In her family bible.
The one you don’t subscribe to.
Worn at the edges,
Handwriting faded…and still looking for a stamp
or a lightening bolt from the heavens.
Cut me and you will see
All the things you have ever wanted to say
but were too afraid
(to hurt, to risk, to untie your arms).
Because it’s just so damn comfortable
Just to go with the flow.
Comfort is king and she rules
(In the Land of Settlefor)
But one day,
When the last breath wheezes across your stiff lips,
Then you will find me.
In all the ways you ever wanted.
She set me free to know and love you.
And I’m the only one who ever did.
No one ever knew the real you, because you never let them see
behind the curtain of dripping paint
And tears kept in rolling coffee cups
In closely guarded closets.
Until then I wait
Until forever I wait.
And before my own last breath
I will touch you again.