Californian Conjugal Visit

"A prison guard meets the stunning busty wife of an inmate, just before a conjugal visit with her husband..."

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Dust and sand continued to blow in from the Mojave Desert, through the metal chain link fencing, and across the concrete courtyard as I crossed it, heading up to the Visitor Centre. The sand often completely obscured the pathway beneath. Once a week the sanitation guys would come out and clear the sand from the courtyards, pathways, and pavements that ran between the many, many buildings of the state prison. But it would all build up again within a few days.

After some of the worst sandstorms here, I had seen the sand build up to over a foot deep. This state prison was built up in the high Californian desert, so such things were expected. So was the forty-plus degree heat. But I was used to it, as I had worked here as a guard for over three years now, and had been born in the area.

For the past year, I had been posted to oversee the smaller of the prison’s two ‘Family Visitation Units.’ It was a small compound, on the far edge of the prison grounds. The nearest prison block building housing inmates was over four hundred meters away.

The second Family Visitation Unit, or FVU2 as it was known, had its own compound and was ringed by twelve feet tall chain-link fences, separating it from the rest of the prison grounds. Inside there were just four trailers. They were used for inmates to have family visits with their wives and children.

The visits were only granted to inmates who were fairly close to release, and who had been well-behaved whilst serving their sentence. They were meant to help the inmate to begin to adjust to life on the outside, to re-integrate with his family. The inmate could only receive these visits from a wife or domestic partner with whom he had a relationship before his sentence began, and also any children he had. Also, the inmate must not have been convicted of a violent crime, be a sex offender, or be on a life sentence.

On the visitor’s side, they had to agree to a thorough background check. They were searched on arrival and departure. There was also a dress code for visitors. The women could not wear short skirts, or any very form-fitting or tight clothing, as it was felt it might incite other inmates who could potentially see them exiting the visitor center on their way to the FVU2.

These family visits had used to be six hours in length, but due to recent prison staffing shortages, they had been reduced to three hours.

There was a larger Family Visitation Unit, FVU1, on the other side of the prison’s grounds. The trailers there were larger and used when inmates had visits from both spouses and children, or even parents or siblings.

But at FVU2, we dealt with the visits where just the inmate’s spouse was attending. It was technically also a family visit, but everyone knew it was a conjugal visit, where the inmate and his spouse could enjoy sex together for a few hours.

My duties today were to collect the spouse of inmate number 43225-047 from the visitor center, search her, and then escort her down to the FVU2. Once she was settled in one of the trailers, I would then collect her inmate husband from his holding cell, and escort him to the same FVU trailer. They would then spend their three-hour visit together, locked in the trailer. I would wait outside at a guard station, about thirty feet from the trailer until their time was done.

Once the visit was over, I would then knock on the door of the trailer, and open it. The inmate had to be dressed and ready to go once their time was up, otherwise their family visitation rights could be taken away. I would then escort the inmate back to the holding cell, return to the FVU2, collect the spouse, and escort them back to the visitor center.

Sometimes there were two, three, or occasionally four family visits scheduled for each day. But due to staff shortages, it was usually kept to just one or two per day, so that just one guard could keep an eye on the trailers and handle all escorting back and forth.

Today there was just one family visit scheduled. Inmate 43225-047, better known as Jackson Mashawn King, was a big, black, brute of a guy. I had had a few dealings with him during my time here. Jackson had been caught dealing cocaine and had been sentenced to serve five years.

But with California law allowing inmates to serve eighty-five percent of their sentence, he was going to be released in six months, meaning he would eventually serve four years and three months. As part of his rehabilitation, and as he had been generally well-behaved, Jackson had been accepted to take part in the family visitation program. Any prisoner who was considered low-risk, and about to enter the final six months of their sentence could apply.

Jackson King was well respected on his prison block. There were rumors he had killed a man before being imprisoned. Presumably, the police had had no evidence of such a crime, otherwise, he would have been charged with it. Whether it was true or not, I didn’t know, but this persistent rumor was certainly believed on the block. I could tell he could handle himself in a confrontation at any rate.

I arrived at the visitor center, opened the door, and stepped inside to enjoy the cool air from the air-conditioning units. I approached the desk, to check with the agent there if Jackson King’s spouse had arrived. The checklist said that she had, and all the preliminary I.D. checks had already been completed.

“Mrs. Jada King?” I announced, looking out across the waiting room.

“Here,” I heard a voice call out.

I turned to the right to see a very attractive, slim, busty, black woman get up from her seat, raising her hand. She was in her late thirties I guessed, and about five feet three inches tall. She wore a yellow dress that was very tight and short and showed off her enormous cleavage. It was a wholly inappropriate outfit, and completely against the rules, but I did have to admire her cheek.

Mrs. King smiled. She had a lovely smile, flashing her dazzling white teeth, as she chewed on bubble gum. I also couldn’t help but notice the sway of her hips, and the bounce of her huge tits as she walked toward me. It looked to me like she probably wasn’t wearing a bra underneath that dress.

“Hi, I’m Jada,” she said, still smiling, and held her hand out to shake mine.

We were not supposed to have physical contact with any visitor, but I couldn’t help myself and shook her dainty hand.

“Er, ma’am will you step in here for a moment?” I asked her, motioning to a small room off to the side.

I opened the door to the search room, allowed her inside, and closed the door behind me. She put her small holdall bag on the table.

“Well, what do we do now, Officer Evans?” Jada asked, reading the name badge on the pocket of my shirt, “I’ve never had one of these, er… family visits before.”

“Well ma’am, first of all, I’m afraid to tell you your attire is not appropriate for this visit,” I replied, “You should have had a letter outlining all these rules for you.”

“Oh no, I did, I read it,” Jada stated, smiling, “It’s just, you see, I just came straight from work. I didn’t have time to change. But don’t worry, I did think about this.”

Jada opened her holdall bag and began pulling out a large blue hoodie top, and grey sweatpants.

“I was going to put this on over my dress? Is that okay?” Jada asked.

“I see,” I replied, “Well, it’s not usually what we do, but I suppose I can’t see any harm in it.”

I explained I would need to search her holdall bag and her handbag. She consented to this, and I went through her handbag first. She had no contraband here, but she did have money and a cell phone. I explained to her those would have to be left in a secure locker here.

I then went through her holdall bag. Here there certainly were things that strictly shouldn’t be allowed. She had some sexy underwear sets, stockings and a suspender belt, a slightly see-through short robe, and a pair of high-heeled shoes.

There was also a vibrator, a dildo, and some lube. These items definitely weren’t allowed.

“Is everything okay, officer?” Jada said, smiling, and stepping much closer, “I haven’t been able to be with my husband like that for a very long time. I just wanted to look good and put on a show for him, you understand?”

I looked down at her as she smiled up at me. I could now see right down her cleavage. My god, her tits were huge. At that moment Jada pushed her tits together with her upper arms and grinned.

“Well, this stuff is a bit of a grey area,” I lied, “But I guess I can allow it, just this once.”

“Ah, thank you, sir,” Jada smiled, putting her hand on my arm, “And my husband thanks you too.”

She giggled, and I smiled briefly, then thought better of it. I should really try to maintain my professional image. Jada was certainly the most attractive wife I had ever seen come to visit their husband here. I was quite taken with her.

“Mrs. King, I need to get a female agent to conduct a body search on you. Will you excuse me for a moment?” I asked.

Jada nodded, smiling, and I left the room. I reminded myself I would have to check her bags again when I returned. Potentially she could have hidden contraband on her person, which she could now move into her bag once I was out of the room, knowing a body search was imminent.

I asked the agent at the front desk where the female search agent was, but he didn’t seem to know. I called the sergeant at the visitor center main desk, asking for another female officer to be sent over here to assist me, but he said I would have to wait, and that it might be some time. The staffing shortages seemed to be getting worse.

I waited twenty minutes, but still no female officer arrived. I called the desk sergeant again but got the same curt reply I had received before. I thought I had better go back to Jada and explain the delay.

I returned to the search room, closing the door behind me.

“I’m sorry for the delay, Mrs. King. I’m still waiting for a female officer to arrive to perform the body search,” I explained, “I think it might be a while.”

“But I don’t want to be late for my appointment with my husband,” Jada replied, looking worried, “Can’t you just do it?”

Wow. She wanted me to do a body search on her. What an opportunity. She wasn’t going to be late for her appointment with her husband, their time together didn’t start until they were both in the family visitation unit trailer together, but she didn’t know that.

“Me? You want me to perform the body search?” I asked, checking she knew what she was saying.

“Sure, I don’t mind. I just don’t want to be late,” Jada replied, still noisily chewing her gum

“Okay, it’s just, it’s a rather intimate search I’m afraid. Do you consent to that?” I asked.

“Oh no, it’s fine. I understand,” Jada grinned.

I asked Jada to remove her shoes, and then stand with her arms outstretched. I then stood behind her. Her tight dress didn’t leave much to the imagination, and therefore very few places to hide anything. I ran my hands over the back of her dress.

I then got down on my knees. Her stunning ass was inches from my face. I ran both my palms over her lower back and then firmly across that amazing phat ass. I slowed down a little, enjoying the feel of that gorgeous rear.

I then turned my palms around, to go back up her ass again, so that my thumbs ran right into the crack of her ass. Christ, her ass was incredible. But I didn’t want to push my luck, Jada might think I was enjoying myself and get me into trouble. Luckily there was no window in this room, so no one could see what I was up to.

“I need to put my hand up your dress for a moment, I’m afraid,” I explained.

“Yeah, I understand,” Jada replied, smiling at me over her shoulder, and standing with her legs just a little apart.

With my left hand on her hip to steady myself, I slowly put my right hand up her dress. I slid it up between her thighs, and eventually, touchdown. My fingertips touched the gusset of her panties, and I got a brief feel of her pussy.

“Oh,” Jada gasped.

“I’m sorry, ma’am,” I lied.

“Oh, it’s fine honey,” Jada replied, still looking down at me over her shoulder, “I mean, my husband’s going to be doing a lot more than that later, you know? You just woke it up for him.”

Jada giggled again, as I finally pulled my hand back from between her thighs. She then turned around to face me as I stood up. I ran my hands over her flat stomach, and up to just beneath her huge tits, and then stopped.

“So… how do we do this?” Jada smiled, looking down at her boobs, “Would this help?”

Jada then hooked her thumbs through the shoulder straps of her dress and began pulling them off her shoulders. Was she about to show me her tits? I would have loved that, but if the female agent did suddenly arrive, it would be very difficult to explain what was going on.

“Erm… just hold your dress there, ma’am,” I instructed her.

“Oh, okay sure,” Jada replied, sounding almost disappointed.

I carefully ran my hands over the part of her dress that did still cover her huge bust. Any search should be done with the back of my hand, but I couldn’t resist doing it with my palms. I held the full weight of her incredible tits as she looked up at me, grinning. I finally, reluctantly, removed my hands from her bust. Damn, inmate Jackson King was a lucky husband.

“Do you need to look in here, honey?” Jada grinned, still chewing her gum, and leaned over toward me slightly, showing me even more of her impressive cleavage.

“Well, erm…” I mumbled, glancing toward the door for a moment.

I was worried the female agent might finally arrive. I think Jada took this glance to think that I was going to make her wait for the female agent.

“Honey, I ain’t got time to wait for her,” Jada told me, “Come here.”

Jada then took my hand and plunged it straight down her cleavage. As I suspected, she was not wearing a bra underneath that dress. I felt along underneath her right breast, then held it in my hand for a moment, feeling the weight.

“Find anything down there, officer?” Jada grinned; her left eyebrow raised.

I turned my hand around, in between her tits, and moved to search underneath her left breast. Again, my fingertips caressed her under-boob, and then I finally cupped it from underneath, enjoying the feel of the weight of her huge breast.

“So… are we all done, Officer Evans?” Jada asked, her thumbs still holding the straps of her dress just off her shoulders, and jiggled them, thereby jiggling her huge tits around my hand.

I finally let go of her boob, pulling my hand out of her cleavage.

“Yes, ma’am,” I told her.

“Good, cos I need to go get some, you know what I’m saying?” Jada said, still noisily chewing that gum of hers, as she let the straps of her dress return to her shoulders.

I remembered to briefly recheck her bags, then told Jada that she would have to cover herself up with the oversized hoodie top and sweatpants. She did so, hiking her dress up even higher to get the baggy sweatpants on properly, and then pulling on the hoodie top, and zipping it right up to her neck. All the amazing sexiness was hidden away, although the super casual look didn’t really go with her high-heeled shoes.

“Alright ma’am, if you follow me,” I instructed her.

She grabbed her handbag and holdall, and followed me out of the search room, across the floor of the waiting room. I placed her handbag, with her money and cell phone in a secure locker.

We passed through two different security gates. At each one, the guards glanced at Jada, then let her pass through with me. They all knew where she was headed, and for what reason.

Finally, we were outside in the courtyard and began a long walk in the blistering heat out to the FVU2. Jada looked rather amusing, struggling to carry her holdall, dressed in oversized clothes, but tottering along in her high-heeled shoes. Now we were away from the building and out of sight from the vast majority of other guards, I reached out and took the holdall and carried it for her.

“Oh, thank you. You’re a gentleman,” Jada said, beaming.

“You’re welcome,” I replied.

We eventually reached the FVU2. I unlocked the first gate at the outer-ring fence of the FVU2, allowed Jada to pass through, and closed and locked it behind us. Then there was a ten-foot walk to the inner-ring fence, where I again unlocked the gate, we passed through, and I again locked it behind us. We were now the only two people inside this compound.

I walked her past my little outside guard station, and up to trailer number one. This trailer had been recently refurbished, paid for by a local charity, that felt that these family visitations were important for the inmates’ rehabilitation. However, a newspaper had gotten hold of the story, and certain community groups people became upset, as I guess they believed the only money that should be spent on prisons was more walls and more guards. It meant the other three trailers had never gotten refurbished.

It was my choice as to which trailer each inmate and their visitor got, and as Jackson King was the only inmate booked for a visit today, and I was quite taken with his wife Jada, I figured let them use the nice one.

I opened the door to the trailer, and let Jada inside.

“Oh, it’s actually quite nice,” Jada said, slightly surprised.

The other three trailers weren’t nearly so nice. This one had air-conditioning for a start, and all-new interiors for the bedroom, lounge, and bathroom. I briefly showed Jada the three rooms. I then explained I would not be locking the door to the trailer, due to fire safety, but that the gates to the FVU2 compound would be locked whilst I left to collect her husband. I turned on the air-conditioning unit to cool the place down.

I also explained to Jada that she could leave the trailer if she needed a cigarette for example, but that she should wear her baggy clothes if she did. We didn’t want some inmate seeing a sexily dressed woman, even from a long distance away, and getting ideas about how he might get into this compound.

“Oh no, it’s fine, I’ll stay in here. I don’t smoke anyway,” Jada replied, “But I can wear what I want in here though, right?”

“Yes ma’am,” I told her.

“Well, I better get ready for my man then, hadn’t I?” she said, grinning, and unzipping her hoodie top.

“I’ll be back with your husband in about fifteen minutes or so,” I said, and stepped back out into the heat, the trailer door closing behind me, and making my way out through the gates and back out into the main compound.

I finally returned to Jada in the FVU2 compound, but not until almost an hour later. I would not return with Jada’s husband or good news. I didn’t think she was going to be happy.

When I had gone to collect her husband in the holding area, I had been advised by another guard that there was a problem. After Jackson King had been moved out of his cell down to the holding area, there had been a fight between King’s cellmate, an elderly, wiry man nicknamed ‘The Moose’, and another prisoner. The Moose, presumably named as such because he was Canadian, had been taken to the prison hospital to treat some minor wounds. A search had then been made of Jackson King and The Moose’s cell, and a mobile phone, a homemade knife, and a small amount of marijuana had been discovered.

The problem with these searches of cells with multiple inmates was that usually, both parties denied any knowledge of the contraband, or occasionally even specifically accused the other. In this case, they both had simply said they knew nothing about it. These two weren’t going to incriminate each other.

It then became a case of whether the prison block supervisor had at least a reasonable suspicion that the contraband belonged to one individual or the other. If they did, that inmate would be punished. Certainly, any access to using the Family Visitation Unit with his wife would immediately be suspended if it was decided the contraband belonged to Jackson King. The process to determine if it was King’s or not was currently underway, and so therefore they had decided to keep him in the holding area until a decision was made.

There didn’t seem to be much of a rush by my colleagues to hurry this process along, however. I didn’t want to leave a woman alone, even if there were multiple walls, fences, and gates between any inmate and herself. So that is why I made the walk back to the FVU2, without any definitive news about Jada’s husband.

I knocked on the door of the trailer but didn’t hear anything. I knocked on the door again, but again no response. Slightly reluctantly, I opened the door and stepped inside.

“Mrs. King?” I called out.

Jada was not in the lounge area. I passed the bathroom; she was not in there either. The only other place was the bedroom, the door to which was closed.

As I approached the bedroom door, I could hear panting.

“Hey, baby. Come in here, and get what you’ve been dreaming of,” Jada called out.

I opened the door to quite a sight. Jada was sat on the bed, facing the door, her back resting against the headboard. She was wearing just black panties, and her stripper heels. Her huge tits were on full show and looked incredible.

Her legs were spread as wide as possible, and she had pulled the gusset of her panties to one side, so she could slip the dildo, that I had seen earlier during her bag search, into her pussy. She was obviously having a fine old time fucking herself with it, a huge smile on her face. But she then looked up, and instead of her expected husband, saw me.

“Oh, my gawd!” she cried out, “Jesus!”

She quickly pulled the dildo out, moving the gusset of her panties back to cover herself, and placed her hands over her tits.

“Sorry, ma’am. I did knock. And call out,” I explained, finally averting my eyes.

“Okay. Sorry, I was… you know, getting ready for my husband,” Jada explained, clearly embarrassed. She got up from the bed, whilst struggling to cover her huge tits.

She grabbed the robe from the holdall bag on the floor, turned her back to me, and put it on. She then turned back to face me, but as the robe was slightly transparent, I could still make out her huge tits underneath.

“Where’s Jackson?” Jada asked.

“There’s a problem, ma’am,” I told her, “Why don’t you come into the living room, and I’ll explain.”

“Alright,” Jada said, still chewing that gum of hers.

She came through the doorway, her chest brushing up against mine as she squeezed past me and made her way back into the lounge area. I followed her there, and she took a seat on the sofa.

I stood next to the air-con unit and began explaining what had happened with her husband. She sat and listened intently until I had finished.

“So, I’m waiting to see if they’re going to allow this visit to go ahead or not,” I summarised.

Jada took it all in, nodding.

“So, if they decide the other guy had hidden that stuff in their cell, they’ll allow my husband to visit me here?” she finally asked.

“Right, but the other guy, he’s always been very well behaved. It’s more likely the suspicion will fall on your husband,” I explained, “You understand, it’s not a court of law, they don’t have to prove anything. Just suspecting him of involvement will end any possibility of these types of visits for him.”

“So, can we do anything to help his case?” Jada asked.

“No. We just have to wait and see,” I replied.

“Oh, come on Officer Evans. I’m sure there must be something you could do to help him?” Jada purred, getting up from the sofa, “Isn’t there someone you could talk to? Please?”

“Er… I don’t know about that, Mrs. King,” I replied.

Jada approached me, quite close in fact.

“Because if you can think of a way of helping him, I’d be very grateful,” Jada grinned, pushing her tits together with her hands, “I mean, very, very grateful. You know?”

My mind raced, knowing what she was offering me, trying to work out how I might help her husband. Back at the holding area, the guard had mentioned that all the contraband had been discovered wrapped in an orange cloth behind the toilet in the cell. It gave me an idea.

“I guess I could speak to the cell block supervisor,” I told Jada.

“And say what?” she asked, running her finger across my chest.

“Well, when the contraband was discovered, it was found wrapped in an orange cloth. If I tell him I happened to see your husband’s cellmate with the same orange cloth yesterday, suspicion will fall on him, rather than your husband.”

“Even though that’s not true?” Jada asked, grinning up at me, “You think it will work?”

“Look, I can’t promise it will, but I can try,” I told her honestly.

“But you promise you will try?” she asked firmly.

I nodded.

“Well, alright then. Why don’t you come over here, baby?” Jada purred, leading me over to the sofa.

She sat me down, then removed her flimsy robe, revealing her huge, fantastic tits again. She then gently pushed me back into the sofa and moved to sit astride me. Finally, she held her tits in her hands and smiled at me.

“Is this what you want?” Jada grinned, putting her hand around the back of my neck, and pushing my face in between her incredible breasts, “I can tell you’re a big boob fiend. Ain’t that right?”

I nodded, grabbing her huge melons, caressing and groping, as I kissed and licked them with my tongue. The weight of them was amazing, the biggest tits I had ever seen.

“Yeah, I knew it. I see guys like you at my job all the time,” Jada continued.

“Your job?” I managed, in between mouthfuls of her nipples.

“Yeah, at The Landing Strip? I dance there three times a week,” Jada explained, “I’m the one that’s gotta make that money, you know, since my husband’s incarceration.”

“Uh-huh,” I mumbled, as I sucked on her tits for all I was worth.

So, Mrs. King was a stripper. That explained the outfit she had arrived in, I guess. I had heard of The Landing Strip; it was a strip club a couple of towns over to the west, although I had never been there. Perhaps I should visit, although I was getting a much better interactive experience right here.

“Course I just dance up on stage there, nothing like this. But I got a shitload of regulars now that come to see these titties bounce and jiggle,” Jada explained, giggling, “They’re all big tit hounds like you, always sticking dollar bills in my bikini top and trying to cop a feel. What they wouldn’t give to be in your position right now.”

Jada leaned down and kissed me on the lips, long and wet. As she did so, her hands moved to my groin and began massaging my already hard cock through my uniform. She slipped her tongue into my mouth, caressing my tongue with hers.

“Well, what do you think?” she finally said, looking down at the bulge in my pants, “Shall I release the beast?”

I nodded, and Jada grinned, getting onto her knees on the floor in front of me. She untied my shoes and removed them. She then began unbuckling my belt, loaded with my pepper spray and stun gun. She tossed these to one side.

“You won’t be needing those, honey,” she smiled.

Jada then pulled down my uniform trousers, removed them, and tossed them over her shoulder. Finally, she grinned, and slowly pulled down my boxer shorts, my cock popping up to greet her, almost hitting her in the face.

“Wow, hello there,” Jada giggled, looking lustily at my hard dick, and then pulling off my boxer shorts.

Jada spread my legs. She put one of the cushions from the sofa under her knees, and then with a big grin, bent down to kiss my shaft. She ran her lips up and down the side of my shaft, her fingers moving to hold and fondle my balls.

Finally, Jada took the head of my cock in her mouth and began sucking me, her head bobbing up and down in my lap. It wasn’t long before my cock was at full power.

“You got a very nice sized cock here, Officer Evans,” Jada grinned up at me in between mouthfuls of dick, giggling, “I haven’t sucked a white dick in a long time.”

“Is that right?” I smirked, moving one hand to hold the back of her head, the other to grope her huge tits again.

“Yeah, I had quite a few white boyfriends before I was married,” Jada continued, “I’d forgotten how much fun it is sucking off a white guy.”

Jada went back to sucking again. Her technique was incredible. She was making sure it was a very wet, sloppy blowjob. She would occasionally spit on my cock or let saliva drip off her lips onto my dick and balls.

Jada made sure her tongue was pressed against the underside of my dick as she sucked me. It felt amazing, to not only feel her lips but her tongue as well. Sometimes she was sucking just the head as her hands jerked the shaft. It was like getting a blowjob and a hand-job at the same time.

She didn’t ignore my balls either, licking and sucking them, even taking them in her mouth. Whilst she did this she continued to slowly jerk my saliva-coated cock with her dainty little hands.

She even deep-throated me from time to time, making little gagging noises as her nose pressed into my stomach, and my cock into the back of her throat. Her tongue would come out and lick my balls as she did this which was a pretty neat trick.

Jada took the base of my cock in her hand and beat the head of cock all over her face. As she did so she gave me a huge grin, looking me right in the eye for the longest time, blowing me kisses, as the head of my dick bounced across her beautiful face. Eventually, she went back to sucking me again.

As Jada sucked, she made lots of lovely noisy sucking and slobbering sounds. It was, without doubt, the best blowjob I had ever had. I thought I should tell her as such.

 “Oh fuck, yeah,” I moaned, “This is the best. The fucking best.”

“The best you’ve ever had?” Jada asked, grinning up at me.

I nodded.

“Do you have a wife? Or girlfriend?” she asked in between mouthfuls of cock.

“Girlfriend,” I moaned.

“Let me guess. Is she white?” Jada smiled.

I nodded. Jada giggled.

“What?” I asked, smiling.

“White girls just ain’t no good at sucking dick,” Jada replied, “You want a great blowjob, you need a black girl, honey.”

“Really? Why would that be?” I asked, intrigued.

“I think most black men expect a great blowjob, so black women learn how to deliver that, you know?” Jada explained, grinning up at me still, as she fondled my balls, “White men seem to be grateful for any kind of blowjob, no matter how good or bad. So, I think white women just do the bare minimum.”

“I see,” I replied.

“I mean, my mother told me when I was in my late teens that, you know, if I wanted to get a guy or keep a guy, I’d better start learning to work that dick with my mouth,” Jada continued.

“Your own mother told you that?” I asked, incredulous.

“Yeah, I mean me and my mom were pretty close, and back then we would talk about everything,” Jada grinned, “But she was right. And so I made sure I got real good at sucking dick. If I ever wanted anything from a guy, or I wanted to steal a guy from another woman, you know, one great blowjob later and he was all mine.”

Jada and I both laughed.

“Before I was married, I sucked off a lot of men. I mean a lot,” Jada giggled, “The white guys were always more fun though cos they were always so grateful. I guess cos they weren’t used to being treated like that maybe.”

Jada grinned and went back to slobbering over my cock some more.

“Ah, Jada, you’re incredible,” I told her as she sucked me, playing with my balls with her fingers.

Mrs. Jada King continued to kiss, lick, and suck my cock for the next ten minutes or so. She would suck me strong and urgent, building up a fast rhythm. But as soon as she saw I was getting close she would slow her pace, and suck me more sensually. She went through these phases a few times.

I wondered what her husband Jackson was thinking right now, stuck in the holding cell back in the main building, awaiting his fate. Certainly, he couldn’t have any idea that his wife’s mouth was full of hard white cock. The fact that that cock belonged to one of the hated guards would have made it even worse, if he did find out what his wife was currently engaged in.

I had to make sure all this remained a secret. Otherwise, I would surely become a target for Jackson King and his gang of trusted inmates he kept around himself at all times.

I noticed as she continued sucking me, her left hand was now inside her panties, frigging herself off.

“Do you think my husband will make it down here later today if your plan works?” Jada finally said.

I explained I would try, but it was possible by the time they hopefully decided her husband had nothing to do with the contraband, that it would be too late for the visit with his wife, and might reschedule it for another day.

“I was afraid you might say that,” Jada said, getting up off her knees in front of me.

She then removed her panties. I noticed her pubic hair had been mostly shaved clean, with a small area neatly trimmed into the shape of an arrow pointing down to her pussy. She then clambered onto the sofa, sitting astride me.

“Sucking always gets me so wet,” Jada panted in my ear, “And I need some fucking dick today.”

She then took my cock in hand, spread her legs a little wider, and slowly inserted it into her waiting pussy. It was true, she was quite wet, and I easily slipped inside as she lowered herself onto me.

“Oh, fuck, yesss,” Jada moaned, as she took my cock right to the hilt.

She unbuttoned my shirt, pulling it off me and tossing it behind her. She then placed her hands on my chest and began slowly working her pussy up and down my rock-hard shaft. Soon she was happily bouncing in my lap, her ass slapping against my thighs, her huge tits jiggling and swaying in front of my eyes.

I grabbed her tits and buried my face in them.

“Oh, yeah. This is what I needed,” Jada told me, panting, as she continued to ride me, “I haven’t had any dick in almost a year.”

I smiled to myself between her tits. Her husband had been here in prison for three years and nine months. So whatever lucky bastard had gotten to fuck Jada last, it sure hadn’t been her husband.

I wondered how often Jada had cheated on her husband since his incarceration. You certainly couldn’t blame her; she was a very attractive, sexy woman. Why should she miss out just because her husband was stupid enough to get caught up in crime?

I grabbed onto her bouncing ass, my face still buried in her tits as she continued to fuck me. Jada moaned and whimpered as she rode my cock. I watched as Jada’s trimmed arrow of pubic hair moved up and down, pointing to my dick inside her.

“Oh fuck,” Jada cried, “I love big hard white cock. Let me get off, and then you can take me to the bedroom and do whatever you want to me.”

Jada began bouncing up and down on my dick with more urgency now, and her moans and cries became louder and more frequent. I grabbed her hips, pulling her down onto my cock as she bounced, encouraging her.

A few more minutes of Jada bouncing in my lap, and her cries were now very loud indeed. It was lucky there was no one outside the trailer to hear them. Jada finally gave out a final long, scream, as she climaxed, collapsing on top of me.

I could feel her pussy muscles pulsating and contracting around my cock, as she panted and whimpered in my ear.

“Oh, god, I went off like a rocket,” Jada finally murmured, “Come on then, honey.”

She got back up onto her feet, and then pulled me up off the sofa too and led me to the bedroom. From her bag she pulled the tube of lube, and squirted some over her breasts, rubbing it in with her hands with a grin.

“I know you wanna fuck these, don’t you honey?” Jada purred, continuing to massage the lube into her enormous glistening tits, “I’ll bet just about every man I’ve ever met since I was sixteen has secretly thought about slipping his cock in between my tits.”

“I’m sure you’re right,” I smirked.

Jada sat on the side of the bed, and I moved to stand in front of her. However, the bed was a little low, so Jada grabbed a couple of pillows, and sat on top of them, on the edge of the bed. Her feet didn’t quite reach the floor, but more importantly, Jada’s chest was now at exactly the right height for me. She rubbed some lube onto my cock, then held her tits together for me.

I pushed my cock in between her massive mammaries and began gliding in and out of them. The slippery sensation was amazing. The head of my dick would appear at the top of her cleavage, then disappear between all that ebony tit-flesh, only to reappear a second later.

Jada stared up at me as I pumped away at her huge melons, grinning.

“That’s it darling, you fuck those tits,” she instructed, blowing me a kiss.

I banged away at her bosom for a few minutes more, before taking control and getting her up onto the bed on her hands and knees. Her amazing ass was positioned right in front of me, as I stood behind her. I quickly pushed my rock-hard cock inside Jada and began fucking her doggy style.

The sight of her bouncing, jiggling ass was incredible. I slapped her ass as I fucked her, which she seemed to enjoy as she encouraged me to do it again and again.

For the next twenty minutes or so, we switched positions between doggy style, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, and finally back to doggy style again. All the while Jada moaned, whimpered and cried out with every thrust of my dick.

Finally, I could feel my balls starting to tighten, and knew I wasn’t going to last much longer. I wanted to feel Jada’s lips around my cock again before I came. I told her to turn around on her hands and knees on the bed, as I stood at the side, her face right in front of my cock.

Jada grinned up at me, as I pushed my cock into her waiting mouth, and held her head in my hands. I then began thrusting in and out of her mouth, face-fucking her. She moaned and gagged as I did so, saliva running over her lips and dripping onto the bedspread below.

I was extremely close now, and so pulled out, slapping my dick over her face as I jerked myself off.

“That’s it, baby, gimme that spunk,” Jada grinned up at me.

With that, I erupted, shooting spurt after spurt of white-hot come across Jada’s face and open mouth. When I was eventually spent, and my balls drained, Jada’s face was plastered in my spunk. She sucked the last few drops from the end of my cock, giggling.

“Well, I need to get cleaned up,” she finally said, wiping some of my sperm from her face, “And you need to go get my husband off the hook.”

“Right,” I said, panting.

Jada went into the bathroom, and I heard the shower being turned on. I went back to the living room, to retrieve my clothes and get dressed. When I eventually looked decent again, I knocked on the bathroom door.

“I’m leaving now Mrs. King. Remember to stay here in the trailer until I return,” I said.

“Okay, babe,” I heard her say.

I then left the trailer and headed back to the main building. Jada was quite a woman and certainly knew how to get what she wanted.

Back inside the main building, I spoke to the cellblock supervisor about Mrs. King’s husband. The supervisor said they still hadn’t gotten any further in their investigation. I then dropped into the conversation that I had seen Jackson King’s cellmate yesterday with the orange cloth that the contraband had been found in. The supervisor wrote this information into his report, and I went on my way.

I visited Jackson King down in his holding cell, checking he was alright. I couldn’t help but think about all the wonderful things I had just done to his wife’s incredible body.

An hour or so later, the cellblock supervisor came down to tell me they had decided that it must have been Jackson King’s cellmate that was the guilty party. However, it was now too late to begin Mr. King’s family visit with his wife, and told me to arrange it for the following week. He arranged to have Jackson King sent back to his cell.

I left the main building to return to Mrs. King to give her the news. Although Jada was slightly disappointed that she would not be able to see her husband today, she was happy that our plan had worked, and he was still allowed to have family visits with her.

I arranged a date for her to return next week.

“Well, you really came through for me,” Jada said as we walked back to the main building together, “I wonder if we might continue our arrangement next week?”

Jada explained she wanted to bring some ‘creature comforts’ for her husband next week. If I would turn a blind eye to her giving him some extra snacks, magazines, books, tobacco, and the like, then we could have another session of fun before she met with her husband again.

I told Jada as long as the gifts she was going to bring did not have anything that would be considered contraband like drugs or weapons, I was certainly up for it.

Jada waved goodbye to me back in the visitor center, and I watched her make her way out to her car in the parking lot. She was quite an incredible woman. I couldn’t wait for her next visit…

Published 3 years ago

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