Girls’ Night Out – Part Three

"This is part three of Girls’ Night Out. Please first read the first two parts."

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Sitting there making out with him, allowed his dick to go soft while he was still in me. This acted as a plug not allowing any of his seed to escape my pussy. After his dick went soft, I rolled off of him. I looked at the clock and it was almost 5:00 AM. Rolling onto my side of the bed, he wrapped his arms around me. We lay there spooning the whole night as we slept.

I felt so comfortable and secure in his arms. We slept there with my ass pressed up against his dick the whole night. We finally woke up around 11:00 AM. And I was not ready to let the adventure end. 

As we both gradually woke up, he leaned in and gave me one of the post-passionate kisses. Jake said, “I’m assuming your sister will be waiting on you. We better get up and get around. I’ll drive you back to her house.”

I agreed and we both slowly sat up. I was still trying to collect myself and remember all that went down last night. I was the farthest thing from drunk but I was definitely a little tipsy and a couple of parts of the night were a little fuzzy. As we both got up, I realized I couldn’t find any of my clothes, that’s when Jake handed me my thong and bra and said, “As much as I would like to keep these as a souvenir, you might need these.” I proceeded to get dressed but caught myself watching Jake as he pulled on his jeans, damn well he knew I saw him not putting on any boxers. I took a good hard look at his body and realize that damn, he was really toned and had a pretty nice six-pack and very attractive muscles.

As we left his room and headed down the hallway, all of his buddies were sitting in the living room watching TV. As we appeared they all hooted and hollered, and finally, one spoke up and asked how our night was. Jake jabbed him up and told him that the night was amazing, but he had to get this wild one home. As I was leaving, one of the guys said he hoped to see me again, and all I could muster up to say was, “I had a great night, I’m sure we could do this again sometime.”

Stepping up into Jake’s Jeep, I was sure to look around and make sure no one was around watching. I forgot that he living right in the city and was cautious about being seen climbing into another man’s car who wasn’t my husband’s. Fortunately, there was no one around and we pulled out of the driveway and took off. My sister only lived about fifteen minutes away, a little farther outside the city. As Jake drove, we talked about the night and about the future. I wasn’t quite sure what to say when he asked about the future. I told him that I had to process the whole situation and I didn’t know if this could go any further. He agreed and told me to think about it as long as we exchanged phone numbers, so we did so as he was driving. I was a little surprised that I hadn’t gotten it the night before, but I guess we were a little too occupied to be worrying about phone numbers.

As we rounded the corner of my sister’s road, we were out in the country, so I told Jake to pull over for a minute. I unbuckled my seat belt and got up on the seat. I knew I was only a zipper away from Jake’s cock, because earlier he didn’t put any boxers on. Jake was a little surprised by this, especially after the conversation we just had about the future.

I leaned down and slowly unzipped his pants and slowly worked them down his hips. His dick was just lying there. I guess I needed another good look at his dick before I let him drop me off. His dick had to be a good five inches soft, which definitely made it hang low.

Without using my hands, I leaned over and slowly took his head in my mouth, which almost filled my whole mouth. As long of a dick Jake had, his girth was outrageous, it was almost that of a can of soda. Jake leaned his seat back and I could tell this was much appreciated. As I focused on the head of his cock, the rest of his girth came to life, slowly growing larger and larger. I attempted to take it all in my mouth but was unable to do so because of the girth and sheer size.

We sat there on the side of the road as I sucked his dick to completion. Taking his load down my throat one last time. I proceeded to get up and buckle myself back in as he pulled his jeans back up.

Shortly we arrived at my sister’s driveway and I noticed that her husband’s car was not there. This was something that I was extremely happy to see. My car was the only one sitting there and I hoped that my sister came up with a great excuse as to why I didn’t spend the night.

Before jumping out of the Jeep, Jake leaned over and put his hand behind my head and pulled me in for a kiss, that could only be described as a message that he wanted this to continue. And honestly, after sucking his dick, I was starting to think that I wanted this to continue as well.

Upon entering my sister’s house, she was sitting on the couch and asked me to join her. She never mentioned the night before or anything that happened, which was nice. Finally, I decided it was time to return home and I left my sister’s house with a mind full of thoughts.

The following week started off as any normal week does. I woke up and went to work only to return to make dinner for my husband and do some laundry. As I was sitting at home after work on Wednesday, I started to wonder if Jake would ever text me.

This thought slowly came to reality as my phone buzzed. I ran to my phone that was on the charger; however, when I got there, Jake’s name isn’t the one that showed up on the screen. Tony, my son, is the name that appeared on the phone. I answered the phone as if everything was normal, and it was normal. We talked about our week and how things were going, but then Tony’s tone changed a little and he finally spoke up as to why he called. Tony said that he received a weird message from someone earlier in the week. He said it was a video message of me standing in a kitchen with guys his age all standing around playing beer pong. He said not only were we playing beer pong but we were almost all completely naked. He said that in the video he saw Jake from his rival high school with his hands all over me, spanking me and really having his way with me. He said he wasn’t quite sure what to think of the video, but then he said Jake leaned in and kissed me.

I didn’t know how to respond. I choked up the apple in my throat and tried to explain the whole situation. I told him that his aunt and I were out for drinks which quickly changed to partying with this group of guys. That’s when my son asked me the one question I hoped he wouldn’t, “Did you fuck him?” I slowly gutted up the words to say, I’m sorry. I pleaded with my son not to tell his dad and that it won’t happen again. He quickly hung up and that was the end of our conversation. I didn’t know whether he was going to tell his dad or what he was thinking.

The following day at work I didn’t feel like myself. That is until my phone buzzed and this time the name that appeared on the phone was Jake. He text me and asked if he could see me this weekend. I sat there in silence as I thought to the promise I made to my son. I did make that promise; however, I found myself texting Jake back, “I don’t know, I will have to let you know.” This was followed by Jake saying that he had reservations at a fancy restaurant and a hotel room booked in the city and wished I could join him. I was in utter shock that I was even contemplating spending the weekend with Jake. It was wrong, but my heart felt for Jake or what Jake had between his legs.

That afternoon, I tried to call my son. He finally answered after a few rings. I tried to apologize but I was abruptly stopped by the question, “Do you have feelings for Jake? Do you love him?” I proceeded to tell my son that I didn’t know how I felt. I told him that I really liked and had strong feelings for Jake, but I wouldn’t go as far as love because we haven’t spent that much quality time together. Tony finally spoke up and said that he was okay with me exploring my feelings and that everyone should feel some type of way. With this statement, the stress from my shoulders just melted off. I took this as trust, and that he would keep this our not-so-little secret. Lastly, I told him about the plans Jake made and asked me to spend the weekend with him. Tony finally spoke up after a minute of silence and said, “Well if I need to be your excuse to dad, let me know.”

I was in utter shock by him. But ultimately, I had my excuse to spend the weekend with Jake. I decided to let this weekend determine the future of my feelings for Jake and if I wanted to ruin my whole life over this young man.

That night I text Jake and told him that this weekend would be lovely and that I was looking forward to it. I still had to tell my husband some excuse as to why I was visiting my son in the city. Finally, I decided to tell my husband that I was spending the weekend at our sons and me and his girlfriend were going to spend the weekend shopping. I knew if I said I was going to spend the weekend shopping that he would try to invite himself along.

I woke up Friday morning to a text from Jake, telling me to dress for the occasion and to wear a nice dress and heels for the fancy restaurant. I assured Jake that I would have the perfect dress and would be looking to impress.

Published 3 years ago

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