Everything about Lilith makes you uncomfortable. The way her single red eye glares at you, how she clenches her cigarette between her teeth, the pistol hanging conspicuously from her hip… For a governmental agent, she doesn’t make you feel very safe.
She’s standing in the house’s kitchen, smoking out an open window as you blearily make your way down the stairs. You had a fairly rough night, what with your dreams being permeated by the sensations and tastes of your encounter with Natasha. Part of you was hoping to see her again that morning, but by the time you had woken up, the Succubus was nowhere to be seen.
“Kid, you look like shit,” comments Lilith from the window, flicking her cigarette outside.
You mumble a word of greeting as you rub your eyes. Glancing around the empty room, you ask where your charge is.
“What, you mean you don’t know? All the demons staying here have been enrolled in classes at the local college, to help them get acclimated to life on Earth. Nat’s doing a chemistry course, I think.”
You dimly remember her mentioning something about being an alchemist.
“Supposedly she makes the best aphrodisiacs money can buy. But I’m not here to natter. Dallas dropped your stuff over,” says the EHI agent, pointing to a collection of boxes piled by the front door.
Your entire life, crammed into a few packing crates. It’s almost sad when you think about it.
“Get yourself unpacked, and then get to work. Your next charge will be arriving this evening.”
What does she mean by “get to work?”
Lilith audibly sighs when you ask this.
“Fuck’s sake… You’re the manager, kid; fucking manage the place. Fix anything that needs fixing, clean what needs cleaning and make sure there’s enough food for everybody. Got it?”
You have to buy the food yourself? With what money?
“Check your phone. The EHI should have granted you access to a bank account for living expenses. Also, your payment will be wired directly to your own personal account. As long as you do a good job, of course.”
That sounds… threatening.
“Well, duh. Do a shitty enough job and I’ll fire you, no questions asked. So don’t fuck this up, kid. Really don’t wanna have to do the paperwork all over again.”
With that cheery thought, the one-eyed agent gives you a half-hearted wave and makes for the door.
“Seeya this evening,” Lilith calls, right before she slams the door shut.
Alone in your new home, you walk into the dining room and seat yourself at the head of the table, silently pondering your situation. You have no idea how you managed to land this job, but you aren’t about to look this particular gift horse in the mouth, especially when it has a gritty attitude and a gun. So instead, you make yourself a rudimentary breakfast out of what little food is in the kitchen before you begin carrying your things up to your room. It doesn’t take long to unpack and arrange things to your liking. In a strange way, it feels nice living in a proper house like this; it is miles away from the dingy apartments you were used to renting.
Frowning, you see something on your nightstand that you didn’t notice that morning. It is a pair of lacy black underwear, alongside a folded piece of paper. Going red at the sight of it, you gingerly pick the undergarments up with one hand as you unfold the paper with the other.
“You can use these if you get lonely, honey. I’ll be home by five – Nat,” reads the neatly-written note within.
Succubi really are demons of Lust, aren’t they?
Leaving Natasha’s underwear right where she left them, you instead head to the bathroom in order to clean yourself up. It’s a fairly spacious room, boasting both a bathtub and a shower, as well as twin vanity sinks. Natasha has already claimed one of them, if the bottles of strange creams and lotions are anything to go by. After a quick shower and a brush of your teeth, you dress yourself to face your first day on the job as a boarding house manager.
A quick inspection of the house itself reveals that nothing is out of order, though it does give you an opportunity to learn your way around. A utility room out the back hosts the washer and dryer, as well as a cabinet filled with any and all tools needed for maintenance. There is also a staircase leading down into the basement, where the boiler is situated, as well as a small coal bunker for the living room fireplace.
On your second loop of the house, you clean whatever you can, though there’s admittedly not much that needs to be done. Having only had one person living in it up until recently, the place is spotless, save for Natasha’s own bedroom, which you decide to leave alone. Organising her things in the bathroom doesn’t take long either, and before you know it, you run out of things to do.
With a sigh, you seat yourself on a comfortable sofa and start swiping through your phone, right before you remember what Lilith told you that morning. You check your banking app, and sure enough, you’ve been granted access to another account, labeled “EHI Household Funds.” With a glance at the barren kitchen cupboards, you rise to your feet and grab your coat. Perhaps if you got a bus into town, you could grab some food and welcome Natasha home with a homecooked meal? Granted, you’re not exactly a gourmet chef, but if you buy some recipe books along the way, perhaps you just might be able to make something edible.
Invigorated by this idea, you gather your things and head out the door.
The guy at the checkout said you couldn’t do it. The girl helping with packing your shopping bags said you couldn’t do it. The bus driver said you couldn’t do it. But your masculine pride said you could.
Unfortunately, as you stagger your way from the bus stop back to the house, you begin to admit to yourself that maybe you can’t carry eight shopping bags all at once. You’re reminded of your childhood, helping your parents unload the car after the weekly shop, and how you insisted you could carry everything back in one trip, regardless of how painful it was.
By the time you get to the front door, you feel as though you have lost all circulation to your fingers. Struggling to catch your breath, you nearly collapse on the porch at the sight of Lilith’s sports car in the driveway.
Shit, the new arrival is here, and you’re drenched in sweat, gasping for breath and one light breeze away from toppling right over.
Hell of a first impression to make.
Swallowing hard, you push the door open and hoarsely announce your presence.
“In the kitchen, kid,” calls the surly voice of your handling agent over the sound of something bubbling.
Wait, she’s already cooking? After you busted your ass hauling all these groceries up two fucking hills and through a goddamn bus station?!
“Jeez, tone it down and hurry up already! Come meet your new charge!”
Muttering under your breath, you slope into the kitchen and are met with a sight you certainly weren’t expecting.
Lilith is leaning against the island, idly loading and unloading her pistol in a rather disconcerting manner, but surprisingly that wasn’t what drew your gaze. No, you find yourself staring at the individual standing in front of the oven, humming pleasantly to herself as she stirs something in a saucepan. She seems to be wearing a peculiar dress covered in seashells that clacks and rattles as she moves. Noticing you, the EHI agent gives you a nod.
“Kid, meet Mucsibi. She’s a Glutton. Play nice.”
“Oh Lily, I told you to call me Muu!” chuckles the newcomer, lowering the heat.
“Don’t call me Lily. Anyway, he’s here.”
She whips around to face you, bearing a brilliant smile.
She’s green. Literally. Mucsibi – or Muu, you figure you should call her – has rather lovely apple green skin. Not only that, but she has little rounded horns poking through the almond-coloured fringe that framed an endearingly round face. She’s a chubby little thing, and as you continue to stare, you notice a stumpy little tail wagging behind her, like an excited puppy. Or dinosaur. It looks kind of like a dinosaur’s tail. But short and not scaly.
“Hiya!” she says.
Her sudden outburst startles you into dropping your bags.
“Lily told me all about you! I hope you don’t mind, but I brought some gifts from Vorshaw, my hometown!” she continues excitedly, opening the cupboards to reveal that they are stuffed with all kinds of food.
“Please stop calling me Lily,” Lilith grumbles, tapping her gun’s magazine against its frame.
You gesture to the shopping bags before pointing at the stuffed cupboards.
“Oh, um… I’m sure we can squeeze all that in somewhere! Here, come try this!”
She grabs your hand and pulls you over to the stovetop. Her own hands are soft and pudgy. Picking up a ladle, she dips it into the sauce she’s making and holds it in front of you face. Noticing your bewildered expression, she blows on it before gently pressing it against your lip.
It’s like nothing you’ve ever tasted before; rich, spicy and flavourful in equal measure. Eyes wide, you relay your amazement to Muu, who laughs and thanks you. Over by the island, Lilith slips her sidearm back into its holster and gives you a wave.
“Right then kid, I’m off. You take care of her, alright?” she sighs, jamming her hands into her pockets as she heads for the door.
“Aren’t you going to stay for food?” Muu calls after her.
“Nah, don’t worry about it. I’ve got to meet my dad for dinner in an hour. Probably gonna have to help oil his leg.”
“S- Sorry?”
“Seeya whenever!”
You hear the door shut, followed by the roar of an engine and the squeal of tires. Alone with Muu, you swallow hard and try to compose yourself. Thankfully, she just returns her attention to cooking, smiling all the while.
“I’ve always wanted to visit Earth! I like to think of myself as a gourmand, but when I think of all the untasted delicacies cooked up by the human race…! Oh, I’m salivating just thinking about it!” she titters excitedly, her tail going a hundred miles an hour behind her.
You can’t help but smile at this. Relaxing a little, you decide to ask her about herself. Or more specifically, what she is.
“I’m a Glutton, sir!”
“We’re demons of Gluttony! Obviously, heh!”
Wait, why did she call you sir-?
“I’m not trying to generalise, but we’re all about food, you know? Where I come from – Vorshaw – we reap the bounty of the ocean and transform them into amazing dishes! Before the EHI came knocking, I worked with my papa curing meats and stuff! He said he’d hand the business over on my twenty-fifth birthday, but as much as I love working with him, I re~ally want to get out there and experience the international cuisine of both Hell and Earth!”
Okay, she’s on a tangent. Setting the “sir” thing aside, you allow her to prattle on as you begin trying to pack your groceries away into the overstuffed cupboards.
“I’ve always wanted to use an oven like this, you know!”
Didn’t she have them back home?
“No, Vorshaw is a pontoon town, so we can’t really get electricity out there, but we’ve made do without it for centuries. We have to cook our fish in special iron stoves, which we also use to dry our seaweed!”
An oceanic town with fish and seaweed, huh? Has she tried sushi?
“Huh? What’s that?”
You chuckle and tell Muu that she’s in for a surprise later on down the line. Making a mental note to get takeout from that Japanese place downtown later on in the week, you jam the last of the groceries into the fridge and return to the bubbly little Glutton’s side. You ask her if there’s anything you can do to help. After all, you’re her host; it wouldn’t do to leave her to do all the work.
She brightens up at this suggestion. Just looking at her smiling face makes your heart melt.
“Of course!”
Over the course of the next while, you help Muu out in the kitchen as much as you can, asking her questions about herself as you do. She’s all too happy to answer, telling you all about life on the Hellish ocean, as well as what it was like when she ventured ashore to visit more modern towns for supplies. Everything she says is utterly fascinating, and though you’ve only known her for an hour or so, by the time five o’clock hits, you feel as though you’ve known Muu most of your life.
As she’s adding the final touches to dinner – some kind of roasted meat you’re unfamiliar with drenched in that beautiful sauce – you hear the front door open.
“Honey, I’m home!” chimes the voice of Natasha, setting your heart aflutter.
You realise that you haven’t actually spoken to her since your “encounter”.
The Succubus steps into the kitchen, holding a shopping bag of her own. She’s wearing a trendy skirt, blouse and jacket that you don’t recognise; she must have gone clothes shopping after her classes.
Upon noticing the Glutton in your midst, her face lights up.
“Oho, and who’s this?” she asks, wings fluttering excitedly.
“I’m Mucsibi! Call me Muu!” responds your new charge, warmly shaking Natasha’s hand.
Deep in the Succubus’ eyes, you can see her own heart melting. It seems Muu has that effect on people.
“Aw, aren’t you adorable! I’m Natasha, and this big lunk over here is-“
“Don’t worry, we’ve already met! You’ve been helping me prepare dinner, haven’t you, sir?”
You smile and nod your head.
“Here, go set the table! It’s almost done!” Muu cries excitedly, directing you to the cutlery drawers.
You do as you’re told, grabbing a set of knives and forks for the three of you. Heading out to the dining room, you begin setting the table, only to be startled by a low whistle from Natasha.
“Seems you’ve bagged quite the cutie, honey,” she teases, placing a trio of wine glasses on the table.
Producing a bottle of merlot, she pours out a hearty measure for each of you.
“I must say, when I saw you two cooking together, I almost mistook you for newlyweds.”
Your face goes bright red as the Succubus sits down. She is smiling, though it is a touch more lurid than you would like. Shaking your head, you simply reason that Muu seems very easy to get along with. Besides, cooking with her is fun; she often needs you to get things off high shelves for her.
Upon hearing this, Natasha stifles a snicker. You frown and ask her what’s so funny.
“Oh, don’t you know? Gluttons are capable of magnimorphisis.”
Yeah, that doesn’t really clear anything up.
“It means they can change their size at will. You know, get bigger or smaller?”
Your eyes widen. So why did she have you get all the high-up things for her?
“… Honey, don’t get me wrong, I adore you. But you’re really dense sometimes, you know that?”
You are?
“Case in point. Anyway, here it comes…!”
Right on cue, Muu steps into the dining room, carrying three plates in her arms. You can already smell it from where you’re sitting, and it smells absolutely gorgeous. As she sets your dinner down in front of you, your stomach growls loudly, earning a polite laugh from the Glutton.
“I’d ask if you’re hungry, but it seems you already are!” she giggles, seating herself at the head of the table.
Across from you, Natasha takes a bite of her meat.
“Oh, I haven’t had roast brimison in years! Muu, this is amazing!” she exclaims, dabbing at her lips with a napkin.
Roast what now?
“Brimison! It’s the meat of a brimcerv! It’s a kind of deer, but with two heads and an acidic tongue!” Muu informs you.
That sounds kinda freaky.
“Is it? They’re pretty common in Hell,” Natasha says, digging into her meal.
Though you’re a little put-off by the idea of a multi-headed demon deer, you steel yourself and take a bite of a slice of brimison.
The taste is simply phenomenal. Coupled with the sauce, the meat is beautifully spicy, but not overpowering in the slightest. It’s juicy and tender, and before you realise it, you’re greedily tearing into your dinner. Muu takes this as a compliment, and with a little toast with her wine glass, the three of you get to eating.
Dinner mostly passes in pleasant silence, broken only by the scraping of cutlery or the clinking of glasses. Occasionally, Natasha asks her fellow demon about how she found the crossing to Earth, but once they start talking about things like “cloaking charm synchronicity issues” and “cross-planar nausea” you stop listening. Taking a swig of your wine, you leave the girls to get to know each other and instead focus on indulging your appetite. Normally, you wouldn’t be so big of an eater, but with Muu’s superb cooking in front of you, you can’t help but clean your plate. You briefly wonder if it’s rude to finish so quick, but looking up you see that the girls are done as well.
The Glutton newcomer gives a little burp and drains the last of her wine.
“Ah… I needed that after such a long day,” she sighs, dipping her finger into the last of the sauce and licking it.
Natasha smiles and nods as she places her knife and fork down.
“My compliments to the chef, I must say. I haven’t had a home-cooked meal that good since Jezzy gave me her casserole recipe!”
Who was that?
Ignoring your question, Natasha checks her watch and sighs.
“Oh, I’m so sorry to leave so quick, but I’ve got a mountain of assignment work to do. Honey, could you please wash up for me?” she asks, giving you puppy eyes.
With a sigh, you tell her you will. You’re the manager, after all. If you’re going to spend the foreseeable future cleaning up after demons, you may as well start as you mean to go on.
Thanking you, Natasha bids farewell and heads upstairs, leaving you alone with Muu. She offers to help, but you tell her to stay seated. She’s already cooked for you, and you’d hate for her to outshine you as a manager so soon into her stay. Carrying the dirty plates and cutlery out into the kitchen, you load up the dishwasher and return to find the Glutton staring at Natasha’s wine glass.
“She mustn’t be thirsty,” Muu muses, sliding the full glass in front of her.
You nod absentmindedly, feeling your cheeks burn as you take in the demon’s alluring scent.
Wait, what? Why are you feeling so…?
Your eyes widen as you stare at the two empty wine glass. Oh no, she didn’t…!
“Pardon me…!”
Before you can stop her, the Glutton downs all of Natasha’s wine, smiling dreamily as she hands the empty glass to you.
“I’ve never had such yummy wine before!” she giggles, wiping her mouth.
Swallowing hard, you carry the glasses out and start to panic. Whatever the Succubus did to your drinks, you acn already feel it taking effect. Blood is rushing to your ground, and your entire body is heating up. As your breathing gets heavier, you brace yourself against the kitchen island and try to think.
That little minx…! You thought she was just being nice, supplying the wine like that! How could you be so stupid; she is an alchemist, and a tricksy one at that! Cursing your own naivety, you stagger back out into the dining room to check on Muu. The poor girl did just have double the dose of whatever is messing with you.
You can tell just from a glance that she’s been hit hard. Her face is flushed and her pupils are dilated, and as you slowly circle the table, you see that the Glutton is almost panting. She wipes her brow and looks up at you with a dreamy smile.
“Ooh… I feel funny, sir,” giggles Muu.
You bite your tongue. Telling her that she’s likely just been dosed with a potent aphrodisiac probably wouldn’t bode well for the future, and the last thing you need is any animosity between your charges. Swallowing hard, you decide to cover for Natasha and say that she probably just drank too much.
She hiccups.
“Mm, yeah… Papa always said I was a lightweight…”
Her eyelids are drooping a little. Silently hoping that she passes out before Natasha’s drug takes full effect, you gather up the wine glasses and carry them out to the kitchen, struggling to stay upright as you do so.
Okay, okay, you can play this off. Muu seems pretty tired, so maybe you can convince her to take an early night before the aphrodisiac kicks in too hard? Once you get her out of harm’s way, all you’d have to do is grab some tissues from the bathroom, lock yourself in your room and prepare to-
You wheel around to find the Glutton teetering in the doorway, staring at you with lidded eyes. She takes a step towards you.
“I, um… I think you smell really good. That’s not weird, is it?”
You brace yourself against the kitchen counter and try to play it off.
Thanking her, you make up a flimsy lie about a new kind of deodorant you are trying out, but this just prompts her to shake her head.
“No, I mean like… You smell good-good… Like it makes me hungry, but not food-hungry if that makes sense…?”
Taking advantage of her momentary confusion, you gently take Muu’s hand and begin to direct her towards the stairs, suggesting that she may have drank a little too much. As soon as your skin makes contact, however, she gasps loudly and shivers.
“Wait, sir!” she cries, startling you.
Before you can react, the Glutton drags you into the living room. She’s surprisingly strong.
“I- I gotta know what this is!” she continues excitedly, pushing you down onto a comfortable couch.
She begins fumbling with your belt, much to your alarm.
“You smell so yummy, and I- I can’t call myself a gourmand if I don’t try a sample…!”
You can see that her eyes are practically spinning as she works herself up into an excited frenzy, and this only serves to make your own body burn hotter. Muu eventually defeats your belt buckle and starts to work on your fly.
Holy fuck, she’s actually salivating.
Right as she makes to hoist down your strained boxers, you plant a hand on her forehead and push her head back. Your gazes meet, and deep within yourself, you feel your inhibitions melt away. You struggle to compose yourself for a moment before you take a deep breath and ask her if this is really what she wants.
The Glutton smiles dreamily.
“I- I never bothered much with boys, but I didn’t know they could smell so…!” titters the demon, nodding emphatically.
Well, you can’t deny you don’t want this either. After all, seeing Muu through your pink-tinged vision, you realise that her chubby silhouette is absurdly arousing to you, and – to put it plainly – she’s pretty bottom-heavy.
With a shuddering sigh, you move your hands out of the way. She giggles and pulls your underwear down, causing your turgid dick to spring free, much to her amazement. The Glutton just stares at it for a while, drool slowly leaking from the corners of her mouth.
A little put-out, you gently nudge her with your foot.
At once, Muu clasps both of her hands around your shaft, drawing a sharp gasp from your throat. Her palms are warm, and it feels as though Natasha’s laced wine has kicked your sensitivity into overdrive.
“W- Wow… It looks…”
You try to say something, but your words wheedle away into a drawn-out gasp as the abruptly crams your entire cock into her mouth. Her movements are clumsy and you can hear her choke a little, but as her hot, wet tongue coils experimentally around the head of your dick, all you can do is melt into your seat and cling to the upholstery for dear life. Muu’s tail begins to wag as she makes a little surprised noise. Her eyes go wide, and slowly, she pulls her head back, her pursed lips forming a vacuum seal. Her tongue never stops moving, and by the time she lets go of your dick with a wet pop, you already feel close to bursting. For an amateur, she’s got quite the mouth on her.
“It’s wonderful!” the Glutton sighs, wiping her mouth with the sleeve of her dress.
It… is?
“Absolutely! A wonderfully savoury experience, with a primarily salty taste laced with little bitter undertones! The texture is so springy yet firm, and the way it pulses is just so… stimulating!”
It’s a little bit weird to hear the olfactory aspects of your own penis being described to you, but when you see the lusty excitement in Muu’s eyes, you admit to yourself that it’s kind of hot.
“Sir? May I?” she asked, glancing excitedly at your throbbing dick.
You shrug. She’s already slobbered all over it; she may as well finish the job.
Tittering excitedly, the Glutton braces her hands against your thighs and lowers her head back onto your crotch. You hiss between your teeth as you penetrate the hot confines of her mouth, feeling a little light-headed. She’s clearly never done this before, and yet that’s not a problem. You can feel the soft insides of her cheeks rubbing the length of your shaft, all the while the unpredictable movements of her tongue constantly keeps you guessing. Occasionally, she would scrape the underside with her teeth; an accident most likely, but invigorating nonetheless.
For a while, you lie back on the couch, feeling tingles of pleasure rush through your entire body as Muu eagerly sucks you off. In the back of your addled mind, you wonder whether what you’re doing is right. You just met this girl, after all, and you’re supposed to be responsible for her whilst she is on Earth. You want to step up to your role as manager, but you can’t help but feel like you’ve already fucked yourself over, especially considering how your first interaction with a demon wound up with you ejaculating on her bedroom floor.
Muu suddenly circles her tongue rapidly around the head of your penis, startling you and causing your hips to involuntarily buck. You hit the back of her throat and she gags, much to both of your surprise. She pulls back, gasping for breath but still smiling.
“W- Wow… I’ve never had something so tasty…!”
Is she alright?
“Never better! I just can’t believe that humans are so delicious!”
Does she maybe want to slow down…?”
“Not at all! Come on!”
This time, she takes it all the way to the base. Digging your fingers into the couch, your eyes damn near roll back into your skull as you feel Muu’s throat constricting around your dick. You can hear her choke a little, but as you try to pull out and give her room to breathe, the Glutton just wraps her arms around your waist and redoubles her efforts. She’s whipped herself up into a proper frenzy now, and as you curl your toes and bite your lip, you begin to feel pressure building up within you. You attempt to croak out a warning, but the green-skinned demon is far too busy slurping and sucking to hear you.
You cum right down her throat, much to her delighted surprise. Lowering herself down as far as she would go, Muu forms a seal at the bottom of your dick with her lips. Twisting and twirling her tongue along your entire length, waves of electric ecstasy rock through your body, and for far longer than you could have anticipated. You can see the Glutton swallow repeatedly as she drains you for all you’re worth. As you feel your orgasm run dry, she finally lets go, looking utterly euphoric as she wipes an errant string of semen off her chin.
“Divine…! Such a sudden infusion of salty flavour, with a hot, thick texture! I can’t believe my tastebuds!”
You slump back into the couch, focusing every last shred of brainpower on not passing out. You give Muu a shaky thumbs-up, too busy gasping for breath to be able to speak.
“Hmm, but of an aftertaste, though… I’ll go get something to wash it down!” she announced happily, trotting off into the kitchen.
She returns after a few moments, carrying a bottle of wine.
Natasha’s laced wine.
Before you can warn her, Muu takes a deep swig, swallowing several mouthfuls in a split second. Wiping her face, she hiccups and smiles dreamily.
“Ooh, this wine… I’ve never had anything that makes me feel so… Mm…”
Reaching behind her back, the Glutton starts fiddling with the fastenings on her dress, causing the seashells to rattle. Eyes widening, you ask her what she’s doing.
“I’m just feeling a little hot, sir. Aren’t you?”
Well, you can’t deny that you feel as though your entire body is burning up. And was that a teasing edge to her tone of voice…?
Your addled train of thought is interrupted by the sound of cloth and shells hitting the floor. Looking up, you are blessed by the sight of Muu in all her naked glory.
The Glutton is standing before you with her hands clasped behind her back, cheeks burning and tail swinging bashfully. She really is verdant all over; from her wide hips and soft thighs to her adorable tummy and rounded breasts. Her nipples are a darker shade of bottle green, and judging by how erect they are, the demon is feeling no small amount of arousal.
Noticing your lingering gaze, Muu turns around and lifts her tail, treating you to a view of her large, doughy ass.
“Wh- What do you think, sir…?” she asks, her confidence ebbing a little.
Leaning forward, you grab the bottle and tip the rest of the wine down your throat. Setting the empty bottle down, you wince as the aphrodisiacal effect intensifies, sending a rush of heat straight to your groin. You swallow hard and stagger to your feet, nearly tripping over yourself as you grab Muu’s shoulders.
You tell her that she looks beautiful.
“R- Really…?”
With one hand on her chin and another sinking into the soft flesh of her rear, you press your lips against the rotund demon’s and kiss her passionately, tasting the sweetness of her saliva mix with the sharp taste of wine. She gives a little squeak of surprise as you do this, but it melts into a moan as your tongues entwine. Reaffirming your grip on the Glutton’s pliable tush, you lift her over to the couch and seat her in front of you. Giggling, she leans back and slowly opens her legs. Between them you see two plump lips framing a pink snatch, and it’s absolutely sopping. Glancing down, Muu gives you coy smile.
“Gluttons are demons of water too, you know,” she tells you, wiggling her tail invitingly.
Licking your fingers, you return her smile and dip them into the demon’s honeypot, eliciting a sharp gasp from her.
No kidding; it’s like an ocean down there.
“W- Well, wanna take a dip, sir?”
You thought she’d never ask.
Grasping her marshmallowy thighs, you lick your lips and gradually ease your dick into your charge. She gives a long, shuddering sigh as you slowly enter her, inch by inch. She’s so warm and soft, and yet she’s constantly squeezing your dick with every gasp she makes. By the time you hilt yourself within the Glutton, you find yourself staring deep into Muu’s eyes.
Maybe it’s the alcohol. Maybe it’s the aphrodisiac. Whatever it is, it’s completely stripped your inhibitions away; all you can think about is fucking the plump little demon right in front of you.
Steeling yourself, you begin to move. Slowly at first, you buck and rock your hips, adjusting your technique bit by bit in accordance to Muu’s reactions. Feeling her snatch milk your dick feels heavenly, but what makes it all the better is the sweet moans she’s making. As you speed up, you reach forward and gently squeeze her dark green nipples, almost experimentally. The Glutton reacts with a drawn-out cry of pleasure, and you’re rewarded with the sensation of her vaginal walls constricting tightly around your length.
Minutes pass without a word passing either of your lips; just ecstatic moans and pleasured gasps. You change your movements every few strokes, focusing every last ounce of your willpower on giving Muu the best experience possible. Pinching her nipples one moment, you caress her thighs and gently rub her stomach, right before you circle back to her breasts. Whatever you’re doing, it’s working, as she reaches her limit before long. The Glutton arches her head back and releases a high-pitched squeal. Her pussy tightens even more as a hot flood of liquid washes over your dick, almost driving you over the edge.
Speeding up once more, you smile and pant her name.
“S- Sir, I wanna t- taste us…!” she gasps between strokes.
You nod understandingly.
Right as you feel yourself reach your limit, you pull out of the demon and present your dick right in front of Muu’s face. With a lick of her plump green lips, she plunges the entire thing into her mouth.
Her hot breath, her tongue, her saliva…
You cum again, harder than before. Muu stays latched onto your dick, greedily swallowing as much of your spunk as her body will allow her. It bubbles around her mouth and bulges her cheeks, which worries you a little. Did you always produce so much?
Before long, your orgasm ends, and you both collapse onto the couch. You lie there in comfortable silence, holding onto each other as you stare at the ceiling. After a few minutes, you try to grab her attention, but as you glance over at her, you see that Muu has fallen asleep. Looks like it was all a little too much for her.
“Mm… Delicious…” she burbles happily, nuzzling her cheek against your chest.
You smile and stroke her hair.
Maybe just a few more minutes…
Your second charge has been in your new home for all of a couple of hours, and you just fucked her senseless.
Feeling tired and a little dizzy from Natasha’s laced wine, you drape Muu’s discarded dress over her naked body and lift her into her arms. Despite her plump frame, she’s not too heavy, and you have no trouble carrying her up the stairs. You find that she claimed the room next to the Succubus, and so you tuck the Glutton into her bed, smiling a little as she snuggles into her pillow.
Sweet dreams, Muu.
“Sweet dreams? More like spicy, I’d say.”
You nearly leap out of your skin as you hear the voice of Natasha purr in your ear. Whipping around, you find her leaning in the doorway.
“Looks like you got some animal magnetism, honey,” she says, grinning.
You furrow your brow.
“Aw, don’t look so upset. You both got what you wanted, right?”
No thanks to that wine of hers.
Natasha raises her hand in a mock gasp.
“Oh no! Did I accidentally give you the wrong bottle?! I was storing a lust draught in there! Oh, what a fool I am!”
She’s not convincing you.
“Still, I gotta hand it to you honey; you must have a magic dick if you were able to outfuck a Glutton. They may be heavy, but they got tons of stamina, you know?”
A sultry smile spread across the Succubus’ face.
“Hm… I’d say that’s a point in your favour, honey! Keep impressing me like this; see where it gets you…” she coos, giving you a wink before she slips back into your room.
With a heavy sigh, you glance back at the slumbering Glutton.
You’re so getting fired if Lilith finds out about this.