Sally’s New Life- Chapter 9 – Schoolday Three, The Attention Moves To Others

"We learn more about what happens at the "school""

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Sally could not have known that the Economics teacher kept half an eye on the CCTV monitor on her desk while writing on the board. So she was taken completely by surprise when Miss Woolf turned to the class, picked up her cane from her desk, and pointed it at where Sally and Helen sat. “You two evidently need reminders that talking in class is not permitted unless I ask a question, you first Helen, upfront and bend over the stool.”

Sally started to protest that it was she who had asked Helen a question about the current subject, but she was told, “Any questions are to be addressed to me via a raised hand girl.”

Helen knew better than to make any attempt at seeking an excuse and took her place over the heavy stool. Miss Woolf tucked the rattan under her arm, lifted and pinned up the twenty-nine-year-old’s gymslip. She assessed the knickers were adequately tight so did not pull them up further as she sometimes had to on less generous bottoms.

She stepped back and took aim, tapping the rod across the lower half ensuring the tip would snap onto the uncovered part of Helen’s right buttock. Like all her colleagues, she delighted in causing these painful lessons.  She licked her lips and said, “Hold tight girl, two strokes to remind you to pay attention to your teacher.”

Helen was genuinely relieved with the light sentence and said, “Thank you, Miss.”

The words had only just left her lips when the rod whipped into her meaty mature curves, and she gulped in air. Christine Woolf smiled and tapped along the same line she had just created. This woman was her same age or maybe even a year older than she and that made carrying out the punishment, even more gratifying.

She coiled her torso slowly and unleashed the second with her full strength.  She had no reason to wish to hide her delight in front of her students, “Yes, a beauty!” as a second tramline merged with the first over each side of the navy knickered target.  

Her efforts were further rewarded with a screech of pain from the erring student.

“Okay Helen, you may rise. Hands on your head and watch closely as I deal with your chatty companion.”

She was now totally in her element as she instructed her new student to come up and take Helen’s place over the wide oak high stool.

As Sally was about to take the position, she heard the Mistress chide her, “Goodness me girl, your third day at this school and you have forgotten already that you are to bare your bottom for correction. I’ve a good mind to add extra but I’m in a generous mood today.“

Back in her office, the Headmistress laughed heartily as she heard the young newcomer on the video feed actually thank Christine for her decision. This girl was a natural submissive, perhaps the most submissive she had ever encountered at the school.

Sally reached up under her gymslip and peeled off the deliberately tight-fitting knickers chosen for her by the Governess.  She put them into her pocket, bent over the stool, and grabbed the bottom rung.

The Mistress raised the gymslip and attached the hem to the purposely placed buttons on the shoulder straps. She then stepped back and to the side so that everyone could have an unobstructed view of the very impressive target.  She said nothing for a full 30 seconds. Savoring the image and knowing she was enhancing the girl’s sense of humiliation. There were a couple of women in the class who were almost three times Sally’s age and had fleshier targets, but she had only seen such proportions before on a girl on a beach in Cuba.  Such a slim waist which ballooned out to truly massive curves. It was nothing short of phenomenal and now she was to have the delightful experience of caning it as hard as she could.

The target was even more attractive to the class Mistress by the presence of six fresh and vivid tramlines. As hers was the first class of the day, it was apparent that the girl had received a punishment at home before attending school.  Some, including Helen, felt sad for Sally that she was to be caned on top of existing cane marks, but others were happy that the Governess’s niece, who was envied by many, was to suffer.

“What did you do to deserve that caning this morning Sally?”

“Nothing Miss, my aunt told me she is introducing a maintenance caning every morning at breakfast so help me be more attentive at school.”

“Oh dear, it seems you forgot the lesson by the time you got to my class, Sally.”

“Sorry Miss Woolf.”

“Oh, that is quite all right Sally, I thoroughly enjoy thrashing my students.”


Sally and all the others expected she’d get two strokes like Helen, so she groaned loudly when the Mistress announced, “Now Sally, Headmistress has been very clear in her instructions about your treatment. Always bare-bottomed and a minimum of six strokes for even the slightest shortcoming.”

Some of those who envied Sally now changed their minds. This was awfully strict.

Christine Woolf was not finished piling on the humiliation. She slid the rattan between the girl’s thighs and tapped from side to side. “Spread wide Girl, I don’t want you losing balance.” 

She was the center of attention now, from those in class and also via the monitor in the Headmistress’s office. She knew and reveled in it.


Sally felt the cane see-saw across her already sore bottom. She cursed herself for being so damn silly as to have forgotten the video surveillance when whispering to Helen. Then tightened her grip on the rung of the stool and prayed for courage to pay her penalty.

The first whooshed through the air and her lowest curves exploded in renewed pain. The air rushed from her lungs, but she did not scream, she had prepared. She sucked in a breath, steadied her legs after their involuntary shuddering, and renewed her grasp on the rung.


The class Mistress noted well the girl’s control and quickly sent another, even harder, whistling through the air aimed just a tiny bit above the first tramline that was fast turning from white to crimson.  She smiled as it drew a groan.  Time for more humiliation; she slid the cane up between Sally’s thighs again and then tap tap vertically. “Gracious me Girl, are you getting wet down there?” Before Sally could digest the sarcastic question, the Mistress withdrew the cane, turned fully towards the class, and very purposefully ran her fingertips along the end. “It’s soaked!”

Her look of mock horror faded as she turned back to her victim and lashed a tremendous third stroke again slightly higher than its predecessor, then immediately shoved her hand up between Sally’s thighs catching the girl totally by surprise and causing her to let go of the stool and begin to straighten up.

Sally’s submission was so innate however that the Mistress was able to get her back in position by combining a squeeze on her hairless pubes with a loud warning, “Ah Sally, you know I would have to start all over if you get up don’t you!”

Christine did not release her grasp as Sally returned to the correct position over the stool. In fact, she probed between the now drenched labia with her fingers. Then deliberately standing back so her control was visible to all, she said, “That’s better Sally, now spread very wide so I can give that enormous bottom three more good hard strokes of this lovely cane.”

As her youngest student obeyed and spread her legs even wider, the Mistress pumped her fingers deeper.  “Tell me, Sally, as you are such a naughty wet girl, don’t you think I should start over and give you another six good hard ones. Three is hardly enough, don’t you agree?”

She continued to pump and was not in the least surprised when the girl screamed, “Yes Miss Woolf, another six please.”

The Dominant was still not ready to give up her advantage though and now, pumping slower said, “Yes Sally, I’ll give you another six good hard ones now as you request but I was thinking about what your aunt has introduced as morning maintenance and it does seem a very good idea, so I was planning on introducing our own little maintenance routine. Our next class is Friday so why don’t we start the class with six of the best across these massive orbs as a reminder.”

As she spoke, she had been increasing the rhythm of her pumping and Sally orgasmed yet again with a scream, “Yes Miss, oh please.”


Fifteen minutes later, a very sore and thunderstruck Sally was allowed to the toilets with her friend Helen to freshen up. Helen just hugged her and did not rub salt in the wound. She had fallen into a trap set by the expert Miss Woolf and now, only time would tell how this might end. For sure, two classes a week with that lady were going to start painfully for her new young friend.


Next came Miss Simms and mathematics. She hoped the assessment test she had done was okay although she was worried as she had not had time to check it out with her aunt as had been her intent. The clock in the corridor showed nine-twenty-five so she and Helen hurried to the mathematics class. Only one class was gone, and she had already accumulated fifteen painful stripes across her bottom, so she prayed to her guardian angel that Miss Simms was in a good mood.

They had only just taken their seats and prepared the appropriate paperwork when the smiling redhead teacher bounced into the class. As they stood to greet her, Sally sighed in relief at the teacher’s apparently excellent mood. She had seen how enthusiastically the green-eyed beauty had caned other girls at Monday’s class and did not want to have that first-hand experience this morning at least.

“You may all sit except Sally. Sally, you have your assessment test ready for me?”

To the pupil’s nervous yes Miss, the teacher continued, “Then bring it up here and let us have a look at it together right now, please. The rest of you, open your textbooks on page 35 and work through the exercises there.”


At twenty-eight, Dorothy Simms was younger than more than half of her students but that did not discourage her in the least. If anything, it gave her extra motivation to run her class as a well-oiled efficient set of gear cogs where her sharp instinct identified the weakest links of the day/week/month and honed them back to efficiency in sharp order. Whatever the age, she kept a particularly close eye on newcomers and as this new girl was directly in the Headmistress’s limelight, she intended to place special focus.


“Why are you, fidgeting Girl? Do stand here by my side and be still would you!”

Sally blushed and moved to the left of the Mistress’s chair. She placed her exercise in front of the teacher and did her best to stand still but as she thought she was no longer under observation, she tried again to fix an uncomfortable spot under her skirt with her far hand.

“Goodness me Girl, whatever is wrong? Lift your skirt and show me”

With both hands, Sally raised her gymslip at the back and showed Miss Simms the cause.

“Ah, your knicker-elastic is biting into your well-caned bottom, is that it Girl?

To Sally’s affirmative, the Mistress replied, “Okay, let’s give your big hindquarters a little breather then.” So, saying, she took hold of either side of the navy garment at the top and turned it inside out, and lowered it to just over the girl’s knees. “Now you may lower your skirt and give me your full attention here.” Pointing at the exercise to her desk.

Despite the embarrassment of everyone in the class knowing that she had her knickers turned inside out and lowered, she was at last able to think about her work that the Mistress was reviewing.   There was no criticism, only probing questioning as to why she had answered the way she did when Miss Simms demonstrated there were errors.  Sally knew she’d get on well with this Mistress even if Mathematics represented a big challenge for her.


Having gone through the full list, the Mistress’s expression took on a more serious aspect and she drew Sally closer by placing her arm around her waist. That arm dropped and the next thing Sally felt cool fingers move up the backs of her thighs and over the sore ridges etched across her buttocks. She had not expected this but was trapped by those green eyes looking straight into hers and those full lips that were now saying, “I will be fair with the test I set you next Friday Sally, I have a good idea of your abilities now. However, I will expect hard work from you with all your attention focused on what I say in class. Any slacking, inattention, or sloppiness will cause this big bottom to be sorer than it is right now, trust me.”

Sally yelped as the Mistress stressed her words by pinching the most prominent of the ridges on her lower curves and then tracing sharp nails over them.

That hand then moved up between her thighs and traced fingertips first along her outer labia and then penetrating between. “Behave well Sally and show me your dedication and attention and you will be rewarded.”

Before she drove the girl over the edge, the expert Mistress withdrew her hand and added, “Right Sally, let’s have these knickers back in place before you get too comfortable, after all, they are part of learning to conform to the rules.” With that, she snapped the elastic back up and over Sally’s waist and sent her on her way. 

Sally thanked the Mistress and could not hide a smirk as she saw the teacher very deliberately and slowly take out a tissue from a box on her desk and wipe her fingers.  She hurried back to her desk before that smirk brought any consequences.


The rest of the mathematics session went uneventfully not like the previous one on the Monday when the previous Friday’s test results had been reviewed. Sally hoped the rest of the morning at least would go uneventfully too and determined not to take any risks. She listened carefully to her teachers, took notes, and responded only when addressed by the teacher. In fact, neither she nor her class companions received any further canings that morning.


As usual, Sally stuck like glue to her friend Helen at lunch. Helen had chosen to sit at a table for four this time where the two eldest students also sat. Sally had been curious about these two as they were by far older than any others.  It turned out that they were sisters. Anne, the blonde being the elder at forty-five, and Ruth, the prettier with jet-black hair and a very prominent bosom at forty-three.  They had been residents at the college before anyone else and had told their amazing history to all the others, so Helen had decided to let Sally hear the facts firsthand to resolve her curiosity.

Their once-booming clothing business had run into severe financial trouble because of accumulated outstanding credit from their largest three customers. A merger was proposed by a long-time competitor. They initially rejected the proposal because it left them with only small minority shares in their own business, but the CEO of the competitor convinced them during a visit with his daughter Diana, arguing aggressively that if they did not accept there and then, the deal would be off.   

It was the daughter who convinced them by playing on their emotions about how sad it would be for their employees to have no jobs when their factory had to close. They accepted and signed an agreement which they had not even time to read completely. Matters seems okay for a few months until the CEO of their ex-competitor and now CEO of the merged new entity died suddenly of a heart attack and his daughter assumed control.

Diana, and she wasted no time whatsoever in completing her devious plan. She visited them the very next day after the announcement of her father’s death with her solicitor who demonstrated to them a blown-up version of the fine print on the merger contract they had signed. ‘…furthermore, as we have misappropriated company funds for years, we are now duty-bound to cease any further activities within the company and leave all decisions to the new majority shareholder’

Diana had watched their faces as her solicitor read them what they had signed. She was smiling like a cat about to pounce on its prey. “Now what would happen if I was to release that to the authorities?”

They had protested vehemently that it was totally false but, in the end, they had to accept that she had them in her claws and could do with them as she pleased.

Diana had then told them of her ‘generous alternative’ to public disgrace. She had an ex-university companion who was setting up a residential college for adult students. There, under strict guidance, they would be rehabilitated until such time as Diana felt they could return home. They could keep their minority shares in the company, and she would see to it that their funds were safely invested.

Sally had listened enthralled but horror-struck. “So, the ex-university companion is my aunt?”

Anne took over the story from her sister by saying, ”Diane was not satisfied in just having us here out of her way, she requested your aunt, the Governess, to have us caned every Friday afternoon and she witnesses it via video-link. Her specific request is for a minimum of twelve strokes and often, it’s more at the Headmistress’s discretion. Diane sends generous monthly contributions to the running of the school, so Headmistress does her utmost to please her.” “

Not forgetting added Ruth, your aunt sometimes visits bringing a friend and canes one of us while Headmistress canes the other. On those occasions, it’s much more severe with a caning on our hands between one set of strokes and another.  Then we have given your aunt and her friend our special thanks.” Both Ruth and Anne blushed, and Sally understood what form that ‘thanks’ took.

Lunchtime was now over, and Sally thanked her new friends for being so kind and trusting and making her realise that she was not so badly off after all.  She would learn next week how true that was when she next sat with them.


That Friday at four o’clock sharp, Anne and Ruth knocked and then entered the Headmistress’s outer office. The secretary looked up at them and then at the clock on the wall and said, “Just in time girls, get yourselves ready.” Saying this, she switched on the video camera that stood on a high stand by her desk. She did not know if Diane was already linked up, and neither did the two now undressing.

They put all their things on the chair beside the video stand and took up their positions by the wall dividing the outer and inner offices. The secretary studied their position, were it not perfect, she had instructions to report so to the Headmistress. She smiled as she saw they had not forgotten to spread their legs wide this time as forgetting to do so had cost Ruth extras the previous week.

Hands clasped behind heads, breasts raised tautly by the position, even Ruth’s heavy breasts looked great in that position. Bellies kept flat by exercise and diet. Hairless pubes on display to the secretary, camera, and sometimes, a visitor who needed to speak to either the secretary or her boss. They had learnt through ‘extras’ that it was forbidden to attempt to cover themselves with their arms and hands, no matter who entered. 

The sound they both hated, Diane had evidently joined the video link as the camera whirred as she moved the lens forward and tilted it further down. They knew she was focusing on their intimate parts. They could not know whether she was on her own but in any case, she could and would record this for her pleasure later. It whirred again and moved to the other sister. Then apparently Diane had carried out her close-up inspection as the camera repositioned to its original wide-angle.  

This was the usual routine. The camera would not move again now until they were back out after punishment, standing with noses to the wall, hands by sides with palms facing back if they had received strokes on their hands or hands on their heads if not.  They would then hear the whirring again and assumed the viewer was enjoying close-ups of their tramlined bottoms. 

These ‘display positions’ were always maintained for thirty minutes after punishment but the one beforehand had no fixed length. Usually, it lasted fifteen or twenty minutes but this Friday it lasted for over an hour as it transpired the secretary had been waiting for the Governess to come. 

She was accompanied by an Oriental lady, whom the Governess introduced to the secretary, “This is Mrs Lee, she will be accompanying me for the foreseeable future when I visit the college.” The secretary welcomed the newcomer who smiled and proffered her hand but quickly turned and stared at the two ‘students’. She even came close to them looking them up and down with all the calm in the world, even looking behind them to examine their wide hips.  

Turning back to the Governess she said, “I certainly did not expect such mature students, Harriett.”  

The Governess laughed, “Yes, they have been with us now for three years and will be staying on for the foreseeable future. We make sure they get extra exercise to keep them in form. Let’s go and have a word with Mrs McDonald before calling them in for their Friday maintenance caning.”

What went on in the inner office, of course, was not known to the sisters but soon enough the suspense was ended by the buzzing of the intercom on the secretary’s desk and Mrs McDonald’s, ‘Send them in would you.’

The scene that met them was a first, seated on the sofa were the Governess and Headmistress both fully clothed and looking very comfortable.  Standing in front of the Headmistress’s desk, in a black lacy bra, matching girdle holding up black stockings, was Mrs Lee. She was fondling one of the Headmistress’s rattan canes in both hands and looking intently at those who had just entered. “Excuse my state of dress ladies but I have discovered that giving a good hard caning can be quite strenuous. I’d like to stay fresh.”

Diane, who was following the proceedings via the second camera, laughed heartily at that. Nobody could hear her of course but she thought the comment absurd given that the two sisters (at her insistence) were nude apart from low-heeled sandals. Still, the Asian lady looked very sexy, so she was looking forward to the spectacle.

“Anne, I’ll start with you so bend over the Headmistress’s stool here. Ruth, ‘Display position’ with your bottom to the wall in front of your sister. Anne, you will swap positions with Ruth after I have given you permission to rise after the first six. Then you will exchange positions again so that I can proceed with another six of the best for Anne.

That said, she SWISHED the cane through the air and then measured it across the wide target provided by Anne. She fully intended to leave a lasting impression. The first whipped in low on Anne’s sit spots and made her yelp. No mercy intended nor given, strokes two, three, four, five, and six lashed in parallel lines of fire all within two inches of the first.  They were delivered as follow-throughs forced by the uncoiling of Mrs Lee’s hips behind the rattan.

The two seated ladies exchanged knowing smiles. The Governess had found an exceptional talent.

Anne took the place vacated by her sister near the wall. Hands behind her neck, legs spread wide, and faced the scene of her sister bending over the stool. She had managed to wipe the tears from her cheeks before taking ‘display position.’   

Shelly studied her new target and passed her tongue over her dry lips. She had discovered so much about herself these days; the ecstasy coursing through her every nerve as she punished Sally and now these two much more adult submissives.  The adoration she experienced when with Harriett in private. It was she who had introduced her to this Heavenly delight.

Ruth’s oversized breasts were matched by an oversized bottom, much larger than Anne’s though not as large as Sally’s.

“Up on tiptoes please Ruth, I want to get right under those curves where the cane will really bite. Open those legs.”  

More smiles were exchanged between the Governess and her Headmistress.


Again, the six were delivered with full force and in rapid succession except for a short break after the third. Even though her bottom was well padded, Ruth cried from the third onwards as the Oriental lady had managed to cross the first stroke which had landed right on the divide between thighs and buttocks. Shelly waited as the girl got back up on tiptoes after that stroke. “Do not get out of position again Ruth or I’ll add two extras.”  She didn’t.

Mrs Lee flicked the cane vertically between the younger sister’s thighs which of course brought an involuntary yelp. “Switch places with your sister please Ruth. Quickly now.”


Anne draped herself over the stool while her younger sibling took a little comfort from the effect of the cool wall on her roasting bum cheeks. The Governess’s sharp eye noted Ruth’s erect and swollen nipples but she turned her full attention now to the way Shelly was stepping back from her new target whilst tapping the cane across Anne’s trembling cheeks for her second dose of six. Her new friend was aiming again low, just a little above the band of wheals left by the initial six. Anne did not need to be told to spread her legs as she knew the importance of stability relative to modesty.

Shelly amazed the Governess and the Headmistress both. She rested her left hand on her hip and seemed to gain extra leverage with her right arm in doing so. All her attention was focused on the twin curves before her. She caned very hard, fast, and accurately and left a wide second broad band of fire just above the first. The victim got up shakily when instructed and limped back to the wall.  

Shelly watched her go, licked her lips, caressed, and flexed the rattan, and seemed momentarily lost in contemplation so Harriett broke the silence. “Ready to give Ruth her second set of six Shelly or would you like a rest.”

The immediate, but indirect response reassured the Governess that her guest was still very much in control of the situation. The cane swished through the air loudly and pointed at the younger sister whose attention, like that of all present, was drawn towards the Asian lady automatically. “Your turn again girl.” Then, tapping the stool-top she said no more but made her instruction utterly clear.

The forty-three-year-old ‘student’ drew a deep breath and returned to the required position.   

The neo-dominant, studied her victim’s posture and tut-tutted, “Lean over the stool a bit further and spread those thighs more girl.”

This time she relished each stroke more slowly, pausing at least ten seconds after each and studying the woman’s reactions.

Harriett also was looking closely at Ruth’s reactions now and came close. To the Headmistress, the Governess and her guest seemed to have a special silent accord as stroke four whipped down as the Governess took position at Ruth’s shoulder. Her left hand reached down and took a firm hold of Ruth’s right nipple causing the girl to jerk upwards in surprise.

“Ah, ah Girl, steady there.” She smiled at Shelly who was see-sawing the cane back and forth across the ample target. Stroke five whipped in and the Governess maintained her pressure on the entrapped nipple.   The Governess knew this student’s character intimately of course and as the sixth whipped down, she announced with her utterly dominant tones. “This girl is close to cumming Shelly so if you do not mind, I will ask Mrs McDonald to add three with her Dragon cane to take her over the brink.”


The Headmistress understood very well the intent of her employer. This girl, more than most of the students, displayed an extremely high pain threshold which was bolstered by her deep-rooted masochistic character.  Until she was pushed over the ‘brink’, her exhilaration would win over the pain she was receiving.

The very tall Scots lady took out the dreaded and very rarely used, dark brown, dragon cane. Much heavier and several inches longer than the kooboo rattan canes she and her staff used daily.  


As she moved to take up her stance behind the unfortunate girl, the Governess had explained to her guest that the correct application dragon cane required the Headmistress’s long experience and so she should not feel in any way inadequate as she was carrying out an exceptionally efficient punishment. Maintaining her pinched grip on Ruth’s right nipple, she used her right hand to press on the girl’s shoulder and had Shelly lean on the girl’s other shoulder. 

As Shelly studied the new cane close now, it was obvious why her new friend wanted them to hold the girl in position.


Ruth was in ecstasy, she was the centre of attention for these three Dominants, the pressure on her nipple had heightened her excitement and she could feel pre-cum juice running down the inside of her thighs.

She felt the much heavier tapping on her lower bottom which had already been the focal point of all the caning so far. She could not have seen the Governess nod at the Headmistress but she felt nails bite her nipple and then heard the low whoosh followed by an explosion of pain like none before right on the crease between thighs and buttocks. The others struggled to keep her down as she screamed and kicked her legs. She felt two hands move softly down her back and over her twitching orbs. They caressed her there and urged her to, “Let go of your emotions now Girl, cum for us.”

They pressed her down again and another terrible whooshing noise promised more terrible pain.

Again, she rocked and kicked but this time she knew she was unable to postpone her release any further. The Headmistress had understood perfectly and did not pause, the third crossed diagonally between the two previous strokes just as Ruth screamed in wonderful orgasm.

She was still held down, but she had heard the clatter of the dragon cane being dropped to the floor and three dominants caressed her swollen breasts, her back, her tortured bottom, and pumped her sopping vagina. She was in paradise.


To be continued…


Published 3 years ago

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