Helping a friend – Chapters 1 and 2

"Lisa leaves her boyfriend and starts a new life."

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Everyone needs a first story, and this is mine. I hope you enjoy it. If you are looking for quick action you should probably look somewhere else.

A work of fiction.

Chapter One

It was not like you to call to ask for favors all the time, so when you did I was only too happy to help. The news that you had ended your relationship was a relief and an act of bravery, so I embraced the chance to encourage you in your new journey of life.

“Can you please come by on Saturday afternoon and help me repair the front door?” your familiar voice asked.

Without hesitation I accepted. It would be easy with my family out of town for a few days. No one would miss me and no harm would be done.

“I’ll make it worth your while” then “dinner is included” was quickly added to clarify your offer.

“Wonderful, I could use a good home cooked meal.” It was all set. The week passed slowly as if Saturday would never come.

When I arrived, the sun was shining but the temperature had reached 32 and the humidity was closing in. You must have seen my truck pull in because by the time I was out you had already breezed out the door and down the stairs like a breath of spring. Your blond hair tied up in a ponytail bobbing behind you and your yellow summer dress dancing over your body as you moved. The puckered elastic material clinging to your breasts showing just a hint of cleavage. Warm hugs all round, introductions to your son Justin, and a quick tour of the new house out of the way it was time to get down to work.

Your door although attractively carved was split on one side and had a rotten panel at the foot, so I would need to get going if I were to have it rehung before the day was done. You excused yourself to continue unpacking and I set to my task. By 5:30 the heat and humidity had left me drained and dripping, but the door although not 100% would swing and lock so could be finished another day.

“Why don’t you come in and have a shower? You look whipped,” you asked, cold drinks for both of us in your hands. Sitting inside enjoying the a/c we have our drinks cooling off from the afternoon heat, the sweat, drying on my skin, making your offer of a shower more appealing.

“I should go back outside and pick up my tools, but this a/c feels too nice,” I say.

“Have your shower first, you will feel better, and when you are done I will help you clean up your toys.” It’s all the encouraging I need so I grab my bag with clean cloths in it which I had brought to change into for supper and head for the stairs.

“Use my shower,” you call, “the main bath only has a tub.”

Chapter 2

Up the stairs and down the hall I move to your bedroom door.

This is a place I never dreamed I would ever see. A place where dreams and fantasies have carried me many times. As I open your door I am struck with the sweet smell of a woman. No man’s bedroom could ever smell of the sweet delicacies that encircle the bodies of women. I stand still and breathe them in, enjoying the comfort and mystery surrounding me. My desire is to move to the bed and caress the place where you lay at night, but my brain knows better. I move to the ensuite, and lock the door. Peeling my work clothes from my body I step into the shower, its hot water cascading down my body, loosing my shoulders and refreshing me. This was a good idea I think to myself.

I turn to let the water wash the sweat from my face. Before me hangs a woman’s razor. Lifting it from it resting place, I hold it knowing that it has caressed your long legs. I am envious of its luck. Oh how I dreamed of such comfort, my hands run across your calves and along the softness of your thighs. How high has this tool had the pleasure of running? Does it stop at the knee or has it caressed your thigh? Has it moved higher, exploring the delicate areas that are only found in a woman? As I imagine what it could tell me if only it could talk I can feel myself getting hard. The combination of hot water, sweet smelling soap and your secrets mix in my brain and take me to places that I had promised myself I would not go.

Lathering my body I can not help stroking myself a few times as I drink in all the things surrounding me, knowing that you too have stood in this very place caressing all those areas I wish I were right now.

To be continued, or not, please let me know.

Published 14 years ago

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