My name is John Christian. I have a beautiful wife, a loving daughter, and a wonderful son. I have been the pastor at a local church for the last 20 years, and one of the more respected men in the community, that is, until a couple months ago.
It all started about 6 months ago, when a new family, the Wingfields, moved in across the street. Like our family, they had a son and a daughter. I asked my kids, Jessica and Jason, to go across the street and make the kids feel welcome. Meanwhile, Judy and I prepared our welcome wagon, hoping to welcome them into our neighborhood and perhaps see if they would be interested in joining our congregation.
It was when Judy was preparing the fruit basket when I saw her. Golden hair, beautiful beady, blue eyes, and a smile that melted my heart the moment I saw her. I stole a quick look at her body, as she was wearing a low-cut, pink blouse, showing off her medium sized, but perfectly shaped breasts.
I don’t know what it was about her, but she mesmerized me. And when she looked into my eyes and smiled back, I felt an immediate connection.
“Daddy?” Jessica asked me, breaking from my trance. “This is Ashley Wingfield, she just moved in.”
I immediately felt guilty. Ashley couldn’t have been more than 18 years old. She was my daughter’s age. I suppressed whatever attraction I felt towards her, and shook her hand.
“Nice to meet you, Ashley”, I said kindly. “We are putting together a welcome basket for your family. We are so glad that we have new neighbors.
The smile that melted my heart returned. “Your family is so nice”, she said, lightly brushing her hand against mine.
Jessica smiled. “Come on, Ashley. Let’s go upstairs to my room.”
As the girls bounded upstairs, I continued to look at Ashley as she walked away. There was something about her, I just couldn’t explain it. She was beautiful, she was perfect. And I couldn’t stop thinking about her, even when she left the room.
“John? John?” Judy poked at me, again breaking me from my trance. I looked at her. “The welcome basket’s done. We can head over now if you want.”
I nodded. “Okay,” I said, helping her with the basket. “Let’s go.”
As I was in bed with my wife, my mind crept to thinking about Ashley. Whenever I closed my eyes, I would think of her, slowly unbuttoning that pink blouse, and dropping it to the floor, revealing more of her sweet, soft body as she creeps closer to me.
She smiled sweetly as she showed me more, taking off her pink bra and tossing it to the floor. Her breasts were perfect, beautifully shaped and proportional to her petite body, her nipples small but growing harder by the second.
She winked at me as she removed her skirt, discarding it onto the floor, and soon after, she slowly but sensually removed her panties. But instead of simply tossing it on the floor, she threw her panties to me. I caught them in my hands, inhaling the sweet scent of her pussy.
“You like what you see?” she asked as she crept closer to me.
“Oh yes,” I managed as she wrapped her arms around me.
We looked into each other’s eyes, smiled and admired each other as our lips begin to met.
I was once again broken out of my trance. This time by my wife, wrapping her arms around me and kissing my neck.
What was I thinking? I thought to myself. Thinking of another woman when I’m sleeping next to my beautiful wife? What was wrong with me? Something about that girl had me hooked already, but I wasn’t sure what it was. Nevertheless, I had to get her out of my mind.
Judy nibbled on my earlobe, just how I liked it, and whispered softly into my ear, “You know what we haven’t done in a while?”
I smiled. She was right, we hadn’t in a while, although lately, it’s because she’s not ‘in the mood’. Perhaps that’s why I was fantasizing so much. Perhaps I needed that release.
I took Judy in my arms, kissing her hungrily like I had when we were teenagers. I felt her moan in my mouth as I caressed her breasts; my hands roamed to some of my favorite places on her body.
She broke the kiss. “Mmmm,” she smiled. “You have really been waiting for this haven’t you?”
“You have no idea.” The sound of my desperation surprised me. I resumed kissing her, this time, moving my mouth down to her neck, nibbling on her sweet spot.
“Oh, John,” she said lustfully. “I need you.”
“I need you too”, I groaned as she started caressing my cock, making it grow hard. I loved Judy, she knew exactly how to please me, exactly what buttons to push.
There wasn’t a lot of foreplay, as she whispered in my ear, “I want you inside me”, and I happily obliged.
But it was when I climbed on top of her, looking her into eyes as my cock readied itself to enter her, when it happened. I looked into her eyes, and I all I could see was Ashley.
As I entered my wife, I was imagining I was entering my daughter’s sweet, beautiful new friend, and her soft, shaved pussy.
My wife bucked as my cock entered her, but it might as well been Ashley.
“Oh, John,” she moaned. “You’re still so big.”
Whenever she said that, it always got me going, but it excited me even more imagining it coming from Ashley’s mouth.
I mercilessly pounded my wife’s pussy, harder than I ever have before, my thick cock going in and out, grunting and growling as I kissed my wife hungrily, still imagining it to be Ashley I was kissing, and holding, and fucking.
“Ohh, John…yes!!” The woman beneath me was moaning louder than I have heard her before, as my cock hardened and went even deeper than before. I kissed her sweet spot again, my strong body on top her, pounding her harder and harder.
“Take me John! Take me!” She moaned, and with my imagination running wild thinking of Ashley, I went even deeper inside her, groaning, “Yes, baby, yes, take my cock, take it all.”
“Oh, John, I’m gonna come,” Ashley said underneath me as I kissed her beautiful breasts. I felt my seed rise up inside me, and realized we were going to come together.
“I’m coming too, baby!” I said as I kissed her neck. She bucked under me again…I felt her come underneath me…just seconds later, my seed exploded inside her.
I pumped inside her a few more times until I was finished. Breathing heavily, I rolled over back onto my side of the bed and gathered Ashley into my arms and kissed her neck.
“That was beautiful,” she said.
“I know, baby,” I said, but as soon as the words came out, I had a harsh realization.
“We didn’t use a condom,” I told her, but Ashley smiled, a confused look on her face.
“Why would we need a condom? I went through menopause last year.”
And that’s when I saw my wife, Judy again. I feigned a smile, and kissed her cheek.
“Right,” I said with a chuckle. “I forgot.”
“Silly man,” she laughed with a serious look in her eyes. “You were wonderful tonight, John. That’s the best I’ve felt in a long time.”
I smiled. “I’m glad,” I held her tighter. It was the best I felt in a while, too, but I felt myself fill up with guilt when I realized the true reason why.
To Be Continued…