It’s just a phase. It’s just a phase… I had to keep telling myself that in order to compartmentalize my shocking new love interest.
I had just recently confessed to my husband that I had stumbled into giving my deaf client Steven a blow job at the movie theater several weeks prior. I swore to my husband that it was completely unintended… I repeatedly shared how guilt-ridden I was after it was over… and I promised him that it would never happen again.
That apology was somewhat hypocritical, though, because I did not confess how I somewhat-willingly gave Steven head a second time in my car a few weeks after the theater incident… and I also did not confess how – just a few days prior, while we were all out together on a double date – I had very willingly done it a third time.
Despite that descent into repeated indiscretions, though, my attempts to convince myself that my sexual experimentation was just a phase actually had nothing to do with Steven – rather, it was his girlfriend Cassidy.
I had never been with a woman before; in fact, I had always found the idea to be quite revolting. However, when she made out with me in the midst of openly giving my husband a blow job in the backseat of our car, I didn’t resist… and when she was done, and transferred his cum to me tongue-to-tongue, she awakened forbidden feelings in me that I hadn’t known existed.
As nervewracking as it had been to tell my husband about Steven, though, it felt even more risky to admit to him my taboo longings for Cassidy. At the same time, he certainly had seemed to enjoy watching us kiss, and he certainly was satisfied by her oral skills – the cum in her stomach could prove that – so I figured that my safest route to experiment with her would be to include him too.
A few days after the backseat dare that led to my husband’s cock entering another woman’s mouth for the first time since we’d been married, I tried to casually introduce the idea of seeing her again: “So… I was wondering about inviting Cassidy over for dinner. I know you two had quite the interesting first impression the other night, but she’s a really sweet girl…”
As if he’d been waiting for me to initiate such a conversation, my husband quickly interrupted me and spilled out what had apparently been on his mind for days: “I can’t believe you made out with her.”
I wasn’t sure how to read the inflection in his voice: Was he mad? Impressed? Suspicious? Feeling slightly embarrassed and uneasy, I put the attention back on him: “Yeah, well so did you!”
“True,” he shrugged. “But you…” His voice trailed off.
“What?” I asked him. “What… do you think I never kissed a girl before??”
Perplexed, he furrowed his brows at me: “Huh? Umm… you’ve specifically told me that you never had…”
Now I was the one who interrupted him: “Well, you’re right, I never did.” An explosion of lust suddenly pushed a shocking stream of additional words out of my mouth: “Until Cassidy. Kissing her was freaking amazing. Her lips were so plump and soft, her tongue was so perfect…”
I clasped my hand over my mouth. I hadn’t planned on revealing all of that… and the passion in my voice had probably betrayed the depth of my hidden desires.
Instead of being offended, though, my husband seemed… intrigued. Amused. Curious.
“I have another confession to make,” I added.
He sat back in his chair. “Really? Your apologies are becoming like a daily thing now.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” I responded. “The truth is, both Steven and Cassidy have been texting me for weeks, and… umm… sharing pictures. I’ve seen Cassidy naked. Her body is absolutely incredible.”
My husband suddenly seemed quite interested. “Ummm… okay…”
I continued: “Seeing her naked pictures excited me. Kissing her turned me on. Watching her give you a blow job fascinated me. Sharing your cum between our tongues made me feel intimately connected to her.”
My husband sat in stunned silence for a bit, but then he eventually asked: “Why are you telling me this?”
“It might be just a phase,” I told him, “but I think I want to…” I couldn’t bring myself to say it.
Thankfully, my husband filled in the rest: “Hmm… you said you wanted to invite Cassidy over for dinner, but what I’m actually hearing is that what you really want is to have her for dessert.”
I grimaced. “Does that make me a bad wife? If you think it does, just tell me, and we won’t invite her over. We don’t ever have to talk about this ever again.”
A few nights later, when the doorbell rang, my heart skipped a beat. Cassidy had initially been surprised that we were just inviting her over, and not her boyfriend Steven too, but I explained that would’ve been too awkward for my husband. Whether she fully believed that excuse, she didn’t resist coming solo – and when I opened the door, I found that she was fully anticipating an interesting evening.
If looks could kill, I would’ve died on the spot. Cassidy was wearing 3-inch heels, an unbuttoned knee-length trenchcoat… and nothing else, except for a pair of pink lace panties that were peeking out from between the gap in her coat. A bit higher up her stunning body, the two sides of her coat were spread apart just enough to reveal the beautiful curves of her cleavage.
Unbeknownst to me, my husband had apparently walked up behind me. Cassidy smiled seductively and addressed both of us: “Do you guys have a mop? You might need it to clean up how much you both are drooling.”
I was practically frozen in place, but my husband was cleverly quick: “Welcome! Can I take your coat?”