My red seadoo is lots of fun and can hit 55 mph under the right conditions. On a hot day, it is great feeling the cool spray as the boat bounces off the waves.
A friend down the lake has a daughter, Jackie, that at 27, is half my age. I had watched her grow up into a beautiful young woman and despite the age difference we had teased each other for many years. She always wore tight cut off jeans which enhanced her amazing butt. I am sure she had caught me starting at her long legs and butt on more than one occasion. Jackie was married but the relationship was not going well. The last time we had chatted over a drink she had confided that her husband had lost interest in her. I had answered that he must be turning gay because she was “smoking hot.” The compliment had earned me a wry grin.
It was a Wednesday in mid July and I had taken the seadoo out for a spin. Being mid week the lake was very quiet. I arrived back at the dock to see Jackie standing on the beach with a life jacket in her hand. She was wearing a black and white bikini and looked incredible.
“I saw you playing out there, Tom. Take me for a ride” she asked “It’s hot and I need to cool off”
“Love to. Hop on and hang on” I said
“What do I hold on to” she asked
“There is a strap in front of you but it’s better if you hold on to my waist . That way I know if you fall off” I said with a smirk.
“Funny man” she chuckled “I know what I am going to grab if you try to toss me off.” This was Jackie at her best.
She hugged my waist and we flew down the lake bouncing off the small chop. The spray of the waves was incredible and Jackie was squealing in delight. I started to do donuts which increased her delight. After one 360 she lost her grip and her right hand landed on my crotch. The reaction was immediate and big guy started to wake from its afternoon nap.
“Hey careful” I yelled,”If you break it you own it”
“Wow, he reacted quickly” she giggled “I never buy anything without a test drive”
She inched her fingers down the front of my swim suit and fondled the tip of my penis. By now, it was fully erect and I took off down the lake at top speed. As our speed increased she tightened her grip around my waist with her left arm and squeezed my swollen shaft in her right. Jackie’s hand started to move slowly up and down my cock and the wonderful feeling was intensified by the bouncing of the boat.
Jackie leaned into me with her head almost resting on my shoulder. “You like” she said in a raspy voice.
“Fuck yes” I said “Don’t stop”
Jackie increased her stroke speed and I groaned in pure pleasure. About 90 seconds later I shot my load into my swim suit and collapsed onto the handles of the watercraft releasing the throttle. As the seadoo rocked slowly in the swell I turned my head and kissed her lightly on her lips.
“That was amazing” I said
“Glad you liked it.” she said as she extracted her hand from by sticky cock. “We better jump in and clean off before we head home”