“It’s Just A Blow Job…”

"A wife's insistence leads to all-new horizons."

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“It’s just a blow job. It’s not like she’s trying to have sex with you or anything.”

I was trying to convince my startled husband to submit to the dare given by the other couple sitting at our table in the restaurant: my deaf client Steven and his girlfriend Cassidy… who seemed super eager to take my husband outside.

My husband wasn’t convinced of my sudden openness. “What are you talking about? How would you be okay with that?”

I couldn’t tell him the real reason: that I was downplaying the idea of Cassidy giving him a blow job because I had secretly just finished sucking off her boyfriend in the men’s bathroom. Before I could come up with an alternative explanation, though, Cassidy interjected and asked my husband: “What if your wife joined me? We could work on you together; would that make you feel more comfortable?”

I’m not sure who was more shocked by that unexpected suggestion – him or me – but I was definitely caught off guard by the quickness of his response: “Fine.”

Now I was the one who felt uncomfortable. Cassidy had shocked me when she kissed me a few weeks ago at the grocery store, but that was the extent of any interactions I’d ever had with another female in a sexual way. The thought of mutually going down on my husband together was… well, what was it? I suddenly wasn’t sure.

I deflected my own uncertainty by voicing a different question: “What would Steven do if the three of us went outside? I’d feel bad leaving him alone.”

I had simultaneously signed those words so that Steven could follow the conversation. He quickly signed back to me: Don’t worry about me. I already had my needs met.

Fortunately, since my husband didn’t know sign language, he wasn’t able to pick up on the obvious innuendo. Dirty boy, I signed back to Steven. Then, turning to Cassidy and my husband, I voluntarily committed to do something that I would have never imagined doing until just recently: “Well, shall we go outside and fulfill the dare?”


No sooner had the three of us climbed into the backseat of our car – on opposite sides of my husband – that his pants and boxers were down around his ankles. His rapidly-growing erection had led the way in the parking lot, and it immediately stood at full attention the moment that it was freed from its fabric restraints.

Cassidy looked genuinely impressed. “Wow – you have a nice cock. I love its shape… and your head is perfect.”

I paused to admire my husband’s cock in a fresh way. Hearing someone else compliment it changed my own perspective. I wasn’t able to appreciate it for long, though… because it swiftly disappeared inside Cassidy’s sweetly-shaped mouth.

“Ohhh fuckkk…” My husband’s eyes rolled back in his head as he uncontrollably groaned his deep sexual delight. Until that moment, I had been the only one who heard him speak that way. Part of me was jealous… but another part of me was surprisingly aroused.

Soon, however, the jealous part made me push Cassidy’s head out of the way and insert my husband’s familiar cock into my own mouth. Instinctually sensing a need to out-perform her, I caressed his manhood with way more passion than I had in a long time, using my hands as well as my tongue. The recent contrast to Steven’s bigger dick actually made me notice that my husband’s cock was a better fit in my small mouth. Maybe this experience would propel me back into finding fulfillment solely within my marriage…

Around the same time that I had that thought, though, I heard… kissing? With a loud slurp, I pulled my head off my husband’s cock and… yes. He and Cassidy were enthusiastically making out with each other.

I had been willing to share my husband’s cock with her, but not his lips. I forcefully separated the two of them and pushed my dick-flavored lips against my husband’s mouth.

Just as forcefully, though, Cassidy suddenly separated the two of us – but not to return to my husband. Grabbing me behind the head so that I couldn’t back away, she pushed her tongue into my mouth.

I felt violated… horrified… and incredibly turned on. I clasped my own hands behind the head of this beautiful twenty-something redhead and French-kissed her as if I had never kissed anyone before.

Enraptured in her kiss, it took me a while before I cracked open one eye to peer sideways at my husband. His face was flushed. I opened both of my eyes. His body was shaking. I looked down. He was rapidly jerking himself off. Perhaps I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I had never known that my husband could be so turned on by watching his wife make out with another girl.

Recalling the dare that had brought us out to the car, though, I pulled away from Cassidy’s lips and retook control of the situation. “Finish him off,” I told her.

She bit her bottom lip. “Gladly.”

I watched in erotic fascination as another girl’s head bobbed up and down in my husband’s lap. I verbally encouraged her as I could tell (from his moans) that she was bringing him close to an orgasm. Talking more dirty than usual, I saved my best instructions for my husband: “Cum in her mouth, baby. Fill her fucking mouth up with your cum. Oh, fuck, it makes me so wet to watch you get head… to know that another girl is going to make you blow your load… to sit here and watch you pump your cum into her mouth…”

My words, combined with Cassidy’s actions, swiftly brought him over the edge. His head tilting back, he suddenly cried out: “OH FUCKK!!! I’m cumming…”

Like a good girl, Cassidy gulped him down – well, most of it. She saved some in her mouth to share with me.

Published 3 years ago

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