Freezeframe six.
Been a while, hasn’t it? But like I said, once things got going, it would have been crass to interrupt these three. And in a spirit of full disclosure the action isn’t literally frozen at this point. No need. Jed is still laid out on the bed like a first aid mannequin, waiting for lust’s resuscitation. The girls meanwhile are tonguing traces of cum from each other’s lips once more, eyeing the man who’s just fucked the last of the schoolgirl out of their teenage selves. Sure, their debaucher might rise again like Michael Myers in a Halloween chapter’s inevitable final twist; but like girl-pals watching from their cinema seats, they’ll shiver and squeal in delicious fright, rather than run scared. Thing is, they’re in the frame with Michael, only it’s a cock he’s been wielding, not a kitchen knife… Okay, fuck the figurative. Suffice to say Lily and Clara are in a happy daze, the ecstasy and the sextasy carrying both, even sweet Lil, on a smooth current of bliss.
And what of our fallen horny teacher? How’s he faring now that he’s shot his wad so profusely over these pretty poppets’ warm skin? I’m not talking about his being spent – those balls will replenish soon enough, the quicker with such manifold teen possibilities at his currently unemployed fingertips. I mean regarding post-coital conscience, the type that would have plagued him this time last year had he succumbed to young temptress Tori after prom.
Let this inner dialogue tell you all you need to know:
Jekyll-Jed: I’ve done it now. Fucked girls young enough to be my students.
Jed-Hyde: Yes, you have, and it’s been a long time coming.
Jekyll-Jed: It’s going to fuck with my head something rotten.
Jed-Hyde: Only if you let it.
Jekyll-Jed: I’ll be teaching in a few days’ time…
Jed-Hyde: A hundred miles away. That’s there, this is here. That’s then. This is now. Stick with that.
Jekyll-Jed: Fair enough. Still… Fuck. Shit. I’ve actually gone and done it.
Jed-Hyde: So you might as well do it again.
Jekyll-Jed: True too.
Jed-Hyde: And you’re going to do it again.
Jekyll-Jed: Mmhmm. Yup. Yes I am.
Jed-Hyde: So why are we having this conversation?
Jekyll-Jed: Fuck knows.
Jed-Hyde: That’s right. Fuck knows. So pay attention and do what fuck says.
Jekyll-Jed: I will. Soon as I get my strength back.
And that, friends, won’t take long – not with the naked nubiles still savouring Jed’s ball-juice in and around each other’s mouth. Plus, he knows something else that’ll speed the process. ‘Hey,’ he says, keen to capitalise on the lust that continues to simmer within him and these girls. (It gives them a Twilight-esque sheen, a reference – Jed reaslises with a shock – they’re possibly too young to get.) ‘Come give this older guy some tender loving care. Seeing as you’ve just ‘broken’ him.’
Lily and Clara part, sticky and breathless, and descend to his level, a place where each of them now finds herself totally at home. They snuggle close, cocooning him in warm, bare, teenage flesh. Both are giddy and smirking, Clara swimming in an element for which she clearly feels she was born, and Lily too deeply submerged by now to feel self-conscious. Or that’s Jed’s hope, considering what he has in mind.
He plants a languid kiss on each girl’s accepting mouth and squeezes the bridesmaid closer, so that her prim tits nestle into him. ‘Be a helpful little slut and go fetch my phone,’ he says, his nose brushing hers. ‘I need to change the mood music.’
‘Yes, teacher.’ Her smile is coy but mischievous as she scampers, happily nude, about her task.
Now Jed pulls Clara close, plumping her tits against his ribs. ‘I’m going to need your help,’ he says into her ear.
‘You’ve got it.’ Her assurance is instant, unquestioning, and ripe with conspiratorial glee. She’s provided it before Lily returns with the phone.
‘Thanks, Lil.’ He takes the device and silences Nine Inch Nails, not bothering to replace the song with anything else. ‘Bit too raucous for such a tender moment,’ he tells the girls, as they cuddle either side of him, their softness caressing his body. His stretched-out hands caress in return. ‘And we’ve all got to be such good friends, haven’t we?’
‘Mmhmm.’ Lily nuzzles his shoulder and traces leisurely around his nipple with a finger.
‘Fucking good friends,’ Clara affirms.
‘Something we’re going to double down on very shortly. But first…’ Jed opens WhatsApp on his phone, holding the display close to his nose while he clears his chat with Rebecca. He can’t risk the girls reading the exchange with his trans-Atlantic confidant, seeing as her most recent encouragement referenced his owning ‘those bitches’ holes’. Done. ‘I have a slutty ex in America,’ he says, melding truth with fiction to serve his evil purpose, ‘who keeps me up to speed with all the cock she’s enjoying. Whether I want to hear about it or not.’
‘Dirty bitch,’ Clara says.
‘That’s so out of order,’ Lily chimes in, clearly affronted on her new favourite teacher’s behalf.
‘Isn’t it? So you’ll pardon me if I exact a little revenge.’ He thumbs the voicemail icon and speaks into the phone. ‘Becky,’ he says, adding an ironically affectionate twist to his friend’s shortened name, ‘you’re not the only one being social this weekend. I’ve got me some swell company, as in they swell my dick so hard it fucking hurts.’ He glances at the teens. ‘Want to say hello, girls?’
Jed proffers the phone to Clara first, and the brunette protégé takes the cue not dropping a beat. ‘Yeah – Hi, Becky,’ she says, her features bright with wickedness. ‘I’m Clara. He’s supplying a whole lot of dick, your ex, and he knows what to do with it once it’s swollen. Doesn’t he, Lil?’
‘Well, Lil?’ Jed inquires, shoving the phone to the startled bridesmaid’s lips. ‘Think I know what to do with my dick?’
She remains momentarily confused, before rallying. ‘What? Oh – God yes! He fucked us both good! So, so good…’
‘Yeah, and he made us fuck each other,’ Clara embellishes, homing in on the phone’s mic. ‘Didn’t he, Lil?’
‘Uh-huh,’ Lily confesses, voice faltering at the shameful recollection that yet visibly excites her. ‘Yes – yes, he did.’
‘And we’re going to do it all again,’ Clara adds with relish, as much to her friend as to the phone. ‘All of it.’
‘Are we?’ Lily stares at her friend, then looks to Jed for clarification.
‘Yup,’ he confirms. ‘All and more.’
‘Oh Jesus…’ Lily says weakly, her true feelings betrayed by the trapping of that lip between her teeth. ‘See, Becky? We’re not done yet.’
‘Shit no,’ Clara calls, assuming an American yee-haw twang. ‘Now let’s get right back to that dick.’
‘Got to go,’ Jed says in a parting shot. ‘As you can hear, busyness beckons.’ He thumbs the Send arrow on his screen and watches in satisfaction as the message transfers. ‘Not much she can say to that, now is there?’ He grins at his nude companions as the voicemail circles, checking to see that it’s landed in his Rebecca-chat. ‘Got to fight fire with fire.’
‘Course she’ll probably say we’re just some friends of yours faking it,’ Clara points out, picking up his thread more nimbly than he dared hope she would. ‘If she’s that much of a bitch.’
‘She is,’ Jed says, casual as fuck. ‘Forget her.’
But Clara is indignant. ‘Not a chance. Let’s show her.’ She grabs her friend’s wrist, startling the other girl with her intentions. ‘C’mon, Lil.’
‘But… We shouldn’t… I can’t…’ Lily’s fingers tease her lips in trepidation.
‘No need,’ Jed says, trusting Clara to bring this one home. ‘I shouldn’t even have done the voicemail thing.’
‘Yes, you should!’ The brunette is insistent, but Lily’s conflicted stare contrasts with her eagerness. She so wants to licence her own naughtiness this one step further.
‘Look,’ Jed says, loving the shit out of the whole development, ‘how about this? Just photos, no faces. We won’t even use my phone.’ He tosses the device bouncing over the covers. ‘We’ll use one of yours, so you can decide together which pics I should have. Deal?’
Clara looks to the fraught Lily, who finally provides a nod of consent. ‘Get your phone,’ Clara proceeds to urge her pal. ‘I so want our naughty naked pictures on it.’
Lily breaks into motion, like she can no longer resist the idea’s appeal. Then she stalls. ‘Shit, I don’t want to see Mum’s messages.’
‘Fair enough,’ Clara says with a pragmatism born of lust. ‘We’ll use mine and fuck your Mum. No offence.’
‘None taken,’ Lily mumbles, as Clara scrambles from bed to dresser like a horny wildling to retrieve her phone from her purse.
Jed takes one look at the freshly trembling Lily and grabs her, tonguing her mouth hard. The girl’s fingers seize on his upper arms and she melts into him, like her body allows no other choice. ‘That’s it,’ he tells her, gripping her slender arms, their spit-connected mouths mere inches apart. ‘Good girl. Don’t obey her or me. Obey your pussy, okay?’
‘And – what does your pussy tell you?’
‘To obey you,’ Lily says, with such unflinching sincerity it shocks him. ‘To obey my teacher.’
‘Christ,’ he breaths to the newly returned Clara, who’s squishing up to them both, phone in hand. ‘Don’t you just love her?’
‘To little fucking pieces,’ Clara says, before slapping the device into Jed’s palm and savaging her friend’s mouth, briefly but hungrily, with her own. ‘You’re not allowed to photo that shit,’ she says, letting a giddy Lily absorb the kiss, while she shows Jed how her phone’s camera work. ‘But, seriously, take anything else you damn well like.’
Jed sets the phone down, so he can grab the back of each girl’s head and shove the two of them together. ‘Then since I can’t snap it, let me enjoy it some more.’ They lock at the mouth and savour each other fully, as the educator’s lust reasserts itself in phallic form. ‘That’s enough,’ he says, dragging them apart, their reluctantly parted lips still drooling. ‘You can make out plenty when you’re alone together.’ (Clara’s smirk is acknowledgement that she intends it, Lily’s flushed and solemn face no less confirmatory.) ‘But right now, it’s teacher-time. Hard lessons, okay?’
‘Yes Sir,’ Clara says, while Lily just stares.
Jed twists his fist tighter into the dishevelled bridesmaid’s hair. ‘Okay?’
‘Okay, mmhmm, yes Sir,’ she triply asserts, keen that her silence is not misinterpreted as hesitation. ‘Hard is good.’
‘Hard is good,’ he says, giving himself over to the Devil so that diabolism smiles all over his face. ‘Hard is very good.’ He grips both girls with force to match his words and drags them up into kneeling. ‘And we’ll get to that. But first – do either of you girls know what tribbing is?’
Facial Reactions
Clara: Oh fuck, I’ve heard of that – it’s really dirty, right? Remind me, puh-lease!!!
Lily: Oh god, not a clue – so it must be completely filthy. And you’re going to show me right now, of course, aren’t you? Oh goddddd…
‘Let’s clarify,’ Jed says. He has Rebecca to thank for providing him the technical term; the act itself he’s enjoyed watching since the first time he witnessed it. Onscreen is good, but as live sport it’ll be so much better. Taking hold of Lily, he puts her on her back and parts her thighs to a full right-angle, splaying her lips wide. ‘There,’ he says to Clara, gripping the girl’s waist and manhandling her till she’s kneeling between her friend’s spread legs. ‘Sling your leg over and go cunt to cunt. You fancy the fuck out of her, so you’ll work out how it’s done.’
‘Shit…’ Clara breathes pure desire as she descends on the panting Lily, hands grappling, lust working out the logistics. She pacifies the object of her need with a firmly planted mouth-kiss. Jed moves to support the blonde girl’s head through what’s next. He doesn’t want the sweet thing to miss a second of this. His recharged cock nudges Lily’s neck as he cradles her; together they watch Clara taking full charge.
Keeping one knee rooted between Lily’s thighs, the brunette swings a leg outside, stretching her body long and moving in close again, skin on skin, tit squishing against tit. She envelopes Lily within her short but robust frame, drawing her into a near-suffocating kiss and pressing tight as she does it. When she pushes her body free and sits upright, Jed sees it – the delta of each girl’s body crammed against the other, Clara grinding steadily, rhythmically against her friend.
Lily gasps at the sensation and stares with Jed down the length of her slender body at its source. ‘Oh god… Oh god…’ she moans, like she can’t believe what’s happening to her now. Clara’s face is a picture of revelatory delight. Why the fuck have I never done this before? She eases off a moment, spits on her fingers and rubs the foaming moisture all over Lily’s clit, glancing knowingly up at Jed before fixing her stare on the keening bridesmaid and rolling her hips more insistently.
Her confidence and daring seem to escalate with whatever glorious sensation she’s experiencing in her cunt. With one hand she presses down on Lily’s thigh, raising the girl’s leg high into the air and stretching out the angle where their crotches meet. Her other palm rests lightly on Lily’s opposing calf, and she sits firm in the saddle she’s created, legs forked either side of her friend, rocking her hips to the tune of a rapid metrical squelch.
‘Look at that.’ Jed props up Lily’s head in his lap to ensure her direct view, wrapping her tumbled locks around his newly turgid shaft as he supports her. ‘Check out what your BFF’s doing to you.’ She sees, hears and feels it; the moans issuing from her slack-jawed mouth testify loudly to that.
The mashing of Clara’s clit against her own is causing her whole body to tauten and her nipples to jut in hard little points, and as for the accompanying image, it’s transfixing. Not just the regular grating of one wet snatch upon another, but the vision of her lusty teen friend sitting high, breasts thrusting proudly, and thighs split in a wide downward V to rest her squarely on Lily’s helpless, oozing gash.
‘Ohhhhhh…’ Lily’s voice aches, one vaguely flapping hand falling to rest on Clara’s thigh.
‘Pull your leg back, Lil,’ the saddled brunette says, her shoulders and chest glinting with perspiration as she rocks. ‘Stretch yourself out some more.’
Lily does it, utterly in thrall to her hot friend and to the needs of her own compressed and soaking cunt. They’re working together now in the pursuit of orgasm – Clara clit-mashing her bestie like she’s wanted to fuck this piece of hotness forever, Lily taking it like how the hell else would she want to spend the night of her cousin’s wedding?
Jed wanks himself with Lily’s hair still wrapped around his cock, scarcely able to credit the success of his ‘tribbing’ instruction. His other had reaches for Clara’s phone, primed as the device is to capture these precious moments in time. He’s aiming it right at the girls’ lewd pelvic connection when the phone’s owner intervenes. ‘Film it.’ He looks up and Clara’s sweating face is livid with horny purpose. ‘I want to watch this all back,’ she insists as she ruts. Gladly he complies, thumbing the video function and hitting Record, letting it soak up the intensifying action.
‘That’s it, girls,’ he snarls, his voice a barely identifiable rasp. ‘Grind those cunts. Get yourselves off all over again.’
‘Just fucking watch me,’ Clara breaths, adopting some of Jed’s growling ferocity, whether or not she’s aware of it. She reaches back for Lily’s calf and attaches her other hand to the girl’s heel right below that ceiling-pointed foot, stretching her even wider than before. Planted firmly on her mind-and-clit-smacked friend, she wriggles and rocks – a cowgirl boss-bitch, taking what she damn well wants from someone she didn’t even know she desired like this till now. Jed allows the phone-cam to stray upwards, taking in those tautened tummy muscles and perspiration-beaded tits, but stopping short of her face. Borne up on Jed’s lap, Lily croons her helplessly mounting anticipation, fixating like the camera lens on what is being done to her, both of her hands now clawing into Clara’s thighs.
‘Ride her,’ Jed enthuses, jacking himself harder, a bead of precum swelling at his tip, to trickle and ooze into Lily’s hair. ‘Ride this bitch.’
‘I’m riding her,’ Clara says, her voice feral as she scissors repeatedly against her bosom pal. ‘God, I want to fuck her,’ she hisses between her teeth. ‘Wish I had a fucking cock so I could damn well fuck her…’
‘You will do,’ Jed says, knowing beyond doubt that Clara won’t be done with her friend once he’s left them. ‘You’ll improvise. If not tonight, soon. As for now, you’ll just have to borrow mine.’
‘Fucking right,’ Clara says, grinding hard into the epically moaning Lily. ‘That beast of yours will be back inside her soon. Back inside both of us. Right after me and this fucking dirty slut have cum…’
She makes it happen, gripping Lily’s wide-parted legs and shifting on her in a move that causes the brunette’s entire upright body to undulate, while the blonde shifts back and forth upon the covers. Jed records it all while wanking himself, careful (though it grieves him) not to include Clara’s face. At least the phone absorbs all sound, as Clara and Lily cum. The horny cowgirl peaks first, releasing the breath she’s been holding in as her slippery tension hits an explosive crescendo. Her release is long and loud, and she feels it in both soul and cunt, that much is clear. It harmonises with Lily’s high-pitched sorrowful rapture – the sound of a girl mourning something lost, while welcoming in some other thing, bright and new and wonderful.
Leave your teen fumblings behind, bitches. THIS is sex. Jed’s borrowed lens captures the most intimate part of it – the extended silky cunt-kiss, two schoolgirls blossoming as they mingle their freely flowing juice.
Clara wilts gradually onto Lily, both young women still moaning their bliss. Jed lets it play out, waiting till their keening duet has subsided into long and voiceless gasping. Then he acts. Gash on gash is fine, but when teen pussies weep in such mutual profusion, teen mouths should benefit. Driven by this thought, he abandons his hold on Lily. Standing tall on the bed, Jed strides to where Clara is reclining, hauls her off her back, and, with a few curt instructions, manhandles her face-to-cunt on top of Lily, her sweaty body slithering against his cock as he effects the transition.
‘There, have a taste of what you’ve done.’ Before he’s finished speaking, Clara’s tongue is diving to lap Lily’s slit, her hands sliding under the girl’s thighs to raise her up, aiding better access. Jed scrambles the length of their entwining bodies, to where Clara’s cunt is oozing over Lily’s waiting tongue. The bridesmaid is clearly cultivating her palate where her friend’s pussy is concerned, but Jed feels some encouragement is still required. ‘Don’t wait for her to come to you,’ he says, grabbing Lily by the hair and shoving her face squarely into Clara’s drizzling cunt. ‘Go to her. That’s it. Eat her. Feast on her. Fuck her. You know the drill by now, Lily, so show me what you can damn well do.’
Lily’s tongue plunges, her hands laying hold of Clara’s ass and pulling it tight to her, so that Jed no longer needs to support her head. She’s devouring her friend like a young she-wolf, fingers pressing to pliant ass-flesh, soaking face buried between her best pal’s slickened thighs. Clara in turn grips and stretches, tongue-fucking her hot opposite, slurping every trickle of cunt-juice she can reach, and thereby summoning more.
Jed surveys the sixty-nineing pair in renewed and stiff-cocked awe. Then Hyde snaps him back into action and he joins the party he’s just revitalised. Crouching above Lily’s head, he lays hold of Clara’s waist, fits his cock where the blonde girl has been lapping, and thrusts his length back inside the terminally sopping brunette. She groans into Lily’s cunt and clamps tighter to the girl’s thighs, eating more ravenously still as her pussy takes a renewed pounding. Jed clutches that sexily padded waistline and spears with vigour, his fast-replenishing balls brushing against Lily’s nose and forehead as he pistons back and forth.
He pulls out, dripping root-to-tip, and clambers to the other end of this two-girl tongue-fuck fiesta, where Lily’s licked-out hole is stretched and waiting. Clara prises her upper body clear, sitting more squarely on her friend’s mouth in the name of allowing Jed’s cock full access to the opposing hole. He fits himself and shafts, hard. Clara leans back and grinds on the bridesmaid’s smothered face as Jed goes right at it – fucking that schoolgirl’s cunt like she’s a seasoned hooker. And the more Lily moans into Clara’s humping crotch, the harder he gives it to her.
‘Fuck yes,’ he grates, his lust in full flame, a thrashing rock-band raging in his head now, not on his phone. ‘My kind of wedding. Not all bliss is married, right?’
‘Right,’ Clara affirms, squishing all over Lily’s face as Jed draws lewd squelching sounds of his own from the blonde girl’s plundered hole. ‘I’ve got more bliss coming…’
‘I’ll bet you fucking have, you little slut,’ Jed says, extracting himself from Lily and climbing tall on the covers once more, cock buoyant and glistening, right in Clara’s eyeline.
‘I want it,’ the brunette says, reaching like an addict for her rock-hard drug of choice. Jed doesn’t make her wait, guiding his glans between her velvet lips as he grips her head, then surging past her tongue all the way down her horny bitch throat. He face-fucks the hell out of young Clara, holding her tight in place as he assaults her trachea, balls slapping her chin each time he spears into those salivating depths. When he pulls out of her ravaged mouth, enveloping slime trails after, having coated every throbbing inch of him. Clara is left teary-eyed and drooling.
‘Fuck…’ she pants. ‘You big-dicked bastard.’ Her eyes glint with passion and she goes after him for more, swallowing him up, gobbling and sucking like the wedding banquet never happened. Her whorish audacity makes him grin. ‘Christ,’ she gasps, coming off for air, ‘it still tastes of this one.’ She wriggles her hips on poor Lily, trailing her tongue around Jed’s shaft in search of residual cunty traces.
Jed figures he should go ingest some fuel for the final stretch. ‘Want some more of her?’ he asks, reasserting his grip on Clara’s hair. Without waiting for a response, he propels her all the way down, planting her face firmly between Lily’s thighs. ‘Then go back to the source.’
He leaves the girls tongue-deep in each other’s cooch and retrieves his amateur drug kit from the bathroom. Both Lily and Clara are moaning their way towards Christ knows which orgasm numerically speaking, while he taps out half the contents of the remaining sachet and lines it (dampened fingers serving for the card he left in his tux). He snorts it up as the girls writhe towards new ecstasy, then realises the trick he’s missing in circumstances as debauched as these. The rest of the coke he spills out onto Clara’s shifting, sweating back from the beginning of her ass cleft up her spine. Foregoing the use of his straw he simply gets in close. His cock is resting against one of Lily’s tits as, starting at Clara’s bum crack, he vacuums along the ridge of gently dissolving powder. Then he shifts his way around the orally copulating pair, resting hands on Clara’s rapidly humping ass as his tongue retrieves the rest of his pharmaceutical pick-me-up.
There’s that immediate psychological hit ahead of the chemical one, and it compels Jed to new wickedness. Kneeling behind the assiduously slurping Lily, he parts Clara’s cheeks for clear access to his goal. Cocaine is still melting on Jed’s tongue when he stretches it to a muscled point and thrusts it deep into the tight knot of Clara’s asshole. The brunette girl’s body jolts, and she utters a responsive yelp into Lily’s cunt as she continues to eat it. Jed grips her juicy ass and tongue-fucks her rear passage, driving her already heated body to overload. Attacked in both holes, Clara explodes into a paroxysm of orgasmic bliss that explode all over Lily’s face. Whatever she’s doing at the other end in reaction, it triggers an equivalent response, for the bridesmaid is mewling even as she splutters, her body writhing frantically in captivity beneath Clara, hips visibly bucking against her friend’s nose and mouth. It’s like Jed’s pressing of that anal button has sent both girls into a shuddering teen fuck-frenzy, all quivering flesh and involuntarily humping cunt-holes, creaming each other in a fresh tide of uniquely girlish lust.
The teacher’s cock is forged steel. His teen treats may be lost in their gushing euphoria, but he has a thirst of his own, and the means of slaking it is inches from his rearing head. Clara has barely done anointing Lily’s face, when he rolls her off her friend, spreading her legs wide. ‘God, you girls drive me crazy,’ he says, aware as he fits himself that he made the insanity happen. He grabs Clara’s thighs and thrusts, forcefully and deep.
It’s her cunt that he impales, but, as he bottoms out inside this gasping young woman, he has another hole in mind – one he recently explored with his tongue.
‘God – I could fuck you all night,’ he grunts, powering strokes into Clara’s sopping hole till her tits are a blur of oscillating motion on her chest.
‘Do it,’ she snarls in return, taking him like the slut teen trooper she is. Her fingers claw the rumpled bedspread, and her face contorts like she’s possessed by several competing demons. ‘Fuck my pussy,’ she says fervently, staring the length of her body to his point of entry. ‘Fuck it hard.’ Jed’s fingers squeeze the yielding butter of her hips, and he pounds the living hell out of her, each cushioned impact sending ripples through her body. Lily’s inverted form is writhing gentle on the bed beside him, the girl’s fingers curled into her still oozing pussy, and her head tilted back, mouth agape.
Seizing the moment Jed slides his cock right out of Clara and goes to Lily, dragging the girl backwards till her head hangs over the bed’s edge. The surprised widening of her already sagging jaw works to the teacher’s advantage, as he fits his cock between her lips, grabs hold of her pretty tits and plunges deep into her unprepared and helpless throat. Primal coked-up energy surging through him anew, he fucks her face like he’s still in Clara’s cunt, letting the shocked and gurgling bridesmaid deal with it. Clara meanwhile gawps at the display, momentary regret at the departure of Jed’s cock assuaged by how uncompromisingly he’s putting it to use on her friend.
‘Fuck yes,’ she says, fingers attacking the neglected space between her legs. ‘Fuck her face. Fuck her pretty face, you horny bastard.’
‘That’s what I’m doing,’ Jed says, his breath ragged. ‘Her mouth, her cunt. Your mouth, your cunt. And then…’ He pistons away, riding an ever-rising tide of sexual need. ‘All your holes,’ Jed tells his brunette watcher, gripping Lily’s tits and ravishing her mouth. ‘All hers, and all yours. Know what I mean?’ He drills Clara with his stare, his cock doing the same to Lily’s throat.
Clara’s fingers slow their strumming of her pussy, her face darkening with desire. ‘Uh-huh,’ she says.
‘Then flip over,’ he commands her, ‘and stick that ass in the air. You know what’s coming next. You know it, and you know you want it.’
‘Fuck…’ Clara breathes. ‘I do.’
It’s not the first time Jed’s heard those words this wedding day. But this time they excite him so much more.