Cum Orgy: Six Guys, One Girl

"His cum shot out of him like a faucet turned on at full force."

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The last thing Cheryl Lynn thought that she would be doing at thirty-five years old was lying on a towel in the sand on a nude beach while six guys lined up around her naked body with their cocks hard, all of them at varying lengths, ready to splatter her already tanned body with their cum. She watched each one stroking feverishly and wondered which one would start the domino effect. Cheryl Lynn had the most perfect angle to watch each of them. She loved how every time each one stroked, their testicles rose and fell. And when they were not feeling themselves, she loved how their cocks jutted straight out in front of them. They were all beautiful in their own way.

This was definitely a first for her. Well, definitely not a nude beach and also not having a man’s cum on her body. It was a first for her to be in a cum orgy. Cheryl Lynn was used to attention, but not this type of attention. She was always the flirt, so being the center of attention was not new to her. But this was. Somehow, one guy turned into six and she did not know any of them. Every time she came to the nude beach, something happened. It never failed. From giving a hand job to being fucked doggy style in the sand, she had experienced it all. But not this. No, not this.

Cheryl Lynn actually could not wait for their hot cum to hit her body. She was anxious to see how each one would let go. Would they all shoot their load? Would they all just dribble? Would it be a combination of dribble and shoot? Thinking about it was making her pussy wet. She could feel the moisture slip from it and dribble onto her perineum. The hot trail of her own stickiness sent tingles through her body, making it even more ready for their loads.

Cheryl Lynn glanced at each one separately as they stroked their cocks over her. One by one, she watched to see which one was getting close to relieving himself first. She had learned the signs of a man when he was getting ready to explode. In her experience, she was never wrong. She paid attention to just how hard each guy was and if their scrotums had tightened around their balls. She also knew that if he slowed his hand stroke, he was getting close and then the pause after doing so meant the inevitable. There was only one showing the signs, so she paid more attention to him. When he let go of his cock, it was rock hard, bending at the most perfect of angles. His sack was beginning to tighten around his balls. He was getting close. Cheryl Lynn was anxious to watch the white fluid be expelled from his long hard cock. She was sure that he was going to be the start of something good.

He was positioned right in line with her thirty-eight double d’s. Cheryl Lynn knew they would get splattered with his core no matter how he came. They were such big targets. There was no way he could miss. She continued to watch him manipulate his erect penis with vigor; he paused at times causing his erection to throb. He was almost there. His testicles had risen up close to his body, his sack became firm around them and he began to groan. Cheryl Lynn decided to give him some encouragement.

“Uh huh, you are almost there. Let me feel your cum on my tits. I want to see your thick whiteness flow. Give it to me baby!”

Two seconds after Cheryl Lynn finished her words, she watched him aim his cock right at her huge mounds and saw his cock pulse. A long stream of cum then exited his hard cock and landed upon her nipples in streaming succession until he had pumped it all out. The sting of his hot fluid felt wonderful on her now erecting nipples. The warmth of him landing on a part of her sensitive body had aroused her. Her nipples reacted as part of her arousal and hardened instantly as the streams of his cum slid over them.

“Mmm, yes! What a hot load! Nice and thick!” Cheryl Lynn responded as she took her hands and started rubbing her fingers through it, circling her erect nipples.

She smiled at him as she watched his cock fall limp, just a drop of leftover goodness on the tip of it. He stepped away and Cheryl Lynn observed the rest of them and she could see the effect from the first guy. They were all getting ready to fall like dominoes. Their cocks were harder, their scrotums were tight, and they were all stroking slower.

Another took aim and moaned loudly as his cum dribbled out of him in several large dollops, filling her belly button. She watched as the white substance slowly rolled out of the tiny vertical slot in the round head of his erection. So much came out of him that Cheryl Lynn’s navel overflowed. She felt the warm pool of his cum in her navel and stuck her finger inside it. It was just as warm as it coated her finger. When Cheryl Lynn pulled her finger out of her belly button, his cum dripped from it and landed on her stomach in spots on the way to her mouth.

“Mmm, so sweet, but yet so salty,” Cheryl Lynn said as she sucked his juices off her finger.

As she did, she had no time to react to two of the other guys dumping their loads on her sun drenched body. At the same time, both spurted their wads in unison. Cheryl Lynn felt the hot spurts cover her abdomen. She watched carefully as both unloaded their shots.

She loved how their cocks twitched, pulsed feverishly, as their seed jetted out and made her body sticky. Cheryl Lynn moaned deeply as the last few drops oozed out of them. It was all she could do to keep from wanting to run her tongue around the tip of their now softening cocks.

Now there was two guys left. One stood between her legs and the other was right over her face. Cheryl Lynn glanced at them both and she could tell the guy between her legs was going to blow first, and she was almost certain when he did, he would provide a very big load. His balls were quite big and actually looked nice and full, although looks were often deceiving. His scrotum was shaved smooth, as well as the rest of his cock. She had to admit that it looked sexy. It was not everyday she saw a fully shaved smooth cock.

As she watched him, Cheryl Lynn began to moan as her pussy got wetter. She could not remember the last time she had gotten so wet. She had not even gotten as wet as she is now by feeling herself. Now she was dripping and it was because she was in a six-way cum orgy.

Finally, Cheryl Lynn saw the fifth guy begin to enter the point of no return. His cock was rock hard, his balls were tight in his sack and he was taking aim. Right at her wet pussy. This was going to feel good. She just knew it. Cheryl Lynn watched him tilt his head back, take his full rock hardness into his hand and once he felt the warm fluid enter his cock from the depths of his inner recess, she watched him look down and angle his long erection right in line with her wet seam.

His cum shot out of him like a faucet turned on at full force. The initial release she swore lasted for five seconds straight as her pussy was thoroughly drenched. The hotness of his nucleus sent a jolt of warm energy through her body as his hot liquid coated her tender smooth fold. She felt the long stream end, but he was not finished. That was just the first spurt. Cheryl Lynn watched him stroke his cock again and before she could react, another shot exited his erect cock, this time landing in her trimmed triangle. Cheryl Lynn felt the warmth of his sexual batter coat each strand of her perfectly manicured pubes until it ran down each one to her skin. Her short pubic hair was no longer a dark brown. It was pure white.

Cheryl Lynn moaned as she felt his residue slowly run down the contour of her sexual lips. It actually felt good dripping down as it mixed with her wetness. Slowly, Cheryl Lynn ran her hand down between her legs and let a finger tip run through the stickiness of her trimmed hair. The slickness let her finger feel the prickliness with ease as it slid through it. It was not the first time she had a man’s cum there. It actually felt good to have some cover it again.

Now there was only one more guy left to blow his load. Cheryl Lynn wondered where he was going to dump his. So much of her body was already plastered with seminal fluid, but there was still room for more. She was going to let him choose an empty spot.

Immediately, Cheryl Lynn knew which empty spot he chose. Before she could open her mouth to show her displeasure of the spot, he stepped over her body, straddling her breasts, his feet at her sides, and stroked his hard cock all the way down and let the flow go all over her round face. She felt each hot dribbling pulse fall onto her facade in huge dollops of thick creaminess. One landed on her forehead, then another on her nose, and then the last one right on her lips. Cheryl Lynn never liked the feel of cum on her face. For some reason, the texture of it disgusted her there. His was no different and with it being as thick as it was, disgusted her even more. But, she was at the mercy of those guys and even though she wanted to say something, she just was not quick enough and let it happen.

He stepped back to where he originally was while the other five twenty-something year old guys, all of their cocks now back to normal, joined him. They were all looking down at her. She looked at all of them standing around her and then looked at her own body. She looked like a glazed doughnut. She now felt the cold stickiness that covered her naked body in places. She could also feel the now lukewarm substance dripping from her face, mostly her chin.

There was no doubt Cheryl Lynn thoroughly enjoyed this new experience of having six guys cum all over her. She had to admit, even through the dismay of having her face covered and how it never was number one on her list, it felt somewhat invigorating. She could tell that all the guys were purely satisfied. It felt good to her to know that she had pleased them while they pleased themselves.

Then suddenly to her amazement, Cheryl Lynn saw each one of them start to get hard again. She could not believe it. And it happened in sequence from the first one to blow his load to the very last one not just minutes before. Then she realized as to why because she found herself staring up into a smooth wet pussy.

It seemed they had drawn an audience from the opposite sex. They wanted their chance now. Just when Cheryl Lynn had thought it was over, the real cum orgy was just beginning.

Published 13 years ago

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