks were now smeared in the substance as well. His black dress socks and slip on loafers were now coated in the brown molten dessert. Alvin had gained the brown substance all over his hands, face, and hair. His entire formal attire was now in contrast to the chocolate substance that he just had to try.
While he could lick the substance off of his exposed skin, he would rather not, seeing that his attire was coated in chocolate. His attire was completely trashed and ruined. Although on the other hand, Alvin couldn’t help being aroused with his gunged attire. But he seemed to come to his senses, after a while spreading the chocolate over all his clothes and shoes.
He arrived at the exit of “Candy Wonderland Room,” taking his leave from the near-death experience he just had to arrive in the Grand Hall. While he trudged his way to the hall, Alvin’s black penny loafers leaving brown tracks and droplets of chocolate dripping from his sweater and trousers, he couldn’t help but wonder what the other winners had gotten into in this factory.