To be honest, I don’t know what about her I found attractive at first. I’d only spoken with her when I had the odd class with her. But with a few exchanged words I had gotten to her despise me. Ever since, she’s been rude to me every chance she got. Clearly I wasn’t her favourite acquaintance.
Something about her was interesting, though. I mean I had no problems getting good, respectful, pretty girls to go out with me for the first two years of high school. In Grade 11, however, something about Megan began to prod at the back of my head. Rumour had it that she was pretty good in bed, and had secretly had the hots for a guy who could take control, but you can’t always believe rumours.
After a while it dawned on me that it was her attitude: her general being. She, despite–or perhaps because of–her rebellion against school as a whole, was a popular girl. That, added in with her opposite-to-mine state of mind, made her incredibly taboo. I wasn’t the most popular, but then again I wasn’t disregarded. But her status with other guys, including those in my fourth period gym class, was eye-catching.
Enough to make me want to have her simply because–in the back of my head–I thought I couldn’t.
My gym class the last of the day. It was a nice time, as I could spend all the built-up stress of the day in the workout room or out on the track. The majority of the class was similar in attitude to me, but there was a small group of Grade 11 guys who joined up thinking that it would be an easy grade for them.
Their names were AJ, Ryan, Tyler, and Ron. They smoked, disrespected, cheated, and hated against others. They were also rather popular with other guys, as well as the girls. They were the outcasts, the rebels, the no-gooders.
They were Megan’s group.
Their IQ levels must not have been the highest, but for what must have been the same reason I found Megan attractive, girls did anything for them. Up until that day in high school, I thought that even Megan had her limits. Lines she would not cross. Up until then, I thought she was getting all her sexual needs met with all the guys lining up in front of her.
God. Was I ever wrong.
“Suspended!? You got suspended!?”
I was at home. Earlier in the day I had gotten in a fight in gym class, my last period. My friend Cale and Megan’s friend Ron had gotten into a fight. Naturally I had been there to defend my friend when things had gotten out of hand–Ron had clearly attempted to seriously injure Cale with some of the workout equipment–but because of how the school was run, I had suffered consequences as well.
It was just after my mother and I had finished dinner. With my father out of the house I felt comfortable enough explaining the situation to my mother. She, unlike my father, was usually more lenient to understanding the full story before she went and punished me.
“If I didn’t step in, Cale would have been really hurt.” I said, defending myself.
“Hon, that’s great and all that you stood up for Cale, but you got suspended. Surely the hurt that this Ron kid had in mind for Cale wasn’t as lethal as you say.” My mom turned to me. It was after dinner and we were cleaning dishes at the sink. I was an only child, and connected well with my mom. She handed me another plate to dry.
“Mom, Ron’s an asshole. He doesn’t care about anyone except himself, and if he could have put Cale in a seriously injured state, he would have done so without a second thought.” I said back, hearing a little anger leaking into my speech. “Sorry.” My mom gave me a look.
“Well, I guess nothing I say can undo this. And we all know that your father will have a punishment for you as soon as he hears.” She finished with the dish and handed it to me; I dried it and put it away.
“Yeah, don’t I know that.” I looked at the clock hanging on the wall. 6:56pm. “I’m going to finish the homework I started earlier.” I said. My mom gave a silent nod and I jogged up to my room, closing the door behind me. Of course, my homework was long done, and I had a few good porn sites bookmarked on my laptop for just such an occasion.
I opened my laptop and booted up the Internet. Double checking to make sure that all my doors were closed, I fell into my chair and laid my feet up on the desk, slipping my pants down so I could get a hold on my already raging hard-on. With my laptop balanced on my knees, I clicked on one of the sites.
Soon, the pictures of naked women filled my mind. I stroked myself slowly at first, building up tension and momentum. As I stroked, however, the pictures of women I had seen so often began to fade, and thoughts of Megan entered my head in their place. Before I knew it, was picturing her. Her brown hair, her sexy butt…
She was in front of me, in the workout room. Her back is too me and she is playing with her phone. With no restraint, I reach out from behind her back and clench both of her breasts through her shirt, feeling how lusciously soft they are.
At first she is surprised and shocked, so much that she drops her phone, and holds her hands over mine. Then, she turns around to see that it is me that is fondling her, and pushes out of my grasp to press her warm lips furiously against mine. Then we are kissing hard, our lips moving in a blind sync, passionate and hot. She forces her tongue into my mouth and I taste it with my own greedily. I feel her smile under my lips and she tears the shirt off my chest. I do likewise to her, revealing her perky breasts to my lusting eyes.
Breaking off from the kiss, I squeeze both breasts passionately. They are soft as silk under my palms, and the nipples are ripe and hard, begging to be suckled. Megan gasps in pleasure, surprised by my sudden action. Lowering my lips down to one of them, I suckle carefully, drawing circles around the nipple with my tongue. Megan gasps sharply again as I bite tensely but quickly, then switch to the other nipple and do the same. I can never get enough of this beautiful bosom, but Megan has other plans.
Pushing me against the wall, Megan licks her way down to my waist, where a raging hard-on has risen beneath the cotton just above it. Seeing it and giving me a lustful smile, Megan’s eyes meet mine just before she pulls the shorts wide off. My prick is revealed in one smooth motion, and Megan adores it for no longer than a second before she devours it in her mouth.
She begins to suck with a slow motion, licking with her tongue all along the shaft and the head. When she pulls back her lips linger a bit, making sure that she has touched every part of me with her big, pink lips, and–
“Michael!!” my mother’s voice penetrated my fantasy, bringing me hard back to the present. My hand still on my hard cock, I responded:
“Yeah! What is it!?” I yelled.
“Someone is on the phone for you!”
Who gives a shit I’m trying to masturbate… but by this time my hard-on had taken off, while still leaving the aching lust inside me like a bittersweet knot. I covered myself up and looked at the phone on the desk. My jaw hit the floor when I saw the name: J. Retner. I don’t know if either of Megan’s parent’s names started with a “J”, but Retner was definitely their last name.
“I got it!” I yelled to my mom. I picked it up and held it to my ear. With my hands shaking as proof of my nervousness, I’m surprised that I didn’t stutter: “Hello?”
“It’s Michael, right?” A female voice on the other end of the phone. Do I dare think its Megan’s? That attitude can’t possibly belong to anyone else.
“Uhh, yeah, that is my name–” dare I ask “–it’s Megan, right?” I hold my breath.
“No shit, Sherlock. Yeah, it’s Megan. Listen, we’re having a party tonight at my place. You wanna come over or not?” She asked.
My mind raced at light-speed. Did Megan just ask me to attend a part? Yes. Is she serious? I think so: maybe she saw me in a different light when I defended Cale against Ron…On a school night, though. Will the parents approve? Fuck no. Am I going to ask them? Fuck no.
My mind clicked. I answered.
“Yeah sure, where’s your place at?” I asked. She gave me her address, and I wrote it down. Surely she was joking thing was too–
“Be over in about an hour.” With no goodbye, she hung up. Yeah, it was Megan alright.
As soon as I placed the phone back down on the desk, it hit me: how the hell am I going to get there? I could surely walk; it wasn’t more than a few blocks away, but my parents… I could ask and hope for a snowball in hell–them saying yes–but if I did that, and they said no, then they would be on the watch to see if I sneak out anyway. I racked my brain desperately, but couldn’t come up with any excuses that would fly. It would be better to just sneak out in the first place, regardless of the consequences.
That was it then, I would sneak out. I walked down the hall and called to my mom from the stairwell.
“Hey mom, I’m gonna go to bed early tonight. I have a headache and I’d rather take up my suspicion details with dad tomorrow.”
“Of course hon, go to sleep. I’ll make sure that your dad doesn’t bother you. Good night.” I loved my mom. Not only because she was caring, but because she was oblivious at all the right times.
“G’night.” I called back, and then disappeared into my room. As soon as the door was shut I changed my clothes, applied some deodorant, and stuffed my cell and my wallet into my jeans. With her address in my hand I opened my bedroom window, pulling out the screen. It was a warm night, perfect for an evening stroll. I climbed out carefully, then turned around and shut the window. With the friction of my fingers on the glass, I knew that I could get it open again when I came back.
I walked down the roof and carefully leaped from the roof to my mom’s car. From there, I slid down the back, and began to jog to Megan’s place.
The music was loud, the lights we bright, and the teenagers were…teenagers.
Megan’s house was exactly how I pictured it: I heard it before I saw it, and from there knew exactly where to go. I jogged up the porch, and hesitated by the door. Do I just open it or what? Yeah, I guess I do. I opened the door and stepped into the house. A madhouse.
The music was ear-piercingly loud, and people were dancing everywhere. It wasn’t exactly shoulder-to-shoulder, but just about. Beyond the front door to the right was the living room–or what was left of it. The couches and chairs had been moved out of the way: teenagers were grinding and talking, their combined voices barely higher than the music.
I noticed how every single girl was wearing the same outfit: small skimpy shorts that showed the luxurious curves of their asses and small tight shirts that made their young breasts looks large and voluptuous. I had to say, it worked. The girls were slim and sexy.
To the left of the door was a small tiled area that led to the kitchen. Along the wall was a table with chips and punch. And booze of all kinds. Beer was everywhere, and I was surprised that it took me a second to see that indeed, every teen there was holding a beer; some with more. And a lot of these people were drunk, or at least, on their way.
“Oh, hey look who showed up.” I turned and saw AJ holding two beers. AJ was a relatively short kid, Portuguese, with short black hair and low eyes. He thrust one of the beers in my hand, and as he spoke I caught his breath. The beer in his hand wasn’t his first.
“Megan wanted to talk to you, but she’s a little busy at the moment, upstairs, if you know what I mean.” AJ gave me a wink, and I understood, a little disappointed. I was secretly hoping to catch a word with her, but I guess I came too late.
“What the fuck did you say about me?” A familiar voice demanded. AJ turned around, and we both saw Megan standing there. She wore a low-cut purple long-sleeve shirt and a pair of tight black jean shorts. The low-cut neck gave away a beautiful sight of the curves on her breasts. In my mind I didn’t hesitate to reach it and take one fully in my hand, squeezing hard, feeling the skin and pinching the nipple. In reality, I did my best to politely ignore it. Even then, I barely managed: her breasts looked as firm as ever, and her hair was loose and went down to her shoulders.
“Oh, shit.” AJ laughed, half-drunk, and waved it off. “I was just kidding babe, you know.” AJ tried to put an arm around Megan, but she brushed it off.
“Fuck yourself AJ.” Megan gave him a look, and AJ decided that it was time to bugger off. Megan then looked at me. I realized that it was just her and I.
“Hey,” I said, taking a swig of the beer. I’ve had beers before, but not at a party. And I certainly never saw alcohol passed around as easily as it was here.
“Yeah, hey.” Megan responded. I kept the conversation going, to avoid the awkwardness that I feared would pass over me.
“Did I miss much?”
“Nothing exciting, but things are sure to change later. In the meantime, enjoy yourself.” With that, Megan disappeared into the crowd–but not before I could get another look at her sexy, tight ass. She was obviously not much of a talker. At least to me anyway.
Her words echoed in my head, and in my gut I knew that she had meant something more than what I had heard.
Enjoy yourself.
I planned to. I was halfway to getting to know Megan, and the only way to get there fully was to join her world.
That night, at least, I did.
I became the sixteen year-old that I always dreamed that I could be: with more than just a few drinks in me, I became (from my perspective, anyway) the life of the party. My normally shy self was locked away, leaving a charismatic, funny, lively version of Michael Thurston.
I danced, I drank, and I even stole a few kisses–and a tongue or two–from the girls around the place. Through the entire night, though, Megan remained in the back of my mind. Every kiss was her kiss, those soft lips were her lips, and that tongue was her tongue. It was no doubt the drinks taking control, but I found myself wanting Megan only more. The whorish girls I spent just a bit of time with were the appetizer. Megan was the main course.
After a few hours of enjoying myself, the party started to die down. Those who were the drunkest passed out wherever. Others who had DD’s drove home, and the rest ended up around the house, either inside or out.
All in all, a very fun night. I can see why my classmates did it so often.
I was proud of myself, however, because through it all I had kept a good eye on my time. If my parents found that I wasn’t in my bed then they would have my head when they saw me next. When everyone else had gone, and it was just myself, AJ, Tyler, Ryan, and Megan, it was 4:00am.
We sat in a circle and everyone still had a beer except me. Right about now I was beginning to sober up, which would turn out to work for my advantage.
“So, Michael is it? How was your first party?” Tyler asked, taking a swig of his beer.
“No, I’ve been to others.” I lied. I wasn’t a party guy: until tonight anyway.
“Who’s?” Tyler persisted.
“People you don’t know. Cale’s had a few, and my friends Adrian and Brody.” The last two names I had pulled out of my ass, but I knew that Tyler and the others wouldn’t remember tomorrow. We started a game of Truth Or Dare, spinning a recently empty beer bottle to decide who asked the questions–or dared the dares.
Tyler spun the bottle for the first time. It landed on me.
“Truth or dare, Michael?” Tyler asked.
“Truth.” I said, taking the safe side.
“Are you always such a wheeler?” Ryan smiled as he asked me. He was sitting closest to me, and I could smell the alcohol off his breath. He could probably smell mine, too.
I smiled. “Not always, but I do have my moments.”
“Teach me, ha-ha!” Ryan laughed hard, harder than a sober person would have.
“Yeah, maybe you can even get Megan out of a dress, hmm?” AJ suggested, and we all laughed drunkenly. Megan, however, did not. She shoved AJ hard, swearing at him.
“Fuck off AJ.” Megan gave him a dirty look.
“Oh, is that so? Don’t act so angelic, Meg, we all know that you’ve had more than 10 hits. Tonight. Ha-ha!” Tyler began to laugh hard again, and Megan shot him a look too. I wondered if this was the usual for these guys to act towards her.
“You too Tyler. We all know that you’re still a fucking virgin anyway.” Megan smiled, and Tyler looked offended.
“Are you serious? Coming from the slut who’s had me more than once–”
“Calm your shit guys, and let’s get back to the game.” AJ said. Surprisingly, both Tyler and Megan complied.
“Michael, spin.”
I did. It landed on Megan.
“Truth or dare, Megan?”
Damn her.
“Alright. How many guys have you slept with?” I admit; it wasn’t the best question. But I was a little bit tipsy–maybe more. Give me a break.
“Oh, ho. Nice one, Thurston.” Tyler said.
Megan shot him a look, but answered.
“Not enough to be called a whore. My go.” She spun the bottle. It landed on me. Surprising.
“Truth or dare.”
It was the booze thinking, but I decided to take a chance.
Megan raised her eyebrows, but remained silent.
“Take your shirt off.”
“Ooooh, I think Megan’s horny.” Ryan laughed, having another swig of his beer. Megan didn’t respond, instead kept her eyes on me. What choice did I have other than to comply? I slipped my shirt over my head, revealing my chest.
I wasn’t very muscled, but as I think back now, me being dehydrated after all those drinks must have tightened my skin, and it made my muscles pop out more. As always, Megan’s expression didn’t betray her, even after all the drinks that she had.
“Oh, calm down there. I think the other boys here might get boners. How do you feel, AJ?” Ryan touted out yet again. AJ slapped him in the back of the head.
“Fuck you Ryan,” he said, but he smiled in good humour.
Before an awkward silence could be passed around us, I held the bottle. I had a good feeling of wear it would land.
“My turn.” I spun.
Megan again.
“Truth or dare?”
Megan’s mouth began to smile, but she calmed herself at the last moment. Still that smile was there long enough for me to catch it.
“Take your shirt off.” I said bravely. Or maybe stupidly.
I can honestly say that Megan saw it coming. The other guys, in their drunken states however, they were amazed. Maybe they thought this was the first step to getting some.
“Oh, how does that feel Megan?”
“Yeah, slip that tiny thing off.”
“Michael, you got some balls bro, ha-ha.”
Megan ignored them, and instead slipped her tight shirt off over her head, revealing those firm sized breasts tightly packed into her black bra. It looked sexy on her lightly tanned chest and stomach.
“Me next.” She took the bottle and spun. It didn’t land on me, but after that, things started to catch on. Fast.
“Dare.” He didn’t wait for Megan to ask. In my mind–in all of ours–I knew what she was going to say.
“The shirt. Loose it.”
AJ did as he was told, revealing a tight, smoker’s pack of six pack abs. Not achieved normally by working out, but by working out a little, then smoking the extra fat off.
“My go.” he spun.
It seems I set off a chain. We went from person to person–occasionally to me, and occasionally to Megan–but in the end, we were all sitting there in our underwear. By this time, however, it was time for me to high-tail it out of there. I had only an hour to get home, and this drunk, I needed to leave soon or I wouldn’t make it.
It was my go.
“I’ll summarize my thoughts before we all pass out. We all know where this is going, so the next dare will be the last. Before I spin and ask, I want all of you to agree to do whatever the dare is. Agreed?” I asked.
My best guess would be that it was the mixture of booze and hormones, but everyone nodded. Including Megan.
I spun. The bottle went, as if in slow motion, and landed on Megan for the last time.
“Dare. What have you got for me, Thurston?”
“I’m going home, to get some sleep before school. I suggest everyone here do the same: Megan,” I turned to look at her directly. By this time the booze had settled enough, and it was all hormones. Maybe a little stupidity. “I dare you to show up for gym class tomorrow in nothing but that oversized shirt you wear. Nothing but.”
It was foolish to dare, even more foolish to expect her to actually follow through. Even if she agreed, what are the chances that she would–
“Done. Is that all?”
My eyebrows rose. Surely she was bluffing. I looked at my watch, however, and knew that I had no time to make sure.
“I’m out of here. See you guys at school tomorrow. And Megan–” Before she could react, I leaned forward and slapped her ass. Hard. My hand made a satisfying slap, and Megan jumped forward. Her mouth open in an expression of shock (and maybe pleasure) and her hands went to her red ass. By the time she reacted and her eyes turned to fury, I had turned and left.
The cool air hit me like a wave, and before I started my trek back home, I heard Megan yell after me.
“You’re a pervert Thurston but…”
I was too tired to hear, and just wanted to get home.
I was anxious all the way through third period. I had slept my through the first two periods of my day, then had a small meal during lunch. To be honest, I was far too jumpy to eat. I blame it on a slight hangover, lack of sleep, and the dare. Who could forget the dare?
By the time the bell rang for the transition from third to fourth, I was nearly shaking. Today was Friday, which meant that our class got the gym today. As I walked down the gym hallway to the change room, it occurred to me that all the stress would probably be for nothing. As if Megan would actually change into nothing but an oversized t-shirt. I sighed heavily in my head at my own stupidity. How could I be so foolish, so… like her?
Regardless, I entered the change room. I saw Ryan, Tyler, and AJ, but didn’t meet eyes with them. To me, last night never happened, no matter how much I had stressed over it. I changed quickly and left the change room. I went right from the hall to the gym without a glance at the girls change room.
I sat down on one of the two benches in the gym. The events of last night were still fresh in my head despite the alcohol, and my sex levels were as high now as they were then. The image of Megan in her underwear was incredibly appealing: I can only imagine what she would look like without it.
Forget it man, she ain’t showing up like that.
The other students in the class began to enter and sit down on the bench: it was routine that we did so until Mr. Carte showed up and gave us the activity that we were doing for the day. I looked up when AJ, Ryan, and Tyler entered, but again, I didn’t meet their eyes. For the record, they didn’t try to meet mine. I did notice, however, that none of them had gym clothes on.
When at last the students stopped entering, I scanned over the tiny crowd: 19 students. I knew by default that our class had an even 20 students. I was 20, dead last on the list, so someone wasn’t here. I scanned over again.
Megan. Go figure.
Of course she didn’t show up. It was a Friday, and by Monday everyone who knew about the dare would have forgotten about it. So, instead of not turning up like she was dared to, Megan didn’t show up at all. Typical, just… typical: and how typical of me to put hope into such a ludicrous idea.
How could I be so stupid? So, gullible? But at the same time, how could I not? I’ve spent the better part of three years trying to get her out of my mind, but when I had her at her most vulnerable (or so I thought) she still beats me. Damn her. But more than that, damn myself.
I keep all of my thoughts in my own head, knowing that even mumbling the slightest detail of my disappointment for the bet would raise questions. Mr. Carte did the attendance, noting the absence of Megan, and then looked around the gym. A confused look on his face explained that he had forgotten something.
“Stay here boys and girls, I’ll be right back.” Carte placed down the attendance folder, then walked to the door and disappeared around the corner.
A moment after he did, someone walked in.
Her hair was brown and hung loose, and her bare feet made small slapping noises on the gym floor. Her naked legs were just as slim and sexy as the night before, and nothing but an overly-large white t-shirt covered her torso…as well as that rather feminine section hidden between her legs.
Megan Retner walked into the gym, catching everyone’s eyes. AJ whistled, Tyler hooted. The girls gasped. So did I.
Then she surprised all of us by taking her seat: beside me.
My heart jumped to my neck, and I blushed furiously. I covered my face, trying uselessly to hide and at the same time look at Megan. She was looking at me like it was just another day–nothing out of the ordinary. As if she was completely immune to the fact that she wasn’t wearing anything except that shirt.
At this point, usually either Ryan or AJ had something smart to say, but right now they were as dumbfound as the rest of us. The other girls in the class stared with gaping mouths. If I didn’t have any sense left in my head, I would probably have done the same.
Finally, someone spoke up.
“Megan, you are a girl, but you definitely are not a pussy. Ha!” Ryan touted; he smiled broadly, and started things.
“Megan, what the fuck is wrong with you? If Carte sees you like that… God, I don’t even want to be near you when he comes back.” A short, blonde girl named Trish said. In response, Megan flashed a look–Trish shrunk back on the bench, then after a moment got up and left the gym.
No one else got up, but we all knew that Trish was right. As soon as Carte saw Megan we were all in for it. Inside, my mind screamed at me to take control: Shut the gym doors, they lock from the inside. But then what? To be frank, I hadn’t thought this through. How could I have? I was drunk when I made the bet and–
“Yo, AJ, shut those doors. We don’t want Carte interrupting us now do we?” Tyler spoke up, standing up and pointing to AJ, then the doors. AJ complied, jogging over and closing the gym doors quickly. We all heard the metallic snap as the locks fell in to place.
I just sat there on the bench, half in shock and half in awe, when Tyler got up.
“Well boys, I think we have a pretty good day ahead of us, no?” When no one answered he walked over to where Megan and I were sitting, and pulled Megan off the bench. At first she resisted, but after a few seconds she complied. Tyler smiled and smacked Megan’s ass. Hard.
The girls on the bench flinched as the slap resounded in the gym. I felt a stirring in my shorts when I saw Tyler gently push Megan to her knees. I was given a clean view of her shaved pussy as she did as she was told, and inside me a bit of courage perked up when she began to undo his belt.
Is this really happening ? I thought. This has to be a dream, it’s too good to be true. Megan, naked? Willing to–my thoughts broke off when Megan began to unzip Tyler’s pants. Surely she must be bluffing; there’s no way that Megan would just show up and comply to this. There must be some trick, a catch that I’m not getting.
I stole a look over to the girls on my right, and saw that they were all staring, some with open mouths and others with wide eyes. Some with both. Then I looked over to the guys on my left, and saw that they were as horny and happy as ever. Megan’s group in particular looked ready to pounce.
I’ll be damned if I won’t have some of that, I thought to myself. Whether I wanted to realize that this was happening or not, it was. And I sure as hell wouldn’t miss out,
Megan got Tyler’s belt undone, then slid the buckle off and undid the button on the jeans themselves. By this time AJ had slowly returned to where Tyler was, and he briefly debated sitting down again or joining in. The outcome was obvious.
“Fuck, and I thought this shit only happened in dreams.” AJ crouched down and licked his fingers, then began rubbing Megan’s open pussy without hesitation.
“Ah, fuck…AJ you–uhhh.” Megan gasped, at first resisting AJ’s tease, moving her ass out of the way as she finished unzipping Tyler’s pants. He saw her lose focus, and tapped her lightly on the cheek.
“Let him do his thing, baby: you focus on doing yours.” Tyler said, a hint of lust in his voice. Megan looked at Tyler with a feisty fire in her eyes, then slipped his red boxers off and revealed his lightly tanned, fully hard cock. I heard the girls gasp, and saw that one smiled.
Meanwhile, AJ resumed his effort on Megan’s other end. He again began to rub her pussy lips, and Megan gasped in pleasure in response. She glanced at AJ’s work, and then slowly turned her attention back to Tyler. I saw her tongue come out and she licked Tyler’s manhood from bottom to tip, causing Tyler to smile in ecstasy. When she opened her mouth wide and took all of Tyler into her throat, I lost it.
I got up from the bench and briskly walked over to Megan. I slipped off my shirt and slid my hand down into my shorts: I was hard as hell, that there was no doubt. I walked up to Megan and pulled my raging hard-on out from my shorts, gently grabbing the back of her head with my free hand.
For one moment, Megan resisted me. I flinched, not expecting her to do so. Was she keen on focussing on only Tyler and AJ? No, that can’t be it. Her eyes strayed from Tyler to me, and I read them like an open book. She was challenging me: she wanted me, that I knew, but she wanted me to wait? Was that it?
I don’t know whether that was it or not, but this time when I brought my cock closer to Megan’s lips, she turned to me. Maybe she just couldn’t resist the sight of another hard-on, but I knew it went deeper than that. She came off Tyler’s prick with a pop, and turned her attention to me. Noting the strings of saliva and pre-cum that followed her lips, I succumbed to my hormones and stuffed my own member into her.
The action surprised her–to be honest it had surprised me as well–and her natural persona was to resist. But the resistance was gone in an instant, and Megan began to move her mouth up and down on my cock. The heat was instant and pleasant, and I reared my head back in pleasure. Megan paused for a moment, and then began to stroke me with one hand while stroking Tyler with the other. AJ was still working on her pussy lips, and stuffed a finger into her. Megan jumped and gasped. Her closed mouth vibrated as she did, and needless to say it felt wonderful.
“Ah, fuck.” I said in ecstasy. Megan’s mouth worked as I guided her back and forth over me. Her tongue lapped around the base of my cock, then to the tip as I drew back. Her eyes shifted up to mine, and I saw at once the heated fury that lay behind them. Outside, her body wanted what I was giving to her–but inside, she wanted to eat me alive because of it.
“Yeah, you like sucking dick, don’t you Megan? You’re such a whore, and just last night you said you weren’t.” AJ said. He licked Megan’s juices off his finger, and then thrust two fingers back into her with his other hand. Megan moaned, her sounds muffled by the cock in her mouth. I began to thrust into her, bringing her head gently towards me as I entered. I don’t know how many guys Megan has sucked off before now, but her skill was apparent. I had all of my six and a half inches in her mouth, and I felt the back of her throat with each thrust.
“Come here slut.” Tyler said, pulling forcefully on the back of Megan’s hair. Her mouth came off my cock roughly, leaving streams of saliva like when she had come from Tyler’s. She cried out in surprise, but the sound was muffled when Tyler stuffed her mouth again. I was left there stroking my dick helplessly, watching Tyler thrust into Megan’s, hearing the sucking noises as Megan complied to her urge, and did her best to keep her saliva from getting in the way.
As I stroked myself, I saw AJ slip off his shirt and down his pants in an instant. He smiled deviously, then slapped Megan’s ass hard before slipping his feet under her, and pulling her sweet pussy over his cock. Megan felt it happen, and pulled Tyler out of her mouth to turn to AJ.
“AJ, you lustful, pri–” I acted fast, stuffing my cock into Megan’s mouth before she could finish her sentence. I heard her gasp in surprise as her voice was cut off, and I moaned again as I felt the heat of her throat and the soft warmth of her tongue. She at once tried to pull away, and I let her, but then she came back and warmed me with the licks and lust of her tongue. It was as if Megan had a battle raging on inside her: part of her wanted me and the rest of the guys, but the other wanted to challenge me. I was hit with the realization why she was hesitant to first involve me: she wanted to prove to herself that she was too good for me. That somehow I was lower than Tyler and AJ to her. Her body, however, said otherwise.
“Oh, sorry I didn’t hear that. Did you want me to enter you?” AJ asked jokily. Megan ignored his sarcasm, and reached back to stroke his cock. He took hold of it, and teased her by grazing it along the lips of her pussy. Megan shivered in anticipation, then drew back from my cock to lash at him.
“What are you waiting for, or do I have to do everything?” Megan asked, her words gruff. AJ smiled, not bothered by her tone, and thrust into her suddenly, making Megan gasp.
With AJ inside her now, I thrust into Megan’s mouth with more force. Drawing back far enough to see my cock glazed with her spit, Megan purred as I entered, her mouth vibrating as she did. Each time Megan’s mouth became more relaxed, and she focussed on the sensation coming from her clitoris. Her jaw and cheeks opened as I entered, then closed a bit as I pulled back. She began to suck on me, her tongue wrapping around my shaft and then spinning around the head. Every time as I entered her, her tongue prodded at the entrance to my cock, sending sparks up and down my entire groin.
From the corner of my eyes I saw Tyler stroking his member with one hand, then reaching under Megan’s shirt to fondle her with another. He squeezed her breast hard, and Megan hummed in a low moan. Meanwhile, AJ was still thrusting into Megan, as hard as only a hormone-driven teenager can. He was never gentle, like Tyler, and Megan’s body liked it. He thrust into her hard, bringing her ass down onto him each time he thrust in. Whenever I heard the paping noise of flesh on flesh, Megan moaned more. I did my best to keep her attention to me as I brought her mouth back and forth over me, but AJ worked just as hard as I did. Pretty soon I could feel Megan’s body tense and her eyes roll in ecstasy as she came closer to climax.
When she did, neither AJ nor I slowed at all. If anything, AJ increased his speed, and Megan pulled off my cock to moan loudly.
“Awww fuck, don’t stop! Don’t stop!” Megan reared her head back and took a hand from Tyler’s cock to fondle her breast through her shirt. Her body tensed up one last time as she shook, the orgasm shuttering through her body.
“Aw yeah, you always were easy to make come Megan baby.” AJ said, laughing a little. Megan didn’t respond, her head must have been buzzing by the look on her face. Still, at the edges of her lips I saw the beginnings of a smile. I was almost saddened to have her attention leave me so suddenly, though; when she had turned away from me I was on my own way to orgasm. It was time to finish the trip.
“Oh, god…” Megan moaned again, and I wasted no time bringing her mouth back to my cock. This time there was no challenge. She came to me. As she neared, she opened her mouth readily. I stuffed my cock deep into her mouth again, passion ripping through me as I fucked her mouth. I felt the back of her throat with each thrust, her soft cheeks and tongue all working to bring me closer to climax, and the actions brought her eyes back to light.
My cock began to twitch in anticipation. Megan must have felt it, because at once the look in her eye was back. But I wouldn’t give up my ground. I slowly increased my speed, seeing the saliva leak from the edges of Megan’s mouth. She made humming noises from her mouth, no doubt trying to get me to give in; to walk away. Not only did she want herself to think that she was better than me, she wanted me to think the same. But the humming only made her mouth vibrate–bringing me closer to climax even faster. And I was pretty adamant on thinking that we were on equal ground.
Everything then just became too much; the knowledge of the situation that I was in; AJ fucking Megan like a rabbit, making her moan and gasp over my cock in ecstasy; Tyler fondling her roughly, squeezing her nipples and stroking himself in anticipation. It all sent me over the edge: I came.
My milky white seed erupted in Megan’s mouth. Her eyes went wide and her expression changed from that of a challenge to that of shock: she hadn’t expected me to do it, but I did. My cum washed over her tongue and throat, and she closed her eyes. Her mind seemed to admit that she had been wrong, and she swallowed it. She looked into my eyes with such fury that I almost flinched, but the action of the situation also betrayed her: I saw lust behind that anger. Deep down, she wanted me to cum. I hadn’t challenged her into swallowing my load–she did it because she wanted to.
“Yeah, you like the taste of my cum, don’t you, you slut.” Megan looked in my eyes, and then turned them away. I smiled: that was the only sign I needed.
I felt her lap up the rest of my cum from my cock and swallow a second time. I pulled out of her, my cock still rock-hard, and my hormones far from satisfied. AJ pulled her over him more, forcing her to widen her legs to keep her balance. The result was her opening her pussy for all of us to see. I stroked my cock; still hard; still wet. I–and possibly Tyler and AJ–were far from done with Megan.
“Fuck, I can’t take it anymore!” Ryan got up from his seat and tore his shirt off. He undid his belt and unzipped his zipper, walking over to Megan with his feet wide–to make sure his pants didn’t fall on the short journey–and his cock out. Megan saw it, and then looked at Tyler and me, moaning suddenly as AJ increased his speed into her.
“Fuck yeah, ah god Megan your still tight. Even after all…ahh!” AJ rocked Megan’s hips, thrusting into her slower now, enjoying every inch of her hot snatch. Megan moaned loudly, and I saw that some of the girls were bothered by what was going on. But at the same time, none of them made a move to leave. They didn’t want to be here, but at the same time they didn’t want to miss this. As I turned back to Megan, I saw out of the corner of my eye that one of them started to play with herself.
“AJ, AJ…slow…oh god.” Megan’s plea disappeared in her moans of pleasure. Tyler pinched her right nipple hard, and Megan gasped sharply. “Uggh, don’t stop, don’t stop.” AJ smiled, reaching one hand up to pinch Megan’s other nipple, and she bit her lip to muffle herself. But the moan still escaped, and it was apparent that–out of all of us–Megan was enjoying it most.
For now.
“Hold her up for a sec AJ,” Tyler said, grabbing the bottom of Megan’s shirt. She saw what he was going to do, and tried to resist: but in her position, resisting meant giving all of her weight to AJ, whom I’m assuming she didn’t trust enough to hold her up alone. Tyler yanked the shirt up, exposing her breasts to the air. Ryan wasted no time feeling up one while Tyler took the other.
Megan’s moans were muffled suddenly when Tyler also returned to Megan’s mouth. She took one hand from supporting herself (so maybe she did have a little trust in AJ, and just wanted to be exposed…) to stroke Tyler’s cock as he thrust back and forth. I saw Megan’s cheeks deepen as she sucked on him and the movements of her jaw as she swirled her tongue around his head. Then, nearly as soon as she had begun her work on Tyler’s cock, Megan was brought off and over to Ryan’s waiting member. She gave Ryan a hesitant look before opening her mouth to the new intruder.
Having no more patience left, I took the two strides over to Megan and gripped her breasts hard, taking them from Tyler’s and Ryan’s grip. She gasped over Ryan’s cock as I pinched her nipples, then gasped again as I brought one into my mouth and the other between my fingers. Suckling gently at first, I rolled over Megan’s nipple with my tongue, swirling around it quickly. I felt her tense up as I rolled my teeth over the sensitive pink prick, and it encouraged me: I bit down–only for a second, and even then not that hard–but her responding gasp and tense arms told me enough. Her moans were mixed in behind Ryan’s cock and the delicious sucking noises her saliva were making, but they were there.
Slowly, bit by bit, Megan’s unreadable demeanor was coming down, and I was at the center of it all.
I continued to suckle on her luscious nipples, switching between them and squeezing both breasts tightly. Moving to her other breast, I bit down with my teeth and pulled away from her chest. Megan gasped sharply than before, and her whole body seemed to lurch forward in pleasure as I drew back my head an inch. I let go, and her body relaxed as her breast did. Smiling, I fondled both of her breasts again before coming to an idea. With one last squeeze–seeing Megan moan slightly to it–I stood up.
“Hey, AJ, do you think this slut can handle three dicks in her?” I asked suddenly. I see Megan’s eyes widen in surprise as Tyler takes her head back to his own cock. AJ skips a beat in his thrusts, and I can sense him smiling behind Megan’s slim figure.
“I bet she can. Dibs on her ass!” AJ pulled out of Megan suddenly, and she made a move to get up, but AJ and I held her down. A look of panic snapped across her face.
“No, you can’t–I can’t–you don’t–” Megan was a cast of broken sentences, as her mind searched desperately for a worthy excuse. But I knew the truth: there wasn’t one. Her sensible mind wanted out, but her current one wanted the opposite. And I think her current one was going to win. How did I know? We were going to help it.
“Huh, you don’t want us all at once?” AJ asked? Megan looked from him, to Tyler, to Ryan, and then to me. The expression on her face was that of a challenge. Could she do it?
“Y-yes, I do.” Megan said, huffing. Her eyes didn’t meet mine. Another challenge lost to her lust.
AJ replied with a small, “Thought so,” as he tried to reposition himself.
I knelt to support Megan as AJ moved to her ass, the slick bodily fluids of her pussy leaving a glazed lube for AJ’s next venture. A look of short fear passed over Megan’s face as AJ began to enter, but she said nothing to stop him. If she wanted AJ to stop, all she had to to do was say so. We were sex-crazed boys, but not rapists. However, she did no such thing. And as AJ slowly entered her ass, her mouth formed an “O” of pleasure, and she leaned back on AJ’s cock. She wanted it. She wanted it bad.
“Yeah, you want my cock in your tight ass, don’t you? Hmm?” AJ slipped further into her, and all Megan could do to respond was moan loudly.
“Ah god, it’s not going to fit, its–ahh…” AJ filled her up, but halfway in Megan had to pull back: she was too tight. But as soon as she began to clear it, she slammed back down over him. Megan’s face turned to an expression of shock and lust, and I spared no time on my part.
With AJ deep in her back hole, I made my way to enter her front. Megan reacted fast, blowing past the shock of popping her anal virginity, and tried to stop me. I consented, patient to wait until she was prepared–but at the same time anxious to enter her. She placed a hand on my chest, but as soon AJ pulled out of her to thrust in again, she lowered her arm and opened her legs a little.
“You want me, Megan don’t you? You want all of us.” I mumbled, so that only she could hear. Her look persisted, but as I aimed my cock head at the entrance to her pussy, she lifted her hips to come to meet me. Her actions alone told me how she felt. I spared no time: timing my entry with AJ’s, I thrust deep into her wet snatch, the dual entry making her cry out in a mix of shock and pleasure.
“Oh my god! Oh my god! Fuck that feels–ahh–so good!” Megan started to moan hysterically. I thrust into her as AJ did, forming an alternating thrusting motion–as he pulled out, I pushed in. I could feel AJ’s member thrusting into Megan’s ass through the layer of flesh that separated her two holes, feeling Megan’s stomach rise and fall with each entry: she was full, and loved every minute of it.
“Fuck, your ass is so tight.” AJ moaned, holding up Megan by her ass cheeks. He thrust into her faster, prompting Megan to wrap an arm around his neck and she arched her back, giving me more access. I took the chance, grabbing her hips and slipping into her more.
Megan’s pussy was a taboo haven. Her pussy walls her warm and soft, and the hot grip around me was tight. There’s no way that she would be this tight if she slept with all the guys that people say she did. Regardless, I fucked her hard, knowing that yesterday I was her worst enemy, and today I was the man giving her pleasure.
I wasn’t a virgin, but girls I had slept with before had been in relationships with me–had trusted me as I had them. Megan on the other hand…she was taboo, out of my reach until now. As I slipped in and slipped out, slowly increasing my thrusts as AJ did his, I realized that I was a virgin to someone like Megan. A slut, a whore, a know-it-all, a play-toy. And she wouldn’t want it any other way.
As AJ and I fucked her, Tyler and Ryan brought Megan’s attention back to sucking them off. She alternated cocks, sucking deliciously on Tyler’s for a moment before switching over to Ryan’s. The combined attention was starting to get the best of her, though, as her mouth broke off a few times when she couldn’t contain her moans any longer.
Megan’s pussy walls began to clench, and I knew that both AJ and I were bringing her to another orgasm. I began to fuck her harder, the paping of our flesh on flesh becoming louder and faster paced. I went deeper with each thrust, and Megan’s body reacted by timing her thrusts back to me. I looked up at Megan’s face, and her eyes betrayed her expression: she was ashamed of herself for giving in to her bodily wants. I knew she hated me, still hated me, and here she was giving her body to me, wanting me with every thrust and inch I gave her.
“Yeah, you know you wanted me from the start, didn’t you Megan. Hmm?” Megan responded by looking away, doing her best on trying to focus on Tyler’s cock again. But I wouldn’t be silence that easily. I thrust into her harder, and Megan’s eyes widened and she broke her mouth from Tyler’s member to moan.
“Oh fuck, god that feels so good…” Megan gasped out, meeting my eyes for only a second, but in that second I saw her consent. Ryan took hold of her head and directed her to his cock. By the look on his face, and the movement of his hands directing Megan’s mouth, I’d say that he was close to orgasm. Meanwhile, on Megan’s other side, Tyler was growing anxious.
I gave him a quick glance, and decided to let him in on the fun. Fucking Megan a few last times, enjoying the feel of her warm, soaking wet pussy, I popped out of her. Somewhat of a sigh went through Megan, as if she was able to relax for just a moment when I exited her. However, I was far from done. Striding around her, I walked over to AJ.
“Scoot, it’s my turn.” I said greedily. AJ looked at me once, saw the look in my eye, and complied. For whatever reason, he thrust deep into Megan one last time, feeling every inch of her tight asshole: Megan in response straightened her back, closing her eyes and focussing on the deep, penetrating feeling. Then AJ pulled out, exposing her hole to the cool air around her. She gasped as the temperature dropped at her rear, and then gasped again as I slid down and replaced AJ.
I slid in slowly, having an easier time entering being the second to be here. Megan moaned roughly nonetheless, panting as she felt Tyler enter her from where I was moments ago. I felt him like I had felt AJ, knowing what it felt like to be on the other side.
Megan’s ass was hot, as warm–if not warmer–than her pussy was. It was also a hell of a lot tighter. Even though AJ had been here first, and Megan had been all-too-willing to stretch her ass for him, it took me a few seconds to enter her fully. And though Megan’s mouth was now full with AJ’s cock (“You like the taste of your ass, huh Megan?”) I could feel the pleasure ripple through her stomach. She broke off from AJ for a breather.
“Slow…slowly, your bigger than…than…uhhh…so much…” Megan moaned again as Tyler began pacing himself with me, mirroring the pace that I had with AJ. I smiled, though, and the reference to size. Megan’s ass was about to be stretched for good.
“Megan, that pussy of yours is still so tight, ha-ha.” Tyler muttered, grabbing a breast in the palm of his hands and fondling it with his fingers. Megan gasped again, and her ass tightened with each thrust, her pleasure taking full control of her now.
With that realization, I knew that pleasure was taking hold of me too. My head began to buzz, and my muscles began to strain. I was going to come, and soon. I stole glances at Tyler, AJ, and Ryan. They were all about to burst. I stole a look at the girls on the bench: a few had interested expressions on their face, but most looked indifferent–or at least tried to. And one was still playing with herself, her hand deep into her gym shorts. I gave her a wink, and she shivered.
“Megan, I’m going to come again. You want that, hmm? You want my climax in your ass?” I asked, incredibly horny, the hormones driving every fiber in my being. Megan didn’t answer, only nodded her head as she sucked Ryan’s throbbing member.
That’s what I thought…
“Say it,” I said, “tell us all what you want us to do.” That was enough for Megan. She moaned loudly, switching from Ryan’s cock to AJ’s again. As she did, she touted what her body wanted. What her body needed.
“I want you to cum, I want you to cum, all of you.” She gasped, swallowing AJ’s cock a second later.
That was it for us, it was coming now, and there was no way to stop it. She knew it, and only wanted it more and more. A hot feeling began to fill by entire body; starting at my groin, and filling me from there like hot water.
“I’m coming Megan, god, I’m coming in your ass.” I grabbed Megan’s ass cheeks in the palms of my hands and thrust faster, her soft bum shaking with each thrust. “Ah fuck, oh fuck.” I heard Megan squeal from her position over AJ, and I saw that AJ was holding her head as he thrust into her mouth.
“Ah–fuck–!” AJ’s expression turned to a mix of pleasure and intensity. At the same time, Ryan’s expression changed as well. Megan saw this and pulled back from AJ’s cock, stroking both of them furiously and pointing them at the entrance to her mouth. They both shook a little as Megan stroked them, now with a lustful speed. She opened her lips and closed her eyes, her waiting tongue setting them off. They grunted for the last time, and then released their sticky, hot loads into her waiting mouth. Her eyes opened wide suddenly at the sudden warm taste, and she closed her cum-filled jaws and immediately sucked both Ryan and AJ clean. Seeing the white explosion trickle out of the edges of her lips set me off: I came for the second time.
“Ahh, Megan–!” I thrust one last time, deep into the depths of her tightest hole, and lavished as jet after jet of hot cum shot from my cock into her. I shook, and gripped her ass tighter. I came so much that it covered my cock inside, and she gasped as the sudden heat filled her up. Seconds later, as I was still shuttering, I felt Tyler thrust deep into Megan one last time as well. In her lust, she closed her mouth and swallowed deeply. Sighing heavily as she downed the taste.
“Fuck, the taste is so good… wait, n-no pill there, no pill…fuck, I want it so bad…ahh, god–” I felt Tyler shutter as he released his load too, filling Megan’s wanting pussy with the third load of hot white cum. For a brief moment we all remained tense, as the orgasmic hotness passed through all of us: then we relaxed as one.
Megan fell over me, exhausted to the core, and I let her. My rock-hard cock was still in her ass, and I fucked her lightly as I grew softer. Tyler pulled out of her, cleaning up the cum from his soft cock with Megan’s shirt, and AJ and Ryan did the same. When they were done, they pulled the shirt over her head and tossed it onto her, leaving her exposed, sticky, and tired as hell.
When I pulled out of her and stood up, I gave Megan a look. There, naked, exposed, and displayed on the floor, her eyes met mine. She didn’t turn away this time. She didn’t smile, or frown, or betray any sign that she had wanted me specifically, but I suspected that she did. Maybe I was just as taboo to her as she was to me.
I scanned Megan’s sexy body for the last time: her plump breasts, her trimmed bush, and her lively lips. Lastly, I looked into Megan’s face, and when her eyes came to meet me again, it wasn’t as enemies. For at least this one moment (if not the entire event) we knew each other like old friends. And deep down, Megan had wanted it as much as I did.
As I returned to being the gentleman that I tried to be, I knelt down and offered my hand to help Megan up. As much as she didn’t want it, she was exhausted and wouldn’t be able to stand on her own. So, reluctantly, she grasped my hand with her own, and made her way to her feet.
“Thoughts, comments?” I inquired. Megan returned to her normal self, and gave me a strong “I hate you” look.
“You were…decent.” She said stubbornly, though I suspected that she had more to say than that. She turned away, her expression back on her side, not betraying her. She bent over and picked up her t-shirt (giving me one last glorious glance at her wet pussy lips) and then walked to the door.
For the first time I saw Mr. Carte standing on the other side of the entrance. My eyes widened in shock, and I was hit with the realization of what this would do to my permanent record. I went through all the scenarios in my head, but calmed to the quick resolution that sex with consent on school property had no specific consequences–well, maybe it fell into the “No sex in public places” law. Other than that though, I think I’d be fine.
Megan walked out the door calmly, giving Carte a quick look. Before he could saw anything, I saw Megan take a bit of the cum from her face and lick it off her finger. Carte stood there, dumbfounded, as Megan walked away.
Smiling to myself, I slipped my gym shorts on and rested on the bench. Carte fixed his composure and went after Megan, but I knew that he would be back. And when he did return, he would give us an earful. And probably a call home too.
But what can I say? It happened years ago, that one fateful gym class. Megan Retner’s social standing was never the same, and she was then sought after from horny guys with no future. She dismissed most of them, but never really did change. My own social standing changed as well, my guy friends congratulating me jealously, and the girls turning their heads.
After High School, Megan Retner disappeared. But I never could forget her, or that one fateful day, or that delicious look in her eyes. Rumour has it that she is now a teacher at another school in the city that she grew up in, and that she seduces Grade 11’s from the gym classes during school hours.
But, you can’t believe every rumour, right?
I mean, I did, and look where that got me.