Her friend turned and smiled, her satchel clutched against her ample, high set breasts. The other students parted around her as she stood, waiting for Amanda.
Jade’s mother, who was living back with her family on the island of Mindinao, was a Philippino by birth. Her father, an Australian, had married her after a whirlwind romance and Jade was born shortly therafter. Jade had inherited her mother’s beautiful golden, copper coloured skin. Skin that glowed like honey, long straight black hair, massive, dark brown eyes, a small upturned nose and large flat forehead.
She was tall at around five foot eight inches, some four inches taller that Amanda. Her back was straight, her hips and bottom gently curved, swelling into firm thighs that flowed into perfect, long, tanned legs. Her hands were long and slender and as graceful as the wind is cool on a warm summer’s night.
“I didn’t see you on the bus” Jade said as Amanda approached, her smile radiant, perfect white teeth contrasting with amber skin.
“I was up the back” Amanda replied flicking her long straight blonde hair over her shoulder.
The girls moved back into the line of fellow students and continued towards the long, wide verandah of the main school building. “I am not a virgin any more” Amanda whispered to her friend.
“Wow,” Jade said, stopping to examine her friend as if the revelation would be visible.
“Who?” may I ask” she whispered conspiratorially.
“Promise you won’t tell,” Amanda said as they climbed the wide steps onto the verandah.
“As if,” Jade replied.
“My grandad,” Amanda whispered holding Jades arm in her fingers.
“Your who?” Jade said her mouth open in amazement
“Shhhhh” Amanda vocalised. “You heard.”
“How did this happen?” Jade whispered as the girls moved to one side, out of the milling student group.
“Well, he was chatting to your dad on the computer when I visited him in his shed and well we sort of petted a bit and grandad asked your dad to come over and he did and, well it just sort of happened.”
“My dad came over?” Jade queried “before or after you had sex?”
“Ohhhkaaaay. . . . and?”
“Grandad undressed me and himself and we lay on a mattress and he played and then fucked me.”
“While this was going on where was my dad?”
“He watched you with your grandad?” Jade breathed her face a picture of disbelief.
“Yes then he fucked me too. It was soooo beautiful.”
Jade looked stunned at her best friend, perfect mouth open in horror; full lips still, unable to move. Gradually the truth sunk in and she reacted.
“You slut!” she eventually said vehemently. “You dirty slag” her voice rising in anger. “How could you?” she continued as she moved away into the crowd. “Your nothing but a, a, a filthy slut,” she stammered at the top of her voice.
Amanda stood in a daze unable to rationalise the change in her friend. She thought she would be happy for her but this tirade of abuse and the embarrassment with everyone now looking at her in disgust was more than she could take.
That afternoon on her way home in the school bus she sat in the rear, head down, avoiding the stares and comments of the other students. Yesterday had been so wonderful. The culmination of years of dreaming while today, today was the complete opposite. She was devastated. The bus rumbled over the rutted road past the place they had stopped the day before. The day her dream had been realised. The day she had become a woman.
The most wonderful day of her life had ended badly though. Because there was no other way to return home her grandad had driven her in his camper van. They chatted and laughed and, despite feeling bruised and swollen between her thighs, she had fingered her clit, unable to allow the sensations she had enjoyed to end. As they approached the turn off towards her home she realised that she didn’t want the day to be over.
“Grandad,” she had said her hand on his leg, “I want you to fuck me again!”
“What baby? I thought you would have had enough for one day.”
“Please grandad I want to feel you inside me again.”
“What, now, in the camper?”
“Please. Why not.”
Grandad pulled over and looked for a place to park. “There is an old driveway just along from here.” Amanda said. “It’s an old cattle crush that’s overgrown.”
He eased the camper under the low tree branches, the overgrown bushes hiding them from the roadway. They sat in the silence the only noise the gentle ticking as the engine cooled.
“Suck me baby, please,” he said as he opened his trousers and eased his cock out.
Amanda took his cock in her mouth and sucked greedily. He held her head and guided her movements. After several minutes she came up for air.
“Can we get in the back grandad?” she asked
‘Sure baby. Whatever you want.”
After climbing into the back the sliding door closed, they both undressed and lay down on the narrow mattress, their bodies warm against each other, their mouths locked together, hands fondling. His cock was rock hard as she gently stroked, stroked the way she had so many times before. His fingers gently probed her slit, the residue of his cum still apparent, his breathing laboured with the strength of his arousal. Her breasts rose and fell as she panted against his mouth their tongues darting, seeking, exploring.
“Ohhhh,” she moaned. “Ohhhh fuck me grandad. Fuck me please.”
Amanda clung to her legs, her hands behind her knees, holding them back over her shoulders. His cock slipped easily into her swollen vagina. Deep, deep until his balls rested against her thighs. He looked down into her perfect face, her firm breasts exposed to the soft light of a clear full moon, golden hair spread over the bed.
“Ohhhhh,” she sighed. “That feels soooooo good.”
Gently at first his body rose and fell, almost withdrawing his massive length to thrust back into her warm and compliant folds. She shifted herself to bring her clitoris against his shaft as it bottomed out against her. She could feel it’s length impeded by her shallow young vagina, knowing the head of his cock was pushing inexorably into her cervix. Probing, seeking entry.
“Ohhhhhh, fuck me, that’s heaven, grandad. I am in heaven.”
As the sensation rose in his loins the aging grandfather increased his pace, his thrusts becoming harder, his cock moving deeper and deeper. Amanda concentrated on the feeling deep inside her, pushing back against his thrusts, her back arched as he withdrew to allow more impetus as he drove back. The camper van rocked as they became more heated.
“Oh God….. Oh God” Amanda breathed her face flushed her body now alive with sensations, her juices lubricating his wonderful rod of steel.
“Jeeeeesus fuck me, Ohhhhhhh fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” she wailed her voice rising as her body became a quivering mass of new and incredible sensations.
Grandad felt his old heart thumping. He had no intention of stopping. Her climax was all that mattered. “Cum baby,” he breathed his face now contorted with the effort of pushing. He felt the head of his cock slip deeper into her, breaking through her cervix. In and out. In and out. In and out.
“Don’t stop, pleeease don’t stop she called. Oh Chriiiiiiist I am cumming. Don’t stop. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuuuuuuuuuck oh fuuuuuuck. Ahhhhhhhhgh”
In an explosion of cum Amanda’s body reached it’s climax. a climax that went on and on forever. Grandad kept pounding her, his body rhythmically thumping against the soft flesh beneath him, the juices from her orgasm spraying on her legs and abdomen as she filled her vagina and he pushed it out with his thrusts. He could feel his orgasm approaching. He wanted to cum so badly. Amanda felt a second wave as he held the cheeks of her bottom and thrust harder and harder, his balls slapping her wet flesh, her firm, young breasts moving below him in rhythm to his thrusts.
“God I am cumming again,” Amanda breathed. Oh fuck me I am so so so cumming again. I love you grandad. I love you,” she yelled as her body began to shake uncontrollably.
“I am cumming baby. Cuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmiiiiiinnnng,” her grandfather said.
His penis pumped and pumped meeting her climax with equal intensity. Their bodies unwilling to stop despite the sudden need for respite. Perspiration glistened in the rays of the moon. Her nipples engorged and swollen like acorns. He collapsed against her, sated, their breathing rasping in the still night air.
Gradually his penis softened and slipped out of her. Eyes closed, bodies surrendering to the need for rest. Breathing became shallow. Bodies relaxed. They slept.
World war three continued at Amanda’s home the following day.
The couple had emerged from their love nest after midnight, their slumbers having been disturbed by a passing road train.
“Leave the explanations to me,” grandad said as they pulled up behind the patrol car.
As Amanda readied herself for school the following day, she could hear the raised voices of her parents, her father still in a rage at his father-in-law’s seeming unreality.
“What the hell was he thinking” he raged.
“Honey,” his wife said in a more gentle voice, “I am sure he didn’t mean it to happen.”
“Did you see the state she was in when they came home?” his gravelly voice queried.
“They slept in the camper for God’s sake.” her more gentle tones offered, “heaven knows what she would have been laying in. He is none too clean you know, I mean Mum won’t go near the camper. It’s a fishing shack isn’t it after all and he said he was in pain. He is an old man after all.”
“Yes but you saw her clothes. I am not sure. She is seeing a lot of him and it wouldn’t be the first time an incestuous relationship had started this way.”
“Don’t be silly. Amanda and my father? That’s ridiculous”
“Don’t be so sure. She is a stunning girl and men will be men.”
Amanda kissed them both and walked to the road to wait for the bus. She felt ostracized. Her school friends had shunned her; her parents were doing the same. She was not looking forward to this day.
The school bus ground to a halt and she climbed in. Usually the driver would ignore her but today he smiled and eyed her up and down. “Morning Amanda” he said in a sing song style suggesting he too had heard of her indiscretion.
“Morning,” she responded quietly her head down not meeting his gaze.
Jade avoided her again when they arrived at the school and she could hear the tittering and snide comments as she made her way to class. She could feel the eyes boring into her as she found her way to her desk. The first period of the day was general studies and the teacher was Mr Ross. During the class he kept looking at her and smiling. She was unsure at first but when the class was over and he asked her to stay for a minute she was sure. He knew.
“Would you like some extra tuition Amanda?” he asked as the last student left the room.
“Your grades have been falling and I would like to help you ah…… well……… find some satisfaction.”
“When Mr Ross?” she asked.
“After school, Amanda. I am happy to stay back for an hour or so.”
“I will miss my bus home, sir,” she said in the hope this would end the matter, but it didn’t.
“I could run you home if that’s all that would stop you,” he said in a different tone than he normally used.
“I will need to ask my parents, sir,” she replied.
“Well you do that. I want to help you as much as I can. It will just be you and me OK?”
“Yes Mr Ross” Amanda said, blushing like a bride on her wedding day. Oh my god she thought, he wants to fuck me too.
Amanda left school early that afternoon and made her way to her grandparents house. She needed to talk to someone who was on her side. Grandad looked up from his bench as she stood in the doorway the sun behind her.
“Well hello young lady,” he crooned, “I missed you yesterday.”
“Oh Grandad, it’s been just awful,” she whimpered, tears filling her eyes.
“There, there, sweetheart. Whats so awful?”
“Everybody knows Grandad. I told Jade and she spilled the beans. Dad is sure you’re fucking me and now Mr Ross wants me to have extra tuition and I know what he wants. Even the bus driver has the hots for me.”
“I am sure you are imagining it baby. You are just feeling overawed.”
“No, honestly I am sure they all know.”
“Well, Adam will he home in an hour or so I will chat with him and see what he thinks.”
“Hold me Grandad,” Amanda said quietly. “I need to be loved.”
Ten minutes later they were laying on the mattress. Their mouths locked together in an unbroken kiss. Hands fondling. His cock rock hard in her hand.
“Suck me again baby, will you. I so like that,” he whispered as she gently stroked his cock.
Her head moved rhythmically as his cock strained to go deeper into her mouth. It grew harder and longer as she pleasured him, his fingers deep inside her cunt. His breath grew labored and he began to moan as she deep throated him his balls now hitting her chin with every thrust of her head.
“Ohhhh, fuck baby,” he moaned, “fuck you are good, sooooo good, I am soooo close, keep going, keep going. Ohhhhhhh yessssssssss. Yessssssss. Bite me baby. Bite the head of my cock.”
Amanda did as he wanted withdrawing his length from her throat. She gently bit his cock.
“Harder baby. Bite harder,” he moaned.
Amanda did as he requested and he moaned. The cum began to squirt covering her teeth. She bit harder and the pressure built up inside his engorged cock. She released it allowed the cum to fill her mouth. Pulse after pulse the thick creamy liquid came until her mouth was full. Amanda closed her lips and looked at him her cheeks distended with his cum. She finished him with her hand and even more cum spilled onto her fingers. She moved back up the mattress and he opened his mouth to hers. She shared his cum with him. Back and forth they exchanged the creamy liquid until it was gone, her face glistening with spilled fluid.
Adam was online when Grandad logged on to Lush Stories. They went to a private room and Grandad told him what had happened.
“Fucking kids,” he typed, “We will see about this. As soon as Jade is home we will come over OK?”
An hour later the doorway darkened as Adam and Jade entered hand in hand. the girls looked at each other and Adam spoke first.
“I want you two to sort this out. Jade is pissed that I fucked her best friend and I am damned if I know why. We are all adults, well close to, and so, If I want to fuck Amanda why should Jade be pissed off at her?”
“No idea,” Grandad added. “I thought she was OK with it, after all you said I could screw Jade if Amanda would lay down for you. Or, did I get that wrong?”
“No that was the agreement,” Adam said as Grandad handed him a beer.
“Wait a minute,” Jade said, her voice raised, “You told her grandad that he could fuck me if he arranged for her to fuck you?”
“Sure did,” Adam laughed as he patted her on the backside “and I think it’s time you got laid anyhow.”
“Well,” Grandad said in a soft voice, “I am afraid I just had the best orgasm possible a little while ago and I will need time to recover. Why don’t you girls lay together on the mattress and make up while we have a few beers?”
Jade and Amanda squatted together on the mattress for an hour or so talking while the men drank. Jade was wearing the shortest tight white skirt and an equally tight top….